Back Pain
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Back Pain Remedies for Holistic Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger, Turmeric
Posted by Donna (Yuma, AZ - USA) on 11/21/2008

I have had lower back pain for years and sciatica started a few months back when I fell. I have read numerous remedies. So I combined everyones suggestions and came up with these. Drink a mixture of cut ginger root (5-7 slices), turmeric and curry powder, (1/2 tsp)in a tall shaker container,(I steep in hot water for 5-10 min. then fill the rest w/cool water). Also have been doing the ACV, (3 tblspn) in water through out the day, (same container). Like OMG, what a difference. Also bought the Virgin Coconut Oil and put all over my body. My aches and even the "squeeking" of my knees when I kneel/bend are gone. I have always tried to go natural and have many books on herbs, etc. This website is AWSOME!! Oh, also the cold showers - WOW, what a difference. I always wondered when I swimming in the ocean and the water was about 65 my back never hurt - Eureka - now I know.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marguerite (Staten Island, NY) on 04/29/2007

Hi, maybe you might think I'm crazy, but I came onto your website just by browsing, out of sheer frustration. Two years ago I pulled neck muscles from lifting a heavy object. Finally I went to the doctor after months of suffering. He did tests and said I have degenerative arthritis in my 4-5-6 vertebra. Its been there along time with no problem, but he gave me a shot of cortisone. Ok it went away.

Now two weeks ago I again lifted something heavy like my grandchild and bingo - Ideveloped muscle spasms in my neck or pulled tendons-i don't know, but I refuse to go to the doctor. I don't like medications. The pain was unbearable. Because it activates my neck arthritis. So I came upon the site and i started taking apple cider and honey with grape juice. Also --soaking a rag in acv and putting it on my neck with a heating pad. Bingo - feels so much better. Can't believe it!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ropsonna (Everett, Wa) on 03/16/2007

We use ACV for several different health benefits. ACV has become a part of our daily routine. I have a severe asthma, sinus & back pain. What it does the rest, is an extra benefit for us. We believe that it helps us tremendously.

We take 1 shot 1/2 hr before every meal. This takes care every health issues that we have. Sometimes we put some in our salad. It adds lots of flavor. For those who is overweight or maintaining your weight and want to each funk food. Taking 1 shot before each meal, is the way to go. ACV breaks down fattening food.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cecilia (Strongsville, OH) on 06/16/2006

I have had chronic lower back pain for years and after taking AVC twice daily for a month I have noticed a drastic difference. I was restricted in activities and now I can do just about everything. While at the doctor's I also found out that my blood pressure dropped from 124/80 to 116/68. In January, 2006 I was diagnosed with acid reflux, which resulted with pills every day. Since taking the AVC I haven't had to take any medication for the acid reflux. I believe it has also helped with my allergies. This really is a miracle cure.

Posted by Teresa S. (Michigan) on 06/10/2018

I have been battling severe lower back pain for about 3-4 years. I have had X-rays, MRI's, PT, Pain Clinic treatments, chiropractors, massages and pain meds. Nothing helped. As of September 2017 both knees started hurting. I found Dr Batmanghelidj's book in a pile 6/8/18 I had bought years ago at a second-hand store. I started reading it and started drinking 64 ounces of water that day.

I am two days into this. I already have so much relief it is crazy. I am so blessed that over 90% of my pain is gone! I feel great! I am 54 and have seriously been wondering how I could endure this pain another 20 years. The last 3 years have been horrible. I feel so much better. I have been drinking 16 ounces from my nightstand as soon as I wake up. I have autoimmune hepatitis. I have also started the Keto diet the last few months and lost 25 pounds. Even that didn't help my back and knees. I am so excited about this. I have never liked water. Still don't. But if it gets rid of this pain, I can do it.

Thank you for reading. God is so awesome to have given Dr. B this knowledge.

Dietary Changes
Posted by James (Countryside, Ga) on 05/06/2018

Had back pain, Chronic but not acute for 30+ years started making homemade beef bone broth and consuming at least 8 oz per day. after 2 months no more chronic back pain.

Also recommend Dr. D'Amado's book Eat right 4 your type.

Inversion Table Therapy
Posted by Marcia (Mi) on 01/25/2018

Per low back pain at L4.. your doctor and surgeons will all poopoo this idea, as practically none of them have ever tried one, but I got an inversion table, after a driver told me about his. he was in as bad of shape as I was, needing major surgeries on most discs, in lower, middle and upper back, along with his neck. they wanted to fuse all of them, which would have left him pretty much unable to do anything. he got an inversion table and started hanging on it twice a day for max. 10 minutes. within a year his discs were healed back to normal; he was not only pain free, but had gained back the 4 inches he had lost in height. and, he was back to work after years of being disabled. I got my table about 1 1/2 year ago, and was doing really good till I slacked off on the hanging, because I was feeling better. since getting back to my routine, I have figured out how to work out on my table as well, and am getting very much back in shape. make sure to get a good sturdy one, rated for 500 pounds, and it will last you a lifetime. of course you can buy a new one, but a heavy duty used one is more economical, and works just as well. I didn't believe it till I got my own. my doctor went out and bought one, after seeing my progress. best of luck.

Sit Ups
Posted by Gordon (Auckland) on 11/07/2017

Being a back pain sufferer for many years up to the age of 50 years old, it was always there. I then decided to ad strength to my core muscles as the anti inflams were useless and destroying any healthy tissues I had. At the age of 72 and many many Golf games, lifting, moving Houses etc etc. no BACK PAIN, after my stomach exercises for the last 22 years no back pain there is no easy answer, look for abs over 40 on the Internet, get on you back and start slow.

I do 200 - 400 sit ups every day and this has kept my back pain away for 22 years. I actually have a waist .. Do not look for sudden Abs and say this does not work .. what you are after is the "Strong Core " start slow do one and work up to 2 then 3 then 10 each and then another 10 then another. Doing these exercises is better than any back pain ... I know.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mukesh (Mumbai, India) on 08/18/2015

Along with coconut oil mix in peppermint oil and rub on back. See miracle. Pain will go away instantly.

Posted by Hamza (London, UK) on 08/13/2014

I had severe back pain to the point I couldn't move around in bed without pain in my lower back which was throughout my leg as well. I looked it up online and found it was sciatic nerve pain. I had numbness, weakness and serious sharp pain. I started taking around 6g of MSM and vitamin b complex. Praise be to God my pain has gone.

Cayenne, DMSO +
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 02/16/2014

I don't offer anyone advice, but I do tell them my experience and solutions that I have experimented with; some sucessfull and other experiments, well, you'll hear about them. That said, I have back pain from an old injury in the middle back and when it flares up there are several things that I do so solve the problem.

All of these things are natural and over the counter and God made. The first line of defence is prayer. The second is the use of cayenne extract rolled over the back. The third is DMSO gel, ninety nine point nine percent pure. ( See the DMSO section on this site for more information on that issue). Some times pure water helps alleviate the pain too, dehydration can happen and we not even really aware of it. I like turmeric powder in Extra Virgin Olive oil, as it is a powerful dual acting anti inflammatory and the curcumrin (sic) is soluble in oil, and thus more available to the body.

Any foods and spices that reduce inflamation will, in time, help to reduce the occurance of pain. The C-reactive Protein Blood test will give a good view of the general level of inflammation in the cardiovascular system in general and may be worth getting after a few months of doing a diet full of inflammation reducing foods.

I don't do pharmaceuticals as it is against my religious beliefs and I have been off all pain killers for several years now doing this new life in obedience to the Creator God.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 08/21/2016

HI U KEIKO,,,,,,,,,,, Thanks, copied your post and will research. Back is improving as I said. Problem with my shot gun address is that you got to guess as to what has helped.

Saw my Pharmacist friend after church and she told me that a worm pill that once sold for $ 5/ pill was taken off the market. It is back and now sells for $700/ pill. These folks need to attend church with me and read Revelations Chapter 16.

ATS ======ORH===========

Posted by Swhit (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 05/25/2012

I have suffered from a bad back for at least 20 yrs. I have tried everything and not until recently has anything worked as well as Magnesium Oil. You spray it on you, anywhere you like, not even the hurting parts and instantly works. If you take Calcium you have to take Magnesium as one contracts and the other expands (forget which is which) but without the other you can feel pain, headaches etc. , They put Calcium in everything these days, OJ, Milk, etc. , so it is important to take either topically or orally extra Magnesium.

Posted by Wes (Woodstock Ont., Ontario Can.) on 09/22/2008

I have had 5 degenerative discs in my lower back for about 5 years. The Drs say go home and live with it Surgery is to dangerious. I have been taking corizone injections every three months, but they only last a short while.

My brother-in -law told me about DMSO and he had some on hand. I tried it by putting some on a peace of gauze and appling it to my lower back. I then covered it with saran wrap. After 24 hours the pain was gone and i did this twice a day for 4 days. Since then i only use it when i feel my back starting to hurt. This pain was also causing my right testicle to swell and was very painful. Since using DMSO, I now have relief again and the testicle has gone back to normal.

By the way I'm 79 years old.

Thankful for DMSO and my brother-in -law for telling me about it.

Posted by Magnolia16 (Virginia) on 10/27/2016

Just yesterday, there was an article in the Norfolk, Va newspaper about a major hospital using copper in their sheets and bedrails in some of their units to study the effects of lowering infections such as mrsa - before the results are completely studied, they reported a reduction in the infections.

Recipes, Dosages, Instructions
Posted by Susan (USA)

Popular Reader Recipes and Suggestions for Back Pain

Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 2 teaspoons* Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda (optional, improves taste)
  • 8 oz. Water

* Some readers report excellent results using 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Coconut Oil

  • Rub a quarter-sized amount of coconut oil on area of pain

Posted by Mike (Kent, UK) on 02/10/2024 26 posts

Stretching for Back Pain

This worked very well for me really. Reduced the pain to about half, which is enough to at least allow you to function.

Pretty much I was just arching my back backwards. I don't think it matters whether you do it lying on your front and using your arms, or standing up and arching backwards by pushing your butt with your hands or something.

I was told it's good to do this 4-5 times for 20-30 seconds per time. Seems to work well!

It will hurt a bit at first of course and I don't think there's any need to overdo it. You wouldn't want to hurt yourself either so go easy. But yeah it was a bit of a lifesaver for me to be honest.

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