I know this sounds crazy and totally off the wall, people probably will doubt me, and think I'm nuts but overdosing on garlic, it cured my bipolar disorder. I took aged garlic tablets. I have read about garlic causing brain changes it can be very toxic in high doses. When I was taking the aged garlic tablets I took 3 pills with each meal 3 times a day. During the time I could feel lots of zinging zaps in my brain, my brain did feel as though it was changing like. I also felt like a splitting type of feeling in my head. I believe that the sulfur and other compounds in the garlic can change brain cells. Garlic is a very potent compound and used to reverse and repel many things, so I believe it can reverse and repel bipolar disorder as well. I did end up with an anemic reaction from too much garlic and ended up in the ER though, but at the cost of my bipolar disorder being cured. I believe the people who eat garlic and the countries which eat large amounts of garlic do have less incidence of mental illnesses/disorders. I know it is toxic in high doses, but this could possibly be a cure, it did fix me. My bipolar was very severe I tried every medication and even considered electroconclusive therapy. I'm not saying that my bipolar is 100% cured but I would say it is 90%. I am no longer dealing with suidicidal thoughts, mood swings, depression, anger fits, etc. I am very calm. I wish there would be more medical research done on the compounds in garlic for bipolar disorder. As toxic as lithium and Depakote are, this is something to look into.
Just be wary though cause too much of the garlic can cause anemic reactions but I hear there are some special tropical fruits which can prevent it for those who want to take garlic daily for the health benefits.
Flax Seed Oil
It seems with regulated sleep, at least 7 hours every 24 hours bi-polar conditions do not exist. He believes that the Doctors Medication had him completely overweight and mind fogged. No side effects! I am speaking from experience.
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Flax Seed Oil
Our food is being engineered to last longer. The animals we eat and get milk or eggs from are being fed GMO grasses and grains. Because everyone eats differently, everyone is going to react differently. I think anyone with an egg or dairy allergy/sensitivity is due to what those critters are being fed now. We get 2% milk. "Grass-fed" and/or "free-range" are terms that are deceptive and really don't make a difference anymore. "Non-GMO" is impossible just because of wind and bird droppings. Infiltration cannot be avoided.
I believe many of the farmers are sincere in what they're trying to raise or produce but are genuinely unaware of what has happened to our food supply.
My husband and I cannot eat whole wheat without having a problem with anger. My husband is affected by any wheat products. We do better if I get the unbleached white flour products. Nothing with any flavoring (no tasty crackers or cookies). I cannot eat plain yogurt because it makes me extremely agitated. Our daughter noticed and brought it to my attention.
I had been hospitalized twice for depression. Once in the early 70's and once in the early 80's. Over the last two decades we've had to change our way of eating and it has not been an easy endeavor. Reducing my meat and egg portions (more difficult for husband), cooking all vegetables until tender and only getting vegetables canned, without salt or frozen because they have been blanched is not as quick and easy as fast food or processed but safer. Only using RealSalt, purchased from the health food store and staying away from all added salt in anything because there is a flowing agent in that salt that I strongly believe is the culprit for many ailments. We get real butter (any store brand) without salt.
I get canned fruit in its own juice. Sometimes I get "fresh" blueberries and freeze them. Never bananas anymore. They have been cloned for several decades.
I know this may be a lot to digest but it is what I have had the opportunity to learn since my retirement. We have been desensitized to what has been going on for, at least, sixty years. It's been tough and took awhile to clean up my system the best I can.
I have been amending this, just about, all day but feel I've left something out. I hope it helps you identify what may be causing your difficulty. I can tell you that alcohol will deplete the B vitamins you need for your nerves and the troubles will never go away. You only numb them for awhile. I have been there and done that too.
Flax Seed Oil
I always advise taking Omega 3's w/ Selenium & Vit-E for the greatest benefit.
Also, a major problem with Flax is storage. Flax oil must be kept cool & dark and not exceed the expiration date. If not, the "rancid" oil will make one sick.
Flax Seed Oil
Flax Seed Oil
You may be a mental health professional, but you lack logic. You say the person experienced a placebo effect. Then your said that bi-polar can only be treated with medication. If a person was "healed" via placebo, there is a solution other than a medical one. Additionally, your concept that bi-polar can only be managed medically shows a narrow mindedness common among medical professionals. Have experiments been conducted to prove that every other possible treatment of bi-polar is ineffective? Obviously not. You cannot know that only medication is the solution. Most would agree that medication helps bi-polar, but you seem to believe that medical conditions can only be treated medically. You can read hundreds upon hundreds of posts on this forum alone where people who have not found satisfactory help with modern medical professionals and medications, have found health and healing with natural remedies or sometimes a combination of the two.
Because you are a medical professional, and you profit from people being sick, your statements come from a bias against natural solutions.
Flax Seed Oil
Flax Seed Oil
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Lithium Orotate, Lithium Aspartate
Also check out the book NUTRITION POWER by Dr. Walsh. My holistic shrink suggested it to me. It is highly technical but it points out there are basically 6 different avenues of depression and what dietary things need to be changed. My doc has the blood tests but right now I cannot afford them but I figured that I lack seretonin and I have been taking additional 5HTP and GABA. Seems helpful for me.
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Olive Oil
Olive Oil
Olive Oil
Peace, Steve
Olive Oil
Flax Seed Oil
In case you are curious, I weigh 50 kg, age 31. I take about 1-2 tablespoons of flax oil daily with my breakfast oatmeal. I also take niacin @100 mg after every meal, making around 300mg/day. I take it along with a B-complex. Both niacin & flax oil are indispensable to my normal functioning. Missing either one will set me in trouble. Hope this helps any of you.
Lithium Orotate, Lithium Aspartate
With that said, MOST illnesses I believe, including Cancer (look at Essiac Tea), Fibro and BiPolar is due to a toxicity, deficiency and lack of good nutrition or at least nutrition that makes it where it needs to go on a cellular level. Most processed foods CLOG the body to the point where it can't ABSORB the nutrition FROM the foods that we consume, if even it WERE good for us.
The answer in most cases is to DETOX as a regularity and to supply your body with a nutritional boost of some kind (specific to your symptoms) to offset the rest.
Cheers, rcohen
Lithium Orotate, Lithium Aspartate
Yoga Breathing
As a yoga breath therapist I have recently healed a young lady of bipolar disorder. My site is www.thespiritualkey.com .
Lifestyle Changes
-Eat a proper diet
-Incorporate Scheduled Relaxation time into your life
-Have a morning and evening routine
-Learn to be organized
-Don't take yourself too seriously
I have also found that marijuana kicks me into mania. I was in denial for a while because I like smoking and mania can be really fun, inspiring and significant, but weed induced manic episodes ultimately threw off my routine too much and put me behind in the more important things in life. So, rule of thumb... Be wary of the weed. Its ok once in a while, but the mania can last well past the few hours after smoking. It's kept me up all night and into the morning through the next day. In college, it can often be normal to be smoking 1, 2, 3 times a week- that just doesn't work if it makes you manic. Cut back. Once a month. Once every three weeks.
You get the picture. When slipping into a manic episode, I have found the following tips helpful:
-do not write emails, send letters, leave comments online, or call someone you normally wouldn't call because what you'll end up writing/saying is likely to be unusual, and you will regret it once you come down. If you really want to communicate, write it down, save it for later when you cool down. -don't spend money. Don't go near a store, don't look at any online shopping sites. -stay off the internet, in general
-don't go to bars/parties, and do not have sex with anyone that you're not currently in a sexual relationship with. Just go masturbate if the horny takes over. -be wary of driving, cooking, lighting candles, operating machinery... Anything that could burn down your house, cause an accident, etc. Mania leaves you pretty absent-minded. -occupy yourself with doing something you like! Don't fight the episode and try to function normally through it. Take a deep breath, admit that your manic, then go make some art, dance, sing, hang out with a friend, workout, listen to music/audiobook, etc. Similar tips for if you're depressed. Make sure to call a friend for help if you need it. If you're feeling suicidal, call a friend for suicide watch. They can just hang out at your place/you go to theirs and chill. They just need to keep an eye on you is all. I also find that taking a really hot shower or burying myself in lots of blankets and overheating can help quell the depression, like literally sweating it out. I'm considering eating a decent amount of cyanne pepper next time I'm depressed- seeing as it heats and stimulates- to bounce out of depression I feel like one needs some kind of a kick. It's probably a good idea to pick a few friends you can count on and tell them about your condition and how to handle it if you come asking for help. And something many readers might not agree with:
-Take your medication as prescribed
Now I know, no one wants to be taking pharmaceutical mind control drugs- eek!! BUT... I find that with the right medicine, taking a pill can make life a lot less stressful, traumatic, hectic, wild, depressing... Etc. I don't plan to stay on my medicine indefinitely, but I consider medicine a valuable tool to help keep you stable as you learn life skills and find a living situation that works for when you go unmedicated. I view it as the lesser of two evils. Medicine helped clear my mind, helped me in therapy to work out all the demons my mind was plagued with from years of my body kicking me with depressed phases. (self confidence, self hatred, negative attitude, etc. )
BUT.. Its very important to find the RIGHT medicine. Thats where tracking the mood becomes vital. I went through a roulette of antidepressants, anti anxiety and add drugs because I didn't have a clear picture of my own situation. Bipolar people, as a rule of thumb, are NOT supposed to take antidepressants. You can get away with a mix of a mood stabilizer and an antidepressant, but if you don't have a mood stabilizer, the antidepressant can kick you into a crazed, off the charts manic episode. Which happened to me. Not to mention that starting the antidepressant can make you uber depressed and suicidal too. Bottom line: track your moods, be wary of ANYTHING other than a mood stabilizer. ***
Love to all the bipolars out there- they say it's a "disorder", but no one has the right to label you in any way. So forget the negativity. Accept yourself and appreciate the fact that most of the general population will never know the depth of emotion that we do. For all the depression we suffer, a good day means more to us than most. For all the mania, we brim with life and energy unlike most. I consider myself blessed.
The solution for you may lie in working with other parts of your brain chemistry. Maybe see what folks are recommending for bipolar/cyclothymia.
Acetyl L-Carnitine
EC: More info about this supplement on our L-carnitine page.
I have also tried Chamomile Tea with positive effects, but since I suffer from enuresis (bed-wetting), I have had to discontinue, because even if I take my medication for enuresis, I still go, which normally wouldn't happen otherwise.
That is not to say that I don't recommend Chamomile Tea. I would actually highly recommend to anybody, except if you have enuresis, even if you take medication for it.
St John's Wort
He said he felt like his brain was sitting on a frying pan and sizzling, and if he'd had a gun, he would have shot himself in the head, not because he was suicidal, but simply to bring an end to the sizzling sensation.
It took a year for the herb to saturate into his system enough to bring this on, but it was a VERY unhappy side effect for him. It lasted an entire afternoon, three or four hours of brain sizzle. Not something he ever wants to repeat.
Flax Seed Oil
I can tolerate Omega 3s in fish oil but not flax oil or flax mixed with cottage cheese. Not many people seem to know this side effect of flax that effects like 1% or so of users but somewhere online I came across it after already experiencing it myself. Most people aren't bothered.