Bleb Remedies
Starting tomorrow I will try the peroxide in with the humidifier at night. I will also try enough garlic in capsule form to equal 3 gloves a day. I won't be able to follow up with anything definitive until my next CT scan but I've book marker this page and will update any changes, good or bad during the next year.
(Brandon Fl)
Did this work for you?
(Honolulu, Hi)
Any luck with the remedies?
I had a pneumothorax in my left lung last yearJyear which was cause by a raptured bleb or bollus. I had to under go an operation and since then my left lung has never given me any problem again. I used to have pains since I was about 13 (I'm 17 now) and it would normally alternate between my left and right side. I literally just started developing pains yesterday on my right side again which is probably because of the transition into winter. Normally laying down on my stomach or on the side that isn't paining helps me relive the pain. Arcoxia is the one medication that's really really helped me and hasn't had any side affects. I'm also a serious athlete hoping to go pro soon and take my fitness and health really seriously. I'm going to try out these 3 suggestions and report back if they help. I first hand know how painful and devastating it is to have a pneumothorax and I'll be the happiest if I can give someone the knowledge I wish I had now when I was going through it all.
Surgery really really helps and if you're looking for medication that actually relieves the pain within 3 to 4 days max, I recommend Arcoxia (mild strength).
How are you now Lythe?
Bleb Remedies
(Somewhere, Europe)
Eileen, putting a squirt of hydrogen peroixde in a humidifier near him might be a first step.
(Gloucester City, N.j.)
Dear Eileen, what happened with your son?
I hope this worked for him.
Dr. is planning for bullaecotomy for my wife left lung bullae 24mm ×48 mm. Already had 2 icd procedure on right side lung with thoracoscopy pleurodises last time in feb 18 ending. Age is 43 yr. Right now mild pleural effusion in left side.
Medication & Surgery
Surgery really really helps and if you're looking for medication that actually relieves the pain within 3 to 4 days max , I recommend Arcoxia (mild strength).
Has anyone here had luck with a Lung Bleb Cure? Natural Remedies?