Healing a Brain Aneurysm Naturally: Safe and Effective Remedies

Copper, Zinc
Posted by Happy (Up The Creek) on 09/17/2015

In reply to:

Posted by Emi (Sarajevo) on 09/10/2015

Hey, a dear friend has a grandfather who just had a bleeding to his brain. Now he is almost in a vegetative state, memory loss, thinks he is somewhere else, sleeps all day long and needs diapers- what can they do to get him in better shape? Any help appreciated!

Copper deficiency will cause the blood vessel walls to break open, and varicose. Give him 3 mg of a copper pill. for breakfast.... then give him 30 mg of a zinc formula pill at supper, to balance the copper in the body.

Don't give the copper and the zinc pill at the same meal. They will interfere with each other being aborbed if given at the same time.

Check to make sure he is not getting too much mineral molybdenum, also. The molyB will cause a copper shortage in the body.... and give him copper deficiency.
