Healing a Brain Aneurysm Naturally: Safe and Effective Remedies

| Modified on Aug 26, 2024
Copper, Zinc
Posted by Happy (Up The Creek) on 09/17/2015

In reply to:

Posted by Emi (Sarajevo) on 09/10/2015

Hey, a dear friend has a grandfather who just had a bleeding to his brain. Now he is almost in a vegetative state, memory loss, thinks he is somewhere else, sleeps all day long and needs diapers- what can they do to get him in better shape? Any help appreciated!

Copper deficiency will cause the blood vessel walls to break open, and varicose. Give him 3 mg of a copper pill. for breakfast.... then give him 30 mg of a zinc formula pill at supper, to balance the copper in the body.

Don't give the copper and the zinc pill at the same meal. They will interfere with each other being aborbed if given at the same time.

Check to make sure he is not getting too much mineral molybdenum, also. The molyB will cause a copper shortage in the body.... and give him copper deficiency.

Brain Aneurysm Remedies
Posted by Shay (Chicago, IL) on 08/25/2024

Brain aneurysm healing ?

Hi I'm looking for natural remedies to heal/shrink brain aneurysm. Has anyone successfully done so?

EC: Hi Shay, please see below for posts from Mary and Happy on our newly created brain aneurysm page regarding copper and zinc. These posts have just been copied over from the stroke recovery feedback and Q&A pages, as they were tough to find.

Colloidal Copper, Zinc, Butcher's Broom
Posted by Mary (Arcadia, California) on 10/28/2016 51 posts

Hello dear C:

This is how I took it. I would take 1 ounce of Colloidal Copper (liquid form) with a little water waited then would take my butchers broom (940 MG)in a vitamin form (capsules) with zinc 15 mg. Waited 30 mins then I would eat my breakfast.

I only took the dosage once a day in the morning. I really hope this helps you.

Blessings, Mary

Colloidal Copper, Zinc, Butcher's Broom
Posted by C. (Usa) on 10/27/2016


Could you please give more specific instruccions on how to take the cooper and zinc and the butchers broom (is this in tincture form?), how often and how much?

Thank you very much.

Colloidal Copper, Zinc, Butcher's Broom
Posted by Mary (Arcadia, California) on 10/21/2016 51 posts

My brain aneurysm was cured

First of all I would like to thank Bill Thompson with all my heart for his fabulous help. He helped me in such a bad time in my life. I was hopeless at the time I asked for help and Bill really gave me great instruction. I still can't believe it is gone. I took an ounce of Colloidal Copper and 15 mg of zinc. To stop toxicity. I also took Butchers Broom. I did this for 6 months. My doctor sent me have a brain scan done with dye in it.

A few hours later the Tech who gave me the brain scan called me at home. He said, "What was your reason for coming here?", I said "because I have a brain Aneurysm", He said, "Who told you that" I said, "When I was in the hospital in Dec 2015 the doctors gave me an MRI."

He said, "and you saw it?"

I said, "Yes I did."

He stood quite for a little while and then said, "I think you better talk to your doctor."

Instead I went and picked up my x-rays of the brain scan and the report that came with it. It said, "Everything looks normal no evidence of a brain Aneurysm! " I was in shock and happy after having a party to say goodbye to all my friends. Everyone I new was praying for me. The worst were doctors from all over wanted to open up my head again I really did not want this. I am so thankful to God and Bill for his help.

Many blessings Bill and Earthclinic for all your help.

With Love,

Mary Martinez

EC: Mary's post has been copied from Earth Clinic's stroke recovery page on 08/25/24.
