I ate 1/2 teaspoon of 35K Cayenne powder, which I would NOT recommend, (turned it into a paste in my mouth and swallowed)... Normally I would boil water...
It worked though, after 20 minutes of pain, which doesn't happen to me with the tea... My head is clear, sinuses are clear, and lungs are a lot better...
I would recommend you make sure your eardrums are clear, as you will feel the blockage if they aren't...
That's my next mission, as mine are waxed up...
Chronic Fluoride Poisoning
Hi, my name is Vickie. I have lived in Gladstone, Oregon most of my life up till the last few years people in Gladstone Oregon drank water with fluoride in their water system as a result. I am 53 years old. I was about fourteen when fluoride was put in the water here. There are so many folks with medical problems today as I know this is not good. I know there are cures and it will take a while for some to get the idea but I ask you the cost of this and the many people that are hurt medically from this . I would like to ask for help for this for love of everyone in and from this town that was affected by this.
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
If anyone knows a way to bring back the sex drive I would be grateful.
(Hickville, Nj)
Hey Cathy, Just read your post from Feb 2009 and thought I would mention something: I have been working on curing my thyroid as well, and went through much of the same things as you have. Please consider adding Lugol's solution to your current regimen. I bought mine from amazon. Does wonderful things for fibrocystic breasts too.
(Lakewood, California)
(Dallas, Texas)
Just wanted to add that whenever I cook my breakfast eggs with UNREFINED coconut oil, I have a noticeable increase in mood and alertness. I have no explanation.
(Bloomington, In)
Will refined coconut oil work for brain fog?
If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, my advice is to add 200mcg of Selenium and Iodine to your daily regimen. Use Iodoral Iodine, approximately 13mg per tablet.
My Hypothyroid has gotten better with adding coconut oil to my diet. But my memory, hair growth and energy has gotten much better with adding Magnesium and Iodine.
Coconut Oil
I'm sorry but the brain feeds on glucose not on fat.
(Upland, California)
The brain is made up of about 50% fat. You need fat in your diet. The brain can run on glucose or fat, but there is a lot of evidence that fat may be a better source, that is the ketogenic diet. I feel much better on a ketogenic diet. My brain is more clear, less fog and it puts me in a better mood. Some people speculate that paleolithic man lived in ketosis because he did not have the massive amounts of carbohydrates available to him that we presently have in our diets.
(United States)
The brain can also use ketones instead of glucose. Hence the concept of the ketogenic diet and other similar diets. Coconut oil aids in the production of ketones so it can help feed the brain in the absence of glucose.
Hey man I just wanna say your like a message from the holy spirit bro I have been suffering for over 17 years brain fog confusion, memory loss, fatigue, u name it I had it!! I would cry my eyes out all the time!!! But last night I read your testimony and I tried it 5 minutes after I was finding peace man and I couldn't believe it I was just so amazed?? What the heck!!! Please contact me bro thanks
Cold Showers
Colloidal Gold
Colloidal Silver
Dark Chocolate
This will clear BRAIN FOG.
It is high in antioxdants to help the brain make faster elect connection. The chocolate and sugar speeds up the blood flow to the brain.
You should take one section three times a day.
Most people the fog starts to clear in about 4 hours.
It will also help your memory.
It is a cheap fix that the Dr. will not tell you about as it is not approved by the Medical Board.
Try it it works great for brain fog.
If you take it everyday you will also lose weight.
If you have a question e-mail me.
EC: Actually, 100% dark chocolate (no sugar) is best if you can find it. A friend of ours, an osteopathic doctor, recently turned us on to the 100%. We buy it here: Click on the Pralus image (, then scroll down towards bottom of page to find 100%. Be forewarned, it is BITTER!!!
(Los Angeles , Ca)
Dark Chocolate
I got one bar at the Drug store. The next day half of the bar was gone and so was the Fog. It did not come back. I still keep three large Bars in the ref. I tell everyone about this stuff.
Buy omega fish oil with combined 3, 6 and 9 capsules. You will see a big difference with omega's. I'm currently experiencing brain fog and that helps. I also will need to sleep in for 2 days in a row as for some reason, that helps heal the fog faster with the other mentioned treatments, even when I have had enough sleep.
Olive leaf extract will act as a natural anti biotic and help your body fight any accumulations of bacteria or viruses in the body. It was once recamended that I try probiotics however with me it did not help at all. I think my body saw this as an intrusion and I felt a little more tired than usual after taking them.
Coffee enema. It sounds gross but it's very effective at evacuating toxins from your liver. Be sure the coffee is organic as coffee beans are one of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops.
The water must be distilled and NOT tap! That's VERY important. The coffee should be normal strength and not made too strong. Its actually recommended that the coffee be simmered/boiled for 10 minutes. When cooled, the coffee should be held in for 15 min while laying on your right side. I recommend doing more research on coffee enemas and personal testimonials.
You may want to investigate your environment for potential common contaminates such as mold or fungus spores from damp areas around the home that may cause brain fog. You may also want to investigate any recent dental work with amalgam fillings. If you have had any recent vaccinations you may want to do some research some effective supplements to help the body remove the toxic preservatives.
I think with me, I notice it's my intestines/colon or liver than can cause the brain fog. When it's the liver, the coffee enema works. When the intestines, the parasite cleans and eating mostly raw veggies, juicing apples and carrots.
Dietary Changes
Gingko Biloba
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
(Spartanburg, Sc)
To Pam from Pittsburgh, You used peroxide from the store? That is poison! When you read about 3% peroxide, that means food grade 35% diluted to 3%. The 3% solution sold in stores contains many ingredients you do NOT want to ingest. Hence the skull and crossbones on the label. I know you posted this quite a while ago, I hope you are ok and did not harm yourself.
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Hi Jonna, don't give up on the wheat yet! If you are eating bleached flour bread, try going to l00% whole wheat bread. If the problem decreases, then work on eliminating all bleached flour products, and this takes some thought because a lot of noodles, pastas, thickening in soups, dressings, sauces, saltine crackers contain bleached flour. Also, before you give up on eating chicken and turkey, read the ingredients on the package (even on the raw chicken that you have to take home and cook). If it lists chicken broth, natural flavors or natural flavoring package contains monosodiumglutamate.
(Portland, Oregon)