Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
I used this to treat my breast cancer with success. Some people are putting the wrong amounts in these comments. It is one part baking soda to 3 parts maple syrup. NOT the other way around. Add one part baking soda with three parts maple syrup in a small sauce pan. Stir briskly. Heat for five minutes. Take one to three teaspoons daily, as needed. This was based on the research of Tullio Simoncini, a former Italian physician known for alternative medicine advocacy. He is known for the claim that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, and has argued that cancer is a form of candida overgrowth. He also is known for claims that cancer can be cured with intravenous sodium bicarbonate in combination with a sweetener. The sweetener is the trojan horse so to speak, which gets the cancer/fungus to take in the sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate has been know to treat thrush in babies for years. Thrush is also a fungus. Many people are having success by ingesting the sodium bicarbonate/maple syrup and letting it dissolve under their tongue, This sublingual way of taking it, allows it to get directly into your bloodstream, therefore bypassing digestion. Make sure to let it dissolve under your tongue.