Breast Implant Side Effects
Natural Remedies

Breast Implant Side Effects

| Modified on Sep 18, 2018
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The Side Effects of Breast Implants

While people had been attempting to achieve effective breast augmentation procedures for years, it wasn’t until the 1960s that the first actual breast implants were developed. Breast augmentation is the top cosmetic surgery performed today, completed to enhance one’s natural bust-size and, in turn, improve one’s self esteem. However, like any other surgery, breast augmentation does not come without risks and side effects. While side effects do not affect everyone, they do occur in at least 1 percent of patients at any given time. Frequently breast implants cost more than just a financial commitment.

Common complications and adverse outcomes of breast implants are many. Typical side effects include breast pain, changes in nipple and breast sensation, rupture, deflation of filled implants, capsular contracture, and additional surgeries. Additional complications include asymmetry of the breasts, calcification in the breast tissue, inflammation and irritation, visibility, and wrinkling. In addition, getting breast implants poses specific surgical complications such as infection, bleeding, and swelling. Such a surgery may also make breastfeeding difficult or impossible. Implants also pose a potential complication in screening for breast cancer, as the implants can interfere with the accuracy of mammograms.

Natural Treatments for the Side Effects of Breast Implants

While most breast augmentation surgeries are completed with little problem, the side effects are possible. Effective treatment following surgery is the best way to avoid side effects. In any case, natural treatment methods are the most effective for treating issues. Applying Vicks Vapor rub to the affected breast and leaving it overnight helps treat capsular contractures. Applying a heating pad also helps soothe pain and remedy swelling. Changing the diet and exercise routine can also help treat complications following surgery. Eliminating caffeine and supplementing with natural phytoestrogens helps. Flax, dandelion root and milk thistle also support the healthy development of tissues.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Posted by Darlene (Winterhaven, Fl) on 02/05/2013

Will using food grade hydrogen peroxide affect my breast implants?

Replied by Leah

Hi I am taking h2o2 for lyme disease and I was wondering after hearing negative remarks if it will affect my breast implants?

Vicks Vapor Rub

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Koko (Cranbrook, Canada) on 05/02/2013

Breast Implants - capsular contractures:

Hello, my sister uses vicks applying it generously on the needed area for overnight. (use old t-shirt and old sheet or towel for under you - because vicks is so greasy) This works quickly and so does a heating pad but I researched this painful issue by typing in the search bar: "I healed my capsular contractures" and found great results from doing that.

Replied by Marion

Try a search on ...healing breast implant illness (Bii)....because it is not a matter of " IF" it is a matter of " WHEN" someone with implants of any kind will get ill. I am speaking from my own expirience! I just had my implants explanted exactly 1 week ago. So many of my symtoms have disappeared already. There are so many out there with (any kind) of implants unaware of this and not realizing that the many many symtoms they may be expiriencing are connected to their implants .....leaking or not, old or new, saline or silicone. The many tests they may have had for different illnesses coming up negative. Doing everything right health wise and still not feeling right. Do a search on 'breast implant illness symtoms' and I bet you will be as amazed as I was. You MUST also find the propper surgeon that is aware of this and has done at least 50 capsular contractures or en blocs. I found that the 'Healing breast implant illness' website by nicole' has ALL the info one would need. ❤ namaste
