I have suffered for at least 20 yrs with Burning Mouth Syndrome. Although it has been off and on (approx 2x yr for about 2-6 weeks at a time ) but truly pushes you to the brink. Can't talk or think after struggling through a day of work (my poor husband and kids). Anyway, did have my worst episode a few yrs ago when eating little to no carbs or sugar - had lost good amount of weight but healthy and happy until til it came back with a vengeance. Went to dr who worked hard for me. I had severe B1 defiency and very low iron. Got supps and evntually got better. Broadened diet but slacked on vits of course bc was better. Here I am a year later and miserable again so back on every B, iron, ALA...going to get bloodwork again.miserable...keep gum or lump of paper towel or cankercoger stuck to tongue 24/7 now. Can't stand tongue to touch teeth, roof of mouth etc. Also started klonopin, had in house and helps simmer you and it down? Need to get a script for sure but don't know if its the end all.
May need to go to clean limited diet. Will do what it takes. i am 44 but come on, had this as far back as 21. Any advice welcome. Thanks.
Multiple Remedies
I'm 47 and eight months ago I went on diet and lost 40 lbs. Two months ago my tongue turned white and burning tongue started and acid reflux. Also hot flashes returned in a major way. Doctor put me on 1 a day Ranitidine 150 mg for acid reflux and 5 a day Clotrmazole 10 mg Tro R for my tongue. I also take 1 Mega Vita-Min pill, 1 5000 iu D3 (have a low D level), 2 Omega 3 Fish oil 1000mg, 2 B-100 complex, 3 calcium 600mg Vitamin D3,and some different herb to help get rid of acid reflux. I also started taking 1/2 tsp of baking soda with 2 Tbsp lemon juice in 4 ozs of spring water 3 times a day on June 25 2010. My tongue is hurting real bad and i have no energy. Should i stop some of these vitamins? like calcium? I'm at a loss. I'm not using any dairy products but I am drinking soy milk and avoiding wheat products. Any help would greatly be appreciated.