Burning Mouth Syndrome
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Connection to Shingles or Herpes Virus

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Posted by Jules (Buffalo, Ny) on 05/03/2017

I few months ago I woke up with my tongue swollen and painful. I was on a cruise ship, so I chalked it up to too many mimosas/bloodies and maybe the acid got me. Well, it didn't really go away. Here's the chain of events leading up to this: 1. I had a cold sore outbreak about 2 weeks before I left on my trip. Then, I had some allergy issues from pollen in the air and used some Afrin nose spray. What I didn't realize was that the Afrin EXPIRED like 3 years ago!!! It was an old bottle. Well, I left the next day and came down with a TERRIBLE sinus infection...TERRIBLE!!! Obviously, I infected myself with something from old medication (that had been snuffed up my nose! ). The day after the nose thing cleared up, I woke up with my tongue swollen and on fire. Again, I thought it was too many acidy drinks on the ship. After I got home, about a week later, It sort of went down a bit and I thought I was on the mend. Then, I got my teeth cleaned at the dentist. Dentist ruled out Thrush..... She gave me these new tooth whitening trays to try out and see if my sensitive teeth could handle them. So, I picked a day and tried them out. Later that night, my teeth started aching, so no more whitening for me! Then, maybe 2 days later, my tongue was swollen and on fire AGAIN! It would kind of be better in the AM, then progressively get worse by evening. I read a bunch of stuff on the internet to figure out what this could possible be.

First things up were: Thyroid, Hormones or vitamin deficiency. I went for blood work, and it all came back fine. In the meantime, I started taking vitamin supplements anyway....Time passes.....I have used all kinds of things to get the pain down, really to no avail........Then............I remembered that in 2005 I had Shingles/Herpes in my right EYE!!! I know, weird, right? SO I looked up exactly which nerve Chicken Pox hangs out in and what it does. Well guess what? It's the same nerve that it lives in when it gets in your eye!!! And the symptoms I have been having match SHINGLES in my MOUTH!

I did a search for BMS and Herpes Shingles etc and all KINDS of stuff came up! SO, I called my dentist and started on Valtrex yesterday. Call me crazy, but I think it may be helping. It has only been a day, and it's early yet, so we will see. Apparently, you can get it in your mouth without having blisters. I'll update in a few days on how this is working! Oh, and I am a 49 year old female in good health, on no meds, not overweight, BP nice and low. I hope this helps someone!!!

Replied by Lynette

I'm wondering how the valtrex worked with your mouth situation. I'm on third month and it's really getting tiresome. Have tried this and that to no avail. Our situation seems similar other than exp nose spray.

Replied by Dean M.
(Collinsville, Il Usa)

Jules, you may be onto something! I do know that L-lysine is a "cure" for herpes. Shingles is herpes zoster, another of the nine types herpes types. I got type 2 which will appear once every couple years. My wife has type 1 which shows up very rarely these days. Anyway, for both of us, L-lysine, a couple grams a day will quickly make the outbreaks vanish. Thus, I will try the L-lysine for my BMS. I try to avoid all prescription/OTC drugs; L-lysine is a natural amino acid. For every health problem, there are natural remedies. The precaution for the L-lysine is to make sure it wasn't derived from genetically modified corn. By the way, a huge portion of the population has at least one type of herpes aboard. Symptoms will appear under times of duress, whatever the cause of the upset is.

Dietary Changes

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Posted by Linda (Prattsburgh ) on 05/02/2017

I had burning mouth syndrome for about a year. It was very painful at first but I found a doctor in Ithaca, Dr Richard Cohen. He is a doctor of homeopathic medicine and he is very knowledgeable regarding burning mouth. He prescribed supplements that did make it go away, unfortunately I had a skin reaction to the supplements. But by following his diet (no grains, they fuel the inflammation) it gradually decreased. I now know which foods I have to avoid ( raw strawberries, orange juice) and I have found foods that help (weirdly, hot pepperoni and chamomile tea.) So hang in there and keep working at it until you figure out what makes it worse and what helps. Keeping a food journal was very helpful.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Mar Mimi (Greece, Paros) on 01/29/2013

Try an elimination diet of all food allergens - I'm in the process of doing a 10 day one for Hashimotos autoimmune disease (Dr Ks diet). I went gluten and coffee free a few weeks back and already my burning mouth syndrome has gone. With the elimination diet you completely clean up your body and then introduce things back in slowly to see what triggers your body - you'll be amazed at other little ailments just dissappearing - my back ache (which I've suffered with for 9 months) has also gone - what's that all about!!! I would recommend elimination diet to anyone suffering with this - it's hard going but well worth it.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Wundurbear (Birmingham, Al, Us) on 03/20/2012

I eliminated gluten and my burning mouth completely subsided after less than 2 weeks. I am convinced I am gluten intolerant, because of the many digestive issues that have also subsided. I would rather never eat those things again than have that constant burning in my mouth. after 5 years, relief finally!

Replied by Ali

I eliminated gluten 6 years ago and rarely, if ever, ingest it now (I get a reaction, so I usually know), yet have developed a burning tongue in the last three to four months.

Removing gluten may help because it removes wheat which turns to glucose in the body. There is evidence that this issue is linked to higher levels of sugar in the bloodstream (and parasites in the body, but that's another subject), so eliminating at least some sugar, or form of, must help.

Mine gets progressively worse throughout the day. I am going to try the baking soda remedy to see if that helps. I have long wondered whether enough bicarbonate is getting through to my intestines....

Replied by Phyllis Z.

Can you explain the baking soda remedy, please?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kate (Newport, Ri) on 12/03/2009

Hi, I was in graduate school, managing to eat healthy mostly vegetarian home cooked food - but not sleeping enough and extremely stressed and drinking coffee - when my tongue started to burn. In a couple of days it got so bad that it became insanely distracting and spread to my gums and lips. Eating (especially acidic foods) became unbearably uncomfortable. My tongue looked normal and I felt fine - just the usual stressed and tired. I was desperate for a solution and went to a great country doctor near my school. He explained that the cause of Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is hard to determine and it can come and go for years. One theory, he said, was B vitamin or iron deficiency. He asked if I ate red meat and told me to go eat dark green leafy vegetables like kale and chard and red meat 2x a day for three days and see what happens. If no change, I'd go back for some tests. In two days of eating beef and kale the burning was gone. I realized that the stress was causing my digestive system to just not work very well; I wasn't absorbing the vitamins I needed from my food or from the B complex supplement I had been taking. B vitamin supplements don't work, your stressed out system just flushes them out. Whole foods, a healthy digestive system, and calming down a bit are key. This is not the cause/solution for all BMS cases but it is a good start in your self-diagnosis to rule out the possibility of vitamin/mineral deficiency. If you have BMS, you have my sympathy! And I hope you find some relief soon.

Replied by Burnettcj
(Cathedral City, Ca)

do u still have BMS?

Replied by Patricia

I have suffered from BMS now for ten years and find that after trying all the natural remedies posted online, the only thing that helps me is clonazepam. While I hate taking this drug it is better than suffering the pain of BMS. Unfortunately the body gets used to it after a certain time and you have to keep increasing the dose.

I also tried the ALA treatment which seemed to help initially but then the BMS came back again, so I went back to the clonazepam. The down side is the drug is highly addictive and the side effects when coming of it are horrendous, which I found out when I stopped using it while trying the ALA treatment. Much as I hate taking this drug it is better than suffering the BMS, I understand how this disease can drive people to suicide. Only people suffering from BMS can understand how bad it can get.

Replied by Anon

A hair analysis may pin point the mineral that is out of balance.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Patricia;

Re; burning mouth syndrome

If you google "burning mouth syndrome virus caused" you will get five or six articles on HSV-I being the cause. And I believe that colloidal silver can kill viruses. I'd at least take this to your MD and see what harm it would do to swish out mouth three times daily with CS...and gargle with it. If me, I'd do a complete irrigation...that is sinus and ears as well as holding in mouth for thirty seconds and spitting out. I'd try that for a few days to see if I got any relief. Just an educated guess based on the articles under the google search.

Replied by Dave
(Los Angeles)

After one year of suffering from BMS, I was prescribed Clonazepam. It started helping within a few hours, and I've been taking it once a day (late evening before going to bed) for about 1 year. I don't suffer any side effects and the mouth pain is reduced about 80% from where it was when I started. And the pain seems to slowly be diminishing. It was quite bad at first.

Clonazepam is pretty cheap, but requires a prescription. My doctor has also asked me to replace coffee with green tea and avoid carbonated beverages. Also, no alcohol based mouthwash. The symptoms seem to be slowly going away, but there's still a bit of discomfort at all times. It's tolerable and sometimes I don't even notice it. Quite a bit better than two years ago when it started. Better in the morning, hurts more in the afternoon, and better in the late evening.

My doctor described BMS as a little bit like tinnitus (ringing of the ears), where there really isn't a ringing sound, but the brain thinks there is, and the Clonazepam stops the brain from thinking that there is burning in the mouth. So far, we have had to change the dosage and it's working for me. Plus, the stuff helps me sleep better at night.

That's my experience. Dave

Replied by Violet

Hi Dave, so glad to here that Clonazepam is working for you. I myself have been prescribed this medication for BMS but I was interested to know what dosage you are taking of this drug?

Replied by Carol Santa Barbara
(Port Saint Lucie Fl)

Yes I do but, my problems started when I was having dental work done. The technician spilled a solution in my mouth preparing for a veneer application. I had burning and blistering. I have had BMS ever since, and have tried many ways to relieve the discomfort. hopefully, some of the remedies I have been reading about will help.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Abbe (Sydney, Australia) on 06/11/2009

I too think i have Burning Mouth Syndrome, only my burning seems to be really bad under my nose & upper lip as well. My symptoms are- reflux, constipation (for years now), dry eyes, psoriasis, sinus problems, low iron, brittle nails with ridges, flatulance and bloating. I cant seem to stomach vitamin supplements very well and i feel extremely full eating the smallest amounts of carbs.

I have been tested for H. pyroli and it was negative. Today i just had a biopsy of my intestines to see if it could be related to celiac/ gluten sensitivity. I am going to try and eliminate gluten as well as dairy and see if i notice any improvement. Has anyone else experienced similar symptoms to the above?

I feel like im going crazy and i would love to get some relief from this burning sensation in my lips etc! Its almost like a reaction and it seems to get worse throughout the day..

Replied by Minka
(Coatesville, Pa)

Abbe, I hope you have found relief since posting, but if not it sounds more likely that you suffer from Candida Albicans. An overgrowth of the candida yeast naturally found in the digestive track.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sharon (Okc, Ok) on 11/21/2007

I wrote a few months ago about burning mouth syndrome. Recently just been diagnosed wheat gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease. I recommend anyone w/ these symptoms to get it checked out. Symptons are frequent diarrhea, weight loss, migranes, abdominal pain, gas, constipation. Symptons are no differant then everyday complaints that this is HARD to diagnosis. I would recommend cutting wheat out for 2 weeks and see if symptons dissappear. I took a stool test. IT is $99.00 but definitley worth knowing if you have an intolerance... my burning mouth has since dissappated... what happens is your body gets inflamed... and everbody symptons are different. google celiac and read about it. thanks

Replied by Sharon
(Okc, OK)

A f/u to my previous message(Sharon from OKC)..still was having burning mouth after eliminating wheat for 3-4 wks, diarreah subsided to twice a day but mouth/underneath tongue and sometimes palate of mouth TENDER....had a live blood cell test done..have leaky gut syndrome and yeast in system...doc says it all goes together along w/gluten intolerance..tested high for mercury, doing oxidation/chealation treatments, done about nine...since my mouth still hurts I cant tell if I feel better or not..if that makes sense..Guess I am going to have to call UNCLE and go see a GI doc which I was trying not to do..Im 41 and have never been sick, so I am just beside myself that I cant nip this in the bud. Will keep you posted as I go as there seems to be no quick fix....lots of prayer..

Replied by Feeny
(Tokyo, Japan)

I also suffer from a burning (and sometimes bleeding) tongue. I also get these weird looking circular white sores all over my tongue, both on top and underneath. I get them because I am very allergic to (or intolerant of) citric acid (and probably the proteins in practically all fruits). Perhaps this is a possibility you might explore with your doctors. I would suggest that you do extensive research on the subject on your own, too (via the internet and libraries). Sometimes doctors don't go out of their way to find out what's wrong with people because they are often swamped with many patients and grueling schedules.


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Posted by Mrs Smith (Central Va, US) on 10/30/2014

Editor's Choice

Hey guys, so this is going to be a long story but I thought it might help some of you that have just discovered they have burning mouth syndrome. I just went 4 weeks with it, but it took 3 weeks to get it diagnosed. That's a whole other story that I won't even go into.

Anyway, I'll give you a background about what lead to this. So about 5 months ago I gave up red meat, then about 3 months ago I decided that wasn't so bad so maybe I will try vegan before 6 (aka VB6), then I decided to cut out meat all together, except for large get togethers or on the occasional weekend when I wanted to live it up. So when you go vegan I gave up eggs, dairy, and meat. I loved being vegan, felt great, was taking my b12 supplements, thought everything was fine. That was the case until I burned my tongue one evening eating what I thought was "warm" apple pie. Well I only burned it a little bit, like if you drank something that was too hot. Didn't think anything of it until the next afternoon around 3 pm when the tastebuds on my tongue started swelling up all around my tongue.

So the next couple weeks I went to some crappy doctors that were available at a health clinic and they couldn't figure it out, but gave me some serious pain meds (woohoo! ). They referred me to an oral surgeon who laughed me out of the office because apparently an oral surgeon wouldn't know what to do with this. Then I ended up calling my primary care physician - should have done this in the first place, but unfortunately by the time the pain was initially excruciating it was a Sunday. So he said I had thrush and that the BMS was secondary. He gave me a prescription for Mycelex and sent me on my way but said to call back in a few days if there were still issues.

Well I followed everything to a "T" and my tongue was still going crazy. I started adding things back into my diet - eggs, then yogurt, then white meats. Nothing. In the meantime I had gone in for some blood work, but they only tested me for a b12 deficiency (aka pernicious anemia) and HIV (which they forgot to do at the clinic but luckily I am happily married and was not too concerned about that test). So I vaguely remember mentioning to my doctor during our conversation that I had a slight history of anemia, nothing major just that I wasn't able to donate blood a couple times in my life.

Then a couple days ago I was having a conversation with my husband about how it's like my body is making me eat everything that I had cut out of my diet while I was vegan. Then I remembered that I hadn't eaten any red meat yet. So the next evening we made steak fajitas. The swelling started to go down within an hour, just a little bit, but enough that I could tell there was a difference. So then we went out and got some iron pills and I took one as soon as we got home. The next morning the swelling had gone down a bit more. So then I took another iron pill, had eggs for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch, and a cheeseburger for dinner, needless to say I am almost back to 100% feeling normal.

Now I haven't added any citric acid back in yet, I think I will give it another week just so I don't irritate anything, but I at least wanted to get this posted in case it helps someone rule it out. When I read the boards and heard there is no known cure if it is primary I got completely depressed, the thought of never being able to enjoy a glass of wine again or dinner out with my husband weighed heavily on me. I spent hours trying to figure it out and I hope that by posting this it might just help somebody else. Good luck everyone!!!

Replied by Mmsg

Mrs. Smith, I'm really curious: what blood type are you?

Replied by Aimee
(Geneva, Ny)

Thanks for posting. I'm going through similar symptoms then I tried to go vegan, stopped all red meats, eggs, dairy and my tongue started tingling and then hurting as if I burned on something hot. Eating something acidic was terrible. I'm going to ask my doctor about this. Thank you! Helps a lot!

Replied by Nicky
(Klamath Falls, Oregon)

I will try the iron. I have had Burning Mouth Syndrome for 8 years. Been to every doctor. Still miserable. There are days you just want to die. I completely understand. Depression steps in and you feel worthless. I pray you are doing better. This is a very bad thing. Good luck. Still in pain myself. It comes and goes as it pleases.

Replied by Lori
(Melbourne Beach, Florida)

Same exact thing happened to me!

Replied by Kathy

I've been gluten/dairy free for five years, and started the BMS about 8 months ago. Got rid of sugar too now. I've been doing the apple cider vinegar drink for a few days once a day, but I'm going to try it twice a day. Still have a burning mouth 24/7. Gets me up several times a night. I'm so sick of this. I just want to get a good night's sleep, not have to drink water all night long.

Replied by Mt

Acupuncture helped my wife for similar symptoms.

Replied by Catherine
(Alliston Ontario)

I wish there was a drug to take to make this go away. After a year of searching, tests and blood work, I have been given the label of BMS and no direction. It is extremely frustrating to live with this disorder nonstop without relief. I am gluten free so not that. I have a number of inflammatory issues so guess this is my latest.

I have gotten some ideas from reading about everyone's experiences. Just glad to know that I am not alone.

Replied by Peggy

Same for me. Found to be extremely anemic. Iron pills did the job.


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Posted by Lisa (Kentucky) on 04/19/2016

I suffered with a rash on my tongue, burning tongue and also a film like on my tongue. This was after a very extensive back surgery. It was to painful to eat or most anything. After almost a year of trying different things, I started taking l lysine for my fever blisters again and my tongue cleared up.

EC: Hi Lisa,

Can you please tell us how much L-Lysine you took daily? Thank you!

Replied by Lmw
(Perth, Western Australia)

I am interested too in how much you took.

Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

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Posted by Anon (Canada) on 07/06/2018

Here is a link to a woman who has BMS and Sjogren's which was helped by taking low-dose naltrexone (LDN). I hope this can help someone with these ailments.


It seems the most difficult part is finding a doctor who will prescribe it. Good luck.

Milk of Magnesia and Frankincense

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Posted by Jean (Melbourne, Fl) on 09/02/2018

Editor's Choice

Banished Burning mouth. So distracting and distressing.

What I did was try MOM [Milk of Magnesia]; big swig in mouth and hold there as long as can before spitting out. No rinsing. Then one drop therapeutic Frankincense vitality on softest possible dry toothbrush and brushed thoroughly on teeth, above gumline, and tongue gently.

Try not to rinse with water right away.

I did this treatment twice a day for 3 days. Then added a day again if flared up.

Hydrogen peroxide seemed to bring it back on.

I also upped my probiotics.

God Bless.


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Posted by Cathy (Dallas, Texas) on 06/25/2020

1 drop of activated mms in 2 ounces of very warm water gargled twice a day helps with burning, swelling and mouth pain. Not a cure but really helps with the symptoms.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

I thought burning mouth was from low magnesium. That and TMJ tight muscle in jaw.

Replied by Martina

Hi Cathy, what is mms please as I'd like to give it a try. I hope your BMS is improving.

EC: MMS = Miracle Mineral Solution

Multiple Remedies

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1 star (2) 

Posted by Rainbow (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/07/2016

Like others here, I believe my Burning Mouth syndrome is linked with neck pain --- I had some physiotherapy done to free up my neck joints, and SUDDENLY the mouth pain diminished! The physio explained that it's the same nerve that is sending those aggravating pain signals to our tongue. Since then I've been much more attentive to exercise, stretching, and stress reduction. I also take Alpha Lipoic Acid, and vitamin B-3 for nerve pain. (plus all the regular B and iron supplements...). I've eliminated regular toothpastes and use natural pink salt water to gargle. A specialist gave me TACROLIMUS ointment for my tongue - that seems to help. Also, apparently if your problem is autoimmune related, the drug Plaquenil will help (it does for me). I also get acupuncture to balance my system. Have courage! I've had this awful problem for a year - and finally, I'm beating it. I'm hoping you can, too.

Replied by Michel
(Greenville, Tx)

I found the recipe for a candybar I love...just confectioner's sugar (powdered) sugar and peanutbutter. I was pretty much eating it all the time. Hungry? Grab the candybar mix and eat. I know I consumed at least 1lb of confectioner's sugar in the process; but one day, I noticed it didn't taste the same and it actually made my tongue sting. And my tongue hasn't stopped burning since. I've done bloodwork which is totally normal; I can still eat peanutbutter, but nothing so far has worked...I know I've read many things are suspect for causing BMS, but I wonder if larger amounts of sugar consumption, especially processed sugar like confectioner's could be a culprit. Sugar feeds yeast, yeast LOVES sugar...candida is yeast and I developed candida at the same time. I got rid of the candida, but the BMS never stopped. Next on my attempts to stop the BMS that I've had for 3 months too long...is iron, as well as Lipoic Acid, and B1.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Michel, I seem to be finding diverse uses for Clay. Maybe you can try it as a mouthwash.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Diya (Virginia ) on 12/14/2015

BMS is treatable.. My husband woke up with BMS one morning. I was so worried and checked each and every post on internet. I found good remedies here.

I tried almost every home remedy mentioned here. Don't know which one worked but he is symptom free after one week! The things I tried are attached in image here.. Also mentioning in brief:

1. Baking soda rinse

2. Brushing with baking soda instead of tooth paste

3. Stop using mouth wash

4. Folic acid supplements

5. Glycerin rinse

6. Lavender oil application

7. ALA (alpha lipoic acid)600mg a day

8. Honey application

9.drink honey with milk

10. B complex supplement

11. Topical anesthetic like lidocaine ( I didn't try this one)

12. Capsaicin local application ( didn't try this one)

13. Oil of oregano (drink one or two drops in water with meal daily ) ( didn't try this one too)

14. This may also be due to fungal infection in mouth or glossitis. So, make an appointment with your doc to check.

15. Antidepressant may help in some cases as I found on internet. ( try to reduce stress and exercise daily)

Hope this helps some one!! Keep trying. For this condition you are on your own to find cause and remedy.

EC: Hello, so sorry but no image was attached to your post.

Replied by Dorothy

I have had BMS for 21 months, it is horrible!!! One of my symptoms is a phantom salty taste in my mouth. Eating anything with salt increases all symptoms. Has anyone had this symptom, if so, have you found a remedy that has helped you? Also, how much oil do you use for oil pulling?

(Bristol, Ct)

White table salt is terrible for the body. Try using pink Himalayan salt or Celtic sea salt, black lava salt, any salt that is natural. Pink Himalayan has the most trace minerals and is very good for you. Do not use salt that has been processed or bleached.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Dorothy, would drinking LOTS more water help?

Replied by Cath

Hi, I was very interested in your post as I've had severe bms for 18 months. Does your husband continue to use all of these treatments?

Replied by Deborah

Redmond Real Salt specifically is one of the main culprits that started & exacerbates my BMS. Trigger point injections with lidocaine & steroid around base of my skull & neck helped briefly. I'm going salt free to test my theory on salt but after elimination of everything else I'm pretty certain salt sensitivity, perhaps related to Addisons disease combined with SIBO, plays a dominant role here. Hydrogen breath testing is scheduled this morning, so testing progresses. Try eliminating added table salt for a day or two & see if it helps. Klonopin has been mentioned in several feeds I've read & I'm following up for a Rx for this soon as well. None of the Rx toothpastes or mouth rinses used for braces have helped except prolonged frequent use of Oragel rinse.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carrie (North Palm Beach, Fl) on 03/28/2015

I have suffered for at least 20 yrs with Burning Mouth Syndrome. Although it has been off and on (approx 2x yr for about 2-6 weeks at a time ) but truly pushes you to the brink. Can't talk or think after struggling through a day of work (my poor husband and kids). Anyway, did have my worst episode a few yrs ago when eating little to no carbs or sugar - had lost good amount of weight but healthy and happy until til it came back with a vengeance. Went to dr who worked hard for me. I had severe B1 defiency and very low iron. Got supps and evntually got better. Broadened diet but slacked on vits of course bc was better. Here I am a year later and miserable again so back on every B, iron, ALA...going to get bloodwork again.miserable...keep gum or lump of paper towel or cankercoger stuck to tongue 24/7 now. Can't stand tongue to touch teeth, roof of mouth etc. Also started klonopin, had in house and helps simmer you and it down? Need to get a script for sure but don't know if its the end all.

May need to go to clean limited diet. Will do what it takes. i am 44 but come on, had this as far back as 21. Any advice welcome. Thanks.

Replied by Gladys
(Melrose Park, IL)

Had this so bad once that I thought I'd have to live with it, but eventually it went away... Obviously the good bacteria (flora) was unbalanced! Tongue would burn and burn then break out in geographical patches then stop burning... So annoying and uncomfortable
Try taking a raw (keep refrigerated) probiotic for a whole month (should maintain that everyday) raw with the mother apple cider vinegar shots daily and tsp olive oil swished in mouth and swallowed before you eat... Use bicarbonate soda mixed with olive oil to clean teeth instead of reg toothpaste at least till it clears, good luck ?

Replied by Mary
(Wichita, Ks)

Gladys, although your suggestions are very helpful if your BMS is a secondary issue resulting from yeast (fungal) overgrowth or imbalance, it does not do any good if BMS is the primary issue. I went through an entire round of multiple anti-fungal meds and I take a strong powder probotic daily. I have been taking ACV daily now for over a month, I have tried pulling with unrefined organic virgin coconut oil and I am just about to complete a round of anti-viral meds. No change. My BMS started after a sinus infection and bronchitis. I also have thyroid issues, I am 50 and have full blown menopausal symptoms as well. Started on Armour thyroid in March and my hot flashes have gotten worse, as well as, now I can't sleep so my BMS is worse due to lack of deep sleep. I am at my wits end. Dreading the summer heat, and this continuous pain in my mouth. My only relief is Xylitol gum. Still burns a bit but makes it at least manageable. I am going to try the ALA as soon as possible. I am currently working with my ENT to find an answer. This thread as given me the most info to date. Really happy I found it!

Replied by Rose

Mary, definitely try the ALA. If you look online, you will see several studies for ALA and BMS. That's how I took it, after enduring BMS for over a year.

At first, I was in despair, because I thought nothing was happening. I had determined to follow the study's way of doing it exactly, so I hung in there and kept going. It wasn't until the very end, when I started tapering off the dose that I finally got some relief. It cleared up entirely, and I've been free from that awful burn for nearly a year now. So, do give it a try!

Replied by Betty
(Manlius, New York)

I am 82 and since May 2015 I've been dealing with BMS. I do have Hypothyroid disease since age of 50.. My BMS started with constant saliva bubbles percolating in my mouth - then the burning tongue and the burning and bubbles haven't stopped since May 2015. No one here on this website has mentioned the saliva bubbles - have any others had this too? Now my story with all the doctors and meds. I've seen two Primary Care Dr's., one ENT who told me that everyone gets saliva in their mouths - JUST SWALLOW IT - and out the door he want - that cost me a co-pay of $40.00. Went to two Dental Surgeons - one said he knew exactly what it was and he could help me by filing the inside of my lower teeth down a little which was irritating my tongue. I CRIED, told me to stop all other meds and rinse with warm water and hydrogen peroxide and it will be gone in 2 weeks. I called their office after two weeks and told them I still was suffering with it and to tell the Dental Surgeon how upset I was. That cost me $65.00. Then I went to see an Allergy/Asthma Dr. and tried many meds which I will list below all Dr.'s meds. He is concerned and wants me to keep in touch. And I do. I only saw him 2 visits but we talk on the phone once a month for my update.

Oh this next one is a good one - This Dental Surgeon was recommended by a dentist in my area. I drove way across town to see this Dentist. This Dental Surgeon had the nurse take my blood pressure then he asked me a few questions then said he would call my Primary Dr. and have her stop my two meds - Amitriptelyne and my blood pressure meds. So, I paid $75.00 for the Dental Surgeon to have his nurse take my blood pressure and he to make a phone call. I am still furious about this. I can eat - that's when I get relief but I can't be constantly eating, I drink lots of water, sugar free gum, sugar free lozenges, lidocaine, dental paste helps. The meds I've been on are:





Replied by Alexandra
(Cheshire. Uk)

To Betty (Manlius, New York),

You have my sympathy for your terrible condition, Burning Mouth Syndrome. I do not know the answer to this problem, but may I suggest you try eliminating gluten foods from your diet. Do some oil pulling once or twice a day. Do not use toothpaste, instead brush teeth with bicarbonate of soda in solution, perhaps 1 teaspoon dissolved in 1/2 cup of water, use as a mouth rinse too. I believe dissolving it will prevent it being abrasive on your teeth.

Hope this brings you some relief. Please keep us informed whether it helps or not.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Colloidal Silver 2x per day by both swishing in the mouth and drinking for whole body antibiotic. Do this for 1 wk then try Zinc/Vit-C lozenges 2x day for 1 wk and you should get some relief. The prior suggestions should also help.

If you don't get relief from all-the-above suggestions you will definitely need to do a colon cleanse and a parasite cleanse, as these conditions cause chronic infections that do not remedy by either pharmaceutical or natural medicines.

Replied by Janice
(Santa Barbara, Ca)

For two years I have tried every doctor and remedy. At this point I believe the BMS is on the spectrum of an auto immune disease. Not a specific one like Sjogrens but it is also accompanied by an extremely dry mouth. I am very healthy except for the chronic, distracting pain. I don't know how to live a normal life with BMS because it is hard to talk and swallow without chewing gum. Currently I am trying to eliminate sugar, gluten and dairy from my diet so that I have no inflammation in my brain or gut. Please keep sharing any or all ideas.

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