Like others here, I believe my Burning Mouth syndrome is linked with neck pain --- I had some physiotherapy done to free up my neck joints, and SUDDENLY the mouth pain diminished! The physio explained that it's the same nerve that is sending those aggravating pain signals to our tongue. Since then I've been much more attentive to exercise, stretching, and stress reduction. I also take Alpha Lipoic Acid, and vitamin B-3 for nerve pain. (plus all the regular B and iron supplements...). I've eliminated regular toothpastes and use natural pink salt water to gargle. A specialist gave me TACROLIMUS ointment for my tongue - that seems to help. Also, apparently if your problem is autoimmune related, the drug Plaquenil will help (it does for me). I also get acupuncture to balance my system. Have courage! I've had this awful problem for a year - and finally, I'm beating it. I'm hoping you can, too.