Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Baking Soda

16 User Reviews
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Posted by Amanda (West Palm, Florida) on 11/08/2007

I had the worst canker sore on my gum right behind my last upper molar. It hurt to even swallow and actually woke me up at 2:00 am in the morning last night. Apparently the Zilactin-B I put on it was not working! I stumbled upon your website and decided to try the only 2 things I could get my hands on at that time of night: salt and baking soda. First I removed all of the Zilactin and rinsed my mouth with warm salt water. Then, I made a paste with baking soda and a few drops of water and placed it on the canker and let it sit for about a mintue. Then I rinsed my mouth with plain warm water. I also took 2 tylenol to help get back to sleep. I still had some pain when trying to get back to sleep, but just woke up completely pain free!! I can swallow without pain and actually enjoyed my breakfast! I can't believe it! I plan to put another "paste" on today just to make sure, but will attest that this remedy really works!

Baking Soda
Posted by Hayley (Rochester, NY) on 08/09/2007

I get canker sores often and they cause me alot of pain when I eat or talk. I heard that baking soda can help. I started using baking soda and it takes the pain out for hours at a time. First I mix it with water to make a paste, and apply it to the sore, hold it on for a straigt minute. (yes, it stings and will bring tears to your eyes) then swish with water and spit it out. I can go to work for 6 hours and have no pain. Rinsing mouth out with a teaspon of baking soda in a glass of water periodically during the day helps too.

Baking Soda
Posted by John (Harfod, WI) on 12/01/2006

Whenever I get a canker sore, I pack some baking soda on it. If it does not go away in an hour or two, I re-apply it when I notice the sore still there. Some times it takes a few more aps.Usually, gone the same day. Sometimes, i'll pack the soda on right before bed. no canker in the morning. It works every time for me. A final note: It does sting for about a minute when applied. The stinging stops, even though the baking soda is still packed on the sore. Good luck, hope it works for you too.

Baking Soda and Salt

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Posted by Yolanda (Atlanta, Georgia) on 08/10/2008

Salt and Baking Soda cured my canker sore in mouth in three days! I had never had one before. I came here and saw the many remedies. I first tried the aspirin and actually it irritated the sore and the surrounding tissue in my mouth. I read about salt and baking soda. I started Wednesday night rinsing my mouth with the warm to borderline hot salt water (about a tablespoon of salt with about 6 oz of water) this will burn/painful at first. I swished around in mouth until all was gone. When I woke up I saw that the epithelial tissue almost like a scalb had formed over the sore in my mouth. Though still painfull, I repeated the same thing accept this time I used baking soda. Same amount as I used with the salt. I used baking soda twice and salt once during the course of the day. About every 3 1/2 hours. The soreness begin to go away.I repeated same thing on Friday. By Sat afternoon the soft tissue scalb was completed detached from sore and the sore was healed! Amazing!


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Posted by Zark (Australia) on 09/02/2014

BHT is what worked for me. I tried the usual antibacterial modes (iodine, salt, baking soda) and nothing would help one little bit. Any time my mouth had a little scratch it would inevitably result in a mouth ulcer that would take weeks to heal (you guys call them 'canker sores').

I eventually tried BHT thinking it might help some other immune problems (I have an inflammatory autoimmune disease). Well, only one thing changed noticeably - no more mouth ulcers. Ever since trying BHT I have been clear of this issue, and it has been a stark change. Now if I bite my lip there is no problem, yet before I would be absolutely guaranteed to have a very nasty canker sore.

Now I can't guarantee this will help anyone else, I never expected that my mouth ulcers could be caused by a virus!! (ehh sorry I mean 'canker sores) But there you go.. learned something new. I suspect the majority of folk are still caused by bacteria, but hey if iodine, ACV, baking soda and salt don't help then maybe you should try this!

You can read more about BHT here:

Most important - make sure it is food grade.

Black Tea

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Posted by David (New York, Ny) on 10/18/2011

Tannin is a good remedy for canker sores, it's found in black tea. If you put a black tea bag on your tongue and let it sit for like 5 min or so you take it off and the pain is nearly all gone and the effect stays for quite awhile.

Blackstrap Molasses

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Posted by Celia (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 09/09/2006

I'm a dental hygiene student, and one of my instructors told me to try putting black strap molasses directly on my canker sores (i get them all the time! grrr!). I tried it last night and today they're nearly gone! it's a miracle cure, and I can't believe how well it worked! You've gotta try it!


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Posted by Daniel X (Houston, TX) on 08/31/2014

I had horrible canker sores in my mouth; tongue, inner lips, cheeks. Ridiculous pain, could barely eat or speak and they came in groups; 2-4 at a time, and a new crop in different spots would pop up just as the others were about to be healed, which took 3-4 weeks. I never had these before in my life and I'm 56. Anyway, this went on for months and I was praying for help. I tried a list of things like oil pulling, various supplements etc. Bottom line; after doing my own research including reading all the posts on this site, and a few others, I realized that my tongue was coated white in the morning and took that as an indication of systemic candida.

I took the roughly 1/8 teaspoon of 20 Mule Team borax powder dissolved in water and noticed dramatic results starting in about 12 hours. There were two sores at the time, one just beginning, it went away fast, the other healed fairly quickly and now, 2 weeks later, no new ones have popped up and my tongue is nice and pink again. I didn't notice much of a "die off" reaction, only a minor headache in the temple area one day which might've been something else. I have been on a raw food diet for over 2 years so I know my body is fairly clean at this point. I also noticed remarkable clarity of mind and easy concentration within 12 hours of taking borax, along with a feeling that I was vibrating like a purring cat or a well tuned car, actually quietly vibrating. That seems to have gone away somewhat although I still feel mentally clear. So thank you Ted and all and hopefully someone else suffering from canker sores can benefit from my experience.

Camphor Spirit

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Riker (Cortez Co. ) on 03/15/2022 3 posts

Camphor Spirit for Canker Sores

Camphor spirit (not campho phenique) will remove them. Dip a Q tip in the solution & hold against the stings but after a couple of treatments it should disappear.

Replied by Rob

Campho-Phenique Antiseptic Liquid is my 24hour treatment for mouth ulcers. Dab on a canker sore with q-tip soaked in campho-phenique. Put the Q-tip against the mouth ulcer for one minute. Then remove Q-tip and rinse mouth out with water. This has worked for me every time since the 1970's when it was shown to me.

Active Ingredients: per container: Camphorated Phenol (Camphor 10.8%, Phenol 4.7%) (Pain reliever/antiseptic) Inactive Ingredients: Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, Eucalyptus Globulus (Eucalyptus), Glycerin, Light Mineral Oil.

Camphor Spirit
Posted by Jan (Ft Lauderdale, Fl) on 04/08/2015

For canker sores, I use spirit of camphor dabbed on a q-tip and placed on the sore. It heals within a few days and takes away the pain. Also organic raw honey placed on the sore, and it is gone the next day or two.


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Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 01/17/2012

I think cayenne must be a good antibiotic.. I had these sores at the side of my mouth and thought that I'd try a bit of creative thinking.. I mixed a third cayenne a third tumeric and a third coconut oil (ev. ) gave it a good stir. Then rubbed a bit either side of my mouth before bed.. It stung at first.. When I checked in the morning I noticed a blanched ulcer.. Which is a good sign as it means the infection or whatever it was, was nailed... After three dabs over a twenty four hour period, the stinging stopped and the ulcer was shrunk to half the size it started out at. And looks healthy. Its healing so well I thought I'd post.


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Posted by Chris (Atlanta, Ga ) on 08/29/2019

I had nasty canker sore on the roof of mouth. I tried everything on here for relief. It all helped some. Then I remembered that I have some cbd oil balm. I loaded up a Q-Tip with it and placed it everywhere I felt pain or tenderness. Went to sleep. Woke up pain free. Like it went away over night. That stuff is the best for any type of skin lesion.

Chronic Canker Sore

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Posted by Ana (Usanc) on 04/03/2013

mouth sore: I have a white sore inside my cheek since years. It does not hurt. I had it checked by a doctor and he told me nothing to worry about. But how can I get rid of it ? It makes me nervous.... Oh, I am a smoker... Thanks!

Replied by Louwrence
(Rustenburg, North West, South Africa)

Hi Ana, Seeing that everything you have tried has failed, try rinsing your mouth with your own urine, it is an antiseptic, whenever I bite the inside of my mouth that is what I use. You can also try salt but it burns & doesn't heal as quickly as with urine.

Replied by Ky Mama
(Clinton, Ky)

A charcoal tablet held against it, once or twice a day for a couple of weeks may make a great difference. Charcoal is cheap, easy and amazingly helpful.


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by sylvain (Quebec) on 10/13/2023

For canker sore pain,

try a Qtip with clove oil, I can vouch that it will numb the pain for about an hour, that is the only thing I have found that helps at least temporarily.

Posted by Juliana (Edmonton, Canada ) on 06/18/2021

I used many different things for the big sore on my tongue. Nothing would work, until I started to use the clove powder.. It started to work immediately.

I've learned that canker sore can be caused by bacteria or many other causes. In my case, it was bacterial, from a tooth infection. In 2 days it shrunk 80%..another 2 days later it was gone.

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