Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Coconut Oil
Posted by Holly (St. Louis, MO) on 08/21/2014

While out camping with my family I developed two huge canker sores along my upper gums. It hurt to eat, drink and talk.There were no stores around so we only had what we packed... thank goodness I had some coconut oil on hand (I packed it to help ease sunburns and also as the oil to pop our popcorn-yum! ).

I used my finger and dabbed a small amount on both sores, right before bed. The next morning, the pain was nearly gone. So after brushing my teeth I applied it again and, though the sores didn't disappear immediately, the pain was gone by lunchtime.

I am a huge believer in the benefits of coconut oil (organic, unrefined, cold pressed only! ) and always have a small bottle on hand. This is just another fantastic cure from an amazing oil.

Papaya Leaf Tea
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/13/2014

Having read Dave from Fountain Inn's brave experiments with Papaya (in the name of science, of course. (Have you lost those extra pounds, or are they there as a living testament to your brave pioneering spirit??!! ) I discovered a bag of Papaya leaf tea here and decided to try it for recurring Canker Sores. After waiting for three outbreaks, all of which were cured with the tea, I am happy to report that fact here. The relief from pain takes about 2 days of 1-2 teas daily (1 tsp. tea leaves in a cup of boiling water. Either boiled for a bit, or just left to steep) and the cure depends on how strictly I stay away from my triggers (certain baked goods, bananas and more than my tolerance level of citrus).

Unlit Match
Posted by Sleighb7 (Ontario, Canada) on 10/18/2013

Unlit Match for Canker Sores: Oh thank the lord someone put this remedy up.... The to the point story.... Large mouth ulcer with white crust forming, lots of pain, put unlit match on the white part for around 20-30 seconds, not to long in case of further irritation which causes them to grow. Woke up 50% better, repeated same process this morning, ulcer is around 85% gone, will repeat tonight and be done with it, fastest ive ever gotten rid of an ulcer, no more white crust, warning this will sting but the relief it provides after is well worth the pain.

Posted by Jnell (Lumby, Bc, Canada) on 04/14/2013

Probiotics for Mouth Ulcers: This is so painful at first, if you're dealing with a large ulcer, but it works everytime. Open up your probiotic capsule(s) 1 or 2 is good, pour onto a dish, add only a few drops of water at a time to form a kind of paste, then, using clean hands, use your index finger to scoup up some of the paste and push it up into the sore. Try and keep from swallowing for a bit (you'll get a little drooly) between 2 and 5 minutes is good, but the longer the better I suppose. You want to do this 3 or 4 times/day.... but I've never had to do it for more then a day, once I had one about the size of a quarter on the roof of my mouth and that was nearly gone after the second treatment! It does hurt terribly bad, but only while your pushing the probiotics into the wound.

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 01/17/2012

I think cayenne must be a good antibiotic.. I had these sores at the side of my mouth and thought that I'd try a bit of creative thinking.. I mixed a third cayenne a third tumeric and a third coconut oil (ev. ) gave it a good stir. Then rubbed a bit either side of my mouth before bed.. It stung at first.. When I checked in the morning I noticed a blanched ulcer.. Which is a good sign as it means the infection or whatever it was, was nailed... After three dabs over a twenty four hour period, the stinging stopped and the ulcer was shrunk to half the size it started out at. And looks healthy. Its healing so well I thought I'd post.

Posted by Connie (Slc, Utah, Usa) on 12/12/2011

Hi All ; It's been a 45 yr. search for me. I hope to shorten your suffering. I'll just give you the answer first, or the one that worked for me. Folate/Folic Acid. I need extra, more than the RDA of 400 mcg. , I need 800 mcg. daily in a supplement.

Canker sores are a common sign of B12 deficiency, so that's another supplement to consider, especially when one takes Folate, because they are interdependent. Sublinguals are easier for the body to use than oral types. I take large quantities, but I believe most people may need less. Supplements work best when we find our own numbers. My guess is that most people will respond to 500-1000 mcg. daily.

Zinc is another supplement that is suggested for canker sores. The RDA is approx. 15 mg. Daily. When I look at the zinc content of foods, it seems difficult to consume that amount, so I supplement with it, 15mg. 2-3 times weekly. But I'm considering a test just to see if I'm in the range somewhere.

Folate may also help with other lesions/ulcerations along the GI tract, I've read.

I wish I could give this information to my 10 yr. old self, when I lay crumpled on the bathroom floor with a stick of silver nitrate that only made the pain worse....

Constipation Link to Canker Sores
Posted by Spiderhawk (Houston, Texas) on 10/31/2012

Interesting! I was wondering why I had a painfull canker sore appear under my tounge and after reading your post, it dawned on me that as a result of taking pain medication, I have been constipated for about two weeks now. I am going to rinse with baking soda and drink some baking soda as well. I have always had success drinking baking soda to relieve constapation.

Constipation Link to Canker Sores
Posted by Cody (Fort Worth, Texas) on 11/27/2012

Wow that's crazy, everytime I can ever think of the canker sores I got and currently have is all when I was not on a regular bathroom schedule. Vacation- canker sores appear, too busy... Canker sores appear. You're on to something, because the last 4 times would if this is true, all be for the lack of regular bowel movements!

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Shaun (York, Uk) on 11/01/2011

My partner (female, 57) has suffered with mouth cankers for as long as she can remember. These are/were incredibly painful. They looked like mini volcano's! They came 'round on a regular basis on gums, tongue and inner lips. We tried just about everything, but with no joy. Then I thought maybe she is gluten sensitive (I had heavily researched gluten sensitivity for my own [now cured skin condition[s], see elsewhere on Earthclinic), and other other 'odd' and seemingly incurable autoimmune-like issues of various friends. The result? Bam! No more mouth cankers. What a joy! To those who do not suffer this issue you just cannot believe the sheer relief that this has brought her. 50 years of doctors efforts had come to nothing. It has now been 2/3 months with no sign of mouth ulcers.

As an aside I would suggest to ANYONE that if you have some sort of seemingly incurable issue (candida, cankers, anaemia, IBS, ear pain, brain fog, rheumatoid arthritis etc., etc. , or indeed... Whatever) that you very, very strongly consider some form of gluten sensitivity. Sadly my partners father also suffers from canker issue (and stomach problems), but as he is 85 and bread is something of a holy social and ethnic issue with him he will just not accept the fact that gluten is his problem. Nevertheless we will keep trying to convince him!

Baking Soda
Posted by Asw (Houston, Tx) on 10/07/2011

Using baking soda worked for me. I had a canker sore that kept getting worst despite the fact I was applying hydrogen peroxide. So I looked online and saw that baking soda also worked as a treatment for some. I applied baking soda once or twice a day for three days and it completely healed the sore.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/20/2011

after years of recurring canker sores, and trying many of the remedies on this site, the one that is finally working for me is oil pulling (15 minutes once or twice daily) with vco. Thank you!

Posted by Whitney (Livonia, Mi) on 01/01/2011

Years ago a friend of mine had a mouth full of canker sores. Everything the dr gave her never worked includin lanicaine, she couldn't talk or function. After months of going through this we tried natural home remidies and found out it was great. Yogurt, the kind that has fruit on the bottom, the kind you stir to mix up, this activates the live cultures in it to soothe the pain and get to the real problem. Which is a intestinal flura upset. Yogurt balances all this out and within eating 1 to 2 or three a day all canker sores will be gone within 24 to 48 hours. I have recomdend this to other friends and even did this with my girls when they were little, worked everytime. The best thing about this is anyone from babies to adults can eat this, and is so much cheaper than a dr appointment and perscriptions that aren't always going to work. Good luck to everyone. And I hope you find this helpful.

Posted by Mary (Philadelphia, Pa) on 12/23/2010

Thank you!!!! This afternoon a canker sore became incredibly painful. Tried salt water. Tried lisine. Came here and tried Apple Cider Vinegar. All either did nothing or made it hurt more. Kept reading here and saw all the good aspirin reports. Didn't have aspirin so I used ibuprofen instead. Oh my goodness, it's now numb. No pain at all. Even if it doesn't last, a bit of relief is a godsend!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Heidi (Van Nuys, Ca, Usa) on 09/09/2010

Yay - My second painful canker sore just showed up yesterday, and last night it woke me up from my sleep. I tried dobbing some tea tree oil on it with a q-tip, and the pain was immediately eased enough to get back to sleep. I don't know if it will help speed the healing, but it does certainly help a great deal with the pain!

Posted by Bradc (San Rafael, Ca, United States) on 02/07/2010

I haven't seen this method but it works like a charm. GOLDENSEAL. In liquid format. It doesn't sting like Alum, and has other healing properties as well. Goldenseal is a natural antibiotic.

First I'm going to tell you the method, then I'll tell you from my experience why cankers appear in the first place and what you can do as a preventative.

Get good strong, high quality liquid Goldenseal from a health food store --- do not get the cheap variety from a drugstore. Put a thimble full in a shot glass and fill the shot glass to about 3/4 with nice hot/warm water. Dump all of it into your mouth. Sit there with the mixture in your mouth for about 20 minutes - maybe go watch some TV. But be active while you are watching. Swish it around on your canker(s), push it, pull it, blow out your cheek. Make the Goldenseal get INTO your canker. When done, spit it out but don't rinse. Leave the residue in your mouth and go about your day. You should notice pretty immediate relief as your canker starts to go down and shrink.

Do this again after every meal and as needed. This is because food and drink of any kind will tend to stimulate your canker. You need to calm your mouth down again with the Goldenseal mixture. Do it right before you go to bed as well so the mixture residue can be in your mouth, protecting, while you sleep.

Now, here are a few other things about cankers and the reasons you get them (from my research and what I have been able to understand).

It's an acidic imbalance in the body, expressing itself via cankers. Too much acid. Here's what to do when you feel a canker coming on, or when you have them already....

Check your toothpaste. It often causes cankers and imbalances. Go down to the drugstore and get Rembrandt's tooth paste for cankers. Always keep it in the house and switch to it immediately when you feel a canker coming on. It's not that it does anything FOR the canker, it's just that they've removed the crap that causes cankers.

Immediately modify your diet also. Sorry, but you want BLAND food that will stop stimulating your canker. Here's what you MUST stay away from: anything with citrus, coffee, chocolate, spicy food, salts and peppers, milk and dairy (terrible for cankers) --- and sugar! If you have this stuff you'll instantly be able to feel it eat into your canker and start causing pain. Stay away from it until the canker is gone. Oh, and alcohol - especially WINE. Staying away from these things will help immensely and quickly.

It helps to take a pain reliever to get rid of the pain and give yourself a break for a bit.

And here's the other thing. I find I get cankers when my body is run down and I've been forgetting to take my vitamins. My body slowly goes into imbalance and cankers rise to the occasion. Be rigorous about taking vitamins! Especially a B complex which will help with stress (stress also contributes to cankers). Search online for a good liquid vitamin. I've found one easy to take, fast and effective for absorption by the body.

The last thing is that if you want extra help in addition to the Goldenseal use the Aspirin method mentioned above. It works. I think it helps to get rid of the astringent imbalance in the mouth. Grind some real aspirin (doesn't have to be baby aspirin) with a spoon on the counter. Lick the tip of your finger and dip it in the powder. Lay it on the canker and cover the canker with the powder. Keep in mouth for about 1/2 hour or so. It really works.

Enjoy the relief of this program folks.

Posted by Stargene (Ben Lomond, Ca) on 01/30/2010

For decades I'd suffered from canker sores (aka: aphthous ulcers) inside my mouth. A dental study of Japanese communities revealed that their low dental plaque was due to compounds called isothiocyanates in wasabi, the green radish paste. Since that time, 12 years ago, I have not had a SINGLE canker sore, even though I still abrade my mouth, gum and inner lips as much as ever, because every day I brush my teeth using ~1 part wasabi to ~3-4 parts toothpaste, ANY toothpaste.

The wasabi actually inhibits bacteria from attaching to mouth surfaces using their plaque! This is an actual preventive which works.

Avoid Mouthwash
Posted by Kevin (Seattle, Wa) on 11/24/2009

Found out that I kept getting canker sores and versions of thrush from using mouthwashes. If you have c- sores and gargle with off the shelf mouth washes, try stopping for a few days. worked for me.

Posted by Casper3047 (Surfers Paradise, Queensland) on 10/25/2009

Having been a long time sufferer of mouth ulcers in which they lasted for 3-5wks and often so bad, eating and talking were almost impossible I seem to have found "my" cure, and I hope it can help someone else. Simply chew and "let soak" with crystalline ginger 3-4 times a day. If you catch them early enough, they just seem to fade away. I haven't tried any other variations such as ginger tea because I like the eating the ginger.
