Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cataracts | Supplements & Herbs for Eye Health

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Can-C (N-Acetylcarnosine Drops)
Posted by Karin (California) on 08/22/2022

Thanks for your input on Can-C for dogs. I accomplished the same for my 125lb shepherd with a product called NuVet, a 1-a-day wafer from a company by the same name. It took 1 month and he went from mistaking my finger for a tasty carrot treat to leading the way on a moonless desert hike in unfamiliar terrain. I recommend the product highly for anyone whose dogs are getting those white glazed over eyes as they age.

Can-C (N-Acetylcarnosine Drops)
Posted by Eleanor (Red Lodge, Montana) on 12/22/2011

Dear friends, there is a tried and true method for dogs and I am hoping it can be replicated more cheaply. It is developed in the Soviet Union and is available online for $140 or so a tiny bottle-but it works. It is called ____ and contains an amino acid, l-acytlcarnitine. I thought since it had carnitine in it it might be a nutrient found in beef?? Trying to break it down to something local, natural and affordable. But it completely clears up my old dog's cataracts and can be used less for maintenance. Not approved for humans. The sooner you start it the better. About 2-3 times a day at first, then when they're clear, about a few times a week, depending upon the dog, for maintenance. I stop it except for watering down remnants in the bottle during the winter when she's less active and a bottle lasts me most of the summer if I husband it. Gives her practical sight vs. Bumping into things. Miraculous and real. Online accessible. If anyone can replicate it through foods, supplements, please tell me. My vet gets it for me but anyone can order it. Merry Christmas!

Can-C (N-Acetylcarnosine Drops)
Posted by Dud (From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 12/06/2011

I don't have cataracts, and have never used any products to cure them, or halt them. In my reading on the internet a few weeks ago, I came across this information about some eye-drops that have been tested on cataract patients, and it was said that they were proven to help many patients both 1. Halt the deterioration, 2. Reverse the cataract damage partially, perhaps totally in some cases. The eye-drops were developed by a russian man.

I do not know if they will work for you, or not. Have someone help you do some research on it.

Carnosine for Cataracts
By Katina Blue, eHow Contributor

Carnosine for Cataracts - Carnosine in eye drop form is effective for treating cataracts.

Every eye has a lens that is similar to the lens of a camera. The lens helps with vision clarity, and it aids in focusing on objects. Cataracts is a condition that causes cloudiness to develop in an eye lens. It can cause impaired vision and blindness if untreated. Although surgery is generally used to treat cataracts, carnosine eye drops are effective for reversing this condition.


In 1987, Dr. Alan Babizhayev, a Russian researcher, and his colleagues were the first to propose L-carnosine, a form of carnosine, as a possible treatment for cataracts. They developed N-acetylcarnosine eye drops to treat the condition. After the drops were used in human and animal clinical trials, positive results were documented. Since then, other research studies have been done on carnosine's effects on cataracts.

Carnosine is a molecule composed of two amino acids, alanine and histidine. It is a natural antioxidant found in several tissues of the body, including heart muscle, skeletal muscle and the brain. Low levels of a certain type of carnosine are also naturally produced in your eyes. Carnosine is generally administered in eye drop form to treat cataracts. In addition to treating cataracts, carnosine is used to treat ulcers, reverse aging and heal wounds.

When a buildup of protein forms on an eye's lens, abnormal clumps develop, causing a cataract to form. The clumps of protein cause the opaque appearance of a cataract affected eye. Carnosine stops the formation of these clumps and helps to dissolve the cataract. It also prevents glycation, a chemical process that interferes with cell function by causing a reaction between blood sugars and proteins in the lenses of our eyes.

Side Effects
As of 2010, there are no documented side effects to using carnosine. When used in very high doses, some short-term effects of it are drowsiness and shallow sleep. Although no major side effects have been reported, watch for any reactions after use and report any abnormalities to your physician.

Various studies done on humans and animals show that carnosine effectively dissolves cataracts over time. According to Dr. Babizhayev, when a group of cataract patients was treated with carnosine eye drops, 41. 5 percent showed a significant improvement in vision clarity and 88. 9 percent improved in regard to sensitivity and glare. These patients were studied over 24 months and the effectiveness was sustained during that time.
Non-Surgical Cataract Reversal

"N-Acetyl-Carnosine (Can-CTM) Cataract Eye Drops - Approved by Innovative Vision Products.. "
"In clinical trials 90% had improvement in visual acuity.. " Patients instilled 2 drops of Can-CTM into each eye 2 to 4 times a day, for a period of 6 months. These results set an unprecedented benchmark for the treatment and reversal of cataracts and other eye disorders.. "Clinical Trials

Initial Results in only 3 months time.. Optimal Results within 6 - 12 months!

Over the last 10 years this, non-invasive, N-acetylcarnosine eye drop, has generated Thousands of reports of Safe and Effective Cataract Reversal

Mark Babizhayev MA, PhD, is the principle Russian researcher behind the development of N-acetylcarnosine eye drops for the treatment of cataract. Meet Dr. Mark Babizhayev MA PhD
There are no more doubts regarding the effectiveness of this miraculous eye repair in a drop that originated from years of Russian research.

Can-C Eye Drops applied for 6-months, (twice daily into the eye), in patients suffering from senile cataract, had the following results:
90% had an improvement in visual acuity.
88.9% had an improvement of glare sensitivity.
41.5% had an improvement of the transmissivity of the lens.

"I used Can-C eye drops for 4-months with amazing results. My vision in my left eye improved from 20/40 to 20/25 and upon renewal of my driving license, the eye glass restriction was eliminated! "
Richard Lippman MD, Hawaii

To date Dr. Babizhayevs' N-Acetylcarnosine eye drop is the only cataract treatment that has been proven in controlled clinical trials to be effective in the treatment of cataracts and safe for long term use. Look for the following statement on any box you purchase to be sure you are purchasing Dr. Babizhayevs' patent protected formula. - "Approved by Innovative Vision Products.. "

Learn why Dr. Babizhayevs' N-Acetylcarnosine eye drops are the only ones that actually work- click here!
