Castor Oil
(New Iberia, La)
My previous post sounded like a contradiction. When I said the castor oil did no harm I meant there was no burning or unpleasant effect to my eye when I used it. As to whether it made the cataract worse, I am not saying it did. What I conclude is that cataracts get worse no matter what you do.
Any health food store will have the cold pressed castor oil
(Houston, Tx.)
Yes, it should be cold pressed.
(Rochester, Ny)
I searched online for hexane free, organic, cold pressed castor oil. I found a brand of 100% pure certified castor oil, it's hexane free, all this is stated on the bottle. I ordered it from online 16 fluid ounces cost approximately $14.00 US dollars, which is not very expensive, considering you only use a few drops at a time, for eyes, at least. The bottle also says it is for external use only, which means you do not consume this, it is for topical use on the skin, or in the eyes. I hope you find what you need.
Hi Blanche,
Just read your email. Hope your cataract has improved. Have you tried a product called Can-C eyesdrops (N-acetylcarnosine)? It may help. Castor oil should be cold pressed and contain no hexane.
Unfortunately not everything works for everyone. It may take longer to work, if it does, for you.
(Long Beach, Ca)
You could try Magnesium. Preferably a topical application. It is more effective that way.
(Cabarlah, Qld.)
I've been reading recently about MSM, Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, in a distilled water saline solution, was good for the eyes and its many issues. I believe there are commercial products available; however, I've made my own and hope it will help my vision.
Castor Oil
Hello Kelly, I went looking for the answer to your question and found one posted on Earth under castor oil cures. It was posted by another sharer and does state that a couple of drops of castor oil in the eyes nightly will dissolve cataracts. I found a lot of other interesting stuff while looking, including that castor oil also has antibacterial action.
I can't vouch for the removal of the cataracts, but I can vouch for it does no harm to the eye, only good, I have never had a painful eye from getting foreign object in it clear so quickly. I will use it first for eye problems in the future.
(Baclif, Texas)
PLEASE, I need some good quality advice!! I have been reading the pros and cons of the castor oil. Some say it is safe to use in your eyes, while others say it isn't. I had my right cataract removed a few years ago when I had insurance. My left eye is so cloudy (it doesn't look cloudy, but I see everything cloudy). I am about ready to start wearing a patch over my left eye because it is really starting to distort my vision. I don't qualify for insurance because I am diabetic. I can't afford the cataract operation (the cheapest I have found WITH a discount is $3200). I would love to just get rid of this ugly vision. HELP!!!
(Thankful For Earth Clinic, Love)
Not sure about castor oil but read of a woman accidently splashing coconut water in her eye and her cataract disappeared. Perhaps you can google, read the story and go from there. Best wishes for clear vision!
Castor Oil
(Long Island, New York)
I went to the health food store to get the cold pressed castor oil and on the bottle it says not to get it near the eyes. I am a firm believer of castor oil and have used it for years, but not the cold pressed. What is the difference and why does it say not to use it near the eyes?
(Meldrim, GA)
Someone from Long Island was asking why the label on castor oil said not to use near the eyes. Well, I called 2 different companies that sell castor oil and asked about that. Both said that they do not actually know if is is harmful for the eyes or not, but the FDA or somebody requires they put that warning on the label if they have not tested to see if it is safe for use in the eyes. It is because they had done skin testing that it is legal for the bottle to say it is safe to apply to the skin.
I'd like to know if anyone else other than the one "yea" testimony has proof it is safe since I'd like to try it as well.
(Meldrim, GA)
Another bit of information for Helen from Long Island who wonders why castor oil bottles may say not to use near the eyes: I just read about pink eye in the ailments section on this (earth clinic)site -- and one of the cures given is drops of castor oil put in the eyes. The person recommending it said they used it repeatedly as needed for different instances of pink eye - so it would appear to be safe, as least from their comments.
(Central N.c. , Usa)
Brook, you said that the 2 drops of cold pressed castor Oil in the eye at bed time will remove the cataract. How do you know this to work? I've read this also but no one has ever said something or some treatment really worked for them or someone they know. I know how I got the cataracts from taking baby asprin for Years for my heart problems and now I am on coumadin to keep my blood thin. The cold pressed castor oil does NOT hurt the eye but it lubricates it as when your eyes start showing they are getting dry the cataracts follow. I have been putting castor oil in my eyes for more than 1 1/2 years maybe 2 yrs. To keep them lubricated at night and upon awaking I put them in again and lay for an hour, also later in the afternoon to lubricate them again. If they start to dry out they get bothered and itchy etc.
They have "NOT" gone away but I am hoping that keeping them lubricated is slowing it down until "IF" there is something I can reverse them without surgery. There is some kind of eye drops developed by a Russian Dr that are suppose to dissolve them but they burn like the dickens and made my vision more blurry. It was $50 per month. I wish Someone who really knew how to dissolve or reverse them would post it out here for all us suffers. I think I heard ACV helps but I do ALL that!
(Chula, Ga)
I read a study a while back that in lab rats scientists were able to create cataracts and reverse them through the use of Beta-Carotene. Carrot Juice (made fresh not bought) is very high in Beta-Carotene. Maybe you should try that or look for a reputable supplement.
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)
I researched a book called Physician's Reference Notebook and now have an excerpt from that book on what Edgar Cayce told some people to do:
"The following is a summary of the most commonly prescribed treatments. They are aimed at improving the circulation and eliminations and in allowing for better attunement to spiritual forces to provide coordination of the physical, mental and spiritual:
1. Osteopathy. Adjustments in the upper cervical and dorsal segments (C1, 2, 3; DI, 2, 3); sometimes in the lower dorsal coordinating with the upper lumbar. Frequency: about twice weekly for five to six weeks with rest periods of two to three weeks. This was by far the most commonly prescribed treatment.
2. Massage. With peanut oil (sometimes a combination of oils). Frequency is variable. Again twice weekly would be reasonable, though in one instance it was recommended on a daily basis before retiring. Emphasis to spine, mastoid, temple and chin areas.
3. Violet ray treatment. Sometimes recommended only after the first osteopathic series. Would be applied along the spine, head and neck areas for three minutes, then with the double-eye applicator over closed eyes for another one-and-a-half minutes about three times per week. A Glyco-Thymoline or Epsom salt pack may be used over same areas for 20-30 minutes prior to the violet ray treatments. * Discharge from the eyes may occur with these treatments. This should be wiped off with a non-irritating, antiseptic solution. * Potato poultice may also be used after the violet ray treatment. Wash off with weak eye solution that will remove inflammation drawn by the poultice.
4. Eliminations. At least once or twice daily using natural laxatives, e.g. , Eno salts, Fletcher's Castoria, bicarbonate of soda with cracker crumbs, etc. ; colonics, if necessary.
5. Diet. A wholesome diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Seafoods are allowed but no meats or sweets. Raw carrots, lettuce, celery, watercress and the like are beneficial.
6. Vibratory treatment. Another way of stimulating blood flow is, first, rub the body with cold water to produce shock, followed by fast vibratory treatment (reading 3943-1). Frequency and duration not specified. Twice weekly treatment is suggested lasting 20-30 minutes.
7. Spiritual counseling, prayer, and meditation. These are other modalities available to ensure integration of the triune body, mind and spirit. "
An Osteopath that uses the "old school of thought" is hard to find these days - sometimes you will need to go to a Chiropractor instead. Hope this helps!
(Manhattan, NY)
I would like to add that the American Academy of Osteopathy maintains a list of trained physicians.
(Fountain Valley, Ca)
Judye, if you are still with us, here is a great suggestion. Instead of Coumadyn or other drug for thinning blood, trying taking a cool cayenne capsule after a meal. Cayenne naturally thins the blood without harmful side effects. I've used it for years. However, the capsule became too disturbing so I now sprinkle a little in my early lemon/lime juice/a little maple syrup with warm water (liver cleanse). It really helps and prevents strokes.
Hi Jayna.
How much Cayenne pepper do you take at a time? I've read two Ebooks on its advantages but I have a Hiatus hernia and it really inflamed it. I wanted to start giving it to my husband who has high Blood pressure but then read several articles saying it was dangerous so I didn't go ahead. I'd like to know more as the meds he is on aren't good and I'm always concerned he will have a stroke. I must say, Meyer I used them, they really cleared my sinuses in double quick time, not something I was expecting but very welcome.
Answer to the Cayenne question above:
I take 2 to 3 capsules of 40000 STU with every meal. They are the brand at the big chain store. I plan on going to my local co-op health food store and getting my cayenne there.
Castor Oil or Salt
There are far more than 18 effective treatments for cataracts, but then again, health care insurance and physicians frown on people treating themselves. Not to mention the FDA is strictly against home remedies.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Stephen, can you tell us what the 18 remedies are? And do you know if any of them dissolve eye floaters too?
Stephen Castello, which are the 18 remedies that could help dissolve cataract? Can you be more specific? Are they for beginning or advanced cataract? Have you tried them? Are they effective?
Castor Oil, NAC
I told them at that time that I felt that I was able to see better without my glasses than with them except for reading fine print in dim light, or for driving at night with the glare of oncoming headlights. The results of that examination were unnerving. My vision was certified at 20/30 left eye, 20/40 right eye, which of course was satisfactory for purposes of the DMV, but the doctor also told me I had cataracts in both eyes and after more definitive eye examination, they may want to discuss cataract surgery with me along with an updated prescription for new bifocals.
So on August 31st I went in for the "more definitive" eye examination. The result of these tests was 20/20 vision in both eyes and no evidence of cataracts! The doctors asked me what I had been doing differently.
I told them I had been taking a new supplement called NAC 600, primarily for my heart condition, but more recently I had been experimenting with 2 drops of pharmaceutical grade Castor Oil in each eye at bedtime each night for the month of August. Their jaws dropped. The doctors were incredulous. They said they had never, ever heard of using castor oil for the eyes before. They said cataracts are not reversible except by surgical procedure.
I told them I found the research on castor oil and NAC on the internet, at various natural medicine web sites. They took notes and entered the information into my VA medical records. They told me no eye glasses need be prescribed since my vision was now 20/20. My eye pressure was about the same as it has been for the past year or so, validating the decision last October to take me off glaucoma prescription eye drops. While a little on the high end (26 left eye, 29 right eye), it appeared to be stabilized, so as far as they were concerned, I was no longer on the glaucoma suspect category that I have been on for the past 20 or so years. And while cataract surgery is the most frequently practiced surgical procedure in America today, it appears at least for the time being that I have successfully avoided cataract surgery by using that three thousand year old remedy known as Castor Oil. The doctor's want to track my eye health with follow up testing and have set up appointments for further eye exams going forward. I'm sure that I am now the "talk" of the VA eye clinic.
So, while my eyes are still a mite cloudy sometimes and when doing close reading of fine print in dim light I need reading glasses, it seems that I am now back to 20/20 vision after less than one month of castor oil eye drops! After all these years (more than two decades! ) on the glaucoma suspect list and a driver's license requiring eye glasses for driving. I will now get back to the doctors to ask for re-certification to get the eye glasses requirement off my driver's license.
Now I am continuing the castor oil application nightly for the present. But I have also continued my research and have developed a new treatment after reading about the anti-oxidant supplement N-acetyl carnosine (NAC eye drops) which, in the eye drop form, are reputed to protect the eyes against glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts, and are prescribed by many practicing ophthmologists today.
I am also watching my "liver spots" on the backs of my hands disappear with nightly castor oil massages.
I credit the Budwig Protocol of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, with fresh-ground flax seeds, in combination with the Castor Oil, with all of my health improvements - renewed vigor, vitality, and vision health.
After several years of FO/CC I noticed my eye sight was progressively improving, and that in general I could see better without than with eyeglasses. I had no way of discerning whether my vision was improving or whether I just needed a new eye glass prescription.
But when the doctor discontinued my glaucoma eye drops last October, I credit the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese regimen. I credit FO/CC in combination with the Castor Oil drops with the reversal of my deteriorating vision and beginnings of cataracts.
The doctors just smile and say very little.
I just read the above statement and would like to thank the person who wrote the article. I too take flaxseed oil & cottage cheese for helping me with my breast problems, but will now try taking it with castor there any special type of castor oil I should take??
Hi Christine,
I believe the original poster was referring to her use of castor oil as the 2 drops per eye nightly. She also mentioned massaging the oil on her hands. I don't believe she was intending to say that she mixes the castor oil with the cottage cheese, or consumes it in any way.
(Prescott, AZ)
(Boston MA)
I would like to know where you got your pharmaceutical grade castor oil because I cannot find it anywhere.
The NAC that you took was that N Acetyl Carnosine or N Acetyl Cysteine? and was the pill form?
Please let me know where you got them my husband has cataracts and needs help.
Thank you and we are both veterans as well
Cataract Remedy Cautions
I have been researching cataracts for the past 2 years and the best solution would appear to be those in drops tested NIMMH or other pdf clinical trials on a wide variety of solutions etc, one must first know what the underlying cause is, what cataracts are in principle and then go about investigating possibilities, NOT just apply solutions ad hoc. This is dangerous and unproven. There needs to be some study somewhere to back up you need to check the safety of use ie, DMSO on the skin is very drying some dilute it 70 %. Even then it is a solvent that is ok in the eyes? I am currently using the well known isotonic solution from India, but reversing cataracts isn't easy, keep sugar and salt intake down use other supplements to boost antioxidants raise zinc levels etc . Rosmarinic acid was used in trial, but please everybody do some online research first. It is VERY easy to make the situation ten times worse and even blind yourself.
Cataract Surgery Recovery Remedies
I had cataract surgery on my left eye six months ago; my eye still a little bit inflamed. I have been seeing the ophthalmologist every other week, the doctor has been prescribing eye drops, but they are not helping. Can you kindly tell me what can I use to stop the inflammation.
Thanks a lot, Victoria
For your eye inflammation, mix some baking soda in water and use as eye drops. If you have colloidal silver, you could try that also. There are some anti-inflammation herb capsules you can put in water and heat up on stove to extract whatever and use as eye drops. Experiment with whatever you have on hand.
I was reading about cayenne pepper remedy on Earth Clinic. I notice you have mentioned about Dr. John Christopher there.
I have just started using his Herbal Eyebright Formula for help with my cataracts.
But I am worried about the cayenne in it, not because it stings, but because I have a history of CSR (central serous retinopathy) in my left eye. My left eye is the only good eye I have, and I have had CSR in that eye 4 times, the first time in 1999, then in 2016,2018 and 2020. It heals on its own, but it leaves a scar at the back of the retina.
As steroids / stimulants (like chocolate, coffee, salmon, etc) in excess cause CSR, I am worried that cayenne pepper is a steroid / stimulant. But I have read great reviews of how people have dissolved their cataracts using a Dr. Christopher's Herbal Eyebright. I am using only 2 or 3 drops total diluted in distilled water for 2 eye cups. So about 1 or 1.5. Drops per eye cup, and do it twice a day. The strength of cayenne for 10 drops is 40 HU. I am guessing it is not much for me to worry.
I have used it for about a week and am ok.
I am seeking your valuable advice and guidance.
Also, have you heard of a ACV eye wash helping to dissolve cataracts?
Many thanks,
Read the book “Curing with Cayenne” by Dr. Richard Schulze.
He studied under Dr Christopher and gave him the idea to use cayenne in the eye formula. It will help you understand the mechanics of its use.
Yes, ACV diluted can be used in the eye but it does burn! For me, the eye formula worked better. Just give it time to work.
Also, increase your vitamin A, B-Complex, C & E intake or none of this will have good results.
Cayenne is used for eyes, however extreme that might sound. Dr. Christopher recalled a student of his standing in front of a lecture and throwing a pinch of cayenne into one eye. Dr. Christopher was sure the student had lost his senses! But in a few moments, the eye stopped watering, and it became clear, bright and healthy-looking.
[This is why Dr. Christopher has Cayenne in his Herbal Eyebright formula].
(Gc, Ci)
Thank you for your response, Rob. The vitamin A, B-Complex, C & E should they be by supplements or food sources? I am not able to tolerate supplements.
Also, have you read the book? How many times to use the herbal eye formula as an eye wash? I read some reviews on amazon that it is dangerous and someone stated that they got the cataracts while using these drops.
I only have one good eye, so am trying my best to avoid having cataract surgery (cataracts are in both eyes for me).
(Gc, Ci)
Hi Rob,
You mentioned the eye formula worked for you better. Did it dissolve your cataracts? How long did you take the see the results? How many drops and how often in a day did you use the eye wash?
I want to make sure it will heal, because when I used castor oil and a NAC drops, my cataracts got worse.
Have you tried Wisdom of the Ages eye drops? It contains ACV as an inactive ingredient.
People have also reported that using regular gray bentonite clay, made into a paste, applied to your closed eyelids, and left on for about 30 minutes will eventually get rid of cataracts.
Bentonite has many uses, I keep a small jar of paste (bentonite mixed with water) on my kitchen counter.
If you burn yourself, apply it immediately. It's a bloody miracle! The pain is instantly gone. It's great for insect bites and a zillion other things.
Coconut Oil
- 2 tablespoons at breakfast - Diarrhea all day
- frying with it for 4 days - bit of dizziness
- hoped it might help with cataracts - any chance?
- female age 84
(somewhere, europe)
Jac, I put Castor Oil on my eyelids before sleep a few times a week, and so far so good, cataracts haven't grown.
(northern calif)
Hi Jac, I am 80 years and have been putting castor oil for about 3 months on my eye lids to reverse cataracts. I notice when I check the clock radio by my bed the numbers on the clock are getting easier to read. Milly
Coconut Water
(Auckland, New Zealand)
Coconut Water
(Ranchi Jharkhand)
How much time does the coconut water takes to dissolve cataract. Is it successful in a cataract that is nearly advanced? Tell about the quantity, process, method, how many times in a day. Regards
You make it sound as if the cure was instantaneous. Was it? Or did it take weeks? Months? It would be nice to know.
I'd like to ask how is coconut water used for cataracts. Sounds amazing and have tried many things and I know I will beat this somehow with all my faith in God to lead me to the best remedy. The effect it had on your Dad's eyes Lisa sounds amazing and so encouraging to us. Thanks for your reply.
I tried this after reading your post, but the coconut water did nothing. How many times do you have to do it to see results.
It's really hard when people put up a post like this but don't give you the real details about how long it took for the coconut water to heal the eyes and especially I would like to know the name of the book that you bought that claimed this. Please fill us in! Also, did your dad just have the start of cataracts or did he have them a long time?
Hippocrates: "If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool."
Curious about actual proportion of DMSO to distilled water to make it safe for eye use. I will hesitate and second guess myself without clear mixing instructions. Thank you!
(New York, USA)
What do you use to dilute the solution? I ordered this from Amazon.
Would this be Ok to dilute to 70%?
Thank You.
(Tidewater VA)
Best DMSO I have found is from Biogenic Foods ( It is USA produced (TX) and is 99.999% pure.
I looked on Amazon and saw many negative reviews on various other DMSO products. The Biogenics is pricy but my eyes are worth it.
I don't have any experience topically, but internally consumed mixed with spinach clears them.
The person I know that did this method used a tsp per day of DMSO in a spinach smoothie.
Is it possible to get the recipe for the spinach dmso smoothie?