Apple Cider Vinegar
I now suggest organic for both and Raw Honey. In a matter of two months, all of his belly weight had disappeared.
To add to that what I have learned over the years...
I am not Jewish, but NOT mixing milk products with meat is also very helpful since it it easier to digest out food.
What Western medical doctors won't tell us also is that when we combine our protein and carbs they turn into fat in our bodies immediately. We do need carbs, but complex carbs rather than all of the processed white flour and white sugar. Processed food is poison more than anything. We really can't trust the FDA. They allow chemicals to be put in our food. I believe that so many health problems are caused by chemicals that our bodies just don't agree with. Western doctors will just keep treating the symptoms.
Try Oatmeal and sprouted grain breads and pastas, you'll be surprised at how quickly you get use to them.
Lean protein and vegetables together.
Don't get on the scale every day, you'll just frustrate yourselves.
When I got pregnant with my son I weighed 125 pounds. I ate like a foodball player during my pregnancy. I gained over 100 pounds! He was a big beautiful 10 lb baby, lol. After nursing for a year and continuing to eat well I lost it all.
Look at the size of your bone structure and don't pressure yourself. Not all of us are meant to be skinny, just healthy and in proportion. Consider your genetic background.
I believe that Cider Vinegar is an amazing remedy for just naturally cleansing out our bodies, not just breaking down fat. Bath in it too. Try a full cup in a bath and massage cellulite. You will need to increase your water intake. I weigh 140 pounds now and I drink almost a gallon of water a day.
I just started Oil Pulling for my overall health and dental since I don't have a fortune to spend on my teeth. Bless all of you and your health. You can do it!
(Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica)
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
I am sorry but I still find cellulitis and cellulite very confusing! Do you have the goose bumps on your legs women suffer from nowadays or the more complicated illness which is not related in the least? I mixed up both names a while ago and now I have found the explanation for that. Well, two explanations, not only both names are very similar but on the top of that, in Dutch, cellulite is often referred to as cellulitis. As I speak Dutch when I lived there I always heard people talking about cellulitis and read quite a bit about it as I happen to have quite a bit on my legs. Now I don't live there anymore I had completely forgotten about the word till I read it on this site and immediately connected it to the under skin problem, not to something more complicated.
My question is, is it wise to have two conditions with such similar names? And on the top of everything else have an illness with a name which is exactly the same as a skin problem in another language. This will lead to a lot of confusion! Therefore I couldn't understand why a lady here was so worried about her cellulitis..... well, she didn't mean an unsightly problem but a severe illness but how is one to know? Weird to say the least.....
(Los Angeles, Ca)
(Melbourne, Australia)
Anything with the word itis at the end usually mean "inflammation". Vitamin C in mega doses usually will clear up an infection.
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Sorry but I think that you missed my point, Linda. I was not talking about the difference between both problems, at least that wasn't my main goal, my question was whether it was wise to have two very different problems with almost similar names which will provoke a lot of confusion! To make things worse at least in Dutch Cellulite is called Cellulitis and that can't be changed as I believe that Cellulite /Cellulitis was here long before Cellulitis as an illness appeared (at least I had never heard of it till recently). I just don't manage to believe how the two problems got to have such similar names, after all there are so many names to chose from when you name an illness.... As someone else said here recently she two got confused the first time she heard the word Cellulitis!
(Naperville, Illinois, Usa)
To Francisca from Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France - I agree that the words cellulitis and cellulite are very similar and that can be quite confusing. However, any word ending in "itis" means inflammation, I. E. , bronchitis, arthritis, tonsililitis. Cellulitis is a severe inflammation of the cells (derma) brought on by bacteria that needs immediate medical attention. Hope this helps clear up the confusion. I always enjoy your informative posts and book reviews.
(Forestville, Ca)
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Calgary, Ab, Canada)
I am allergic to apple juice. Have been since I was a baby, so there is no getting around it. Doesn't matter if it is organic or not, I still get a rash at the base of my neck. (the allergy is very bizzare because I can eat apples without a problem and juice them at home) I used diluted ACV on my face. It really helps to close the pores on my nose, but it seemed to make my forehead more inflammed. I have combo skin. Dry cheeks and oily t-zone.
For cellulite, would I ingest the acv, or rub it on alternately with coconut oil?
Baking Soda
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
(Marlboro, Ma, Usa)
(Westminster, Co)
Thank you so much, for the lady with the extensive post on washing with baking soda, using organic apple cider vinegar, for toner, and coconut oil for moisture. Also her other tips with borax, etc. The most helpful tips ever, and I am 55, and have studied holistic health for 25 years. I have made a friend in the Philipines, snd she can find these too. God Bless you, Earth Clinic posters, Never stop this site!!!! Forever grateful! :-)
(Toronto, Canada)
Hi Sasha, I started using borax for hair wash and in bathtub too, few months ago. As for bathtub, I read online that ppl use 1/2 cup on average, some upto a cap of borax, with 1cup of epsom salts. I also add vitamin c 1gr powder as well, for water filter effect.
I started soaking my hair first at the end of the bath, before washing hair with baby shampoo. later on, I stopped using baby shampoo, but just mixed some baking soda and borax handful and rub into my scalp. then it happened to run out of baking soda, so just used borax alone, rubbed and let it sit for 5 min then rinse. I feel this procedure suits me, will see overtime if effective as detox. however, my skin moles are flaring up a bit if I stay longer with borax. not sure yet if good or bad sign, but it reminds me of times when I tried to get rid of them, area irritated due to applying some Apple Cider Vinegar or similar.
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
1) No more bleeding hemmoroids. I was bleeding 2 or 3 times a week. I was going to go to the dr. but I started the oil and 1 week later, no more blood.
2) No more athletes foot. No more body odor or foot odor, or bad breath.
3) No more yeast infections.
4) Not one pimple on my face. I would get at least 1 pimples per week. I have now soft shiny skin and hair, my wrinkles have gone.
5) No more PMS symptoms: puffiness, mood swings, headaches.
6) And yes. I got into my size 6's which I haven't been able to in 5 years! My stomach is gone! No more cellulite. And I still kept all my muscle. Only the fat is gone. I started at 160 lbs and now, about 150. What more can I say?
(Washington, DC)
Coconut Oil
I saw a reduction (though not a total elimination) of the cellulite I've had on the back of my legs since I was 18 (I'm 28 now). I ate a very poor diet high in refined flours and no amount of high-intensity cardio and rigorous dieting would reduce the rolls on the backs of my legs. I saw results in about a month. I also used it on the tiny red bumps on my arms and saw results in a week. I just this week started using it as a moisturizer on my face -- I have painful cysts around my chin. I had been using Proactiv, which worked for about a year, but the cysts came back. Also, I was concerned about what I was hearing about benzoyl peroxide damaging the skin. So I've been applying a thin coat of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil to my skin morning and night. So far, the results have been... bad. I've had about a dozen tiny pimples and several old spots that I thought had healed flared back up. I'm not sure if my skin is healing itself and getting all sorts of junk out, or if I'm just clogging up my pores. I'm going to try to stick it out for another week or so and will update if it improves. I'm wondering which is worse... a few painful cysts around my chin or numerous tiny pimples all over my forehead and chin? Hmmm.
(Toronto, Ontario)
Coconut oil will clog your pores. Its not great for the face. Try hazelnut, jojoba or sunflower oil. And you can mix in a little tea tree or lavendar essential oils for the bacteria.
Alicia, you are right on with comment about Tea Tree. It sounds like she may have Rosacea, and Tea Tree will take care of that (give it a few months)
Coconut, Grapefruit and Castor Oils
I read about this on another web site and tried, today is the 5th day and I'm happy to report that very bad cellulite on my upper legs reduced significantly.
Here's what I do, mix about 1 tbs each of Coconut Oil and Castor Oil and 5 drops of Grapefruit essential oil in a glass jar.
Take a teaspoon of the mix in my hand and rub my hands together to melt coconut and create heat since castor oil works best with heat. Then massage wherever is needed, fast to create heat.
I did this morning and at night, twice a day.
Coffee Grounds
I am 18 years old and due to a small weight gain i noticed i was getting cellulite on my legs. Ive always had some but its gotten alot more visible. I hated wearing shorts and skirts that showed my legs. So one day i read about using used coffee grounds on your cellulite trouble spots. I decided to give it a try i had nothing to lose except cellulite. So i took the used coffee grounds from my coffee maker mixed it with lotion to give it a consistency that will make the coffee cling to my legs. You can also use oils such as coconut oil or olive oil. Whatever floats your boat. (: I applied it, left it on for about 10 mins and then massaged my legs (with the coffee still on them), rinsed it off, looked in the mirror and instantly the skin on my legs looked "firmer" and there was alot less cellulite "indents" hah. It absolutely works. However remember, the appearance of cellulite can be reduced for a certain time period. It does come back eventually. I suggest do the coffee treatment 2 or 3 times a week. Do not overdo it especially if you have sensitive skin because you will break out in little red spots, nothing too serious however. Goes away with a little application of ACV or on its own in a few days. Combine with exercise and overall reduction of body fat (if necessary) and you will have the smooth even looking legs every female wants.
Coffee Grounds
I have also done research and experimented on myself the use of caffeine (coffee grounds) on my thighs and you can almost see an instant result. I moistened the regular coffee grounds, then applied them all over my thighs. Next I massaged for about 5 min each thigh and reapplied so my thighs were covered. I wrapped my legs with cling wrap and placed warm towels around my legs and kept doing so for about 10 minutes. The caffeine tightens your skin almost instantly however this method needs to be repeated hourly it's more for an instant effect.
Collagen, Gotu Kola
I had very bad cellulite on my stomach legs, thighs, buttocks and arms, this made me very depressed. I take 2 large tbs of powder collagen supplements, I should take another 2 tbs at night but I get lazy. I also take 2 capsules of 475mg of Gotu Kola in the morning. And I use a sulux wash cloth in the shower which is supposed to help with cellulite. My cellulite is 90% gone, I feel much better about it and can wear shorts again, the cellulite on my arms and stomach are gone. I'm also going to try and eat healthier and exercise maybe that will completely get rid of it from my legs.
Good luck, everyone.
Cut Carbs
Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium Citrate
Hi Nicole,
Can you give us an update on using magnesium citrate for cellulite? Thanks!