Natural Remedies

Cholecystectomy (Gall Bladder Removal) Remedies

| Modified on Aug 14, 2020
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Your gallbladder is an important gland that helps process the foods, particularly fats, that you eat, but sometimes this organ also causes problems. If you have had gallbladder issues, such as gallstones or even gallbladder attacks, you may be facing or even already undergone gallbladder surgery. However, treatment doesn’t stop just because the ill-functioning organ has been removed. A variety of natural cures, such as choline, betaine, lecithin, and others, help support regular digestive function and help you get back to as normal a lifestyle as quickly as possible.

What Is a Cholecystectomy?

Johns Hopkins Medicine defines a cholecystectomy as the surgical removal of the gallbladder. Your gallbladder is situated just beneath your liver in the upper right of your abdomen. This organ stores and concentrates bile, which is used by your liver to digest fat.

Why Would I Need My Gallbladder Removed?

According to Medline Plus, your gallbladder may be removed for two different reasons: (1.) you have pain or other symptoms from gallstones or (2.) your gallbladder is not functioning normally. Depending on the condition of your gallbladder, you may experience different symptoms. Common symptoms of gallbladder issues include indigestion, infection, nausea and vomiting, and pain after eating.

Do I Still Need Treated After Surgery?

While it may seem like all of your digestive issues should be solved after surgery, this really isn’t the case. You shouldn’t experience any more pain; however, you do need to take precautionary measures to support healthy digestion and to ensure that you are getting the proper nutrients you need. In addition to suggestions from your doctor, you can also utilize a number of natural treatments as support. Some of the best nutritional supplements following gallbladder removal include choline, betaine, and lecithin.

1. Choline lists choline as an important nutrient following a cholecystectomy. This nutrient helps your body absorb fat and cholesterol and actually stimulates the production of lipoproteins in your liver. You can take choline as a supplement in doses of 3.5g per day for adults.

2. Betaine

Betaine is another nutrient that helps your body breakdown and absorb fats. This nutrient helps maintain your metabolism and also limits some of the side effects, such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea, following surgery. You can typically find betaine in capsule or powder form and should take a common dose of 1-2g

3. Lecithin

Lecithin is an additional supplement that supports digestive function following gallbladder removal. Research suggests that this substance keeps cholesterol from solidifying in your body and helps support your digestion of fats. You can get lecithin by eating foods such as oatmeal, eggs, and peanuts, or take 500 to 1,000 milligrams daily in the form of a supplement or powder.

Cleansing your liver using lemon oil or drinking diluted apple cider vinegar is also important following a gallbladder removal. Keep reading below for tips from our readers on more ways to support your digestive health after a cholecystectomy.


Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder Removal)
Gallbladder Removal
Supplements for Gallbladder Removal

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Gall Bladder/Liver Cleanse After a Cholecystectomy

Posted by Joanofarc83 (Morton, Illinois Usa) on 05/14/2010

I had my gall bladder removed years ago. I have done several liver cleanses with good results. I also have a fatty liver. Many stones came out as well as lots of chaff. The first cleanse produced over 100 stones. Google 'Hulda Clark' for the liver cleanse. The uses fresh lemon, grapefruit, olive oil, Epsom salts and water. Good luck.

Replied by Dennis

My wife just had a gall bladder removed. Now due to improper review there are some non blocking gall stones in the common bile duct. Would the Hulda Clark cleanse help that?

Gall Bladder/Liver Cleanse After a Cholecystectomy
Posted by Pat (Athens, Al, Usa) on 05/13/2010

I asked a question about a week ago but haven't found an answer. i had my gallbladder removed in 1997 and wondered if I would still benefit from doing some type of cleanse. Obviously I can't do a "gallbladder" cleanse since there isn't one, but would a liver cleanse be essentially the same thing? And with so many out there and no gallbladder what would be one of the better home made cleanses to try? I know I'm asking a lot of questions but who else would know except all of you wonderful people? I just want to get and stay healthy and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. Thank You.

Replied by Pat
(Athens, Al, Usa)

Thank you, I will google it and see what I can find. I just didn't know it was doable without a gallbladder. So if it cleanses the liver it's got to be good!

EC: Hi Pat,

You might find some good recipes here:

Improving Digestion of Beneficial Fats

Posted by Joan (Arcata, California, Usa) on 04/08/2010

Would you make a new listing under "ailments" for people who have already had their gall bladders removed? I would like to know suggestions for how to improve digestion of beneficial fats. I understand that people without gall bladders are more prone to nervousness in addition to bloating and even heart disease.

EC: Thanks for the suggestion! New ailments page created under "Cholecystectomy".

Manuka Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Clatterbuck (Beltsville, Md) on 08/14/2020

Editor's Choice

I seem to have accidentally discovered a cure for my post gallbladder removal issues. After the removal of my gallbladder a couple of years ago, I started having problems with needing to rush to the bathroom after I ate. Certain things seemed to trigger it but sometimes it seemed to come out of nowhere. It was really annoying. I also think all of the diarrhea was causing me to miss out on nutrients.

Last month, I had a sore throat and decided to use my usual sore throat remedy of manuka honey. This time my throat hurt pretty bad so I took a teaspoon in the morning and a teaspoon at night for a week. The sore throat went away like usual, but since then I haven't had any diarrhea, not even after I drink coffee.

I haven't even had any honey for two weeks and it still seems to be working. I don't know if the manuka honey is what fixed the problem but it is the only thing I did differently before my stomach problems stopped.

Ox Bile

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Claudi0 (Spring Hill, Florida) on 02/19/2013

Bile Salts: I had my gallbladder removed almost 5 months ago, it was loaded with gangrene. I healed nicely but the spasms continued. I did weeks of research on the Internet and decided to give ox bile 500 mg a try. I was uncomfortable all the time but of course more so right after eating. I am not a big eater; I munch a little during the day and eat a normal dinner. This ox bile is a freeze dried capsule you take just before you eat. This has been an amazing discovery for me. I found this product on line at a major vitamin mfg. And I don't think I'll ever be without it. I've been on this product for only one week and my discomfort level is 90 percent improved. As a side benefit, I've noticed that my scalp psoriasis is clearing up. I am totally amazed at the result of this product. I truly hope this helps someone. I have no bad side effects as I have read a very few experienced (bloating, gas, etc.).

Replied by Angela

I know I need bile salts, but it gives me gas. Has anyone else experienced this? Does this go away after continued use? Thank you!

Supplements after Cholecystectomy

Posted by Tiari (Bridgeport, Ct) on 03/29/2013

I have had my gallbladder removed four weeks ago, and found afterward, I couldn't digest -any- food, even bland fat free foods were causing gas, bloating, stomach pain and frequent bowel movements. I did find extreme relief by taking a daily probiotic once a day, as well as a choline suppliment once a day. I also take, with -every- meal, ox bile suppliments (bile salts), as well as a good digestive enzyme supplement. As long as I take them, I can eat anything I like without issues.
