Reader Q&A
(Faithville, Us)
Hi Eve, you might want to research Astragalus.. Blessings, Charity
Reader Q&A
(Madison, AL)
I would think that you are inhaling particulates and that would aggravate the cough. Just my opinion.
Removing Ear Wax
Since posting this, I found out as we all age, ear wax tends to dry out. This means that impaction of the wax can become more prevalent. I used a combination of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water to clean the ears.
Sea Salt
I figured that, with such an unusual build up of phlegm and mucus in my lungs, there just had to be an infection involved. This problem wasn't due to a cold or flu, this was something entirely different because only the lungs were affected.
I tried nebulizing with hydrogen peroxide and, at different times, I also nebulized with with either lugol's iodine or potassium iodide in water. None of these regimens worked to get rid of my excessive lung mucus or coughing problem.
Then, two or three days ago, I remembered another pearl from Ted. He advises that just taking sea salt and water will greatly reduce heavy mucus or phlegm build up in the lungs. So I tried it.
Why is Ted always so right? I swear that if there was a Nobel Prize for Medical Honesty then Ted would win it -- hands down -- every time.
Anyway, back to my problem. So, 3 days ago, I took 1/2 level teaspoon of sea salt mixed with a a glass of water. I took this at about 8:00 pm at night. That night, I had the best sleep than I've had in months. No coughing. No mucus.
It's now been three days since I started the sea salt regimen(I now add drops of magnesium oil to the mix as well) and I can now say pretty confidently that I am cured of this annoying problem which has been dogging me for months.
Some more relevant information. Several months ago we had the aircon in our bedroom cleaned. And lo and behold we found a large, dead and festering gecko inside the aircon that was in the air output path. Well, there's the source the lung infecting pathogens for sure. My partner also had a coughing problem, but she got over it after a while but I couldn't get rid of this problem.
Until I took Ted's advice.
I've also read that, before biblical times, there were Ethiopian desert tribes in Africa who truly realized and appreciated the value of salt. To them, salt was life or death. They used to trade and buy natural salt for it's equivalent weight in gold. And I think they had that dead right.
I was so impressed with the effects of sea salt, sea salt is also now part of my night regimen, since I reckon that my average daily salt intake was way too low in the first place and that's not a clever habit for a guy like me living in a hot and humid country like the Philippines.
Bill. I agree. The last few years have been "go back" years. I mean go back to Ted's and your advice. Every time I use a remedy from Ted, I have success. If I try something else I usually wind up going right back to his remedies. Amazing body of work he provides. E.C. is the other miracle as we have this information at our fingertips. Your contribution is pretty great too as I get up to go get my sea salt in water I should have started last night.....I was using my ammonia spray from ted. Coughing is mold for me every time. Except this time. Forgetting that basic remedy number 1 is sea salt. Thank you Bill Thompson. Janet
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Janet...Thanks for commenting. Yes, who would think that by just taking sea salt you could cure such an annoying and prolonged lung/mucus problem?
I've just been watching a long video lecture by Dr Joel Wallach. It's here. That man is simply overflowing with common sense. He is also a qualified vet and most of his advice comes from his own experience as both a vet and as a research pathologist. It's also quite poignant that in America, farmers cannot get medical insurance for their animals. So whenever a vet comes to look at your sick prize breeding bull, that vet better cure the bull -- he had better perform -- else the farmer will not be impressed and that vet will get a bad rep and no more business. With medical doctors who treat humans, the approach seems to be entirely different. Just treat the symptoms with drugs -- a cure doesn't usually even come into the equation -- that's what they always do. Perhaps the lesson here is that if the allopathic doctors are not able to cure what ails you with their drugs and your not happy with this then perhaps you should just ask a vet what ails you because vets seem to be more honest, more clued up on diet and much more capable at finding cures.
Thyme in Lemon Water
Thyme in lemon water can help a cough. Also, we do a steam inhalation with thyme sea salt or pink salt and mint and find that helps.
Vapor Rub
(Denver, Colorado)
I used this remedy for my children when they were still babies for coughs and colds.
Vapor Rub
Vitamin D3
I suggested she do the Vitamin D3 treatment....50,000 ius on the first day followed by 10,000 ius each day for a week and then 50,000 more for the following 2 weeks plus the daily 10,000. Guess what. She is cured. She had been on antibiotics and everything imaginable to get rid of this. She was sick for over 8 months.
Not only is her respiratory infection gone but she told me that she is no longer depressed and she has a great outlook on life again. Mind you, when I saw Cindy in January her skin was gray and she couldn't talk without coughing. Today looks completely healthy. I just went upstairs on a errand and I saw her in the classroom with students and the teacher she assists and she was laughing and healthy for the first time in almost a year. Vitamin D is an amazing thing.