Chronic Renal Failure
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Chronic Renal Failure

| Modified on Aug 19, 2024
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Chronic renal failure (chronic kidney disease) is a serious and ongoing decline of the kidneys. The kidneys are critical to the body's proper function and health because they filter fluids, toxins and wastes from the body. As the kidneys continue to decline, a kidney transplant or dialysis may become necessary. Natural treatment of chronic renal failure includes a diet that is sensitive to the low function of the kidneys, herbs, and charcoal therapy.

If your kidneys are functioning poorly and continuing to decline, you need to be in regular contact with your doctor to monitor your own particular situation. Any suggestions outlined here should only be considered in light of the recommendations of your doctor. Because each individual has different needs and requirements, these suggestions need to be seen as a starting point. Your doctor will be regularly monitoring your blood, kidney function and particular needs.

Additionally, with chronic kidney disease, your body's balance of certain minerals, especially phosphorus and sodium needs to be monitored. Proper balance of nutrients is critical to your body's health, especially to your heart health. Kidney patients usually need to limit their phosphorus and sodium intake, and often their fluid intake to prevent edema and overtaxing the kidneys.

Reduce your Toxin Load

A basic function of the kidneys is to remove toxins from the body. It is easier for your body if you avoid the toxins in the first place than to give your kidneys with the job of removing them.

Eat Organically

Food that is grown organically does not have the chemicals and pesticides that conventionally grown food does. This will be easier on your body. Eating organic food will reduce the stress to your kidneys.

Use Natural Cleaning Products

Your body does absorb chemicals through the skin and lungs. Cleaning products are full of chemicals, some of which will end up in your body, needing to be filtered out. Use vinegar and baking soda for most of your cleaning needs. These are not harmful to your health.  If, for some reason you must use cleaning products with chemicals, wear a mask and use gloves to reduce the toxin load to your body.

Natural Diet for Chronic Renal Failure

If you have dealt with kidney disease for a long time, you have likely seen many lists of foods to eat and avoid.

Do avoid processed foods. Processed foods have more chemicals and less nutrients.

Do avoid fast food. Fast food is highly processed and lacking in nutrients.

If you consume a lot of fast food and processed food, your body will want more food, as it is craving nutrients. People with kidney disease will ideally only eat as much food as they need, since more food will require more work for the kidneys. Make the foods you eat count and avoid empty calorie foods. Your need your foods to nourish your body.

Eating smaller more frequent meals will be easier on your body. If you eat before you get very hungry, you will avoid the stress of eating too much in one meal.


Use organic coconut oil and organic olive oil for your fats. These high quality oils have healing and nutritious properties. Avoid fried foods as these are harder for the body to process. Friend foods often contain a lot of sodium, which is usually restricted for those with kidney disease.


If you have chronic kidney disease, you are likely on a protein restricted diet. This usually means limiting your meat and dairy consumption. Many dairy products, a common source of protein, also contain a lot of phosphorus, which is also usually restricted for those with chronic renal failure.


While whole grains are usually preferred because they are more nutrient dense, but those with chronic renal failure of often told to avoid whole grains because they have more phosphorus in them. If you are restricted to white flour, chose a high quality flour. For example, King Midas flour is not bromated or bleached, so it would be a better choice than the typical bleached and bromated flours on the market.

Fruits and Vegetables

Berries are usually a good choice for those with kidney disease because they are lower in phosphorus than many other fruits. Apples, peaches and pineapples are good choices as well. Lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, peppers, onions, tomatoes and green beans are low in phosphorus.


People with chronic renal disease usually have fluid intake restrictions.Make the fluids you take in count. Avoid soda, as it is a source of empty calories and also often contains phosphorus. Do drink the amount you are allowed each day. Water is needed to flush the kidneys, even if they are not working well.

Charcoal Therapy for Chronic Renal Failure

Activated charcoal has been used successfully for those with chronic renal failure. Activated charcoal does not absorb toxins, rather it adsorbs them. That is, it works through the chemical process of adsorption, where it gathers toxins in a condensed layer on the surface. It is what is used to filter the blood during kidney dialysis. But dialysis is not the only way to make use of charcoal for its benefit to those with chronic renal failure. Activated charcoal powder can be used internally and externally to assist the body in removing toxins.

Activated charcoal can be taken as a powder mixed into water, or taken in tablet or capsule form. Because charcoal powder can be constipating, it should be taken with adequate water and signs of constipation should be watched for.

Charcoal poultices can be used on the kidney area several times a week.

A very low protein diet with internal use of charcoal proved to effectively sustain 9 elderly patients in a trial. In fact, after 10 months, their blood urea levels and creatinine were significantly decreased. In other words, these elderly patients did well without dialysis during the time of a careful diet and charcoal treatment. (See note 1.)

Herbs for Chronic Renal Failure

Marshmallow root and dandelion root are two herbs that can be helpful to those with renal failure. These herbs can be taken in capsules or teas. There are also a number of herbal kidney formulas on the market which contain herbs that are of particular help to the kidneys.

Sunshine and Exercise

Sunshine and exercise are not only good for your body, they are good for your mental state. Take time to get a bit of sunshine and movement each day. Not only will it help your health, it will help your mind, which in the end, helps your health as well!

Do you have chronic renal failure? Have you tried natural remedies to help your condition? We would love to hear from you!


Note 1:

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Dietary Changes

Posted by Benkatz (Odessa, Mo) on 11/27/2013

People with Renal failure need to know that the number one thing they need to do is stop eating their normal diet and sweat. If they eat sugars, gluten-containing foods regularly, excessive protein, etc, the problem will compound. Eat raw fruits or vegetables, drink kombucha or herbal teas. Food-induced acidity and toxin absorbsion through air, mouth or skin is the reason the kidneys are failing (unless dehydration is the culprit, and in that case-real water is needed, not tap or "filtered" water). Don't forget to relieve your kidneys of toxin removal duty a bit by exercising and going to a sauna, or just finding a way to sweat.

Also, if you have mercury amalgams, realize that kidneys are unable to remove the mercury without help (garlic, cilantro, chlorella). Either get the mercury out or pull the tooth, it might put years on one's life. ACV will help eliminate any pathenogenic by-products or bacteria, etc. and the bicarbonate will help restore blood alkalinity and help kidney function. Junk food and beverages are the real problem, so stop ingesting them!

A good idea would be to stop eating, take blackstrap molasses, ACV and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in 1:30 intervals throughout the day. Your body will tell you which one it needs more of. If you crave it, you probably need it. For more severe cases, continue for 3+ days. Dialysis should be used when one won't give up food, but bicarbonate has been proven in studies to help kidney function, doctors probably don't care. They'd zip you up in a body bag early, literally, read about Roy Benivides, a Medal of Honor winner ( not that war should ever be supported, but it is a great illustration of the apathetical attitude taken on by some physicians).

Sodium bicarbonate does have a laxative effects, but if one's kidneys are failing, you need to be cleaned out anyway. Ph and toxin concentration are most significantly affected by the rotting animal carcasses in the bowels. We were designed to eat fruits, vegetables and herbs, forget all the high-protein hype.

Hot peppers should also help relieve water retention too, in some cases. Chilis, habaneros, cayenne, etc, should help in reducing edema as well as killing off unwanted bacteria that cause kidney infection, but this may only be the underlying problem for a minority of CKD sufferers.

Bottom line- observe your body's reactions and think logically, forget drugs and dialysis, you weren't meant to live like that. Clean out your body or machines are your only hope, because drugs kill after a while. Also, go outside and exercise. Pray to G-d, He may reveal a cure, like He did to Hezekiah.

Distilled Water

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by JediSleeveEye (Lethbridge, Alta. Canada) on 05/15/2022

I would go to Distilled Water for Kidney Failure, Get him to drink a Gallon a day. No Less, and more would actually work better. Distilled Water is what must be used to perform Kidney Dialysis. Big Pharma knows this... Kidneys are clogged and have been slowly dying off for years thus failing, this is Kidney Failure. Supplementation with Borax likely wouldn't have any deleterious effects

Distilled Water
Posted by JediSleeveEye (Lethbridge, Alta. Canada) on 05/15/2022

I would go to Distilled Water for Kidney Failure, Get him to drink a Gallon a day. No Less, and more would actually work better. Distilled Water is what must be used to perform Kidney Dialysis. Big Pharma knows this... Kidneys are clogged and have been slowly dying off for years thus failing, this is Kidney Failure. Supplementation with Borax likely wouldn't have any deleterious effects

Replied by Jerry
(Miramar, Florida)
24 posts

Hi, I know it's an old post, did you mean Borax, the laundry soap? And if it is, what are the dosage. I'm just checking my quest patient portal, and there's a lot of bad kidney numbers, B12, C02 and HC03and my pcp never bothered bringing them up. And its been going on for over a year. Thank you in advance.


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4 star (1) 

Posted by Sara (Chicago, Il) on 07/07/2014

I suffer from chronic kidney disease. I have done the merry-go-round of antibiotics and getting well for a few weeks, only to relapse worse than before. A couple of months ago, I suffered a particularly bad bout. Meds were not helping and I found my kidney function dropping rapidly. The last time I had gotten that bad led to a week stay in hospital. Literally, I was not urinating, my skin was breaking out in rashes from the toxins, and I was bloating from the water retention. I was panicked as another hospital stay could devastate my family financially.

I turned to drinking hot lemon juice every few hours and that helped, but I was still not at a level which would be considered "functioning." I had read about DMSO a few years ago on this site when looking for help with UTIs. Something just nagged and said I should go back and do more research. I did and finally bought a bottle.

I wet a cottonball with about 1 tsp of pure 99% DMSO and rubbed it on my back/side, right below the shoulderblade all the way down to above my hip bone on both my left and right side, as I wanted to get my kidneys and upper urinary tract. Once dry, I repeated it on my front, from below the breast line to above my hip. I then wiped it across my abdomen where my bladder is. Yes, it itched like mad, but it wasn't unbearable.

Within a few hours, I was urinating. I was down to 5% functioning and went up to 50%. After a few more applications, I was much higher than that.

I should note, I still have problems. I have been using the DMSO for about 6 weeks and am markedly better, but not well. However, I have suffered for years with this ailment and feel that it will take several more months of treatments for me to truly heal.

A note on the smell. I did not find it bad at all. However, since I work in an office, I purposely limit application to 2-3 times a week and I have found that works well. No comments, no strange looks--even from people sitting next to me on the commuter train. Though there are times I do get a whiff of it, usually if I'm hot and sweating. I dab on a bit of essential oil and that is enough to cover it. I should also note, someone said that wiping the area with water before applying the DMSO would help with the itching. It did make it less itchy, but only to a degree, and I found that it drastically increased the smell. So I don't do that anymore.

One thing that I could not seem to find in my research was how long you should wait until bathing after apply DMSO. It took me many days of internet browsing; only one site had the answer. You should wait at least 2 hours before showering or bathing after applying the DMSO.

Note that while using the DMSO, I am still doing other things as well. I have continued drinking the hot lemon water, as well as drinking unsweetened cranberry juice, cayenne tea, as well as baking soda in water. I have also limited my meat and caffeine intake. However, I was doing that before and it was only moderately helping. I truly believe I would be in the hospital if it weren't for the DMSO.

Another thing I found helpful has been taking detox baths. 2 cups of epsom salt in hot but tolerable water. I added a few drops of lavender oil so it smells nice. Literally, after 20 minutes, the water was turning yellowish from the uric acid leaving my skin.

Anyhow, I will try to post my progress in a few months, but I felt a strong need to share my story in the hopes it will help someone else.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Sara: Thanx for your report on DMSO and other naturals; and glad you are better.

The herb Parsley is good kidney stimulant. Dr Christopher has a Kidney/Bladder herbal formula w/ all the major herbs for this condition and I have used w/ much success over-the-yrs. I usually take Cranberry softgels an hr prior to the herbal formula for best results.

I am perplexed at your reducing coffee or tea or caffeine as they are all good mild diuretics. Eating Watermelon is also very good kidney food. I imagine Watermelon fallowed w/ a cup of Java would be excellent.

Replied by Malu

I had kidney problems, and after a while, I notice that drinking more than one cup of coffee a day, or coffee plus caffeinated drinks, it bothers my left kidney, so I avoid it. If you want a good diuretic herb, use horsetail. Just boil a small amount, three spoonfuls if it is chopped finely, in four cups of water. You can sweeten with honey if you are not diabetic, and drink either two or the four cups in a day. If it is too much liquid for you, use only two cups of water. Please let us know how are you doing.
