Natural Remedies

CTE Home Remedies for Brain Trauma

| Modified on Jan 23, 2022
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Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a difficult condition to diagnose and treat, but home remedies and natural therapies can help mitigate symptoms and hopefully repair the damages to delicate brain tissue.

CTE as an increasing medical concern is getting more attention these days among soldiers and American Football players. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy results from substantial and primarily from repeated head trauma such is suffered by athletes in sports that include violent player-to-player contact as well as among soldiers exposed to explosive concussions.

While CTE is a degenerative brain disorder with symptoms of depression, headaches, aggression, dementia, etc., only an autopsy of the brain can provide a conclusive diagnosis at this time.

Home Remedies: Natural treatments and treatments of any kind for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy are limited at present, but controlling inflammation with herbal or dietary anti-inflammatories may provide some relief.

Continue reading below for feedback from our wonderful readers, one of whom suggests taking Serrapeptase on an empty stomach for 3 months.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Hyperbaric Oxygen, Amino Acids

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Miranda (Atlanta, Ga, USA) on 01/22/2010

My husband has had multiple concussions which have led to post-concussion syndrome. After his 3rd head injury, his MDs told him he'd never work or drive again, to learn to live with extreme pain and they only had pharmaceuticals, for symptom control/relief, or a shunt that they could offer. One of his MDs, at my request, found a clinic that would do hyperbaric oxygen treatments (hbot) for conditions AMA does not officially approve of for using hbot. My husband did 40 sessions, 1 hour at pressure, in a 100% oxygen environment, and 11 days later was back at work. The results were extremely significant and all forms of brain injury can respond to hbot. We saw other folks who were coming to the clinic making progress before our eyes, kids with cerebral palsy, people who'd had strokes. The sooner after a brain trauma the treatment begins, the better, but improvement can still come years later. There are many links for many different conditions there; brain injury is not the only condition that hbot can provide healing for. The results for my husband were so significant, we now own a hyperbaric chamber instead of having bought long term health care insurance. That chamber is our long term insurance.

In addition to hbot, we've found amino acid supplementation to be helpful in symptom control. The effects are often extremely quick - a few minutes literally.

Certain amino acids are precursors to brain chemicals, for instance l-tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, phenylalanine is a precursor to dopamine, etc. Using amino acids requires observation and interaction on the part of the healer and if possible, the patient. For instance, my husband, unable to take gabapentin, a pharmaceutical involved in GABA brain levels, found great relief using GABA amino acid, but we had to have the powdered form and initially he could only use 1 grain at a time of the powder.

Neither hbot nor amino acid supplementation has provided 100% cure for my husband by any means, but they have provided significant and noticeable healing and/or relief. I am continuing my search for other routes to healing brain injuries and will share whatever I find. I am sorry that this post is over 2 years after the initial question, but hope this will still be helpful for some people.

Replied by Headsupcte
(Charlotte, Nc, Usa)

Hi Miranda, we have been working with various individuals and researching treatment options. HBOT has some great results. Glad to hear it is helping.

I've also seen powerful changes in those who are taking high quality Omega 3s. Dr. Mike Lewis at the Brain Health Education and Research Institute was recently featured on CNN talking about head injuries and Omega 3s. He has established a Brain Injury Protocol using Omega 3s if you wanted to check into it.

Nutrient rich diets, avoiding alcohol and stimulants also appears to help.

I am putting together some information I found about homeopathy and brain injury and will post that on Earth Clinic soon.

Other options that have been showed promise include Cranio Sacral Therapy (CST) and other energy work. We have listed treatments and information on our web site www.HeadsUpCTE.com -- we are non-profit supporting education and awareness about CTE for former atheletes and their families, but the information we provide is hopefully useful for anyone impacted by head injuries.

All the best, Colleen @ HeadsUp! CTE

Replied by Daniel Stanfill
(Goodyear, Az)

NIH research has shown that Serrapeptase, a protease enzyme, can remove Alzheimer's plaque (Beta Amylase) from the brain in rats.

Stamford University research as shown that CTE victims also develop plaque in the brain.

Combining the two research results, it would appear that Serrapeptase may be a successful treatment for CTE. Dosage: One 120,000 SPU capsule of Serrapeptase daily. Must be taken on an empty stomach. Note: Serrapeptase is an enzyme, not a drug; there are no known side effects.

Replied by Kayleigh
(New York)

Hi Miranda, I would love to know how you got HBOT covered by insurance and where you purchased your tank along with how you learned how to use it. Thanks so much! Kayleigh

Replied by Sharon K.
(Ottawa, Il.)

Love the oxygen but feels like a plane when your ears pop. one hour session at Karyns spa in Chicago, Il. 2017.

Replied by Dhyan

I would check out Cereset .....main office in Scottsdale, AZ. Treatment balances the brain and is natural and fast. Brain hears its own EEG and resets itself. Fixed my brain injury and flat affect. Amazing stuff. Vets are loving it.


Posted by Daniel (Goodyear, Az) on 10/09/2015

Editor's Choice

Results in one field of study can often be successfully transferred to another field of study. Such may be the case for using enzyme therapy to successfully treat CTE.

The particular enzyme is Serrapeptase, a proteolytic enzyme belonging to serine proteases. NIH has shown it's effectiveness for relieving Alzheimer's disease pathophysiology in rats:


I believe that Serrapeptase may modulate the excess tau protein in the CTE brain, as well as decreasing brain AchE activity, TGF-β, Fas and IL-6 levels while increasing BDNF and IGF-1 levels in the manner described by the above NIH research.

I am a retired research scientist, age 84, having made various scientific discoveries over the years, including the discovery of a fundamental new field of physics called Electromagnetic Radiography (EMR). Although my research work has been in the physical sciences, I also do research in the medical field to better understand and treat my own health, as well as share the benefits of this knowledge with others.

I first became interested in Serrapeptase, and more broadly, enzyme therapy, three years ago when I discovered that my carotid arteries were 40 percent blocked. Western medicine has no therapy other than a dangerous surgical procedure when blockage reaches 80 or 90 percent. Enzyme therapy has been successfully used in Oriental medicine for some time, and to some degree, in European medicine (Dr. Hans Neiper, et al).

After taking 120,000 SPU Serrapeptase daily for 6 months, I had a follow-up ultrasound that showed normal blood flow in my carotid arteries. Serrapeptase had removed the plaque that was blocking my carotid arteries. Specifically, it had dissolved the fibrin (protein) binding the plaque together. Unexpectedly, Serrapeptase also removed scar tissue, including a scar that I had on my leg from a bicycle accident when I was a young boy.

An elderly friend who is a retired minister was diagnosed with dementia that was affecting his speech. On the chance that his dementia might be caused by a circulatory deficiency (vascular dementia), I proposed that he, too, should try Serrapeptase therapy. After six months, he had a two-day battery of tests by four dementia specialists who found no evidence of any dementia.

It was only later that I came across the NIH research. Instead of vascular dementia, my friend may have had early onset Alzheimer's. If so, Serrapeptase may well have reversed it by dissolving the beta amylase, etc.

More recently, my wife (age 75) was developing dementia. After three months of 120,000 SPU daily of Serrapeptase, my wife's symptoms have virtually disappeared. We now suspect that she, too, had early onset Alzheimer's that Serrapeptase reversed.

Coincidentally, we are letting Western medicine run it's course. Ultrasound and MRA have shown that her dementia was not caused by circulatory deficiency. MRI showed
some brain shrinkage, consistent with age. EEG showed two slight abnormalities. She is scheduled to do a 24-hour EEG. Also, she will be doing a PET scan.

Because enzyme therapy is not part of conventional Western medicine, we have not shared our own private research in this area. Instead, I'm expecting the battery of tests to show that she no longer has dementia, consistent with my own empirical observations of her obvious improvement.

Serrapeptase is not a drug, and there are no side effects. Everything else aside, I look upon Serrapeptase as being a great "longevity pill" by virtue of it's ability to prevent
the buildup of arterial plaque and prevent blood clots -- the principal culprits in heart attack and stroke. It may also negates the need for cholesterol therapy (statins).

There are peripheral benefits, as well. Cancer cells develop a thick protein coating to prevent attack by the immune system. Serrapeptase destroys that coating, allowing the immune system to attack cancer cells. Serrapeptase is a mild analgesic and has some anti-inflammatory properties. Although Serrapeptase is not a blood thinner, it amplifies the effects of blood thinners, so as to lower the therapeutic dosages of warfarin, aspirin, etc.

Serrapeptase is slow acting. It may take upwards of three months before the results begin to become evident.

One caveat: it is vitally important that Serrapeptase be taken on an empty stomach, least stomach acid destroy the enzyme. The capsules have a vegetable-based enteric coating designed to resist stomach acid and allow the capsule to be passed to the small intestine where the alkaline environment dissolves the coating, allowing the enzyme to enter the bloodstream. I recommend waiting at least two hours, or longer, after a meal. For acid stomach, or slow digestion, waiting until the middle of the night or early morning is even better. No food should be taken for at least an hour after taking Serrapeptase.

Because Serrapeptase for CTE therapy is an entirely new and untested approach, it may, or may not, help alleviate CTE. If it does, great! If not, no harm done. It is safe, there is no downside, and it promotes good arterial health by preventing blood clots and the buildup of plaque.


Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Daniel,

Re your article on Serrapeptase.

Quite fascinating. You mention Hans Nieper.

Nieper also was on the forefront of work with Calcium AEP. Do you have any opinion on the effectiveness of AEP?

Back to the efficacy of Serrapeptase and the CTE Brain; is Serrapeptase effective in issues that are not circulation related?

And you mention that Serrapeptase be taken on an empty stomach because the stomach acid will harm the enzyme's effect. I was not aware that stomach acid reduced with the lack of food but that the stomach's lining was protected from digestive acid by other mechanisms. Am I incorrect?


Serrapeptase is a protolytic enzyme; however if it is not taken on an empty stomach it will act as a digestive enzyme. I can testify to it's healing properties as it cured my two years of pain with plantar facitis after only one bottle of the 120,000 dose which I took on waking and before bed. I am so grateful to hear of the success with the brain. I have had multiple concussions in the last fifteen years and the last one was a doozy. I have had success with the Omega 3 brain injury protocol mentioned in another's post but I am currently on Dr. Daniel Pompa's cellular healing protocol and it's not advised. Thanks to all at earth clinic who share and help others to heal. Blessings to all!

Replied by Rsw

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for the excellent write-up on Serrapeptase. I think it is a great supplement for heart disease and now, as you have observed, dementia caused by circulatory issues or plaque. I was taking it several years ago but because I had my saphenous vein closed in one leg (although the scan shows it is intermittently closed and open due to an unusually wide vein), and a varicose vein removed below the knee, I became worried that it would open up the vein and cause internal bleeding. Would you happen to know if that would be likely? I would like to continue taking it because heart disease runs rampant in my family, and I find I am having some memory problems possibly due to taking statins for a number of years (not for quite a while now, however). When I asked the MD who did the surgery about using Serrapeptase, he said, "What the he-- is that?" so not much help. Thanks for any observations.

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)

There can be many reasons for so called "heart disease"; circulatory deficiency and blood clots being principal culprits.

By removing plaque, Serrapeptase improves circulation. Supplemental L-Arginine (500 mg) also opens up blood vessels. As it so happens, a blood pressure medication, Valsartan (160 mg) does a great job of improving circulation by blocking the liver hormone angiotensin II that causes restriction of blood vessels, thereby allowing the blood vessel muscles to relax and expand the blood flow. Unlike all other BP types of medications, Valsartan does not mess with body chemistry, resulting in minimal, if any, bad side effects. It also lowered my BP more than any other type of BP medication (I tried them all).

Serrapeptase dissolves the fibrin (protein) that holds blood clots together, thereby preventing heart attack or stroke from this source. It does not, however, prevent platelets from sticking together. Coumadin (warfarin) is often prescribed as a blood thinner, but in many cases, aspirin is just as effective for this purpose. Because Serrapeptase amplifies the effects of blood thinners, 81 mg of aspirin is all that is normally needed to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Individual responses to dietary supplements and medications vary greatly, so the Rx described herein may not work for everyone and/or may produce unexpected side effects. If so, stop doing whatever is causing the side effect and try something else!

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)

As with most "folk medicine" that is outside the mainstream, there is no credible research on Calcium AEP. So it's a risk-reward situation. If the risk seems low, try it. If it works, great! If not, no real harm done. (That's the way all folk medicines are discovered, though sometimes with dire consequences.)

Serrapeptase does more than address circulatory issues. Because it removes scar tissue, it will cure Peyronie's disease, and is effective, along with Nattokinese, in alleviating COPD and emphysema. Using Serrapeptase to remove scar tissue left from injury or surgery can eliminate this cause of pain and/or increase mobility.

Food stimulates the production of acid by the stomach, much more so than when the stomach is "empty." But undigested food may also block or impede the passage of a Serrapeptase capsule, so that the Serrapeptase capsule is exposed to the stomach acid for a longer period of time before passing to the small intestine where it needs to be absorbed. This process is the most likely cause of "failure" when Serrapeptase does not work as intended.


Replied by Joan

where can I get serrapeptase.... In a regulated form?

Replied by Susan
5 posts


you mention dosing ("120,000 SPU Serrapeptase "). Where do we find this dose? Do u have brand names u can share?

Thanks, Susan

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)

If by "regulated" you mean FDA approved, Serrapeptase is an enzyme, not a drug, and is not regulated by the FDA. Over-the-counter Serrapeptase - Doctor's Best Brand and others - is available on line from Amazon, Pure Formulas, Swanson Health Products and Vita Cost, as well as some health food stores.

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)

Doctor's Best brand and others are available on line from Amazon, Pure Formulas, Swanson Health Products and Vita Cost, as well as some health food stores. Note: Health food stores tend to stock low dose (40,000 SPU) Serrapeptase, not the more effective 120,000 SPU capsules.


Hi Daniel, do you have any updated info concerning serrapeptase and CTE. I have CTE and wanting to try something alternative.


One of the people I recommend to learn more about serrapeptase and read numerous testimonials is Robert Redfern. He's Canadian and known as "The Serrapeptase Guy". His pdf is available for free online so don't get conned by those who copy and sell it for $20.

Replied by Mark


Any updates or success stories on treatment of CTE or Alzhimers?


Replied by Mark
(Bartlett, Tn)

Hi, I have CTE most likely my neurologist says. What dosage of serrapeptase do you recommend? Mark

Replied by Mama To Many

It sounds like Daniel, who started this thread, and his wife had success with 120,000 SPU a day. It must be taken on an empty stomach. This brand has that amount in one capsule:


~Mama to Many~

Replied by Lois
(El Paso, Tx)

I just read your article dated in 2015 about Serrapeptase and CTE. My husband, most likely, has CTE and was wondering if you have seen help since then using this product. Thank you.

Replied by Lee Tee

I will give this a try, I would like to also add I gave my husband diagnosed CTE amino acid capsules, b vitamin complex and most importantly Dopa Mucuna. Its like I almost have my husband back. I know it is a temporary fix as the TAU proteins grow. I hope Serrapeptase can help slow it down. Thank you for your info.

Replied by Socs
(Bend, Or)
5 posts

Great information! My son has what is probably brain inflammation from mold exposure. I will start him on the enzyme and report back. See you all in 3 months!!

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyer, Az)

Neither I, nor anyone I personally know, have CTE. So the idea of using Serrapeptase to treat CTE came as a result of two separate research programs: 1) Serrapeptase has been shown by NIH to remove Amylase (protein) plaque in the brains of rats affected with Alzheimer's; and, 2) Stamford University research has shown that CTE victims develop Tau Beta protein plaque in the brain. Putting the two together suggests Serrapeptase may be effective in alleviating CTE. As yet, I have no information concerning any actual use for this purpose.

Replied by Kevin
(Melbourne, Aus)

Hi Daniel,

Did the Serrapeptase assist with your wife's condition?

Replied by Lee Tee

Thanks for the information. I purchased it and will keep you posted if any improvement or otherwise. Yes, he is a veteran and one of the very few diagnosed with CTE while living..... but these types of diagnosis numbers are growing. I am also trying to get him into Jupiter medical hyperbaric treatment trial, but I am not convinced that will help. But as many out there we will try anything that can help our loved ones.

Replied by Matt

I had never heard of statins causing memory loss? I take them for high cholesterol. I also have had many concussions and thought I might have a level of CTE and therefore that might be the cause of my memory loss, depression and such? Where is a good place to get serepeptese?

Replied by Littlewing

Statins are well known for causing both long and short term memory loss. I took my mother off of them completely. Liver damage, memory loss, low cholesterol (cholesterol is needed by the brain, yes?). I think statins are possibly the most evil thing the pharmaceutical industry has come up with. Get off them as soon as you can. Research the memory loss thing, the stories will frighten you. Your doctor will tell you horror stories about what will happen if you stop - if he won't take you off of them get another doctor - I had to for my mom.

Replied by Dominique

Hi Daniel,

I am starting to take your recommended serrapeptase dose. You recommend to take it on an empty stomach. Will green tea destroy stomach acids? Should I wait before taking my cup? Green tea and stevia?

I would really appreciate your answer. Thanks for sharing here!

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)

The Serrapeptase capsule has an enteric coating, designed to protect it against stomach acid. It must pass through the stomach into the alkaline environment of the small intestine, where it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Undigested food can black that passage. Liquids would not. But to be on the safe side, and to err on the side of caution, wait a half hour or so before drinking the green tea.

Replied by Dominique

Thank you, Daniel! I actually now take my tea first. Wait for 1/2hr then take the pill and then wait for 2 hrs for breakfast foods.

Replied by Janie

This is brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing this info.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U DAN,,,,,,,,, was just going to give you a love, but this maybe the best post for me ever. I am fixing to do this pronto because I am there. At 82, I got to worry 'bout cancer, heart and mind. The roof is falling in. My preacher says your soul says to go, but your body says to hang around awhile longer. That's where I am. Thank you for this post.


Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)

Robert Henry,

Here I am at 87, cruising along on a daily 120,00 SPU Serrapeptase, 81 mg aspirin, and 100 mg Losartin (blood pressure med). No statins, nothing else, except a good healthy diet with minimal sugar. New research says that saturated fats are not only good for you, but they are essential! No longer avoiding essential fats has resulted in an increase in the "good" cholesterol, HDL. New AMA guidelines put emphasis on the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL. If that ratio is less than 5.0 you are good to go without meds (statins). The Arizona sunshine helps, too.

Replied by Mary

Hi Daniel,

You are so very knowledgeable, could you please tell me what serrapeptase is NOW made from. I have tried many sites but no one is telling what it is now made from, it cannot be from silkworms. Is there a site that tells the truth about vitamins? I use to go to vitacost but it has been taken by Amazon and no more ingredient lists.

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)

Serrapeptase, or Serrate E15 protease, as it is scientifically known, can be synthesized. That is how it is commercially produced. All you would ever want to know about this topic can be found at this Web site: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/chronic-traumatic-encephalopathy.html

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your insightful posts on Serrapeptase! I was just wondering if you mistakenly added the URL to Earth Clinic's CTE page regarding the serrapeptase manufacturing process instead of to another site?

Like Mary, we've been searching for this information for weeks now and would love to find a source detailing the manufacturing process as it's very vague except for a sentence here and there. I think a lot of people besides myself would like to know how many silkworms are actually killed in the process of making serrapeptase. Examples:

"Serretia is a vegan-friendly pure serrapeptase harvested from a microbial fermentation process."

One sentence repeats itself on multiple sites: "... Now vats are used for processing Serrapeptase. It is harvested in clinical conditions not involving silkworms."

Thank you!!

Replied by Mary

Serrapeptase, thank you for the information, but I still do not know what it is made from. If fermentation process is used must it be done in a lab? My thoughts that since no one is saying it must be synthetic. One site said it can be made from plant, animal, mineral, they were using a plant and ferment it.

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)


Serrapeptase has many uses besides being of potential use in combating CTE. For example, it dissolves scar tissue, allowing the body to replace it with healthy tissue. So "Serrapeptase" could, and probably should, become a discussion topic of itself.

Microbal fermentation does not involve the killing of silkworms. Like sourdough bread, all that's needed is the "starter" mixture to keep the process going.

Unfortunately, that's not the case with silk thread. The silk cocoon must be intact in order to unwind the long, single silk thread. That requires cooking the silk cocoon in boiling water to prevent the silk moth from destroying the cocoon when it hatches.

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)


The chemical formula for E15 is C17H32O. It is a carbon chain molecule with an OH group at one end and a hydrogen group at the other. I suspect each manufacturer has developed their own proprietary method for putting that molecule together and won't discuss the nuts and bolts of their process (which does not involve silkworms!). More info about the molecular structure of E15 (Serrapeptase) can be found at the NIH Web site: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/5363097#section=3D-Conformer

Replied by David

Hi Daniel, just wondering what your thoughts are on the plastic-based enteric coatings used for serrapeptase supplements. Do you feel they are safe to consume long-term?

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)

Doctor's Best brand of Serrapeptase developed their own type of all-vegetable enteric coating called SerratericTM, which is free of HPMCP phthalates.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U DAN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, got a favor to ask of you because you are disciplined and a critical thinking fellow. My goal is to avoid cancer, dementia and have a healthy
heart in my old age. The other stuff is chump change.

I have just begun to follow the brilliant Dr Zach Bush and his findings on the how Glyphosate destroys your gut and leads to very serious health problems. His answer is a supplement, Restore, which I started a few weeks ago. It has definitely improved my bowels.

My request of you is to research this doctor and his product and give EC your finding. I ask this because I think there about 3 or 4 things I can do to achieve my goals. This may be one of them. Thank you for you help.


Replied by Rsw


I don't doubt that glyphosate is harmful to our bodies. Round Up has lawsuits filed by people who believe their cancer was caused by using this product in their jobs. Why would we think it was a good idea to spray it all over our food supply? Coincidentally, I have been looking at leaky gut, too, as a cause of autoimmune problems and came across Dr. Stephen Gundry and his belief that lectins also cause leaky gut. He has a supplement (and diet which looks difficult to follow at first glance - I didn't buy his book yet), also called Total Restore that supposedly helps to plug up the leaks. I am trying it as of this week. (I have no connection to this product) I had bought various supplements that are contained in his formula before, but this made it easy by containing these and a few others that made sense to me in three capsules/once a day. I'll let you know how it goes. Please keep us posted on your results, also.

I heard nothing but very positive things in the office by patients as I completed ten accupuncture sessions, but aside from giving me some mild relief from back pain, I don't think it worked on the LP, although maybe I needed to keep going longer since I have had it so long. I believe the damage was from statins ruining something along the mevalonate pathway, which may be why I can't figure this out, along with over 2,000 others in a similar boat. I continue to read and learn, and thank the people who post on Earth Clinic for the many insights I have gained over the years from your shared experiences.

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)

Robert Henry,

The combination of 120,000 SPU Serrapeptase and 81 mg aspirin daily prevents blood clots from forming, thereby significantly reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. There are two types of blood clots; those held together with fibrin (protein), which Serrapeptase dissolves, and sticky platelets (no fibrin). Aspirin prevents sticky platelets. Note that high cholesterol increases the risk of heart attack and stroke by depositing plaque in the arteries. But Serrapeptase takes care of that, too, by dissolving the fibrin holding the plaque together.

The latest research throws cold water on cardiologists' gold standard, the Framingham Heart Study. Not only are saturated fats good for you, they are essential! Consequently, I no longer avoid them. Since taking this approach, my good cholesterol (HDL) has gone up! New AMA guidelines de-emphasizes total cholesterol levels above 200, paying more attention to the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL. If that ratio is below 5.0 (ideally, 3.5), then you are good to go without meds. Meaning, no statins (! ) below a ratio of 5.0!

Years ago, Edgar Cayce, the famous psychic and seer, said eating three almonds a day prevents cancer. Who knows if he was right, or not? But almonds have trace amounts of cyanide, and that may be the agent that prevents cancer. In other words, it could be homeopathy in action. Who knows? But eating almonds can't hurt you; in fact, it's good for you, so I eat 7 every day. Neither I, at 87, nor my wife, at 79, have ever had cancer...

That addresses the major killers: heart attack, stroke and cancer. As regards dementia, the NIH showed that Serrapeptase can cross the blood brain barrier and remove plaque (protein). But dementia can have more than one cause, including restricted oxygen intake. That can cause shrinkage of the brain, which can be seen in a CAT scan. There can be nutritional causes. Unfortunately, as yet, Western medicine has no real answers.

Self-appointed experts with medical credentials tout all kinds of cures to solve your problems, and want to sell you their products. If you're healthy and don't have any of these problems, their "cure" does no good. For the few cures that actually do work, there are many, many "cures" that don't work. But if something works for you, or you think it works, then go for it!

BTW: a friend, now 86, suffered from Crohn's disease all her life. Knowing that Crohn's disease is characterized by scarring of the colon, and knowing the remarkable ability of Serrapeptase to removes scar tissue, I suggested she try Serrapeptase. Ever since taking that Serrapeptase, she has been symptom free!

Replied by Paula

Thank you, Daniel, for this information. My family and I have been on serrapeptase for probably a couple of years since I read your original post about it and the mind. Do you have any thoughts about oxygen deprivation and the aging (and shrinking) brain and possible solutions to try to help this situation?

Replied by Daniel
(Goodyear, Az)


Some shrinkage of the brain is a normal consequence of aging. And, as previously mentioned, oxygen deprivation contributes to this process. It's hard to imagine how normal daily living could involve oxygen problems -- other than having emphysema, COPD or other pulmonary conditions. Certainly, smoking doesn't help!

But sleep is another matter. Having the covers around your face, or even sleeping with your hands or arms by your face, can reduce the amount of fresh oxygen intake. That's because you exhale CO2, carbon dioxide. With restrictions around your face, you will inhale some of that same same CO2 "exhaust" that you just breathed out, and there is less oxygen in this stale air than normal room air. So this type of restricted breathing may well be the culprit contributing to dementia. Obviously, a bedroom fan to increase air circulation would help. Keeping the covers away from your face, as well as your hand and arms, is also important.
