Beat Chronic Fatigue: Top Natural Remedies Revealed

Posted by Joyce (Dallas, Tx) on 05/20/2012

I started a new job at a health clinic last year in June, which required me to get a TB vaccination... A week later, I began to suffer with lightheadedness and vertigo and finally nausea when driving. These symptoms seemed to lessen over the next few weeks and wear off and I figured my body was adjusting to the vaccination... However, in the months that followed I suffered from severe fatigue... But I thought it was just me starting a new job and trying to get the hang of it... Also I thought it was the heat in the summer which was a daily 100 degrees or more... I thought I was dehydrated and stressed with work... I continued this way all year trying to alkalize off and on, which sometimes helped but only temporarily like for two to four hours a day... The fatigue persisted sometimes bearable and sometimes unbearable... And I also had insomnia... I became too tired to go to sleep.

Since I have 3 amalgams, I also tried doing Mercury detoxing... I tried using Chlorella, high doses of Selenium, Kelp, MSM and Ted's Carbicarb... None of these really worked or ended the fatigue... Finally, I read on this website that Sulphur removes Mercury... Sulphur is something that I hadn't tried before, so I went to the health foodstore and bought these little dissolvable Sulphur tablets and took them as directed, which was 3 tabs under my tongue 3-4 times a day...

I remember that I was so exhausted on the day that I went to get the Sulphur tabs... And desperate to try anything that would help me... As soon as I purchased them, I popped them in my mouth and I felt instant relief... My heavy eyelids lifted up, posture lifted up, breathing sped up, energy came back and also a little itchy hive that I had on the crease of my arm near my veins, it went away... I went home with so much energy that I even went to the gym because I was so happy that I had energy...

It is clear to me now that the reason why Sulphur gave me energy is because I do have Mercury toxicity that was making me feel dizzy and suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome... The dissolvable Sulphur tabs that I bought had a strength or potency of 30c... I continue to have energy taking these tablets... But I was also advised to take Selenium and Chlorella also to bind the Mercury and chelate it from my body! Mostly, I'm so happy I have energy to go out and also no more dizziness! Or itchy Hives!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anna (Washington, Dc) on 07/22/2012

H2O2: I got severe fatigue symptoms that I think resulted from baking soda (which flush all my B complex) and H2O2 (which destroy my red blood count). I now taking B12 supplement sublingual and iron (blood builder) and stop the baking soda and H2O2. I guess what are good for some might not be good for others.

D-Ribose, Creatine
Posted by Pamm (Alabaster, Al) on 03/09/2012

I agree that D-Ribose is good for energy & Focus, its pretty expensive but worth it. The protocol for Cfs is D-Ribose with CQ-10, The Creatine was also mentioned however The Bad Side Effect of Creatine Was Rapid Weight Gain. Just letting you know because know Women Hate To Gain Weight :). However D-Ribose in Powder Form Is Very Good With CQ-10. I am not sure if you can get the same results without the Creatine, But I gained 10 pounds in a matter of 2 weeks on Creatine. So I stopped the protocol all together & haven't tried it without the Creatine. It takes about 3 to 4 weeks Taking it, 3 times a day on the D-Ribose to see results. If anyone tries it without the Creatine please post your Results. Thanks. Good Luck Everyone.

D-Ribose, Creatine
Posted by Joe (Philadelphia, Pa, USA) on 09/27/2012

Be careful. Bad news about D-Ribose:

Clove Oil
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/16/2010 391 posts

Re: Would Olive Leaf Help Chronic Fatigue?

The idea of what kinds of viruses is causing the CFS is just one question, the other is more broader question whether other viral strains are possible also. The olive leaf can be clean using a mild non fragrance soap, or a no fragrance shampoo. THe olive leaves may also be inspected visually and then are separated. The clean fresh young leaves are your best bet. Then you just prepared a drink using the blender after collecting them and refrigerate unused portions. The chronic fatigue I know that works, at least for a short term, is the clove oil mixed in ethanol alcohol, the ones you find in vodka, and make a 5-10% solution of that then is applied throughout the body or a clove oil shots (like beer shots) where vodka one capful is used, plus a 3-5 drops of clove oil is prepared.

Posted by Anna (Atlanta, Ga.) on 07/16/2010

I have ebv and chronic fatigue for long time. Taking Mitochondria 2 tabs per day. I feel a little better and worse when not taking it.

General Feedback
Posted by June (KC, KS) on 12/25/2008

Hi Jack, It sounds to me like you need to SWEAT! Go to a spa or club where you can sweat. You are likely overloaded with toxins. These can make you feel like you are dragging an anchor. And you can have them (we all do) even though you live a healthy lifestyle.

A naturepath friend I've been working with recommended this for me. I bought a steam cabinet from her but wasn't using it. I was working on draining toxins, heavy metals, etc with her products...and would be so exhausted I could hardly move. She said I needed to go sweat. I didn't believe her, but tried it anyway. I couldn't believe the difference, like night and day! Now I try to sweat as often as possible.

If you can't find a way to steam, at least draw a hot bath and pour in a cup or two of epsom salt. This salt can help leach toxins from the body. Massage will help too, just drink lots of water afterwards.

Native traditions the world over know the value of sweating. It's wise medicine!

Good luck. I hope you feel more energetic soon!"

12/25/2008: June from KC, KS writes again: "Hi Jack,

I forgot to mention H2O2. I have been using it at work when I haven't gotten enough sleep. It's a fantastic remedy for waking me up. I'm not a coffee drinker at all, or caffeinated tea, and need to avoid these because of adrenal issues anyway.

But, you might try the food grade hydrogen peroxide. I saw it recommended here by someone who used it to stay awake. I haven't noticed any other benefits from taking h2o2 internally, but on days I haven't gotten enough sleep it helps tremendously by oxigenating the body.

My dosage is 4-5 drops of 6% h2o2 in herbal or fruit-based tea. The herbal flavor helps disguise the slightly odd h2o2 taste. You can find h2o2 in your health food store (mine is 12% strength). I found mine on, told my hfs about it and now they carry it.

What you describe sounds like cfs, chronic fatigue syndrome, and also fibromyalgia symptoms. All this is due to toxic buildup in the body and a lack of drainage. H2O2 is also great for fibro and cfs problems, among others.

Again, good luck.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Alan (Sydney, Australia) on 01/22/2008

Hydrogen Peroxide major turn around then not.

I have been rebuilding my health following CFS for many years but in June 07 I had "Influenza A" which really knocked me around. I thought I was recovering ok but the old CFS symptoms re -emerged ie headaches, brain fog, unrefreshing sleep, fibromyalgia, blurred vision, sleeping all the time. In November 07 I found EC and tried H2O2 food grade. At first I tried the inhalation method for a couple of weeks but progress was not really fast enough so I took it internally. Due to my low energy and fogginess I managed to take the upper end dose on the first day (normally people build up to this over a few weeks) ie. 150ml of .50% 1/4 tsp baking soda three times in one day. This is equivalent to 25 drops in 150ml of water three times in a day.
Results: first intake - nothing Second intake - my vision improved markedly over a ten minute period. It was as though a veil had been lifted from my eyes. Everything was sharper colors were brighter. I also began to feel more energy. (Since the flu my eyes have detiorated, I had to get a new prescription for my specs. And they had to make them 3 times because my vision varied so much from day to day. ) Third intake - nothing noticeable.
The following day I woke with a headache and fogginess and figured I was in for a detox reaction. This lasted until around 2pm and from then on I felt fantastic. I mean I felt exceptionally good. I felt like hugging strangers in the shopping mall. Giving money away, imagine no possessions and so on. It was exuberance, lightness, abundant energy. It lasted about 3-4 weeks. During this time I did some maintenance doses on a lower scale.
Results not: Anyway I have since had a garden variety bug and many of the symptoms have returned but to a lesser degree except for one debilitating condition that is worsening. When I eat - anything - I get a hangover and overwhelming fatigue for about 90mins. I have to sleep it off. I have tried various alternatives ie ACV & BS but to no avail. Does any one have any ideas what might cause this? I can't go out or for very long because if I have to eat I have to sleep.
I do not have any apparent digestive problems but it is probably connected in some way.

Food Sensitivities
Posted by Natalie (Tillamook, Or) on 12/14/2009

I couldnt agree more! I recently found out I also have food sensitivities. Dairy, all grains, potatoes, tomatoes, & eggs. I found out that my childred also suffer from them before I was tested myself. My 3 year old was very tired, cranky, wild, constant runny nose, eczema & she got sick a lot! Getting her screened for food sensitivites has transformed our life! Id say everyone should get one! 30% of people in the US have some form of food sensitivity, its a good tool to have.

Fatigue Vs Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Posted by Kay (Fwb, Fl) on 02/19/2010

Please understand that CFS is so far beyond "fatigue" it's impossible for a normal person to relate to. Most people with CFS can barely function;'sheer exaustion' barely comes close to the feeling (I was an athelete with several world records, so I know what exhaustion is). Imagine having a restful nights sleep, and awakening to a beautiful day with fun plans, but discovering you are so "drained" you cannot hold your toothbrush up long enough to brush your teeth (let alone your hair). Imagine not being able to get to the mailbox on the street, knowing there are cards (and checks) out there because it's your birthday! Imagine having to call your 80 year-old next door neighbor to ask them to tote your rolling garbage can to the curb 20 feet from your house (when you've mowed thier lawn since you were 10). Imagine being this sick for 10 years now, but you are still that same happy go lucky person (despite this devastating illness). Then imagine people saying callously, "Oh I'm tired too; just get over it... you look like you're going to drop dead any minute!"

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brenda (Glasgow, SCOTLAND, UK) on 04/23/2007

I'am so! delighted to have found this site, and the recommendation of ACV- i have been suffereing with ongoing CFS for 11 and a half years, and within that time i always seem to be v. susceptible to picking up viruses, esp. prone to sinus probs. anyhow - this ACV seems to do the trick! it def. put a hold on me developing full blown sinusitus - it seems to diminish the viral flu type aches and pains and definately diminishes the catarrh - seems to kill of the headaches too. i have only been using an Organic Cyder Vinegar bought from the local supermarket, so am assuming if i went to the health food store, the product may work even better - dont know, but all i know is it has saved me taking to my bed - i notice also whilst taking it that i have slightly more energy. anyhow, am so! glad to have discovered it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Laura (TX) on 02/04/2021

I know when my CFS started, I had a particularly bad flu my freshman year in high school 64 years ago. I have been in and out of remission several times since then but know that I have to eat right and rest extra, and avoid stress, or it is going to get me down.

ACV, Cayenne, Molasses
Posted by Patrice (Nashua, Nh) on 10/06/2017

Yes I would like to know also. I've tried those products and nothing. so perhaps I was using an incorrect formula...hope someone answers.

Cold Showers
Posted by Timh (KY) on 03/14/2015 2063 posts

Thanks L for this observation as it does make good sense from a physiologic perspective.

Fortunately there are remedies to this loss of adrenal function. Raw Pituitary or Adrenal Glandulars are excellent for preserving these glands. 500mg Pantothenic Acid one or twice a week during the cold showers period helps. Adaptogenic herbs like Ginsing, Foti, Ashwanghanda help adrenals. Tyrosine is amino fuel for adrenaline.

Chronic Fluoride Poisoning Link
Posted by Ellen (Denton, Tx) on 04/03/2011

IMHO there are several holes in the fluoride connection logic. For me personally, I've known about the dangers of fluoride for years and avoided it persistently. I have done detoxes, too. I still have CFS but am responding quite well to anti-viral, antibacterial treatment and megadoses of vitamin C via IV. Also, CFS/fibromyalgia has been around for centuries. Fluoride water treatment, toothpastes, and medication haven't. If anybody would address these issues I would be more than happy to change my mind.

Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Tx) on 04/01/2016

Try cutting out the red yeast rice. I think this is supposed to act like a statin, but has the same side effects such as muscle weakness and brain fog.

Posted by Barb (Grantville Ga) on 06/18/2023

Have you check to make sure there is no interaction among your supplements/ also you might try 1-2 tabs of blackstrap molasses a day

Best wishes!

Posted by Timh (KY) on 03/14/2015 2063 posts

L: Quercetin and Pyroquinelonequinone (PQQ) are also good for restoring Mitochondria, as are most all antioxidant nutrients, preserving cell integrity to some degree; so supplementing the diet insures the loss of M decay.

There is probably a correlation w/ the Astragalus anti aging effect on the Mitochondria and Chromosome or Telomere. The antioxidant nutrient Resveratrol is also known longevity supporter.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/29/2015

Dear Connie,

For me, I would be comfortable with taking astragalus root and melatonin together.

~Mama to Many~

Glycine and Melatonin
Posted by Kim (Petaluma) on 08/19/2015

Don't take Klonopin. You can build tolerance and inter-dose dependence. It can make your insomnia 10 times worse. If you are feeling agitated for no reason, it could be because of the Klonopin.

Hypothalamus Glandular Pill
Posted by Dutchie (Toronto/Amsterdam) on 09/03/2014

Hi Loraine,

The hypothalamus glandular I used was by a brand called 'Nutricology'. You can find them online at google shopping. They come in 500mg strength, I highly recommend you buy empty gelatin capsules and divide one capsule into two 250mg capsules and take one after breakfast and one after dinner.

Also you'll wanna get adrenal glandulars as well. Very important!! The brand I used was by 'Genestra'. They come in 165mg strength, also take one tablet after breakfast and one after dinner.

You will also need to start taking extra Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate). Take 500mg of Vit. C 3 or 4 times per day after meals.

Do all this and within a few days you'll notice a huge difference in your energy levels. I went from moping around with little energy to feeling great within a couple of days.

Hypothalamus Glandular Pill
Posted by Anne (Uk) on 09/08/2017


Just wondering if you ever received a reply

Would be keen to find out as I have the same health problems

Very ill with this progressive disease and can feel it getting worse. Had this for about 20 yrs and tried all sorts. Sadly also have I.b.s and Osteoporosis

My mum has Alzheimers and Vascular Dementia and it makes it so difficult when I am trying to help my mum

Posted by Kay (Fl, US) on 05/25/2014

Sorry you suffer CFS; your frustration is understandable. This post is about CFS & Disability (not conspiracy theories). In my experience, so much is inaccurate including (but certainly not limited to) diagnosis & disability criteria (which does not require EBV or depression, etc). I've suffered CFS since 1994, and got diasbility awarded (for myself, and @100 patients others over the decades since) based on how CFS symptoms affected our ability (in-ability) to function in several major areas of life, rendering us unable to work reliably, consistantly 35 hours per week (SS disability criteria). Contrary to your claim, severl of us (including me) got retro-awards of more then 2 years, back to the day we/I submitted my application (less the 30 days initial waiting period), plus SSDI (and for some TDI) back pay as well.

Yes CFS patients face ignorance and many hurdles, including problems getting awarded disability (because their applications do not provide specific enough details on how exactly CFS limits their ability to perform/manage day to day tasks, enough to render them unable to work); often because they are too sick/fogged to read/concentrate/complete paperwork on time; and/or they miss their SS deadlines and/or SS doctors appts; and/or fail to effectively communicate the debilitating EFFECTS of symptoms to SS officials/authorities and their own lawyers! Thus, many CFS sufferers NEED an attentive focused ADVOCATE (*who has read and understands the criteria for a disability award)! For those with limited finances or resources, FREE (or reduced cost/sliding scale) Advocates may be available thru Legal Aide Offices, and at/thru local and online CFS Support Groups! *Many good reference materials are available online. Patients simply must understand what information SS NEEDS before they apply for SS disability, or their application will be denied (for not providing sufficient evidence of disability)!

Thankfully, knowledge of CFS is growing rapidly; there are now many good doctors, nurses, PA's, chiropractors, therapists, even masseurs, etc. that are highly educated about CFS nowadays! One of the best (IMHO) is Joseph Teitlebalm MD, and his End Fatigue website (which hosts a free diagnostic test online, that provides personal results and recommendations for supplements, and/or RX's and/or alternative therapies, for various income levels; and even a report for your doctor too! ). His free newsletter is a great resource for CFS sufferers!

FYI: the CDC has (for several years now) publicized/advertised (pubs, radio/TV etc) that CFS is not a psych disorder; and they are sponsoring PSA's and educational materials so those hurdles are coming down as well!

Humidity + Sweat
Posted by Mel (Auckland, New Zealand) on 02/05/2013

I too was in steel construction and have been tired for so long (14yrs). My iron was too high. Levels have come down since donating every 3 months. This made me feel much better, but in the last 4 years, the iron level is good, but I have gone back to tired. Resent tests show I have tendonitis accompanied with rhumatoid arthritis. I agree with the parasites and everything June from KC said. I just spent 9 months in South East Asia, mainly Vietnam. 33-35c with 98% humidity and came up with a good sweat each day. Showered at least twice a day and a massage at least twice a week, and I felt great. No problems at all. I have only been back in NZ for 2 months and have the heater going and the body has packed it in. My knee, elbowes and ankle have packed it in, on top of just feeling tired. I am taking Anti inflammitory 1000mg, Zinc plus, Vitamin D3, Magnesium and calcium. I also have a bottle of apple cider in the fridge. All this just to keep my head above the water line. Even when I feel good, I still need to be very careful of what I do. I think I will do away with all these pills and pain and go back to Vietnam to retire it out on massages, sweat and showers. I honestly "DID"feel great! there. Rent, food, power, motorbike, sat tv, internet... $450 month, , , , beer 70c bottle or buy a 2br condo for 30k

Lithium Aspartate
Posted by Aleeza (Mannheim, Germany) on 10/06/2012

Hi Stacy, sorry I could not tell you that which form of Lithium my brother used because ten years ago he has stopped taking Lithium. At that moment I was not aware of holistic approach of treament. Although I could tell you that he took Lithium as a prescription drug by his doctor.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Daryl (Traralgon, Victoria, Australia) on 07/29/2012

hi im emailing to ask about a/c on behalf of my father. He contracted ross river virus from mosquito bites years ago and now has chronic fatigue syndrome/Fibromyalgia. He is taking medications for high blood pressure and other ailments and was wondering if it would be worthwhile trying activated charcoal. My father is desperate to be rid of this ill health and is willing to try just about anything, but im worried it may do more harm than good. Yours sincerly Daryl J Halliday.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Elizabeth (Newry, Outside Us / Canada) on 07/02/2012


I have started to take diatomaceous earth food grade for chronic fatigue/m.e. in the past few weeks.... i do feel somewhat better but i am still plagued by insomnia which negates all the remedies i am trying... has anyone found the diatomaceous earth food grade helpful?

Posted by Alex (London, Uk) on 06/29/2015

I too tried d-Ribose, after reading one raving revue on here. Initially I was quite impressed - almost felt like 20 again (44 now and, had 10 years of CFS in my 30s). I took anything from 5g to 20g per day. Initially building up the dose, but after 2 weeks I went down to 5g per day for another 3 weeks.After a week or so the initial high abated. Seems that if I get negative/ grumpy energies, even Ribose cannot kick through. Furthermore I developed digestive problems, seems Ribose was quite the Laxative for me (and left a constant funny tummy feeling). The strangest side-effect was hurting teeth. I thought that a couple of months old filling was playing up, and that I would require a root canal now, but when I discontinued Ribose the teeth/ nerves calmed down again. It was not just the one tooth that was affected too, but pretty much all molars which could get painful and very sensitive (and had not suffered from sensitive teeth before).

The phenomenon repeated when taking Ribose for 2 days (a few weeks later) as needing to finish some time-sensitive decorating.

To conclude - the side-effects definitely will, for now, keep me from adding Ribose to my supplement regime. I might take it occasionally, when requiring an extra boost of energy, but only if absolutely unavoidable.... That is not to say though that Ribose might not work (side-effect free) for others.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Simon Charlton (Nazeing, Essex, Uk) on 01/04/2012

I have had ME since 1995, and had my first experience with HP in 96. Wow, it was the only thing that turned me around. I was on 1 teaspoon of 35% HP 3 times a day in water. Felt rough for 1 week, then started to dramatically improve. Not cured, but improved tremendously. Fast forward to beginning of 2012, I have overdone things at work, eaten the wrong foods, etc. Been particularly unwell the past 5 weeks, all the ME symptoms have returned with a vengeance. Went to allergist, now on a candida diet for one week, taking acidophilous and metatone tonic, and taking up to 5 drops of Hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day for the past 2 weeks. Feel sooo ill. Honestly, the worst I've been for years. Don't know whether it's the detox from the diet, or whether the Hydrogen peroxide is detoxing me too fast, or what. Don't know whether I can continue on HP for now if it's making me this ill, ie, brain fog, stomach and bowel discomfort, nausea, no energy. Any suggestions would be gratefully looked at.

Thanks, Simon

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Fan B (Laguna Beach, California) on 01/04/2012

It sounds like you are having massive die off from the changes you made, as you described many of the symptoms. Normally, you are supposed to continue and you should feel much better soon. I hope it works for you!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Laura (TX) on 02/04/2021

I am sorry that you are having so much ill health, I know how you feel. I've had CFS for 64 years, after a nasty flu my freshman year in high school. It took me 5 years to stop running a low grade fever every day and start feeling better. I didn't even know what it was until the Incline Village outbreak. I've had several relapses since I got this. Stress does it every time. I take enough supplements that I should have opened my own health food store so I could get a discount. But that is daydreaming, my health wouldn't permit it. I am presently taking tyrosine for sleep, and I found that the PABA and DMAE combination is great for the brain fog. I pray that you will soon be in remission.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Linda (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 08/07/2012

To Heather from San Diego, First off, Congratulations on your great results!

I have questions which have to do with your use of borax, but the EC form won't allow me to modify the subject line to include Borax in it.

Heather, could you please give some more details on your use of the Borax? How much did you take, and how frequently? How did you know, and how long did it take for you to know positively that it was Borax making the difference? Did you use 20 Mule Team or something else? This is important for me to know. Did the Borax initially produce an increase of pain for you?

Thank you very much, and again congratulations! Linda

D-Ribose, Creatine
Posted by Loraine (Orlando, Fl) on 11/27/2011

Thanks Energizer Bunny for that awesome post. I love these long detailed stories of hope. Always a pleasure reading. Thanks again.

D-Ribose, Creatine
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/31/2016 2063 posts

You should feel the results very soon, and if not, likely underlying issues. Adrenal fatigue, chronic inflammation are, among others, common causes of low energy.

Low hormones and aging are common factors in low energy. If over 40 or 50 try supplementing 25-50mg DHEA daily. 500-1000mg Tyrosine will help. Low antioxidant status is another big fatigue culprit; to correct this take 500mg Quercetin daily.

Probiotics, Vitamin D3
Posted by Alexander (London, Uk) on 10/15/2011

Probiotics and VitD3 against Chronic Fatigue

ok - do alot of things and take/ have taken alot of supplements, but what really seems to have kicked CFS in the butt is strong probiotics and Vit D3. Suffered from CFS for a good 10 years. Much better now and besides shifting my sleep patterns (feel grottiest in the mornings, so just sleeping through it and not getting up before noon does part of the trick. Luckily am self-employed so can arrange my day as I please), exercise (alot of cardio - and go into mediatation/ healing-mode whilst (don't do this on the treadmill!, works well on cross trainers and bikes though)) strong probiotics (I just make my own Kefir (but not anyone can abide the taste) and Vit D3 seem to have been the greatest help.

There seems to be some medical evidence that CFS patients frequently have imblances of gut flora (through stress, trauma or antibiotics), i.e. too many 'neagtive' bacteria, which release toxings into the blood and harm/ weaken nerves and the immune system (of which supposedly 80% is around the gut) - i.e. continuously supporting the gut with beneficial probiotic bacteria which repopulate the gut and push out the negative bacteria seems a sensible idea. Since starting on Kefir two years ago the number of frequent infections went down! Did not do that much for energy though (besides a bit of a general feeling good boost to not be sick all the time anymore), but VitD3 did (initially about 10000IU for a few weeks and since 2000IU daily).

Supposedly in the UK and US 50 % of adults are VitD3 insufficient! ?! ? and besides being important for cardio vascular health, blood sugar health and protective against several forms of cancer it helps with mood, immunity and energy levels....!!!

Besides feeling better (hey still have bad, grumpy days, but (knock wood) have not had any major illness/ infections for almost a year now (there was just one heavy flu about 2 weeks after starting on VitD3 (healing crisis?! ?! )) - I have since managed to have the extra energy to stop smoking and come off antidepressants too!!!

Very good too is that both probiotics (especially self-made Kefir) and VitD3 are both cheap!

Good luck - never give up hope!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tanya (Manchester, En) on 12/14/2010

I was diagnosed with CFS/FM/Under active thyroid and arythma garret, 3 years ago they told me I need a hip replacement and I was being monitored for my heartbeat, which had dropped to 34, I was told that I would need to have a pacemaker. Thank God I did not listen to them and started doing research and then a friend took me to see someone who treats people with bio energy and after one treatment, my heart rate went up to 42, so I was safe from the pacemaker. A couple more treatments and I was starting to get a lot better, I suffered terribly from brain fog, a teaspoon of ESKIMO OIL every day.. I started to notice the difference after a week, started to remember things and my mind was a lot more sharper and clearer. I had to travel 40 miles and someone had to drive me there and back, so I was still looking for other options and someone introduced me to a bio energy bed, that I could use at home called cergen, after the unlimited free trials, I decided to invest in one as I wanted in the comfort of my home and be able to use it 3 times a day. It does many things, align your spine, where the blood is made and also massages you and focuses on the lymphatic system, that really helped. I used everything on earth clinic and still do.

Then I found wet cuppin, hijamah therapy, it is the best thing I have come across as it helped and healed me in many ways, and is so amazing that I could not possibly write all the benefits on here, so the best thing is to google it as Hijama. I had hijama done on my hip and after one treatment my hip was back to normal.

I have also started to use DMSO.. Amazing stuff. I am a lot better, I have more or less a normal life. I found speaking only positive and smiling all the time helped. I still continue to use all these things, whenever I can, especially hijama as I have found this to be the most beneficial. I also only use distilled water and threw my microwave out a long time ago. I try and eat health , organic food and do not use any chemicals on my body, , or take them. Writing everyday, to empty my mind of rubbish changed my life! I hope this can be helpful as I know too well what its like being ill and being neither awake , nor asleep, feeling jet-lagged and not being able to sleep, the pain used to be on the next level and the worst , family and freinds not understanding. Peace, love and thank you for this wonderful site.. I love it. Tanya.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Dezi (San Jose, Ca) on 07/10/2010

I have battled chronic fatigue for more than 20 years. Sometimes it's baffling; it comes and goes. However, I have managed to keep working all this time because of the natural remedies I've used. The XMRV viral connection makes sense to me. I had Epstein-Barr virus. I treated this with the essiac fomula very successfully, and I am due for another brewing. It might be worth a try. It turns my energy around with a week of taking the brew morning and night on an empty stomach. Essiac is said to kill viruses and cancer cells in the bloodstream. I'd like to add that I took the essiac formula to my cousin and his partner, who had come down with AIDS many years ago. To this day, they still take it, and it has been a literal life saver for them. Chronic fatigue can also have a thyroid component, and also adrenal exhaustion may play a part, or a combination. A homeopathic doctor told me years ago that my mitochondria were dysfunctional. The mitochondria are organisms that live in our cells. They consume sugar and release energy, giving us energy at the cellular level. If this is not working correctly, you will not have any energy being supplied to your body. The mitochondria can be effected by viruses, candida, etc.! I'm currently looking into how to support the mitochondria. Anyone out there have any suggestions for that?

Essiac Tea
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 03/05/2012

Re: Mitochondial Support: Definitely CoQ10 and Cell Salts (aka Tissue Salts available at most Health Stores. Note: the LARGE bottles of Bio-Plasma [a combo of all the salts] are very inexpensive and a great way to start); function explained here:

United Mitochondial Disease Foundation

Start at the top of the page (link below) with things to avoid etc. Scroll down to find Vitamin & Supplement Reccomendations/Chart. Below that is the Medication, Minerals, Vitamins and Substrates that May be Helpful (with the advice of a physician of course):

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Debbie-Anne (Saratoga, Nsw Australia) on 10/06/2009


Hi Ted, I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 20 years now and was delighted to read your valuable information and am really desperate for your advise.

I tried your recipe of 2 x tablespoon ACV & 1/4 tspn bicarb Soda and for the first time in 20years felt well with great energy. However, I am now suffering with chronic constipation from the ACV & Bicarb Soda. I am very aware that I have candida very badly too, the other day I consumed raw garlic with lunch and suffered very bad indigestion and again became very constipated. Due to years of food intolerances, allergies and severe hayfever (all year round) I have developed severe poloyps in my nose and am desperate to avoid yet another operation. However, you mentioned lemons in one of your remedies but because of my sensitivities I am unable to take lemons (i live in Australia).I am also aware that I am unable to digest my food should I take something for this.I would love to keep taking your remedies but might need them modified, can you please help me.

Ted, can you also tell me how long I need to take the remedy you suggest and the maintenance dosage I need to take thereafter to maintain my health. Thank you for your time. Warm regards,

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Mikwin2 (Houston, Tx. Usa) on 03/02/2010

The reader mentioned allergies and indigestion. I have found taking multipurpose enzymes will take care of the indigestion and allergies. Take 1-5 enzymes per meal. All natural. Within a few weeks, you should notice your allergies greatly improving, and have good digestion!! Get enzymes capsules that are enzymes only. No HCl, etc.

Vitamin D
Posted by Garnet (Village, Country) on 02/16/2011

I recently discovered that I have a Vitamin D deficiency and am now on prescription levels for it. I finally seemed to be improving after all these weeks but today I had a setback and my old symptoms returned. How long did it take for your treatment to be effective? Do you have setbacks or has your energy level been consistent since you began supplementing?

General Feedback
Posted by Teresa (Santa Monica, CA) on 12/25/2008

To Jack: sorry you are experiencing this and having no luck with any remedies. I had a flu virus a couple of years ago that caused me to be extremely weak for several weeks after the usual symptoms disappeared. I was really worried and had just symptoms like you describe. I bought a bottle of food grade peroxide, but after researching hydrogen peroxide far and wide on the net, came across Bill Munro's hydrogen peroxide inhalation method, which made a lot of sense to me. I never ended up using my food grade. I did Bill's method and started to feel better after 48 hours. I was completely back to normal after a week. I inhaled 3% drugstore every 2-3 hours for the first 48 hours (but not during the night of course). Then I started to cut back and inhaled every 4-5 hours for the next 5 days. It was my life saver. I now never travel anywhere without my little sinus inhaler bottle filled with h202. Before I take off I inhale. After I land I inhale. And when everyone else is catching viruses from planes, I never get sick. This is the very best remedy for viruses in my opinion. Good luck to you. Hope you will find something that works very soon.

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Coto De Caza, Ca) on 11/11/2009

In response to Jack from Lexington, KY-USA on Chronic Fatigue:

It sounds like you have Chronic Fatigue syndrome. Most regular MD's can't treat you for this. See if you can find an Alternative Dr, an ND instead of a MD. Try searching under Environmental Doctors. There's a website for Environmental Dr's that might help.

1. Check thyroid. Find Dr. that knows Wilson's protocol.
2. Check Adrenal levels for Adrenal Fatigue. Inability to workout can be adrenal fatigue.
3. Test for Epstein -Barr virus.
4. Test for Candida. Those with weakened immune systems often get candida.
5. Maybe check into Heavy metal toxicity. Most regular MD's won't do the right test for this. Standard blood test will only pick up a recent LARGE exposure to metals, not small chronic exposures. Red Blood cell test can check better. I don't think I'm allowed to give the labs that does this test
6. Check Andrew Hall Cutler book, it may help on Mercury/metals. He has a Yahoo health group

To help a bit with energy while trying to find a decent Doc. Try
7. Sublingual Methyl B-12 everyday, 1000 mcg. B-12 Shots work best if you can find a Dr to give an Rx. make sure it is not preserved with aluminum

8. Sublingual B complex. Shots work best

9. Co - E1, NADH Sublingual, 10 mg, everyday.

10. Many people with CFS are low on the zinc, selenium, chromium, magnesium. Some of these are sublingual. Taste bad but work good.

11. Many people with CFS have digestion problems and malabsorption problems, that's why the sublingual vitamins/minerals. Maybe try Betaine and enzymes with meals to help with absorption. DR can check for pancreatic insufficiency. Test can be done without DR through directlabs, but test is expensive.

12. If Epstein-Barr virus or candida, try a "Wellness Formula" that has herbs to help weakened immune system.

13. Adrenal Cortex glandular, 3x times a day may help a bit with Adrenal fatigue. Cortisol from a DR is best, but an Rx.

General Feedback
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 03/18/2012

Jack from Lexington re Chronic fatigue: I realise your post was made some time ago but I have only just now read it. If you are still checking out your posting may I suggest you have your ferritin levels checked. This is just a blood test to see if you are STORING iron. Look up Iron overload disorder (IOD) on internet.

General Feedback
Posted by Anonymous (San Fran, Ca) on 10/25/2012

I done lot's research and I think parasites may be the reason many of use are tired, exhausted, sick , foggy headed my acupuntrist says simple test is just to look in your eyes and it there are any lines or marks redness raised bumps then you have parasites.. The Journal of Nutritional Medicine 93% of 400 patient that had chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS) had some form of parasitic infestation. I Think there are several parasites that can cause the symptoms one is Blastocystis hominis. I went to my ND rest assured because it I know they will use the right labs to send my test too.

Posted by Tina (Dartmouth, NH) on 10/08/2008

Dear Jane, wow! Thank you so much for suggesting L Carnitine. I immediately ordered some liquid, pharmaceutical grade after reading your post. (Is liquid better than powder?) You are absolutely right, it is the energizer bunny remedy, holy moly! I usually get super fatigued in the afternoon, but a tablespoon of L-C on an empty stomach 3x a day has stopped my desperate desire to take a long nap. Are there any side effects to taking this for long term? I have noticed (sorry to sound gross) that it turns my stools orange though! I don't eat red meat, so this amino might be fixing that...

Adrenal Dysfunction Connection
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 01/15/2014

Epstein virus doesn't have anything to do with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome except that it could be one or more of the secondary conditions that it could result from it. Many CFS people also have FMS. CFS causes immune dysfunction opening you up to many possible infections.

The hallmark symptom of CFS is neuro cognitive dysfunction syndromes and not fatigue. The name CFS was intentionally created by the powers that be to as a psyops weapon to be used against people with CFS. CFS is also called Myalgic Encephalemyelitis and Chronic Farigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome.

The term Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Faigue Syndrome are two different things. The former is a waste basket diagnosis. Many who think they have CFS, really have CF. There are very few doctors who know anything about the disease so many people will get misdiagnosed.

Cortisol studies were done by the NIH a long time ago. I followed their studies long time ago. Their primary motive was political in which to get CFS classified as a psychological disease - depression.

When the NIH study tested CFS people cortisol levels, they found that the cortisol levels were at opposite levels from people with depression. So they just lied again and concluded that no matter what the cortisol levels were, CFS was just a depression.

The entire cortisol thing was a sham with political motives behind it. Deposit the cortisol thing into the waste basket. There is a lot of people with CFIDS who just don't want to know so won't touch the political aspects with a 100 foot pole. The lies comfort them more.

Many people have no history of the disease. There is a large government disinformation program on the internet to steer people away from the real cause.

Please read the Q & A thing under CFS for information relating to the ciguatoxin link.

Food Sensitivities
Posted by Emilia (Atlanta, GA) on 03/06/2008

I've had CFS for about 6 years and in the past few months I've made a remarkable recovery. In my case underlying causes were food sensitivities (dairy and corn) and PBB poisoning as well as metal toxicity. In Michigan in the 70s a chemical company accidentally dumped PBB into cattle feed and it got into the food chain. Working with my kinesiologist I've done a lot of detoxing and now am up to about 75% of the energy I used to have. I got rid of my aluminum cookware. This year I'll have my metal (mercury) fillings replaced. The headaches and other conditions like IBS are gone. CFS and fibromyalgia seem to be related to the body being filled with toxins more than its able to handle. That explains why conventional medicine can't figure out what the cause it -- it's a different set of causes for every individual. Still, anything you can to do detox should help, and look for food intolerances as well.

Food Sensitivities
Posted by Lloyd (Charlotte, Nc) on 12/10/2012

Two solutions: If the CFS began following a serious or persistent infection like Strep, Mono or ear infection or sinus infection and then a month later there persisted fatigue, the problem might be that the infection (virus or bacteria) still is latent in the system.

Use colloidal silver to knock it out. I took it for four months, a tablespoon twice daily and in a week felt much better. But it took a ful four months to completly finish off the infection. I also sprayed into the sinus cavity a few times and irrigated the ear canals.

Second, CFS can be caused by depletion of the adrenals. First time I felt that fatigue was following a lot of high pressure in the business world. I took two adrenal caps after lunch and supper and within a week my energy exploded back. Dropped the dose down to two a day with meals, usually at lunch. If I took them at supper (following my recovery) I found that sometimes I had so much energy I couldn't sleep. That's why I take them at lunch.

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