Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Natural Remedies

Beat Chronic Fatigue: Top Natural Remedies Revealed

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Anna (Atlanta, Ga.) on 07/16/2010

I have ebv and chronic fatigue for long time. Taking Mitochondria 2 tabs per day. I feel a little better and worse when not taking it.

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Posted by Daviola (Boston, MA) on 05/22/2022

I am still fighting the good fight against chronic fatigue of unknown origin. This is what has helped me. I learned much of this from the various naturopaths I have worked with.

1. I try to support my body's HEALING as much as possible. I do this with pacing/rest, by improving my sleep, getting as good nutrition as possible, reducing stress. With regards to my sleep, I switch off the electricity to my bedroom at night *at the fuse box* to reduce appliance hum and also turn wifi off. I find I get much better sleep this way! I also use mute rings and a special mouth guard designed to keep my airways open at night. I also don't watch TV within 1-2 hours of bedtime, and I get to sleep much earlier now and it's more restorative.

2. I try to be very mindful of my ENERGY ENVELOPE and always remain within it. This means I minimize standing, I pace my chores and activities (even socializing, which I can find tiring). I can do a bit of exercise, but I tolerate weight-bearing exercises better than aerobic exercise.

3. I have worked to support my LIVER HEALTH. This means I cut way back on alcohol. I frequently eat dragon fruit, which has liver-supporting properties, and I take milk thistle regularly. I also drink dandelion tea occasionally. And I minimize prescription medications and am mindful of the amount of supplements I take.

4. I avoid TOXINS as much as possible. This means I buy as high-quality food as I can afford, especially for foods that tend to be ‘dirtier' or more moldy (for example, nuts and “Dirty Dozen” fruits and vegetables, which I try to get organic). I avoid fluoride (to the point of avoiding fluoridated toothpastes and not allowing my dentist to put a fluoride treatment on my teeth, etc.). I have tested the water where I live and luckily it is pretty clean, but otherwise I would be looking into bottled water. I use a sauna whenever possible to aid detoxification via sweat. I avoid walking in high vehicular-traffic areas to avoid pollution. And, VERY, VERY, VERY important, I avoid mold in the environment at all costs!!! That means, keeping your house clean, dry, and well-maintained as possible and looking for hidden sources of mold. In my opinion, if you are having breathing problems, you should consider that the source *could* be mold in your environment.

5. I have focused on GUT HEALTH AND NUTRITION. At the advice of a naturopath, I have treated for both leaky gut and candida. Supplements like marshmallow and garlic oil have helped, as well as herbal drops used for parasitic infections (some of which have anti-candida properties). (For a long time I avoided a long list of foods that were causing sensitivities, but nowadays I tolerate most foods much better.) To enhance vitamin absorption, I do juicing now and again. I also eat a food product, Acai Energy, which contains guarana and never fails to give me an energy boost when I need it.

6. I have been tested for basic VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES and have been told to supplement with B12 (I use a methylated version), iron, and D.

7. I keep a SYMPTOM DIARY to determine if there are patterns I can identify on my good days and my bad days (for example, foods I eat, supplements I've taken, etc.)

8. I stay aware of the MIND-BODY CONNECTION. I try not to get *too* mired in negativity. I work on things like vision boards to inspire my hope and healing. And I say health affirmations like “my body is wise and is healing itself, I get better every day, ” etc. And rather than say things (out loud or to myself) like, “I'm so sick” or “I'm not better” I try to say “I'm not better YET, ” or “I've been sick but hopefully not for much longer, ” etc. I do believe our language matters.

9. I do believe there can be a link between chronic fatigue and CERVICAL INSTABILITY. I did have a neck injury around the time I developed CFS. I avoid many movements and exercises that cause my migraines to flare up and I see an osteopath who has helped treat the migraines that I was having daily for years. (If you aren't familiar with osteopaths, they are wonderful! )

There has been no magic bullet for me thus far. However, I have improved slowly. The body is a miraculous thing, and with the right support, I hope to be able to heal. So, my advice is, look at the air you breathe, the food you drink, the mold in your environment, the nutrients in your food (and wehther or not you are aborbing them), the ways you can add to detoxification, etc. ALL of these things will relieve the burden on your body, allowing it greater ability to heal. I wish that everyone had access to all of the funds and support that they need to pursue all of these avenues, but we all just have to do the best we can. Knowledge is power and there is a lot of great information on the internet. All the best to you xx

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Heather (San Diego) on 06/21/2012

I tried many things for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that did not work. D-Ribose was one of them.

Things that did work: Coconut oil, eliminating fluoride, iodine, bed rest, Ted's borax advice (baking soda/sea salt/selenium/ACV or lemon/lime that go with the borax too).

One thing that worked that really surprised me was a liver detox. I used both NAC and milk thistle for two months, and then did one of those hokey sounding apple juice/grapefruit juice/olive oil liver and gallbladder fasts/ cleanses along with water enemas for two days. I felt so much better a few days or a week after the fast/cleanse that I felt like a different person so will do one again soon. It may be hokey but it worked. I'd done one about 12 years ago when I was in my early 30's (before I got sick/disabled) and didn't think it helped me then.

You can find references to all of these things on earthclinic.

Oh, and one more thing, before I got better, the thing that launched me into kidney and liver cleansing was severe, acute abdominal pain that an MRI showed out to be benign cysts on my kidneys and an infection above my kidneys. It wasn't kidney stones or gallstones but I felt the area needed some help. That happened about 4.5 months after starting the borax and Lugol's, and about 5 weeks after starting the NAC. I was feeling so much improved in my CFS at that time that I suspected that the general virus/infection/cause of my CFS came to a head in the form of this infection, which I have since healed from. After recovering from this infection, I was almost back to feeling like a normal person again. (After 7 years of disabling CFS that took my life from me.)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Simon Charlton (Nazeing, Essex, Uk) on 01/04/2012

I have had ME since 1995, and had my first experience with HP in 96. Wow, it was the only thing that turned me around. I was on 1 teaspoon of 35% HP 3 times a day in water. Felt rough for 1 week, then started to dramatically improve. Not cured, but improved tremendously. Fast forward to beginning of 2012, I have overdone things at work, eaten the wrong foods, etc. Been particularly unwell the past 5 weeks, all the ME symptoms have returned with a vengeance. Went to allergist, now on a candida diet for one week, taking acidophilous and metatone tonic, and taking up to 5 drops of Hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day for the past 2 weeks. Feel sooo ill. Honestly, the worst I've been for years. Don't know whether it's the detox from the diet, or whether the Hydrogen peroxide is detoxing me too fast, or what. Don't know whether I can continue on HP for now if it's making me this ill, ie, brain fog, stomach and bowel discomfort, nausea, no energy. Any suggestions would be gratefully looked at.

Thanks, Simon

Replied by Fan B
(Laguna Beach, California)

It sounds like you are having massive die off from the changes you made, as you described many of the symptoms. Normally, you are supposed to continue and you should feel much better soon. I hope it works for you!

Replied by Anna
(Washington, Dc)

H2O2: I got severe fatigue symptoms that I think resulted from baking soda (which flush all my B complex) and H2O2 (which destroy my red blood count). I now taking B12 supplement sublingual and iron (blood builder) and stop the baking soda and H2O2. I guess what are good for some might not be good for others.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Courtney (NY) on 04/27/2011

Dear Ted, Thank you for your help with CFS and allergies. Six years ago I started a continuous struggle with Chronic sinus headaches and infections brought on by allergies, deep muscle pain and extreme brain fog(At times it is too difficult to drive) and now severe depression. I have been bed ridden much of the time, but still keep going and making efforts to get well for my two children (ages 7 and 11) and my husband who has been burdened with all of the things I can no longer do.

I have tried everything, I even stayed two months away from my family in order to get daily IV therapy which like all else was short-lived. I am currently on thyroid medication and a high dose of an anti-depressant.

I began your allergy protocol with amazing success. I had a few bad days, but they disappeared within a week. I then began the H202 recipe that you gave in an earlier CFS response. In one day I felt like my old self and have not taken an antihistimine or sinus medication in two weeks! I am cautiously ecstatic.

Last night hayfever set in with a vengeance. I have not taken any meds for it because I want to give your therapy a chance to work. I was able to get out of bed and steam with vinegar and water which finally brought the relief that citric acid and baking soda could not touch. It is evening and I am much better and can think clearly enough to write.

I think I may be taking too much between H2O2 (3 drops per glass of mineral water) two glasses sipped all day and citric acid, baking soda and mineral water twice a day. When I feel my energy drain I use clove oil with unbelievable success. Could this actually work long term? Should I keep doing this every day along with taking Mg, amino acid, Chlorella, Zinc and egg yokes?

I had a major setback today because I cut myself in the garden and got a a tetanus shot along with stitches. I am terrified all of this progress will now be lost. I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

Thank you again for the last few weeks of improved health and the sliver of hope that it is possible to be healthy again.

Sincerely, Courtney

Replied by Robyn
(Melbourne, Australia)

Whats the allergy protocol please? Im so allergic Im living in a car, allergic to chemicals and formaldehyde so the house is unbearable and nature - pollens etc. Any help GREATLY appreciated.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tanya (Manchester, En) on 12/14/2010

I was diagnosed with CFS/FM/Under active thyroid and arythma garret, 3 years ago they told me I need a hip replacement and I was being monitored for my heartbeat, which had dropped to 34, I was told that I would need to have a pacemaker. Thank God I did not listen to them and started doing research and then a friend took me to see someone who treats people with bio energy and after one treatment, my heart rate went up to 42, so I was safe from the pacemaker. A couple more treatments and I was starting to get a lot better, I suffered terribly from brain fog, a teaspoon of ESKIMO OIL every day.. I started to notice the difference after a week, started to remember things and my mind was a lot more sharper and clearer. I had to travel 40 miles and someone had to drive me there and back, so I was still looking for other options and someone introduced me to a bio energy bed, that I could use at home called cergen, after the unlimited free trials, I decided to invest in one as I wanted in the comfort of my home and be able to use it 3 times a day. It does many things, align your spine, where the blood is made and also massages you and focuses on the lymphatic system, that really helped. I used everything on earth clinic and still do.

Then I found wet cuppin, hijamah therapy, it is the best thing I have come across as it helped and healed me in many ways, and is so amazing that I could not possibly write all the benefits on here, so the best thing is to google it as Hijama. I had hijama done on my hip and after one treatment my hip was back to normal.

I have also started to use DMSO.. Amazing stuff. I am a lot better, I have more or less a normal life. I found speaking only positive and smiling all the time helped. I still continue to use all these things, whenever I can, especially hijama as I have found this to be the most beneficial. I also only use distilled water and threw my microwave out a long time ago. I try and eat health , organic food and do not use any chemicals on my body, , or take them. Writing everyday, to empty my mind of rubbish changed my life! I hope this can be helpful as I know too well what its like being ill and being neither awake , nor asleep, feeling jet-lagged and not being able to sleep, the pain used to be on the next level and the worst , family and freinds not understanding. Peace, love and thank you for this wonderful site.. I love it. Tanya.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Loretta (Red Deer, Alberta) on 12/13/2007

In September I started using some remedies from earthclinic for a 20 year CFS/pain condition, and kidney/liver lesions. The remedies I take are: 1/4 tea. borax & some drops of H202 in water, chorella, B complex, amino acids, & BS in 1/2 glass of water with citric acid. I take these five days a week. I also use borax in the bath daily. This program has been adjusted and I will continue to do so, but I really wanted to write about a major change in my health: anxiety is gone! and most of the kidney pain too! It takes time, it takes alot of reading, it takes a willingness to change diet, lifestyle and our conditioned beliefs, but these remedies have been the best thing to help me....and until I found earthclinic, I had tried it 'all'. I am no longer a slave to untreatable diseases from doctors, or dependent on expensive naturalpaths. Let's not just 'thank Ted'....let's 'show' him our appreciation.

Replied by Alice
(Hamilton, Mo)

Can you give the specfics of your treatment ex 5 days and wait how many days and what dose of B complex amino acids chorella? sincerly ali.

Olive Leaf

Posted by Sarah (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 07/05/2010

I've had a mild case of chronic fatigue for 24 years. I've improved my diet - everything fresh, no chemicals. I've been oil pulling as well as other things to try to either heal myself or reduce symptoms.

I wanted to see if olive leaf can help me (on the assumption that CFS is caused by the XMRV retrovirus, and olive leaf is anti-viral). I always prefer a food solution to a supplement and there are olive trees growing on the streets around me (and there is air pollution too).

Is there any way I can use the leaves from the trees? Are they safe? What should I do with them? If not fresh leaves, should I try olive leaf capsules? Extract? Thanks in advance.

Replied by Dezi
(San Jose, Ca)

In response to Sara from Tel Aviv, if there is pollution I would not try to use olive leaf from the trees. I would get properly prepared capsules. As an alternative, I have successfully used the essiac formula to kill the viruses. I have had chronic fatigue for more than 20 years on and off. My first bout with it was terrible, I didn't even have enough energy in my body to get myself up my stairs to bed. The essiac formula kicked my energy into gear within a week. I took a commercially prepared blend from the health food store, brewed it, and took 1/4 cup in 2-3 times as much water, once in the morning, on an empty stomach (I kept the glass by the bedside), and once at night, again, on an empty stomach, before going to bed. I would suggest taking it for a week and seeing how you feel. You can repeat treatments as often as needed, you just shouldn't be taking it all the time. The essiac formula is strong, and can tax your liver. I am now due for another brewing. Essiac formula is said to kill viruses and cancer. I went to the presentation of the research paper on XMRV at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA. The viral connection is an exciting link. If you have a viral cause for the fatigue, or it's a contributing factor, essiac can really help.

Probiotics, Vitamin D3

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Posted by Alexander (London, Uk) on 10/15/2011

Probiotics and VitD3 against Chronic Fatigue

ok - do alot of things and take/ have taken alot of supplements, but what really seems to have kicked CFS in the butt is strong probiotics and Vit D3. Suffered from CFS for a good 10 years. Much better now and besides shifting my sleep patterns (feel grottiest in the mornings, so just sleeping through it and not getting up before noon does part of the trick. Luckily am self-employed so can arrange my day as I please), exercise (alot of cardio - and go into mediatation/ healing-mode whilst (don't do this on the treadmill!, works well on cross trainers and bikes though)) strong probiotics (I just make my own Kefir (but not anyone can abide the taste) and Vit D3 seem to have been the greatest help.

There seems to be some medical evidence that CFS patients frequently have imblances of gut flora (through stress, trauma or antibiotics), i.e. too many 'neagtive' bacteria, which release toxings into the blood and harm/ weaken nerves and the immune system (of which supposedly 80% is around the gut) - i.e. continuously supporting the gut with beneficial probiotic bacteria which repopulate the gut and push out the negative bacteria seems a sensible idea. Since starting on Kefir two years ago the number of frequent infections went down! Did not do that much for energy though (besides a bit of a general feeling good boost to not be sick all the time anymore), but VitD3 did (initially about 10000IU for a few weeks and since 2000IU daily).

Supposedly in the UK and US 50 % of adults are VitD3 insufficient! ?! ? and besides being important for cardio vascular health, blood sugar health and protective against several forms of cancer it helps with mood, immunity and energy levels....!!!

Besides feeling better (hey still have bad, grumpy days, but (knock wood) have not had any major illness/ infections for almost a year now (there was just one heavy flu about 2 weeks after starting on VitD3 (healing crisis?! ?! )) - I have since managed to have the extra energy to stop smoking and come off antidepressants too!!!

Very good too is that both probiotics (especially self-made Kefir) and VitD3 are both cheap!

Good luck - never give up hope!

Replied by Amie_says
(Southern Us)

I was excited about the research on D3, but it seems to have no effect on my CFS.

Raw Cabbage Salad

1 User Review
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Posted by Papia (India) on 01/03/2007

Raw Cabbage salad has cured my dry, flaky skin and fatigue : ). I started having raw cabbage salad every morning after exercise for the last few weeks and I wasn't feeling tired the whole day and to top that my skin started glowing & feeling smooth .... !! I sure do love cabbage and now its like a ritual for me to have a bowl of raw cabbage salad every morn` !

Replied by Kim

Interesting. How did you learn about cabbage? I'm wondering if organic, raw sauerkraut would have the same effect. (I'm not a fan of plain cabbage).

My skin is severely dry, loose and thin. And I have severe CFS.

Replied by Mama To Many

Organic saurkraut is really good for you. Sure seems worth a try!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Andon Science
21 posts

Avoid cabbage salads. Cabbage has L glutamine and L glutamine feeds cancer, in case there are cancer cells in the body. I am a researcher thus I suggest avoid cabbage salad.


I disagree.


I finally got relief for my ibs-d when I started taking L-Glutamine. I'd rather worry less about needing a change of clothes during the day than potential cancer.

Retroviral Link to Cfs

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Posted by Pr (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 02/24/2010

Resistant Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia

Helpful news from my doctors office yesterday. I was given info on a retrovirus XMRV showing up in the blood work of those who suffer from CFS and Fibromyalgia. (see link below) The article did not state Fibromyalgia but many who have Fibromyaglia have CFS. My doctor told me in approx. 2 months the blood test should be ready for use. This can be helpful for many who has tried everything with limiting results.

I have a request for help from our posting gurus to help with natural remedies for muting virus. I know BHT has been mention as one. But how much and how often, and are there other remedies?

Replied by Toni
(Hutchinson Island, Fl)

I have CFS also. Did you have the test for XMRV ?If so, what were the results.


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Posted by Joyce (Dallas, Tx) on 05/20/2012

I started a new job at a health clinic last year in June, which required me to get a TB vaccination... A week later, I began to suffer with lightheadedness and vertigo and finally nausea when driving. These symptoms seemed to lessen over the next few weeks and wear off and I figured my body was adjusting to the vaccination... However, in the months that followed I suffered from severe fatigue... But I thought it was just me starting a new job and trying to get the hang of it... Also I thought it was the heat in the summer which was a daily 100 degrees or more... I thought I was dehydrated and stressed with work... I continued this way all year trying to alkalize off and on, which sometimes helped but only temporarily like for two to four hours a day... The fatigue persisted sometimes bearable and sometimes unbearable... And I also had insomnia... I became too tired to go to sleep.

Since I have 3 amalgams, I also tried doing Mercury detoxing... I tried using Chlorella, high doses of Selenium, Kelp, MSM and Ted's Carbicarb... None of these really worked or ended the fatigue... Finally, I read on this website that Sulphur removes Mercury... Sulphur is something that I hadn't tried before, so I went to the health foodstore and bought these little dissolvable Sulphur tablets and took them as directed, which was 3 tabs under my tongue 3-4 times a day...

I remember that I was so exhausted on the day that I went to get the Sulphur tabs... And desperate to try anything that would help me... As soon as I purchased them, I popped them in my mouth and I felt instant relief... My heavy eyelids lifted up, posture lifted up, breathing sped up, energy came back and also a little itchy hive that I had on the crease of my arm near my veins, it went away... I went home with so much energy that I even went to the gym because I was so happy that I had energy...

It is clear to me now that the reason why Sulphur gave me energy is because I do have Mercury toxicity that was making me feel dizzy and suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome... The dissolvable Sulphur tabs that I bought had a strength or potency of 30c... I continue to have energy taking these tablets... But I was also advised to take Selenium and Chlorella also to bind the Mercury and chelate it from my body! Mostly, I'm so happy I have energy to go out and also no more dizziness! Or itchy Hives!

Replied by Loraine
(Orlando, Fl)

Joyce.... Can you let me know the name of the sulpher tablets that you used? I have a similar problem like yours and can't wait to try this remedy to see if it would help. Also would you know if sulfur is safe for people who are hypothyroid. Thank you so much.

Replied by Tashimoto
(Vancouver, British Columbia)

She says the sulphur she used had a 30c potency. That is Homeopathic Sulphur and should be prescribed by a knowledgeable Homeopath according to symptoms.

Replied by Loraine
(Orlando, Florida)

Thank you Tashimoto!! Can't believe I overlooked that.

Replied by Joyce
(Dallas, Tx)

Hi, You do not need a "Prescription" to take Homeopathic Sulphur... I bought it at Sprouts Health Food Store in my neighborhood. The brand I used is called Boericke and Tafel, but there are other brands that offer the same thing... If you purchase on line they will be a potency of 30c or sometimes 6x... You don't need a prescription though at all... I don't know where Tashimoto got that from... At the health food stores there are other Homeopathic supplements that you can take like "Kalium Iodatum", which is also known as "Potassium Iodine", which is basically what Lugol's Iodine is... And again, you don't even need a prescription for that either...

Replied by Kim


Did you have your amalgams removed? I understand you're not supposed to chelate until after all amalgams are gone.

How are you doing now? I'm curious - did you get CFS from mercury exposure? I have severe CFS and my symptoms started a month after a bad dental procedure involving copious amounts of mercury vapor. I now feel as if I'm dying.

I hope you continue to do well.

Replied by John

Any feedback on this now?

I still have my amalgams...cant really remove them without having my liver and kidneys super strong and healthy.. as well as my adrenals.

So sulphur wont help?

Replied by Brightday
(North Carolina)

I'm wondering the same thing. I was all ready to begin the turpentine treatment when someone told me that doing it before removing my amalgams would deposit the mercury in my brain! I would be relieved to learn that sulfur will chelate the mercury, as I haven't the wherewithal to remove the amalgams now. I began a new thread on this issue yesterday but haven't received an answer yet, so thought I'd try here, as well. Thanks!


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3 star (1) 

Posted by Amie_says (Southern Us) on 03/30/2016


I'm really frustrated. I thought I had my CFS under control, but I obviously need something else, because what I'm doing just isn't working anymore. I'm so tired that on some days, I feel like I'm just going to die. My brain fog is so bad that some days I can't even concentrate long enough to watch a 30-minute t.v. show, much less work.

I get plenty of sleep, work at home, no heavy physical activity, but I do get out and walk or garden every day, and if the weather is bad, I'll do some aerobics inside.

I eat fairly decently, depending on how much I have to spend on food during the month. I don't eat a lot of meat, so try to get enough protein from other sources (dairy, nuts, brown rice).

These are the supplements I'm taking. Please tell me if you see anything wrong that I should take out of add. I know this is a lot, but I have to try to work as much as possible, and I just kept adding things that were supposed to help. For awhile, this worked, but now it seems to be harming me more than hurting me.

I thought one thing might be that I have a parasite, strongyloides, and some of these are also anti-parasitic, so maybe some of my problem is constant die-off, but if I stop taking them, the worms take over again and I get sicker.

Multi-Vit-Min tablet
Biotin 5000 mcg
Dopa Mucuna 15% L-Dopa
Potassium Gluconate 595 MG
C 1000mg
Hawthorne Berries 565 mg 2 x day
D3 3000 iu/day
CLA 1500 mg 2 x day
B-Complex & B-12
CoQ10 50 mg 2-4/day
MSM 500 mg 2 x day
Red Yeast Rice 600 mg
Iron Glycinate 28 mg take 1 every 3rd day since multi has iron in it too
Cal-Mag-Zinc (chelated) 3/day
Triple Omega (flaxseed, fish, chia oils) 3 x day
Serrapeptase 2-4/day
L-Tyrosine 1-3/day
Lugol's 5% - 1/2 drop/day (I'm very sensitive, so I'm working up to higher dosage)
Selenium 200 mcg 1 every other day (since I'm on such a low dose of iodine)
Diatomaceous Earth - 1 tablespoon/day
Borax 1/4 tsp./day dissolved in 1 liter of water and drunk throughout the day.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Amy: You are taking a very good regimen for the CFS but one word of caution is the problem of absorption. This very much seems like your case.

If you have pets a parasite infection is very possible. Two good herbal complexes to consider is Nature's Answer "Black Walnut Complex" and Kroger Herb "Wormwood Complex". Also add (rotate) Garlic (I like the oil softgels) and Oregano (softgels again). To help clear parasites & pathogens (dead or alive) from the gut take one spoon Milled Flax Seed with meal once or twice daily. You may also consider rotating or including Turpentine as it is one of the most powerful natural antimicrobial and antiparasitic.

Ginseng and Pantothenic Acid will improve adrenal function. Raw Bovine Pituitary will help both Adrenal & Thyroid glands.

One last item that will help by itself or especially in combination with the herbs or Turpentine is Zapping. There are many types of Zappers with a price range of under $50 up to several thousand. A good beginner is a 30 KHz Hulda Clark Zapper. You will experience an immediate increase in energy from Z'ing.

The Flax should help clear the die-off but you may need to take some Charcoal or Clay prior to meals to avoid headache and other bad side effects. Digestion should improve shortly after the Herbals/Turpentine/Zapping.

If you have a Mycoplasma Infection the Borax will be most effective as 1/4 cup in a hot bath rather than drinking. It would be most beneficial to add 2 or 3 grains of Sodium Thiosulfate at the beginning of the bath to remove heavy metals from the water and your body. Fluoride is a likely culprit in many CFS folks so water purification is a must, and the above baths will remove existing fluoride as well as other heavy metals. When supplementing Iodine, do so several hrs away from the bath.

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Tx)

Try cutting out the red yeast rice. I think this is supposed to act like a statin, but has the same side effects such as muscle weakness and brain fog.

Replied by Jane

& might have high level of arsenic.

Replied by Barb
(Grantville Ga)

Have you check to make sure there is no interaction among your supplements/ also you might try 1-2 tabs of blackstrap molasses a day

Best wishes!

Posted by Lynn (Holland, OH) on 03/16/2006

I am taking Spectro 3 vitamin/mineral supplement, magnesium taurate for the depression, extra calcium, B-50 complex for all the vitamins the candida depletes your body of, digestive enzymes to eat up all the waste material you are killing - with each meal and in between, a good probiotic to replenish the good bacteria an hour after each meal and at bedtime (read "You're Nuts Because of Your Guts" at Cure, 70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract, 90% of Serotonin is made in your gastro-intestinal tract), coconut oil (Spectrum organic unrefined - has yeast defeating properties and is a medium chain fatty acid which is very good for you and is supposed to help you lose weight, read The Coconut Diet by Cherie Calbom), MSM (500 mg per 30 lbs. of body weight), I take 1000 mg(pure, no fillers) twice a day to help strip the mucous membranes where yeast live in and restore PH in your GI tract, liquid molybdenum (a mineral) to help break down the acetaldehyde toxin the yeast produces and Oxymune oxygen drops to help build the immune system even stronger, and gently bounce (do not take feet off) on a mini-trampoline to help clear toxins from my lymphatic system.

So far, my CFS and Fibromyalgia are much improved, the thrush in my mouth is losing its hold. Pink skin is starting to appear at bottom of a totally white coated tongue. Totally yeast infected ears are almost totally cleared up (intense itching and yucky yeast residue are gone) I am making slow but progressive progress.

My understanding is that this overgrowth of systemic candida is due to a suppressed immune system, however you got it; overuse of antibiotics, birth control pills, use of steroids (prednisone),etc., all the bad things doctors give us to help us get well have made millions of us terribly ill. I am doing everything I can to build up my immune system. Read Ed McCabe's book, "Flood Your Body with Oxygen", in which he explains over and over again how YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM RUNS ON OXYGEN. This disease is a parasite and you are the host, it thrives in an anerobic environment (no oxygen), and the more oxygen you force into your body, the weaker this parasite becomes, but you must keep at it every day and never give up. I once recovered from this terrible disease doing yoga morning and night for a half an hour at a time. I felt great for about 3 months -- I looked wonderful, I felt wonderful, I couldn't get sick no matter how many sick people I was exposed to, my immune system was that strong and then I quit the yoga thinking it was the MSM that had done the healing, so it's back to gentle exercising to build up the immune system. Excessive exercise will just depress your immune system even more. Read up on how yoga builds up the immune system and detoxifies the body through urination, elimination and sweating. I believe due to the constant deep intake of oxygen with the deep breathing involved in the yoga poses and the constant twisting and bending involved that detoxified my liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc. my immune system became so strong nothing could exist in my body but great health. If anyone wants to e-mail me to discuss wellness my email is [email protected] I hope this helps someone.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, CA, USA) on 02/26/2009

Turmeric for Fatigue: I have Chronic Fatigue along with Mercury toxicity and started taking Turmeric for a tooth infection/ sensitive tooth. A GREAT side effect was energy! It only took a few days to get started. I take about 4 capsule in morning and 4 at lunch (homemade caps with turmeric from spice aisle). WARNING: Don't take before bed. I couldn't sleep for a few nights until I figured out it was giving me energy.

I love this stuff.

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