Cold hands and feet - I cured my cold hands and feet as well as my sinusitis with a Liver and galbladder detox, you can look it up on the internet; apple juice, epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) olive oil and grapefruit-, lemon- or orangejuice). You have to drink 1 liter applejuice a day for 5 days in a row and on the 6th day you do the detox. So actually it is a one day detox. Before you start you have to be sure if you are willing to repeat this cure several times! I did the cure 6 times in a row with 2 weeks in between. Be aware that you can have Herxheimer reaction. I think this detox is very good for over all health! Now I repeat the detox at least once a year. By the way I am a thin person.