Lugol's Iodine
Immediate relief! Even my gynecologist didn't even suggest this remedy.
I was given all kinds of pain medication, even birth control pills to help and they did nothing. Try getting lugol's and painting on breast first. Do not worry it stains then disappears!
If it disappears quickly, you are iodine deficient! Get your thyroid checked.
MSM and Vitamin C
With summer so close some of us will not be able to use baking soda without swelling. Baking soda water and molasses has gotten me through many seemly incurables. However, in my older age my legs and feet swells due to circulatory situations. About three weeks ago I started getting some breast pain. I started doing some research and learned about MSM water (16 tablespoons of organic MSM in a gallon of distilled or spring water), and vitamin C which is taken a half hour later. Several tablespoons of this water is drank about five times each day. It works is all I want to say.
MSM does not bother me, I use to take the tablets until I ran out. if I had only known it was doing more then helping my knees I would have not have stopped taking them. I simply went to search and put in MSM and cancer, (staying ahead of the game) and searched a few of the listings. I found at least two articles that said this will cure it. It certainly took the pain.
Loving You EC,
Apple Cider Vinegar for Breast Calcifications
I take 1 tablespoon in about 10 to 12 ounces of water in the mornings, about 5 mornings per week, first thing on an empty stomach. After a few months, I added about 1/2 teaspoon of baking sofa to the mixture to help with constipation. I also take about 1/2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a pinch of baking soda in 6 ounces of water at bedtime for indigestion (about 5 out of 7 nights).
I do take some other supplements, but I believe the breast calcifications disappeared with the apple cider regime.