Congestive Heart Failure - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Congestive Heart Failure. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.

Simple Breathing to Increase Oxygen

Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 11/09/2020

Editor's Choice ORH,

I'm sorry to hear about your oxygen predicament. A while ago I also had problems with gunk in my lungs. I just followed Ted's advice of taking 1/2 tspn Sea Salt every day. Worked like a charm. No more gunk in my lungs. Nada. Taking sea salt reduces all mucus in the lungs, nose etc. And it gives your body many essential trace minerals as well. I'm also aware that many are afraid to take salt -- even the good sea salt -- because they insist that it's bad for the heart. You know where I stand there. I've been taking sea salt for over 10 years and my heart is always 70/110. So if you've got a healthy kidney and healthy intestines, sea salt should be OK as far as I'm concerned.

Some while ago I listened to a testimonial from Dr. Linus Pauling concerning just taking oral vitamin C and Lysine. A well known research scientist rang him up and asked Dr Pauling what he could do about the dangerous plaque build up in his arteries that was making him so breathless. The scientist also said that he had already had three heart bypass operations and so his options were rather limited. Pauling suggested that he just take 1 gram of vitamin C (as sodium ascorbate) together with 1 gram of Lysine (mixed together in a glass or half-glass of water) 6 times a day.

The scientist followed Pauling's suggestion and the change was quite remarkable -- after just a month on the oral dose he excitedly rang up Pauling again and said he was once again able to go for long walks and chop wood for hours without a problem. That Linus Pauling video testimonial is here:

To explain it simply, the vitamin C just removes the dangerous Lp(a) plaque arterial build up while the lysine prevents the Lp(a) forming on the artery walls. You have to take both vitamin C and lysine for rapid removal of arterial plaque.

You also mention that you have edema -- what are your edema symptoms? I ask because if you have edema in the heart then that means you might have congestive heart problems (swollen heart), which means that the heart pumps inefficiently leading to lack of oxygen in the blood. Certain things can cause heart edema -- such as low potassium or low Thiamine (see Dr Wallach's research) in the body. To confirm your problem perhaps it's best to get a hair analysis. Don't get a blood test, that just tells you what you ate that day. A hair analysis is more accurate over the long term.

Simple Breathing to Increase Oxygen
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 11/04/2020

Editor's Choice HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and my situation is going down fast. My latest injection fraction was 30-35, which is CHF. Switching to my integrative doctor to get better advice and direction. Oxygen is 95 until I bend over to tie my shoes or lay down to sleep and then it goes to below 92. Now use 3 or 4 pillows to keep my head and lungs raised while sleeping.

Used lots of complicated breathing techniques over the years, but found a simple one that is fail proof. Forget all the timing and holding of breathe..... I just quickly inhale through my nose and slowly release out my mouth. I keep a finger oximeter and watch the oxygen go up within minutes. Had my Tractor Driver do this and her start was 99 and then 100 within a few breathes. Naturally, that is the reason she drives my tractor. She is a tough hyde. Also reading that if I can massage my vagus nerve, it will help with my heart electrical problem. I have a CHF program on my PEMF device that I also use. It may just be time to go home, but ya'll would miss my stories.... so I'll drag this out .

