Natural Remedies

COPD Natural Remedies: Improve Lung Function & Ease Symptoms

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


3 User Reviews
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Posted by Caski3 (Uk) on 09/15/2013

COPD: I have had an extremely wheezy sounding lungs. My GP brother suggests this is the result of smoking which I ceased some 25 years ago. I have been a firm believer in MSM and tried various manufacturers without the success that other cases demostrate. Most importantly is to buy therapeutic level of supplements from a reputable company. Recently I purchased MSM powder 99.9% pure form J---B Lab. Taking: MSM half a teaspoon twice a day.

One dessert spoon of organic coconut oil twice daily. 5 Drops of Vit D, 1,000 mg Vit C powder in a magnesium base. I am going to add Magnesium Citrate and Vit A and start Vit E again and see where we go from here. The results to date have been much less wheezing and loads more energy.

Posted by Kim (Birmingham, England) on 09/21/2009

I have been taking MSM for a while now and I have to say my asthma/COPD is much improved. However, MSM does contain sulphates which some individuals may be sensitive to and may cause some side effects. I have read from a very good source that this can be largely overcome by taking a supplementation of molybedenum(500mcg). Hope this helps.

Replied by Dixie
(Lake City, Florida)

Could you please tell me how to use this? The dosages

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Wayne A (Louisiana) on 11/20/2018

Dealing (and living) with COPD

First, let me clarify. I was a smoker for many years and was diagnosed with emphysema. I am stubborn when it comes to NOT accepting that I cannot fix what is broken, especially my body. After reading the article on Bill Munro and hydrogen peroxide inhalation, I decided I would try it. If it worked fore him, should work for me, right?

Well, I experienced some relief but not what I expected. I went though a period of less stress on breathing. It felt as tho the method was working.

Then after a month or so, I had a terrible infection to the point I thought it was the end. I quickly went for my albuterol because I know after the treatments my lungs open up. Then, after much site hopping looking for suggestions, I learned about L-Glutathione. I suggest you google it and read all you can because its one of the most important proteins in your body (cells). I made several appointments with a holistic Dr. but was never able to keep the appointments because of the distance from me and work schedules.

Anyway, I was able to find it on the net, ordered, and nebulize with one tea-spoon of distilled water per capsule L-Glutathione.

Miraculously, this treatment seemed to giving me the relief I was looking for. Then, I after 1 month, my lungs became infected again (exsaperations, I believe its called.) Anyway, I was fine then became sick again. So, what caused the infections?

I came to learn SUGAR (which is one of my weaknesses )is an infectant. I eat chocolate chip cookies like there's no tomorrow, bad habits are hard to stop. So, I made up my mind, no more sugar.. I must add I walk bout 5 miles a day vigorously. It helps tremendously. I also have a work out program which I use to fit my schedule. I need to do this to keep my mind off cigs. It helps as I haven't touched one in years .If you smoke, Stop. It's that simple, which is not simple, I might add. But I had to convince myself I would die way too soon if I didn't. Now, my next huge hurdle is Sugar....cross your fingers. Thanks for may help you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by John Jp (Buffalo, NY) on 09/20/2014

I should warn you that hydrogen peroxide is reactive and corrosive. If you combine it with other stuff it will break down the other stuff, rendering it useless or converting it into other stuff that is either useless or harmful that you don't want in your body. So only inhale H2O2 if you haven't inhaled other treatments in a few hours, and will not be inhaling other treatments in a few hours. AVOID all treatments containing metals (silver, magnesium, etc) for 24 hours if using H2O2.

If my breathing has been really bad for a while, H2O2 helped sometimes. But it seems that whatever "cleaning" effect it has, it had no more beneficial effects after the lungs were cleaned with it. Perhaps people who are frequently breathing dirty environments, pollution, smoke, or regularly getting lung infections can benefit from regular use of H2O2.

Otherwise a few days in a row for cleaning out the lungs every few weeks or months might be good enough for some in good, clean, safe, healthy environments.

People with air filters, AC, & relatively clean air around them may not see any improvement from regular H2O2 treatments.

You may not need to mix H2O2 with distilled water. Pour a teaspoon of H2O2 in a small glass of your tap water. If it doesn't bubble or foam like crazy, or only bubbles a little bit, there's not much bad in it to react to, so you can mix it with ordinary tap water.

I've read coffee and caffeine may be bad for COPD. It turns out it is only bad for some of the meds you may be taking.

My COPD was so bad that I couldn't walk across the room or go to the bathroom without desperately gasping for air. Getting laid off because of breathing problems, losing my health insurance, & being on a tight budget, I gave up coffee because I could no longer afford it, and they said it was bad for me.

After some research I had discovered that caffeine is very similar chemically to some meds used to treat COPD. I traced my steps back to the last time I could walk across a room without gasping for air. It was before I ran out of coffee and gave it up!

I desperately went to my cabinet and got out some caffeine tablets I had from the days of my night-shift work, and took a tablet. These were the bigger strong ones. I used to only use a half a tablet for night-work because they were so strong. But for this experiment I took a whole one.

A whole one was too much. Got the shakes, and an uneasy stomach. Breathing only improved slightly during the first hour. During the second hour, breathing was remarkably better. After the second hour I was breathing better than I had in months!

The speedy/hyper effects of the caffeine had diminished considerably after a couple hours, but the breathing was still improving. I continued to breathe much better for 5 hours after taking the caffeine, before I noticed my breathing was starting to get slightly worse again.

I continued experimenting with different doses at different times to see what worked best. Rather than buy more coffee, I continued on using the caffeine "stay awake" tablets to formulate an accurate dosage/treatment scheme.

This is what works for me these days. I take a normal cup of coffee in the morning with a small caffeine tablet. The tablets are about half the size of the original ones, so are much weaker. It turns out more is NOT better. So if you have one of those special or exotic coffee makers that deliver a very strong caffeinated beverage, you might want to skip the tablets entirely.

Caffeine is a drug and a stimulant. If you have too much it will de-sensitze you to it, causing you to need more with less of the beneficial effect. Also too much will make you hyper or nervous so you'll burn more oxygen and get an upset stomach. So be sensible. Use only what you need, using too much will only make things worse.

I usually don't need any more caffeine for at least 5 hours. At that time, around lunch time or hours after, another ordinary cup of coffee is enough. But if my breathing has gotten considerably worse, I may take only 1/2 of one of those small caffeine tablets with the coffee. Again, I must stress, if you are having a strong coffee or strong caffeinated beverage you may skip the tablet.

AVOID Red Bull or other caffeinated beverages and energy drinks that may have other stuff in them you don't want or may be bad for you and your other treatments!

Just before, during, or after dinner time (depending on my breathing) I may have another cup of coffee. Many days I can skip it because I'm still breathing good enough. Other days if it has gotten real bad, I'll take another half a caffeine tablet with the coffee.

Again, I must stress, more or too much is NOT better. Take only the amount of caffeine you need to breath a little better. Taking too much will de-sensitize you to it, and the treatment won't work or work well anymore. Don't be impatient. You may notice only a slight improvement after 20-60 minutes of taking caffeine. The significant improvement will happen after the first hour, and continue for many hours.

2-4 hours before bedtime I might have another cup of coffee if my breathing is getting bad again. That way the speedy effects are almost worn off by bedtime so I can sleep well. However if my breathing is so bad that I can't get ready for bed or sleep safely, I'll also take a half a caffeine tablet with the coffee, and decide to stay up a few hours later until my breathing is better.

I find usually if I had a caffeine tablet or a half of one with my coffee, the next time or the next 2 times I do not need a caffeine tablet with my coffee, or can go longer without coffee. The tablets I'm using now only have about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. So a cup with a tablet is like having 2 coffees. A cup with a half a tablet is like having a large coffee.

So I'm only having the equivalent of 4-6 regular ordinary cups of coffee a day in caffeine, and unlike the coffee guzzlers at work or at most jobs, it's spread out through the whole day, not just squeezed into an 8 hour work shift.

Check with your doctor to make sure it's safe to drink coffee with the meds you're taking. However, if you're having very strong coffee, or taking caffeine tablets, you might want to stop taking the other meds for that day anyway & see how things go.

Caffeine can conflict with other meds... especially meds that are stimulants that have ingredients in them that end in the letters "ene" or "ine", or steroids. They do not mix well with coffee.

So if caffeine is so similar to other COPD meds chemically why aren't doctors recommending it, or telling you to avoid it? Doctors and drug companies won't make much money if they tell you ordinary cheap coffee is almost the same thing as the meds.

I've recently changed my coffee recipe for even better results. A slightly weaker coffee with a little chocolate, sugar, and milk is even better. They say avoid sugar because it burns O2. BS! Any energy you burn will require O2. Sugar is the quickest was to ingest energy without spending a lot of resources & O2 digesting and processing it. So unless you're already overweight, enjoy your sugar.

I use a weaker cup of instant coffee now. Only a single level teaspoon of cheap generic instant coffee in hot water. 2.5 teaspoons of sugar. 1 heaping teaspoon of Nesquick instant chocolate milk (also has a little caffeine & antioxidants in it), and 1 heaping teaspoon of dry milk. Don't worry if you're lactose intolerant, a teaspoon of low fat dry milk doesn't have enough lactose to bother most people. So you're getting a little protein, vitamin D, calcium, energy & other nutrients with every cup. It's also delicious.

The little bit of low fat dry milk won't generate extra mucus, or slimy spit. I've tried many different recipes over almost a year now. The chocolate instant coffee recipe seems to improve the breathing the best.

The second best was cinnamon (lots of antioxidant) instead of chocolate in the coffee. But I had to use 3 heaping teaspoons of sugar instead of 2.5 for the taste & energy boost I needed. Yum!

With the new chocolate recipe, on a good day, I only need a caffeine tablet with the coffee in the the morning and can avoid more tablets with the coffee for the rest of the day or until the evening. Some good days I may only have 2 cups!

But there are still occasionally bad days where I still need a half tablet with every cup (up to 6 cups a day) to get through a day even with the chocolate.

Grapefruit juice is another daily treatment I use. Again, it had chemicals similar to some meds you may be taking so check with your doctor first or discontinue the meds for the day to see how it works for you. It is safe to take grapefruit juice with caffeine though.

Grapefruit juice is also some pretty potent stuff, so more is not better, and too much can make things worse. Because I need to sleep at night, I usually take about 8 oz. of grapefruit juice after dinner or a couple hours before bedtime. That way I need very little or no caffeine to help me breathe & can sleep better.

Air conditioning! Humidity is the enemy for most of us.That's why it's better to take a bath than a shower too. Showers put too much humidity into the air.

Keep the air cool and dry. Humidity of 40% is ideal for COPD sufferers. Some people can't take it much drier than that, but others are fine down to 0%. Keep it cool. The molecules & oxygen in the air are closer together at cooler temperatures. So you're getting more O2 per breath when the air is cooler.

Blow up a balloon in the hot sun on a hot humid day. Then put the balloon in the fridge for an hour. See how much it shrank? There's just as much O2 in there as before but it's more concentrated so takes up less space. More O2 per breath!

Wear heavy sweatshirts, hoodies, and sweatpants & other warm stuff inside to keep warm, and crank up the AC. Keep it in the 60s F (16-21C) to breathe better. The cool dry are will also slow or stop the growth of mold & bacteria that can be growing in the walls, drains, under the toilet rim, litter box, & other places you can't see it. That stuff thrives on warm or humid damp air.

Don't let the air get stale and de-oxygenated though. Crack the windows open at least a couple times a day to refresh the air. Even in the freezing winter. Turn up the heat or sit in front of an electric heater while the air is being refreshed in winter. It won't take long to refresh the air a little so you can close them again.

Cooking consumes a lot of O2, expels CO, CO2, dirties up the air, and heats the place up, so it's the best time to crack open the kitchen window to let in fresh air during winters.

Can afford that? Keep a small safe room that is always air conditioned, air filtered, and regularly refreshed, to retreat to... like your bedroom. It's pretty cheap to keep 1 small room conditioned well to escape to. Put a TV, computer, and projects to do in there to pass the time with on bad breathing days.

Avoid fireplaces, wood stoves, campfires, and other open flames & fires. They're very, very, bad for COPD. I have to stay home for Christmas and Thanksgiving because family insists they must have logs burning on a fire even though I can't breathe. Ironically my Mom passed away with COPD, but they have forgotten she couldn't breathe near a wood fire either.

Don't like the nasty looks they give me when I start coughing up goo either, so I'm glad to stay home during the holidays anyway.

Air filters! Although your small 400-500 watt window AC has a filter in it that helps, it will only trap large particles or hair, & a few contaminants may condense and stick to the cold damp AC core to be drained to the outside (so yes, they will clean the air a little). Even if you can only afford a couple $40 walmart portable air filters for a small bedroom they do help a lot. H2O2 may not help much if you're already breathing relatively clean air most of the time or overnight when the dirt settles in the lungs the most.

The disposable filters inside can cost almost as much as the units, & may need to be replaced in 3 months. But there's ways around that. Open up the unit to get at the replaceable filters. Tape a thin, cheap, sheet of single ply generic toilet paper over the front of the paper filter assembly. The cheapest version of Scot toilet paper works best for me. Replace the paper every 1-2 months (if you have pets & kids around once a month). The replaceable filters in mine have lasted 19 months so far, and seems like I'll get them to last over 2 years.

I used to desperately gasp for air just walking across the room or going to the bathroom every day for months. With the caffeine, grapefruit juice, AC, & filters, I can get most of my household chores, cooking, and eating done almost every day good enough. I can walk 8 blocks to get groceries, & carry them home, taking a rest for a few minutes every block or so now.

I live on the second floor. I can go downstairs to check my mail every day without much problems now. No cure, but much better than before.

Replied by Jacobus
(SE Asia)

Thank you so much, John, for the very thoughtful, detailed description of your successful actions. So much attention to detail.

That's very helpful.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Thehandyman1947 (Ohio) on 01/19/2014

A few suggestions for COPD in response to Patti's post from 1/18/2014 regarding DMSO and Colloidal Silver

  • MSM is made form DMSO, MSM taken with vit C build new cells in the body, should be taken every 12 hours to get even cell growth, add chicken collagen 2 for elastin, NAC, N-Acetyl Cysteine to help rebuild lungs.
  • VIT C -1000 mg
  • MSM -1000mg
  • NAC -600mg
  • chicken collagen 2, these items can be purchased from

chicken collagen 2 sold as hyaluronic acid item #nsi 3002115 you may also consider taking magnesium up to 1000mg per day, magnesium is very important most people are deficient, but too much can make you run for a bathroom,

The colloidal silver is good, it kills pathogens.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rev. Concetta (Warren, Mi) on 04/07/2012

Dear Earth Clinic, I wanted to share my story with you, your readers as I have found your site very useful-

I smoked for over twenty years and in 2004 was diagnosed with COPD, I stopped smoking, changed my diet, and got on with life- In 2007 my health began a fairly steady decline, I would go to work and feel fatigued, constant headaches, loss of appetitie- I truly thought I was dying and hopeless, I found earth clinic and tried the H2O2 diluted in water, now for me this paticular cure did not seem to help, though I know it has for many- By 2009 I was in a terrible state, not only with the COPD but with the addition of Multiple Chemical Sensetivity, after exposure to my workplace I would get headaches so severe that I would sleep for 12 to 14 hours, I had intense leg muscle pain, sinus problems, fatigue... Oh it went on and on- I was fired from my job, even though I requested accomodations, I requested that air fresheners, perfumes be banned and that I would be notified when spraying pesticides, and the use of organic cleaning solutions... After three years working for a state funded non-profit, I was let go because they did not want to trample on other people's rights to be fragrant or become the perfume police- Now I am out of work and sick, had to apply for disability, because I could not find a non toxic work environment, I could not work outside as the cold took my breath away and walking any distance was out of the question- So after 3 bouts of Pnuemonia in two years, being placed on three different inhalers I still felt awful- I had to make a choice to die like this or to find something that would help- After much research and trial and error, realizing that every cure does not work for everyone (DON"T GIVE UP! ) I have found a good combination for my body- I take;

Vitamin C 1000 mg 1 tab 3x a day
Super Cayenne 100,000 HU 1 tab 3x a day
Full spectrum Mullein Leaf 500 mg 1tab 2x a day
Ashwagandha 450 mg 2 caps 1x a day
Swanson's Lung Essentials 2 caps 2x per day
Calcium w/Mag and Vitamin D 1,000 mg 2 caps 2x per day
Marshmallow Root 500 mg 1 cap 1x per day
Capsicum w/ eucalyptus nasal spray 2x per day
Tumeric 1/4 spoon dissolved in warm milk 3x per week Juiced garlic mixed with apple cider vinegar and honey a shot mixed with warm water 1x per day

I plan on adding MSM to this mix-

So it has been two weeks in and the difference is notable, I can breathe much easier, I can walk further, I can clean my house without having to sit down every five minutes, I feel I have more energy, return of appetite, better sleep, headaches are gone, sinus problems, pressure, running nose, are slight and I think I have less senstivity to chemical fragrances, I'm still testing this but will keep you updated- I am still taking my inhalers as prescribed, but may attempt to cut down usage and see how that goes... I hope this may serve to offer hope to someone else suffering, there is a way, you just have to find what works for you- Much Love and Many Blessings-

Replied by Royce W
(Center, Texas)

If you are having chemical sensitivity, you are most likely deficient in magnesium, zinc, selenium. and molybdenum. It is best to take these in angstrom form - liquid ionic minerals. I went to an oriental medicine doctor. I took these minerals twice per day, 20 minutes apart. I took magnesium and molybdenum every day. I alternated selenium and zinc. For 2 weeks I took Mg, Selenium, Moly, then Mg, Moly, and zinc. It cleared up all chemical sensitivity. It took a year. I also took Jergon Sacha and a liver cleanse to clear out a viral infection that was causing the drain on minerals. I hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by James (Silver Creek, GA) on 06/23/2009

For the many sufferers from COPD:

1) Get a baseline spirometry test done by an MD,

2) have a CT-scan,

3) have a sputum culture and sensitivity testing for possible pathogens,

4) items #3 and #4 help to rule out more serious complications like bronchiectasis and colonized pseudomonas aeruganosa, which is nearly impossible to eradicate with antibiotics,

5) acetyl L-carnitine 1000 mg. 3x/day has been proven to loosen mucous secretions and helps to promote their elimination (an amino acid available in health food stores).

6) avoid 2nd hand tobacco smoke, campfire smoke and all other lung irritants.

7) Even the most serious infections may be helped by intermittent prescribed nebulized antibiotics (tobramycin and colistin) when necessary. 8) MSM is safe to use in fairly high daily dosages (start with 1 tsp. 3x/day and gradually increase to 1 tbsp 3x/day.

9) Unfortunately, very little research has been done in humans with DMSO for COPD, which should probably help some antibiotics to become effective against MDRAs (multiple drug resistant antibiotics).

10) Nebulized hypertonic saline has also been reported to be beneficial for loosening pulmonary secretions in COPD.

Replied by James
(Silver Creek, Georgia, Usa)


Back on 6/23/09 I made a careless mistake by stating:

"5) acetyl L-carnitine 1000 mg 3x/day has been proven to loosen mucous secretions and helps to promote their elimination".

Acetyl L-carnitine is useful for treating peripheral neuropathy and not COPD. I meant to say "N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) 1000 mg 3x/day has been proven to loosen mucous secretions and helps to promote their elimination (an amino acid available in health food stores)".

I think I became careless because I take them both and was needing to reorder ALC, the former nutrient, so it was 'on my mind'. There is a class of macrolide antibiotics (which includes erythromycin and azithromycin) that have immuno-modulating effects in very small dosages of only 250 mg every other day, requiring a long term renewable prescription from an MD.

There are considerable medical studies that indicate macrolides reduce inflammatory cytokines, and biofilm formation which make pathogenic bacteria more resistant to eradication by antibiotics and other means. Nebulized DMSO 30% to 50% solution has anti-biofilm and anti-bacterial activity, even against most multiple-drug-resistant-bacteria like pseudomonas a. And acinetobacter b. Gaylord Chemical in Slidell, LA published a report indicating that DMSO was non-toxic by either oral, inhalation, or dermal administration, and DMSO is completely biodegradable. The results of extended inhalation toxicity studies on rats exposed to saturated vapors of DMSO showed no statistical difference from rats in a control group, who did not breathe DMSO. They do not sell DMSO to the public. Odorless garlic preparations containing allicin have anti-quorum sensing activity that also diminish biofilm formation. There are various mucolytic enzyme formulas that may also be helpful. Some people claim that they have had great benefit from taking colloidal silver both orally and by inhalation. So far, there no medical studies that support this. Do your own research.

So far, the medical profession only supports the use of DMSO for treatment interstitial cystitis (a very painful bladder disorder that doesn't respond to anything else). Do your own research.

Food grade hydrogen peroxide has been claimed by many to have helped to reduce symptoms of COPD and other lung problems like bronchitis. Do your own research.

High doses of vitamin C (1000 to 2000 mg/3x day have increased the resistance to infections and allergens. (Linus Pauling took 20, 000 mg/d for decades and lived to 92).

Straight niacin, which causes transient but temporary flushing, is a potent natural capillary vasodilator that can be very beneficial for it's detoxifying properties. Niacin helps remove "capillary sludge" and increases blood flow to the entire body. Don't be afraid of the flushing when you start.

Taking a cool shower will provide quick relief if needed. It only lasts 15-20 minutes, and as you continue taking niacin your body develops a tolerance to the flushing in part due to your capillaries remaining relatively more dilated throughout the day.

Start with small doses and work up to the higher doses gradually. Straight niacin is far more beneficial than non-flush niacin for many disorders like COPD.

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Kimmi (Alabama) on 10/12/2022

I have COPD, I take two NAC every evening before I go to bed and I have had no problems with breathing, and I was able to stop taking "Primatene tablets " the next day and broncade (since I have no insurance that's my only option I had) but now I don't have to take that anymore!! 👍

Replied by Bart

Hi Kimmi, may I ask where you source the NAC from? We used to be used to get it here but now it's off the market . Appreciate your info


Hi Bart,

Please be very careful with NAC N-Acetyle cysteine, I took it for years, and it did absolutely nothing for me, in fact I got worse. There is a list of awful side effects with NAC and it is also supposed to cause cancer. Please check of webmd there is a load of reviews on there. I was shocked at what I was reading. I do have a list I wrote in my book, on You tube you never hear of side effects of hardly anything, and that is what makes me so angry. I just threw a brand new pot away in a blue and white tub! Not taking any chances, and I dont want to get any of those side effects. Not sure who asked size of the capsules? I have always known them to come in 600 mg size. Rosina from London UK

Replied by Joel

How many MG's are your pills of NAC?

Replied by Freda
(British Columbia)

What stage of Copd are you at?

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

If you don't mind me asking, why did you take a manufactured drug "for years" if it was doing nothing?

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Ginta (Phoenix, Arizona, Usa) on 11/29/2012

I am 63 and have severe COPD from smoking since I was about 16. I've had chronic bronchitis for a number of years and recently found some articles on using N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) for clearing phlem, so I bought some from a local health food store. I've been taking 1200mg/day and am amazed at the results - after just one day I was coughing up a lot, but the phlem was foamy rather than thick and sticky. It's been over a week now that I've been taking the NAC and my coughing has lessened significantly. I am now also taking serrapeptase and niacin.

I was recently given a nebulizer machine by someone who's friend passed away from his COPD (he was 81 and had three nasty bouts of pneumonia) and have ordered some hoses/mouthpieces and some liquid DMSO, MSM and colloidal silver to try Ted's DMSO treatments to further help clear my lungs. I'll post an update after a few weeks.

Natural Microdose Dna

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Vicki (New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand) on 05/27/2010

Hi everybody. I'd like support what Robert said about Natural Microdose DNA. I've got an earlier post about my father using this product for his emphysema. He's improving all the time. His peak flow meter has risen even further from my previous post, written three weeks ago. It's now rarely below 200 and several times has been 220. He made more rapid progress when he started putting the drops underneath his tongue instead of on top of his tongue as he had been doing. I've just ordered another bottle from It costs me $NZ60 for one bottle plus courier to New Zealand, which only takes six days. Of course, this would be less in US dollars. A bottle lasts about two months at the normal dose, so it's pretty cheap, especially for something that actually works!! Obviously, other places sell it, apart from, but if you go to their site and put "Natural Microdose DNA" or "Salmon DNA" in the search box, the product will come up and you will be able to read some very positive customer reviews about it. I hope it can help some of you with respiratory conditions, like it is helping Dad.

All the best,

Replied by Linda
(Jefferson City, Mo U.s.a.)

I am sending this to Vicki from New Zealand and the natural microdose DNA that she purchased for her father. I went to and could not find it. I did email them and told them that I needed some assistance in locating this product. They emailed me back and said that they could not find it either. I really would like to try some. Could you advise what to do next? I hope your father is doing wonderful. He does not know how lucky he is to have a caring, loving person there to help him out. You go girl!!! Thanks Linda

Replied by K
(Good Ole, Usa)

Try typing in Salmon DNA like I did. She said to search for it that way. I found it. Good luck.

Replied by Pattianne
(Federal Way, Washington, Usa)

After numerous searches & great difficulty I found this product... Called Mucolyxir from an organic pharmacy in NC.

Separately, a high daily dose of D3 (do get tested! ), a garlic/habanero pepper tincture, systemic enzymes and daily exercise have kept me pneumonia free for the first year in over 10 yrs. This is a blessing and I hope you find yours! Not all products work for all people.

Natural Microdose Dna
Posted by Robert (Martinez, Ca) on 05/26/2010

For those with C.O.P.D. & other respiratory ailments, please check research on 'natural microdose DNA' which is not a product name but a natural substance with research & use for humans & also in the veterinary fields. The price for the product is very reasonable for its effectiveness & is available to all as it is not a drug.

Oil Pulling

Posted by Jerroll (Humble, Texas,usa) on 11/17/2010

I've just started OP with Sunflower oil. I have been told that I have COPD with 1/4 decrease in lung function. Has anyone been helped with OP ? If so what oil should I use?


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Art (California) on 01/20/2024 2390 posts

COPD And A Potential Homeopathic Remedy For Frequent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTIs)

Previously I have posted about the effective use of a readily available homeopathic remedy for colds and flu called Oscillococcinum. Based on the following two studies, it appears that Oscillococcinum may also be useful for people with COPD who have frequent URTIs as discussed here :

Here is an important quote from the study :

' The use of Oscillococcinum in patients with COPD led to a significant decrease in incidence and a delay in the appearance of URTI symptoms during the influenza-exposure period. The results of this study confirm the impact of this homeopathic medication on URTIs in patients with COPD. '

Here is a link to the second study which also showed positive effect from the use of Oscillococcinum in people with COPD in terms of URTIs :

Here are some of the study highlights:

1. 50% less URTIs in patients who used the homeopathic remedy(OG) vs the control group (CG)

2. Mean duration of symptoms per URTI episode were significantly less in OG vs CG

3. Greater decrease of consumption of corticosteroid for exacerbation in OG vs CG

4. Significant reduction of exacerbations in patients with the exacerbator phenotype

So, while Oscillococcinum has shown significant benefit for use against flu and colds, these two studies also show benefit for reducing frequency exacerbation in people with COPD as regards URTIs.


Peppermint Tea, Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Carolinacountrygirl (Nc) on 10/05/2016

Editor's Choice

My mom is 85 and has asthma and copd for 20 years now. Both started getting worse the last couple years and I could tell the docs couldn't or wouldn't do much to help her. I discovered in my research on youtube that peppermint tea and organic raw honey when drunk daily will clear mucus from lungs. She started using these two simple remedies 6 months ago & her doc told her after 4 months of drinking this that her lungs were clear of mucus. For the first time in years, she (doc) heard no wheezing or rattling noise.

My mom drinks a cup in the morning and later in the day. Whenever she feels like a cold or something is coming on, she doubles the tea bags and honey for safe measures, and so far, praise God, it seems to help war off intruders.

Replied by Francoise

Are they peppermint tea bags? And how much honey to a cup of tea thank you?

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Francoise,

Yes, peppermint tea bags should work fine. For medicinal use we use 1-3 teaspoons per cup of tea. Use less if blood sugar problems or diabetes are an issue.

~Mama to Many~

Peroxide, Colloidal Silver and Lugol's Iodine Inhalation

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Yolanda (Illinois) on 09/20/2015

Editor's Choice

I was diagnosed with mild COPD about 3 years ago. I refused all inhalers and told the doctor I would treat myself. I started using Bill Munro's protocol for the hydrogen peroxide. I buy the 3% hydrogen peroxide from WalMart or any supermarket. I put the straight peroxide in an nasal spray that has been emptied of its contents and rinsed really good in hot water. (you can also buy empty nasal spray bottles from Amazon.)

I also do the same thing with colloidal silver and lugol's iodine 2% solution. The colloidal silver is put straight into the nasal spray bottle but I put 2 drops of silver into water that I put first in the nasal spray bottle. I now have 3 nasal spray bottles,

1. with 3% peroxide
2. with colloidal silver and
3. with lugol's iodine 2 drops in water.

I use these throughout the day whenever I feel mucous and congestion building up and 1 hour before bed to clear up any mucous before bed. I also use p73 extra strength oregano oil. I put 6 drops in a empty gel capsule or just put 6 drops under the tongue. This acts as a natural antibiotic that clears up any infection or viruses. I use this two weeks on two weeks off or however you feel.

I no longer have any problem getting mucus up can walk over a mile without any breathing problems. I know that the copd is still there but it just dosen't bother me. The last time I went to the doctor he had me cough and listened to my breathing but didn't comment on the copd. The year before he insisted I take the inhalers.

Just had to share with you. It has been at least 3 years I have been doing this and I have not gotten any worse. The best to you all, Yolanda

P.S.. I forgot to tell you I do use them all at the same time. Took a while to do that doesn't seem to hurt. Sometimes I take one then later take another. Just try it.

Replied by Yolanda

I posted the comment about Bill Munro's protocol but I should have put I have Moderate copd not mild. Also put two drops of Lugol's solution 2% in the spray bottle with water. I don't think that was clear. The best to You, Yolanda

Replied by Jax
(London, Uk)


You are probably aware by now but it seems that H2O2 can have an oxidative effect on metals, here colloidal silver being the case, so it's recommended to take them apart, some say as much as 24hours.

Take care,


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