Covid Vaccine Side Effects
Natural Remedies

Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Elsa (New Zealand ) on 09/21/2021

My husband had his first jab despite my objections. The second day, according to him, he felt the pain from the left side of his stomach radiating to the lower left side of his back.

Where he pulled or strained his muscles a few months ago, but he was fixed by a chiropractor treatment.

That second day, he hardly can get up in bed and cannot walk. He rang the nurse and described his situation, the nurse told him, it's only a muscle strain. The 3rd night, he did not sleep well Bec the pain got worse while lying on the bed. He told me, he was not moving his bowel for 3 days (he usually having it 3 times a day, everyday) sorry

I was worried because he looked really sick.

I gave him Milk of Magnesia, that morning. Later that day I gave him a tablespoon of activated charcoal 2x a day

l also give him Vit D3, zinc, Vit c, selenium in the evening 3mg melatonin, and made him sleep the night.

The morning of the 4th day, he said, he felt alright but when he tried to get up, he was in so much pain. His left side stomach and lower back was really very painful.

Eventually, he got up after 15 mins of trying many positions, but he cannot walk and when he tried walking, I saw his knee is giving up, like no strength to hold his upper body. Sitting, walking lying in bed are all painful. I rang the chiropractor but closed because we are in lockdown, level 4.

I was terrified but pretend to be calm otherwise he will be nervous. That night, He lay on his stomach and massage his lower back.

His pain is on the LEFT side, but I massaged the RIGHT side.

Not sure if it is the veins or muscles of his back that I felt it was curly and lumpy. I keep massaging in different strokes to flatten them from his lower left back to his stomach and to his groin and lower leg. They are curly and lumpy my husband nearly cried Bec it was so painful, I did not stop going back and forth until I cannot feel the lumpy parts, I used coconut oil so my fingers can slides. Amazing after that, he could stand up and walk. Until now walking good and he did not go to the chiropractor. Sorry long story.

Love to all. Elsa

Replied by Tessa

Hi Elsa (New Zealand) -

I'm so sorry you and your husband had to go through this nightmare after he received his Covid injection.

Fortunately, you were able to help him through the worse of it. Massaging the opposite side of his body really worked! I never would have thought of it.

Also, thanks for providing so many details (vitamins, massage, etc). It's valuable information for anyone experiencing something similar.

Every country has an adverse effect reporting system and there have been record numbers of side effects reported globally for these emergency use authorized (EUA) injections.

Here is New Zealand's:

New Zealand Ministry of Health – Covid-19: Vaccine side effects and reactions

You can help others who are suffering side effects by filling in the report from the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM). It's important that the government has a record of this serious event.

Unfortunately, I think a lot of people feel coerced into getting the shot(s). People need to be free to do their own research and choose what is best for them.

Elsa, I wish you and your husband the best of luck. He is so fortunate to have you in his life!

Take care,


Replied by Elsa
(New Zealand)

Hi Tessa (Okanagan),

My husband is healthy. Not taking any medicine and he is 58 years old.

What I suggested for him:

He had gout before fixed by taking acv, charcoal and alfalfa powder

His muscle cramp in his leg fixed by Apple Cider Vinegar in a minute.

His hiccups that will lasts for months was fixed a whisky shot glass of Apple Cider Vinegar, fixed like magic.

If he had a colds, sneezing, nagging cough but cannot be fix by his favourite Lemsip drink I will give a sanitary balm or Vick to wipe into his nostril, he will be fixed.

I will also have his feet massage using a golf ball before bedtime and will give him good sleep.

If he had pain in any part of his body ( tooth ache, ear infection etc) clay poultice helped.

the secret is deal with ASAP before it will spread in the body.

Love elsa


Posted by Lon (Martinez, Ga) on 09/11/2021

Longer term effects of covid vaccination

Find someone who muscle tests and ask them what they see in folks that have been double vaccinated. When I test I see about five things including type one interferon pathway disabled. I am researching to see if I can clear all five indications using a form of NAET.

Replied by Pamela
(Clyde, NC)

I'd love to know what else you're finding, Lon!


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Posted by Chris @ Cre8-Health (York, UK) on 01/16/2022

Since the spike protein may we'll be Ferro magnetic 🧲 also - this leading to the many magnetic effects widely publicised.

A simple Magnet can be used on the site of injection.

High power PEMF such as Cell2n and PER could also be used effectively to destroy and remove the spikes while breaking up the graphine as well, as PEMF increased anti oxidant activity and also the function of cells, it in general amplifies your natural state.

i hope that more people start looking into this so that we have a technology aspect to healing these sinister shots.


Pine Needle Tea

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 07/06/2021

Pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission? Learn about suramin, shikimic acid and how to make your own extracts (Short version)


Note: Drinking Pine Needle Tea will deactivate/neutralize the spike proteins in the covid19 vaccines.

By Mike Adams

There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. It's found in many forests plants around the world, in varying strenghts. Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles.

Suramin is one of the most potent anti-oxidants there is and it's known to treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory infections.

The Boston Herald published a story in 2010 that revealed researchers were studying extraction techniques to harvest shikimic acid from pine needles in order to provide this raw material to the pharmaceutical industry to manufacture anti-viral, anti-flu, anti-pandemic prescription medicines. From that story:

Researchers at the University of Maine at Orono say they've found a new and relatively easy way to extract shikimic acid — a key ingredient in the drug Tamiflu — from pine tree needles.

Shikimic acid can be removed from the needles of white pine, red pine and other conifer trees simply by boiling the needles in water, said chemistry professor Ray Fort Jr.

But the extracted acid could be valuable because Tamiflu is the world's most widely used antiviral drug for treating swine flu, bird flu and seasonal influenza. The major source of shikimic acid now is the star anise, an unusual star-shaped fruit that grows on small trees native to China.

The research has been funded from a variety of sources, including the Maine Technology Institute, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Science Foundation and the university's chemistry department.

One study published in ResearchGate confirms that shikimic acid offers antiplatelet-aggregating activity, meaning it helps halt blood clots: Content Analysis of Shikimic Acid in the Masson Pine Needles and Antiplatelet-aggregating Activity.

From the study:

Shikimic acid, when separated by HPLC, exhibited a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate and collagen in rabbits. Because of the relative high content and good antiplatelet-aggregating activity of shikimic acid, the Masson pine needles can be used as a potential source of shikimic acid.

…achieved about a 6% yield of shikimic acid from Masson pine needles, which is possibly the highest extracted yield from any pine species till now (Chen et al. 2014). Since pine needles are inexpensive and readily available in North Asia, North America, and Europe, there is a strong possibility to utilize them as a drug manufacturer against less available star anise species.

That study found that pine needles provide about two-thirds the shikimic acid of star anise herb:

Masson pine needles = 5.71% shikimic acid
Star anise = 8.95% shikimic acid

So we know that pine needles, which are extremely common across North America, China and Europe, provide shikimic acid, a kind of “miracle” molecule that may prove incredibly useful for halting blood clots and defending people from respiratory infections.

Safety precautions when using pine needles

Before you consume any tea or extract made from plants, be sure you know what plants you're using. Not all pine trees are suitable, and some conifers — such as yew trees — are toxic.

Cattle have been widely known to experience spontaneous abortions when consuming fresh pine needles as a food source, so anyone expecting to become pregnant (or already pregnant) should obviously avoid consuming pine needle tea, just as a precaution.

The entire “woke” science morons in America and around the world have forgotten that only women can get pregnant, so this particular precaution obviously does not apply to men. If you think men can get pregnant, you may have already suffered cognitive damage from covid vaccines and should seek immediate medical care.

Norfolk Island Pine and Ponderosa Pine trees are also believed to cause spontaneous abortions and should likely be avoided. We don't know the full composition of various pine species, so we cannot in good conscience tell anyone to drink any tea made from pine needles. Should you choose to do so, exercise common sense and all necessary precautions, and work with a qualified naturopath to design an herbal strategy that's compatible with your own biology and particular health goals.

Also be aware pine needle tea may interact in unexpected ways with prescription medications, most of which are toxic all by themselves.

Replied by pell nell

Mikovits reported early on that Suramin (by prescription) was a good antidote. Nowhere at any time did she recommend Pine Needle Tea. Some rumor got started that it was the same thing. It is not. When she found out she was getting credit or blame for the tea, she said that she never recommended Pine Needle Tea. So I am glad it works for you. Just wanted you to know how it all got started.


actually, Mikovits DID say pine needle tea and now she is flip-flopping. she may be outing fauci and the vax but she is still big pharma and recommending natural cures goes against her agenda and her license. there are other amazing drs. she is not the be all end all Mike Adams recommends it as well as Mercola and Northup.

Replied by Dahlia

Turpentine would work too? Since it's from the pine tree.

Rebounding for Vaccine Side Effects

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Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 01/31/2021 529 posts

Another thing the lymphatic system is reported to do is "train" t-cells to recognize what is and isn't you via MHC molecules so, it occurs to me that "genetic" vaccines may be flushed out by the activation of the lymphatic system, with - you guessed it - rebounding. What's you is good and stays, what isn't you is identified, and gets flushed out.

Rebounding increases both white blood cells and the physical act of flushing out the "bad guys" they find so...shouldn't that include vaccines? And whatever foreign genetic material they may contain, in particular? I don't know but it seems to me it would be something one would want to include in detoxing after a vaccine, since it pumps the system designed to take care of such business.

Replied by fenimore

That is a fascinating idea, Cindy. Thank you. I consider the "vaccine" to be a poison that requires an antidote. Surely doctors and alternative medicine experts will discover such a remedy once we have made our way through the fear and horror we are still suffering given the "vaccine" nightmare. Artificially altered genetic or cellular action must be foreign, unnatural, impermanent. There must be multiple ways in which the body can be encouraged to revert to its natural state.

Replied by Aaron

But isn't the point of these vaccines is to be recognized as "you" by changing your genetic code? if there was a way to identify what exactly is being altered and to either correct that genetic alteration or to remove it. it might be a good idea to look into EMP related ways to handle this as most have said already, that this is not a normal vax and it has been affecting peoples biomagnetism. iI is more than likely embedded with nanotechnology. This is scary territory even the people that are on it with nanotech don't see what remedies are for those that have gotten it. I believe that there is a remedy. There should always be a remedy.. this is what I believe.. so if we could just identify what we are dealing with and bring it to light with experts.. I think we can do this.

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

I would hope that if you're pumping those T cells that it wouldn't be quick enough. And, you know what? Anyone who wants to control you like that is going to have to get past God first. Man has been trying for millennia to control the population - both in how many people there are as well as what they do and the final result has always been: Man's not in charge here.

(faithville, Us)

I would also take into account the mind and placebo. The mind is the most powerful change agent on the planet and then the mouth speaks what the heart believes and it comes about. I can shift any storm if I focus and determine I own it. I am not a hapless victim in a storm. Fear and faith are both doors. We can choose. Blessings, Charity


I have been so interested in reading posts here over the last couple of years. But lately, with COVID, the vaccine, etc. the vehemence and dare I say questionable information concerns me. We are all making the best decisions that we can, and hopefully are all checking with multiple sources of information, not just the ones that agree with our point of view. Lots of fear mongering going on. I got the vaccine in February, knowing full well that we did not have years of information at that time. I also knew full well that we were going to be part of the 'data' collected, as this is an ongoing situation being studied (sort of like polio, smallpox, etc. etc. etc.) The first shot I had a sore arm - yes, the movement described above was very helpful. The second shot, I had mild flu like symptoms a day and a half later - they lasted a couple of hours. That's it. On the other hand, given my age and health status, if I had gotten the virus, I might not be alive to write this. Note that I am making sure my D levels are high, also supplement with C, zinc, NAC, Quercetin, etc., all of which help with a lung condition. Please, have your opinions, and then do your research diligently, with an open mind (using different sources of information), and make your choices. And lets love our neighbors. These are challenging times... for all of us.

Side Effects - Videos

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Posted by Art (California) on 07/14/2023 2370 posts

This video confirms that Covid-19 vaccine side effects are worse than previously thought.


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