Cracked Heels
Natural Remedies

Heal Cracked Heels Naturally: Remedies & Supplements for Skin Health

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Denni (Australia ) on 02/10/2017

In response to the post by Kathyp (Cedarburg, WI) on 03/15/2014 in the cellulitis section...

Have you tried for cracked feet and it sounds crazy, slices of onions on the soles of your feet? Wrap with glad wrap and don socks. Do this overnight for several nights.

Onions have many benefits including anti microbial. But Google the benefits first. It's an old remedy and it works.

I had cracked heels, to which until then I prided myself on having none. This crack was deep raw and painful. It cleared up quickly after using this remedy. The onion will sting for a little bit, but is worth it. I heard cracked feet are a sign of bad digestive system.

There are many essential oils you could look at for cellulitis.. It best to see a qualified aromatherapist and also a bio chemical tissue salt consultant for options to help with all your needs

I hope this helps cheers from Australia

Oregano Oil

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Posted by Jasmine (Asheville, NC) on 04/28/2013

Cracked heels are hard to beat but recently I broke an oregano capsule and rubbed in on my heels and between my toes before doing my gardening. I didn't think it worked because my feet were quite dry afterwards so I put vaseline on them and went to work well that night they were much smoother. Different than just using vaseline. Also for skin I have had luck with tea tree oil, put it on a facial blemishes as soon as you notice them. One I felt coming up under the skin, I put it on and went to bed it was gone in the morning. If you have red spots on your face or scar tissue I find flax oil is the most antiinflammatory.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Sheila (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/19/2009

I am also working on cracked heels. I have heard it is fungus related. I am having some luck with oil of oregano externally. Need to be more diligent about taking internal fungus remedies though... I have been stopping and starting for a year now.

Paraffin and Candle Wax

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Posted by Maria (Cape Town, South Africa) on 06/11/2008

cure for cracked heels and hands

heat one cup of parafin in an old pot on stove at very low tempersture. wait till it nearly boil and break two white wax candles in pieces and add to parrafin, when wax is melted. take off stove and wait till it has cooled down. use cream to rub on hands and feet.the best cure ever for feet and dry skin problems. you can either use it at night because of the smell (some people might nt like the smell of parafin) or you can use it as often as you like during the day.y ou can the wash your hands and feet with normal soap

i am fifty one years old my mom used it to keep our feet healthy and up till today i used it on my self and my children and anybody with problem hands and feet


i recomend it to everybody. even my german friends who wish that thy could read it in their own language.

Replied by Vonda
(Bailey, CO)

Maria From Cape Town South Africa: I have very dry feet with cracked heels and need help. I tried this remedy but must have done something wrong. When the parafin and the candle wax got hard, it's as hard as it was before I melted it. I thought perhaps it would be rather soft and creamy for some reason. HELP!

I LOVE this website!

Replied by Maria
(Cape Town, South Africa)

the ingredients and method is exactly like my mom made it maybe you should use only one candle on one cup of parafin. I can gaurentee that it will help you. Regards maria.

Remember to use ordinary white wax candles.

Raw Honey

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Posted by Julie (Seattle, WA) on 06/11/2008

re: Fissures (Cracked Feet) -- I get painful fissures on my feet; sometimes so bad that I can barely walk. Lately, I've been using raw (must be raw) honey on them at night. Slather liberally and put on cotton socks. In the morning, my feet are soft and usually the fissures are gone in 1-3 days.

Shea Butter

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Posted by Rosemarie (Lima, Oh) on 01/09/2010

I suffered from cracked heals for over twenty years, I tried everything, that only worked for a while Someone told me about raw shea butter for somthing else. It was working so well that I decided to use it on my feet, and wear a pair of socks to bed, the very next day I began to see the difference in my cracked heels.

I have been using it for a week now and my heels are almost healed.


Super Glue, ACV, Coconut Oil

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Posted by CYNTHIA (FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS) on 03/19/2009

DRY/CRACKED SKIN: My heels have been dry for years and I get a thick build up of dry skin and deep painful cracks in the winter. The only thing I found that helps the cracks heal together quickly and alleviates the pain is, believe it or not, super Glue. I just squirt some inside the crack and hold it closed for a minute. A retired military man told me this is what they use on cuts when the soldiers are in the field and they can't get back to medical treatment quickly. It won't cure the problem though. I have tried just about everything to cure the problem and have only been successful in finding softening agents. One remedy I found was Johnson's foot soap, I get it at a major retail store. There are several packets in the box. Before I get started I always gather a towel and my pumice stone and anything else I need. I open a packet and dump it into water that is as hot as I can stand it. Then I pour in about a cup of salt, sometimes I add ACV, and sit and watch tv with my feet soaking. After 20 or so minutes I start working on one foot while the other is still soaking. After I get the dead, dry skin off my feet I soak them in Virgin Coconut Oil. After the first application of coconut oil has soaked in I repeat it. Then right before I go to bed I re-apply. This, combined with using my pumice evry couple days and re-applying the coconut oil keeps my feet soft and smooth for a while. I think the build up of dead skin is hereditary and wonder if there is a cure. Does anyone out there know what will stop my feet from cracking open? This year my right thumb has also cracked open and is painful.

Replied by Susan
(Stroudsburg, Pa)

HYDRATION and omega 3 fatty acids and coconut oil. Drink lots of pure water (non-fluoridated, non-chloridated) daily(1/2 your body weight in oz. i.e if you weigh 100 lbs, you'd drink at least 50 oz of water daily) Dry skin, including cracked heals are a sign of low omega 3 fatty acids, dehydration and poor nutrition or poor digestion of nutrient. Take cod liver oil internally. Then also after showering each day massage into your feet organic coconut oil then cover feet with socks. Do this again every night before bed, but slather more on than you would daytime and cover with socks. Clean up your diet....eliminate sugar, flour, soda, and any other junk. Eat lots of raw and lightly steamed vegetables. Drink Komboucha to help replenish your good gut bacteria. Depending on how bad your feet are, each person is different, but you will see changes and eventually your feet will be soft as a babies butt. And you will be healthier. Also it would be helpful to cook more with that coconut oil as well as eat a tablespoon or more each day.


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Posted by Sarah (Burlington, Nc) on 09/21/2013

For cracked heals, I use Super glue to close the cracks. The original kind only. Two doctors said it was ok and it stops hurting immediately.


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Posted by Nancy (Tuscaloosa, Al) on 03/11/2013

For dry cracked heels/feet use vaseline. Soak feet in ACV then remove dead skin, dry then apply vaseline to feet and put on clean pair of socks. Do this daily for smooth as a baby's butt. Do this treatment daily for life & you will have no foot problems.


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Posted by Ebryant (Tampa, Fl) on 10/07/2009

I am 32 years old and have suffered with dry, cracked heels (sometimes bleeding and extremely painful) for years. BUT NO MORE!!!!

Take it from me, if you want soft feet, here is what you do:

Every Night until there are no more cracks:
1)Take a foot file (looks like fine grit sand paper on a paddle) and rub it over your dry heels in order to sand off all the dead dry skin.

2)Soak your feed in a pan of hot water with about 1/4 peroxide or ACV (whichever you have on hand or whichever you prefer).

3)Once the skin on your feet has softenend up, gently exfoliate your entire foot with some type of foot scrub (sea salt and olive oil, brown sugar, borax... whatever you like).

4)Rinse your feet well and while they are still damp massage your feet with V***'s Vapo-Rub. Wrap your feet in saran-wrap and put on a pair of socks.

I always do this in the evening and go to bed with my feet all wrapped up. I enjoy the warming tingle of the menthol/eucalyptus from the rub as I fall off to sleep. And in the morning I wake up to baby soft feet!!! Once your cracked HEELS are HEALED, lol... you will need to continue the treatment 1-3 times a week.

Vicks Vapor Rub

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Posted by Nancy (Mesa, Az) on 04/02/2022

Ive been using Vicks vapor rub for years on my cracked and rough heals and it works great. Around 6pm or so I will take off shoes, clean feet, rub in the mentholatum on the whole bottom of foot, put on socks til I go to bed, then take socks off as can't wear them at night. Baby soft heels in the morning.

Vinegar, Shoes and Socks in the Freezer

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Posted by Robin (New Mexico, USA) on 03/29/2008

I was reading the oil pulling pages, and saw that so many people were plagued with cracking heels, and I felt bad because I know how to make it go away. You just put vinegar on the cracked heel everyday for 6 months without missing a day, and place your socks and shoes in the freezer for 24-48 hours from time to time. This will also heal nail fungus, itchy ears, athletes foot, and dandruff, (just put it on a little while before shampoo-ing, then rinse with vinegar/water dilute). Anything yeasty where you can stand to put vinegar. You of course would have to dilute it to treat vaginal yeast infections

Vitamin A

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Posted by Suzanne (IN) on 04/04/2022

I take vitamin A, it cured my cracked heels.

Vitamin A
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 12/28/2009 490 posts

Been browsing some old newsletters of Jonathan Wright's and came across this and started wondering if calloused heels and cracked heels might not have the same basic problem. Some of EC'ers might like to try this & see if it could get rid of them.

Subject: callouses on heels (wonder what this would do with the cracked heels?


Get rid of calluses for good

Q: I've had very thick heel calluses for most of my adult life. I've tried everything from lotions to scraping to soaking and nothing seems to work. Is there anything that will help?

Dr. Wright: In the 1970s, I read a book about nutrition and general medicine written by a Yale professor. In that book, he observed that heavy heel calluses were a sign of long- term vitamin A deficiency. He recommended vitamin A supplementation for individuals with this problem.

Since that time, I have recommended the same treatment for my patients and have found it quite reliable, although in many cases it takes three to four months to begin to see results, and complete disappearance of the calluses can take eight months or more.

For adults, the dose is 75,000 units of vitamin A per day until the calluses are gone. Then you can decrease your dose to a "maintenance amount" of 15,000 to 25,000 units per day. (If the calluses return, the quantity can be increased once more.) In over 20 years, I've never observed any adverse effects with this treatment.

Vitamin B

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Posted by Dano (Toronto, Canada) on 12/02/2009

Two people I know had bad cases of cracked heels. They tried different doctors, creams etc. to no avail. One old school doctor started treating them with vitamin B injections and they were cured in short order.

p.s. Love this site and all the great and helpful people contributing to it. Ted is GREAT!

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