I then found out about deficiencies that vegetarians and vegans face, and the top ones were Vitamin B12 and Iron. I initially only saw that B12 was the main deficiency, so I ordered a product with B12, with other minerals and vitamins. While it did help me sleep better, I still noticed the dark circles, bags under eyes and fatigue.
I was then listening to a radio show and this doctor mentioned "heme" iron. I had no clue that there were two types of iron, heme (from animal products) and non-heme (from plant products). The problem with non-heme is, it's not only harder for your body to absorb, but if it's taken with other nutrients like calcium, zinc, etc.. it blocks the non-heme from being absorbed. You don't have that problem with heme iron from animal products. It's absorbed easily and nothing blocks it.
The first day I took this, I noticed a whooshing feeling all throughout my body like my blood pressure got raised. I felt it slightly less the second day. But this third and fourth day, not only have I not felt that again, but the dark circles and fatigue are all but GONE. This is only within about 2 weeks of taking just one pill per day. I open the capsule and put it in my protein shake after I eat my big meal.
I also do I.F. (Intermittent Fasting ; Warrior Diet) where I eat a huge meal and then drink a protein shake afterwards which takes about two hours total. So I'm fasting for 22 hours and eating within a 2 hour window (22:2).
I've never been a militant vegetarian / vegan, I've always known we've evolved to need certain nutrients in meat products, but thought I could still get every vitamin through supplementation as a vegetarian easily enough if I took multi-vitamins. I just had no clue that there was an absorbancy issue with non-heme iron, or I would've been taking heme iron this whole time.
If you are struggling with low energy, bags and dark circles under eyes, this is the product to take. Don't worry about that initial day you take this, you may feel a bit of a head rush, but it subsides after the next few days and you start to feel like brand new again. I'm still in shock at how quickly the heme iron product helped me.