5:2 Diet User Review
(Dallas, Texas)
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5:2 Diet User Reviews
5:2 Diet User Reviews
Intermittent fasting has become very popular for athletes especially for the recent finding that missing meals triggers the Pituitary gland to produce more Human Growth Hormone (HGH). This could potentially add yrs to one's life, as well as a big factor in quality of life.
In Islam it is recommended to fast every Monday and Thursday.
(Wales, Uk)
Hi this was common practice when I was a child due to religious and health reasons and is as old as time its self. I just love it when some one remembers what their elders or the ancients used to do and the benefits it brings about. Then wrap it up in a cover, add their name and end up in 'The New York Times' as 'The latest diet Guru???'
Think I'll go build an ark and go around screaming about 'Come the great flood!! ' Beware of rancid cellulite!! Maybe I might make the times as well!! Lol!!
Whatever, it's common sense that taking time out and resting your bodily functions will do you good. All work and no rest and play? it's all as natural to us as breathing. We are in a 'lack of common sense' crisis as much as anything else that's cascading amongst our species methinks sire.
Too much brain wash going on today about body image rather than a healthy body. 'You ain't nothing but a sin unless your thin???' Crap!!!
Rubens had it right Women should be voluptuous, healthy, and rounded and soft. I got the opposite problem due to ill health. I look like one of those dumb wits that bought in to the media brain was that 'thin is in??'' I am trying to put weight on and it's a real big struggle to maintain the weight I am and I eat 1000's of calories a day.
Whatever happened to a happy and healthy weight non diet but eating well? Stop believing the Media look where it got everyone with Allopathic MEDI-SIN? You wait until ALL so called 'Celebs' are obese what then? ''Eat until you can't walk?'' Aim for good health by nutrition and common sense. We all know what we need to know without making some one else rich with buying in to some new 'fad'?? This planet is ruled by 'fads' how sad.
love Andrea C xxx
(Macomb, Mi)
Intermittent fasting does work. Andrea have your DNA tested-a simple inside cheek swab. You may find your propensity to gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Obese people that adhere to an ALL GRAIN ZERO diet (including rices, corn, dairy, soy, starchy veggies and starchy fruit) as those "proteins" are similar to gluten DO lose weight, and the very thin WILL gain weight. Please refer to websites: breakingtheviciouscycle.info, glutenfreesociety.org. Gluten affects every organ in the body. Read: Dr. Davis's book: Wheat Belly or a book called "Dangerous Grains" I forget the author. It is shockingly disturbing information. Hope this info is helpful to all. :))
I failed to retain the link but a naturopath testified on ihealthtube that in her practice all or almost all patients which were gluten intolerant responded very favorably to thorough and regular herbal parasite treatment.
5:2 Diet User Reviews
5:2 Diet User Reviews
I had to get myself organised and have in the house the food I need for my "2" days. And I still provide my body with the optimum nutrition it needs. Brilliant!!!
I am not overweight but by dropping 10 lbs means I'd in a lower bmi band. 5:2 suits me - a modest breakfast then nothing other than calorie free liquids until 5-6 pm when I eat a mountain of vegetables with a little carbohydrate like a baked potato. I do not count calories as +/- 100 calories is not going to make much difference to this regime which has to become a way of life and it also reduces the stress of counting calories.
So far 4 lbs have melted away with no sign of gaunt cheeks, flat boobs etc and there's good news for males too, the weight drops off even quicker. My husband has lost 10 lbs but he had more to loose. On the calorie reduced days I make sure that I am extremely busy so that skipping lunch does not bother me.
This is the first time I have ever followed a "diet". I believe it is good to under eat occasionally even though I am not guilty of overeating ever!
(Wisconsin, US)
I have intuitively done intermittent fasting for years...a meal at 11 am and another at 6 pm with no snacks. While this isn't calorie depravation per se, it has kept my weight in check for years. The minute I start adding additional meals or snacks, my weight goes up and I feel groggy all the time. I also do not get many colds, flu or any joint pain when I use this method of eating. It works!
Diabetes, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol!
I will defenitely try this out starting Monday; right after my birthday haha.
(Utah, Salt Lake City)