Dry Mouth
Natural Remedies

Dry Mouth Remedies

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Dry Mouth Remedies

Posted by Howard (Cessnock, Australia) on 03/12/2009

Dry mouth: When I lay down to sleep my mucous membranes in my mouth become VERY dry and the inside of my top lip sticks to my teeth.My tongue becomes dry as if I have have an extended time on the "booze" ,something I have never done. On standing up the "juice" flows again into my mouth. OK I know I am a mouth breather and have been all my life but this has only become a problem in the last 2 years and its getting worse. It wakes me four or five times each night. I have a few sips of water, everything is fine for a short while and then it starts all over again. Can anyone help?

Replied by Joan
(TN, TN)

Howard I don't have dry mouth quite as badly as you, but lately I have been waking up with a parched mouth. The one thing that stops it is if I drink a tall glass of water before going to sleep. That means I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee, but it gives me another chance to rehydrate with more water. Let me know if this helps!

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hello Howard,

You are giving a perfect description of my mouth in the morning when I become a mouth breather secondary to a stopped up nose. I think the answer to your problem is finding the answer to why you are a mouth breather! If your nose stays stopped up all the time, start looking for the answer by leaving off all smelly stuff like perfumes, after shaves, colognes, etc. If this helps you also need to avoid other people wearing smelly stuff. Usually if a nose is clogged all the time it is from an allergy if there is no malformation of the nasal passages.

The second thing I would leave off in search for the basic problem is smelly soaps. Hope you find the problem and can become a nose breather and get rid of your problem.

Dry Mouth Remedies
Posted by Todd (New York, NY) on 02/27/2009

I drink alot of water everyday...it's the only thing I drink. Even drinking all this water my mouth still feels dry.

I brush my teeth every morning after breakfast and every night before I go to bed. My question is how come my mouth always feels dry afterwards...it never feels fresh and "alive" sort of speak. :(

Also I always get this build up of white film on my gums or teeth which I think is just nasty. Shortly after brushing my teeth I can run my pinky finger across my gums and this white film just accumaltes... :(

I stopped using commercial toothpaste/mouthwash a couple of months ago. I came across a natural toothpaste and mouthwash(it's called THIEVES)and it worked great(the first time I used it my mouth felt fresh and alive for the first time...it was great) but it was just too expensive to keep getting. So I went searching for another natural toothpaste...found one so tried it out. It's made up of like 21 herbs. Tried it and no good. My mouth feels like I haven't had a drink in 2 days...my mouth was just really dry and the white film came right back.

So how do I get rid of this dry mouth feeling after I brush my teeth AND how do I get rid of this white film(which is on my gums or teeth).

Thank you for any help.

Replied by Sabrina
(San Antonio, Tx)

I was experiencing the same thing! I was constantly thirsty. I drank 3 gallons of water a day once. I even tried the WATER CURE which added sea salt to your water but it required waayy too much salt and I ended up more thirsty.

What has helped is adding 1/16th of a teaspoon of quality sea salt to each cup of water. I went from drinking 2 gallons of water to 1 gallon (which is good since Im working out and living in a hot environment).

I think its a good idea to get tested by your Doc b/c excessive thirst is an indicator of diabetes.

Replied by Babs
(Ottawa, On)

Don't be so cheap! Buy the natural toothpaste :) it's worth it... Helped me big time to solve dry mouth!

Replied by Lynda

Other options besides biotene... that's full of CHEMICALS. THKS

Replied by Larry
(Fairfax, Va)

Keeping in mind that when I last visited my internist, I mentioned that for the last 4 days or so, I wake-up with a very dry mouth. I mentioned to him that I presently have a cold with a back-drip; he advised me to sleep with my head raised. The next morning, I no longer had a dry mouth!

Replied by Michele
(Baltimore, Maryland)

I add the sea salt to my oatmeal... is that the same?

Fennel Seeds

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Posted by Anne (Hawaii) on 02/18/2020

Chewing on fennel seeds is very helpful for dry mouth. They are tasty too.

Fennel Seeds
Posted by Taffy Valley (Santa Cruz) on 02/15/2015

Dry mouth is much better now with chipmunk style org. fennel seeds. I just tuck 5-10 seeds above teeth and now, ta-da, I salivate at night. I feel increasing my mineral intake helps too. Also, drinking plenty of water...and when I don't remember, I drink 3 glasses at bedtime.

I'm also making my own tooth paste from coconut oil, baking soda, EO, xylitol and just looked up DIY mouthwash after reading your post.

I have lots of essential oils (EO) including Cinnamon, Peppermint, Spearmint, Myrrh and Clove which I'll use (2 drops of ea). Based on the recipes I found, I'll add a good mineral salt, xylitol, citric acid and distilled water. Maybe some colloidal silver, too.

You could buy a few oils (they'll last a long time) or a bottle of thieves or good Samaritan oils and DIY. But beware! DIY is addicting. Fun. Cheap. Just be careful to use clean jars and the natural preservatives.

Fennel Seeds
Posted by Lorica (New Albany, Indiana, Usa) on 01/22/2010

Dry Mouth & Dry Eyes Help

My problems with dry mouth started when I began taking an anti depressant. It only affected me when I would lie down to sleep. The dryness was so bad that it was seriously interfering with my sleep. I do not like the idea of taking things with sugar, sugar substitutes or any kinds of chemicals and putting them into my mouth to stop the dryness, tho when I did give in and try some OTC products, they didn't help much.

What has helped dramatically with dry mouth has been fennel seed, organic. Right before bed I take about 1/2 tsp. and chew it a little to soften it, then use my tongue to tuck the seeds under my upper & lower lip, between there & the teeth. The flavonoids in the fennel causes me to salivate, but not to a bothersome extent. Sometimes the little seeds fall down onto my tongue at night, but that doesn't hurt anything & I never have come close to choking. Works every time! For dry eyes, I noticed one commercial product had castor oil in it, & some kind of chemical. Every night before I got to bed I wet my finger with castor oil, not so that it is dripping wet. Then I rub the inner side of the lower lids with the oil, close my eyes & roll my eyes around. It helps a ton!

Flaxseed Oil

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Posted by Tina (Seattle, Washington ) on 02/15/2022

Flaxseed oil is amazing for dry mouth & dry eyes - I noticed a difference within just a few days - I highly recommend this remedy if you are suffering from these issues like I was.


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Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 10/03/2017

I saw some fresh ginger at the grocery store today and picked some up. I used a thumb sized amount to make some tea. I sliced it up and added hot water and honey. After enjoying the tea I have been munching on the fresh ginger. It is very spicy! And wow, does it promote salivation. I suspect this would be quite helpful for those who suffer from dry mouth!

Replied by Tina

Hi MtM, Ginger is great for chai. In the cold season, we Indians make chai with a thumbnail-sized piece of crushed ginger. This is put into the water that is boiled for the tea and can be strained after steeping. Make sure to add milk either with the water or after straining the ginger, otherwise it will curdle the milk. I boil water and milk together with the crushed ginger.

I've found that candied ginger can be used to make ginger chai when fresh crushed ginger may not be available. In a cup of hot water add a piece of candied ginger ( I get mine from Trader Joe's) and let it steep. You can also steep a tea bag - black, green, rooibus or herbal - along with it. It's delicious and can ward off any germs while traveling in a closed space such as an air plane.

Thanks for all your helpful tips over the years! God bless.

Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Aceofspeeds (Middleton, Wisconsin) on 02/20/2012


Hello all, Recently I started taking Flexeryl for back tension. One bad thing about this drug: for the last three days, I had the most HORRIBLE dry mouth you could ever get! I felt like I was choking and gagging all the time, and had that compulsive desire to swallow every couple seconds that really started to get on my nerves. In addition, this morning I woke up with a painful and sore tongue and an irritation of the lower lip. Later today the lip got swollen; also I lifted up my tongue and discovered that sublingular glands are tender and swollen, too.

I started to get anxious but then saw a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, the type you can use for "oral debridement" or 3%. I took a sip and started swishing it around in my mouth. The liquid almost instantly turned into foam (which means that bacteria are being killed), and I had to spit it out and get a new portion. This time the foam appeared only after 10-15 seconds. I repeated the procedure two more times, and looked at myself in the mirror. My mouth already looked much better and healthier, and my salivary glands were working! The effect did not last too long, however this is still a good "quick fix" if you want to eat, for example.


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Posted by Hayley3 (Magnet, Indiana) on 04/30/2013

Potassium for dry mouth. Thanks so much! I was taking an electrolyte pill already and it wasn't helping.. So I added an additional potassium pill after reading your post. So far it's helped a lot... My mouth was so dry at night I had to pry it from the roof of my mouth and I was starting to panic. Now it's much better although at night, my lips stick together a little.. So I'm gonna up my potassium again. My tongue was burning so I had started Vitamin B complex prior to the electrolyte pill.

Posted by Alvamyrdall (Nashua, Nh) on 05/10/2012

Soon as I saw Potassium for dry mouth it immediately light the bulb on me & ran to CVS. Before I start the car coming back I took two pills. In half an hour I felt the change immediately. For the last 3 months I am bedridden with acid reflux & heartburn usually from pm to sundown & fatigued. I also googled saliva & read a bunch of articles about it. I think saliva is very well underestimated. I came to a conclusion that having no sufficient amount of saliva results to malnutrition. As most PCP would say that to counteract dry mouth is drink water, is comparing that the only function of saliva is for lubrication alone. Water is way far off as a substitute for saliva. As saliva is understudied & underestimated I think there is more to saliva than the medical community knows. If electrolytes, enzymes, the naturally occuring antibodies are present in saliva there must be a huge reason behind it that Mother Nature decided so. Therefore I took two pills of K & another one before I ate supper. In 3 months it's only today that I didn't have heartburn & no fatigue. I wouldn't be surprise if my gluten intolerance has something to do with saliva/ dry mouth. I just bought a K CVS brand. I'll keep you posted. Thank you so much to all of you for taking a time documenting what works & shared. I am deeply grateful.

Replied by Mary

What is the K? I have bad dry mouth. Is it potassium or K?

(Rapid City)

K is the symbol for Potassium on the periodic table.

Posted by Peanut (Dallas, Texas) on 05/01/2011

Editor's Choice

Hi, I was having a lot of trouble with dry mouth, dry nose, dry tongue, burning mouth. I had tried everything: hormones, B vitamins, iron, etc. It caused me to have a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights. The only thing that has helped me is potassium. I started taking a potassium supplement of around 600 - 1000 mg. a day. Also, high potassium foods: fruit juices, cantalope, V-8 juice, tomato juice. Once my potassium levels came up, the dry mouth started going away, also acid reflux, and stomach, digestion problems. Hope this helps someone.

Replied by Ally
(Simsbuty, Ct)

Just got this dry mouth thing. Omg-it sucks. Am getting to menopausal years so hormones maybe. Will not do medication. Excited to try potassium. A deficiency in something perhaps. Or just age. Yuck.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)


Try a product called XyliMelts (40 tablets for about $10 OTC at a pharmacy). They adhere to the mouth and last a long time for dry mouth. They release 500mg of Xylitol, which may help prevent cavities which can be a consequence of dry mouth. They are not a cure but may provide some relief until you find one. Recommended by people with Sjoren's syndrome. Best wishes.

Potassium, Vitamin E

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Posted by Cynthia (Ca) on 05/30/2014

Dry Mouth: I just want to say I came across this website and it is a blessing... I have tried both potassium and vitamin e. About 5 hours later I started feeling the difference. I would have sleepless nights and anxiety and beginning with depression. My tongue is feeling much better I am salivating again.. You don't know how this is changing my life.. I am getting my life back..

Raw Sauerkraut

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Posted by Danny (Seattle, WA) on 08/29/2014

I posted this Raw Sauerkraut remedy in the Thrush section, then I realized I should post it here too. Thrush and dry mouth go hand in hand. Having a dry mouth definitely sets up a bad environment for candida to fester. I've only been eating Raw Sauerkraut for a very short period of time - less than 2 weeks - and already my thrush is gone and I realized, so is that dry mouth feeling! Incredible!

Sea Buckthorn

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Posted by Teffani (Denmark.) on 02/20/2020

SEA BUCKTHORN CAPSULS, It is a very good remedy for dry mucos membranes.

Sugar Fast

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Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 07/13/2024

Regarding Dry mouth and Burning tongue,

I have tried most of the remedies posted for dry mouth and burning tongue at one time or another. And most of them helped for a while. Some of the remedies I was already taking before I got the dry mouth which came first, then the burning tongue came later. For example, I have been taking Alpha Lipoic Acid years before this condition. So, it should have at least worked as a preventive. My guess is the condition was already in progress and my diet needed major improvements.

With the Lord's help, I managed to go on my definition of a 21 days "no sugar fast." I figured 21 days would be time enough for me to see if this "no sugar" would bring relief. The limited commitment was to make sure I did not give up to soon.

I used honey in my coffee, no sugar and no milk, no candy, no cakes, no cookies or crackers. I allowed myself bread and rice with meals. My slip-ups were raisins and apples.

For Breakfast I had eggs and bagel. For dinner, I had meat, rice and vegetables, and about half a glass of grapefruit juice. I had plenty of water throughout the day.

After 5 days my mouth already felt less dry. By the end of 3 weeks, I noticed much less burning when eating spicy foods.

I finished about a week ago. I did not go all the way off this fast because; I plan to start back on it in a few days. To be more helpful: I am in my seventies; I have a good heart. I am not diabetic; if you are, you may need to check with your doctor for permission. I do get swelling in my legs, the no sugar challenge actually made my legs feel less swollen.

At present, my tongue is no longer dry. However sometimes I get a little burning along the edge of the right side which tells me to stick with the plan. The right side just so happens to be the side that I had shingles on, which was located on my leg.


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