Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)

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Avoid Soy Products
Posted by Aaron (Detroit, Michigan) on 03/09/2018

I have been suffering with eosinophilic esophogitis for over 30 years now. I was originally diagnosed with a shotzki's ring, then acid reflux, and now “ee”. After years of struggle and well over 20 throat dialations a doctor finally recommended I go get tested for food allergies. After I did, I was amazed by how much I'm actually allergic to! The list is long but the biggest problem foods for me are the following: Soy, Beef, peanuts, eggs, almonds, lobster, yeast, etc. All of these foods I have been eating for years with no “visible” symptoms.... it wasn't until I stopped eating all these allergens that I noticed a change in my ability to eat. The problem is that these foods would very slowly affect my swallowing. For years I blamed chicken, French fries, and other foods for my dysphasia but then later realized that chicken wasn't he problem it was the breading on the chicken. French fries weren't the problem either but the oils it was cooked in.

Out is all the foods I'm allergic to SOY has to be the worst. It is in absolutely Everything! It's in ice cream, chocolate, crackers, oils for bread at sandwich fast food places, the entire menu at steak-n-shake, almost all gum, etc. This poison has no real nutritional value and is used as a binding agent and/or filler for many products. You must read the ingredients in Everything!

So I hope this helps somebody out there that is struggling with the same problems I have experienced. I'm hoping to avoid ever having another throat dialation by simply avoid the problem foods. I used to drink “ensures” and other protein drinks to supplement my poor ability to eat only to find out years later that the ensures contain soy and other ingredients that were part of the problem.

By the way, if you love chocolate and can't find any that doesn't contain soy lecithin, Kroger sells a brand called “Green & Blacks” dark chocolate that is soy free!

Also, a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water works better than the antacid medication they prescribe you and is better for you. (Although I'm not a doctor just a guy of whom has had real-life experiences with these problems for years and am winning the battle! )

Good luck to all!
