Essential Tremors
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Essential Tremors: Effective Top Supplements

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Gluten-Free Diet

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jon (New South Wales) on 10/19/2014

Tremors are 100% gone after eliminating Gluten from diet. Woohoo

I reckon Gluten-intolerance is the root cause of many essential tremors. I have read Gluten may is indeed be a very common cause of essential tremors.

Even without any gastrointestinal symptoms you can have Gluten-intolerance/Celiac disease. I am very grateful I found out about Gluten causing tremors, very happy.

Replied by Jon
(New South Wales)

Hi guys, here's another person who became tremor-free after eating a gluten-free diet... Linda Lapeer, Mi said...My daughter, is an active college student attending college and playing college volleyball. Last Sept, 2010 she was at a volleyball tournament and she developed a severe tremor in her legs...

...Long story short, I read the book and was given hope that there might be a cure for her tremors. I told my daughter that we needed to make an appointment with an environmental physician as well as start on an elimination diet, adding one food to her diet per day to see if different foods affected her.

On the diet, she ate only fruit the first day, then vegeys and finally meat. She was tremor free for a few days, then on day 4 she ate some whole wheat toast before volleyball practice and her tremors started immediately. We researched wheat and suspected gluten was the cause of her tremors. We experimented with other wheat products; pasta, bread, cake and they all caused her tremors to return.

It has now been 3 weeks, she has eliminated all foods containing gluten from her diet and her tremors are non-existent. We have an appointment with an environmental physician (basically an advanced allergist) in a month but I feel we have already found the cure.

I urge anyone that has tremors, tics, etc. To investigate their diet and environment before they decide that their condition is hopeless and there is no cure. Gluten has been linked to MS, tics, tremors, tourette's syndrome, cancer, autism, RA, ADD as well as depression.

Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

I've dropped all grains, and carbs except for what I get in vegetables, no underground, nightshade, or starches. It's had no effect on my ET. I am a Type 2 diabetic, and that's what got me off all of the above in January 2021 so I have my diabetes well under control. But now the focus is on my Essential tremor which has gotten worse over the past 60 some years (I'm 68) and am seeking the help of the Magnesium "posts" here on EC. I also do the B Vitamins, E, C, D3, and have ordered Taurine. I also want to get the Mag. L-Threaonate. Eventually try all by those who have had success over years of use now.

Replied by Christi
(Newkirk, Oklahoma)

Please consider that flour has BROMINE in it which most of the wheat products don't tell you about. There is a flour product that doesn't have bromine in it if you want to make your own food.

Homeopathic Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Marcia (Usa) on 10/24/2020

I've had essential tremors for many years. I didn't want to take medicines with side effects. A homeopathic doctor in Mexico recommended a mixture of ignatia/cuprum/hypericum all 30c. A lab in Mexico mixed them together in liquid form. It helped me immensely. However, I'm running out and can, t get this mixture in the USA. Unfortunately, travelling to Mexico isn't good in the time of COVID. I'm researching homeopathic remedies here in the USA.

Replied by Sandy

Try Fruitful Yield, or whole foods for your homeopathic medicine

Replied by Thomasina
(Brookeville, MD)

Thanks for posting this. I'm going to consider trying the combo for my tremors. I know I can buy homeopathic remedies in the strengths 30c. Although they won't be mixed I would consider taking one tablet of each at the same time.

Replied by Sandy

If you have any Indian friends you can ask them to bring the medicine. Or you can contact some homeopathy doctor in India. They can courier the meds. Try thru some reliable sites. I visit India at least twice a year, if you are in USA, I can bring them for you. It hardly costs anything. Maybe 20-25$ for your one year meds


Please post more information on this supplement for essential tremor.

I have had it for about 15 years and it is getting worse. I cannot write or use my right hand for eating very good. Is this an herb? I would like to try it.

Thank you for the information. Phyllis


Homeopathic remedies originate from different sources. They were developed by Hanneman and employ the principle of like cures like. As in, a small amount of a substance ( that has been put through a series of dilutions) that would cause particular symptoms can be used to cure those same symptoms in a person already experiencing them. Homeopathy is a specific branch of Alternative Medicine using these remedies rather than pharmaceutical drugs.

Replied by Ronald H.

Boiron sells all 3 in the states.

Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

Hello Ronald, I see your reply on the Essential Tremors and the Boiron company. I see they don't cost a lot but I don't know how long each would last me. I will check it out, and Amazon has the Ignatia so I will also see it if has the other two. Thank you so much for the info, Denise

Replied by Sundari
(Bailey CO)

Please share what you find

Iodine, Multiple Supplements

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Sid (Springfield, Mo, Usa) on 07/05/2010

At age 66 I have gradually developed a tremor in both hands over the past 10 years. It was just something I thought was normal aging and mostly ignored it.

Two and one-half months ago my wife and I started taking 50mg of potassium iodide daily, and a month later made our own 5% Lugol's solution, taking 50mg a day of iodine in that form instead of the potassium iodide. Just a week ago she switched to four 12.5mg Iodoral per day and I continued with the 50mg of Lugol's internally, plus have been paint the palms of my hands daily with Lugol's solution. Additionally we have been taking 3000mg vitamin C, 400mcg selenium, 500mg niacin, 1,000mg tyrosine, 1,500mg DL-Phenylalanine, several forms of magnesium (magnesium chloride, magnesium asporotate, magnesium oxide), 50mg zinc, 100mg B6, 1000IU Vitamin E, 5000IU vitamin D3, a good quality health food store multiple vitamin/mineral plus 1 teaspoon of Real Salt. We just added a tablespoon per day in a glass of grapefruit juice of diatomaceous earth last week for the silica.

We started this regimen for a number of reasons. As for me, I would wake up tired and need a two hour nap every afternoon. I had no energy. I have an enlarged prostate. I have Dupuytren's constricture in the palm of both hands affecting the tendon of the ring finger. My memory kept getting worse. I have almond size cysts between the muscle and skin, one on my hip and one on my arm, plus a few other smaller similar cysts. I have trouble keeping my weight normal.

The first six weeks I had no side effects, but then developed pain in my kidneys and stiffness in my finger joints plus random weird feelings around my body, after which I upped the detox efforts (more magnesium, more real salt, added diatomaceous earth). The side effects are diminished to non existent now.

I have noticed that I can already straighten the fingers in both hands which I could not do before. The lumps in the palms of my hands are noticeably smaller. The almond size cysts are smaller but still noticeable. My energy level is fantastic by comparison to before; very few naps, plus plenty of energy for gardening and getting out. I am sleeping longer between trips to the bathroom, and am having mostly beautiful, intense dreams almost every night. My mood is now one of pleasure rather than dullness.

But the big surprise is that my hand tremors are suddenly 95% gone. I wasn't even paying attention but my wife pointed out to me that my hands were hardly shaking any more. I can hold them steady with no support; no more food falling off my fork; no more spills when I put down a cup. I can again sign my name and it looks like my signature. I wasn't going through this regimen for my tremors; but, I don't know which part of what I am taking cured them.

Tyrosine breaks down to l-dopa and dopamine. L-dopa can be absorbed into the brain, and along with B6 will then convert to dopamine. This may be what did it. But DL-Phenylalanine also breaks down into tyrosine so this is also probably involved. Plus the iodine, the deficiency of which I was treating, could well be involved. Plus iodine helps eliminate fluorine, bromine, mercury, lead, and arsenic which could be involved. I had been taking magnesium for years in a calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement, but in my new program I was taking more magnesium and in different forms.

I am sorry I can't be more clear on what out of the above cured my tremors, but the answer is in there somewhere.

Replied by Heather
(San Diego, Ca)

Thanks for posting this. I am on a similar protocol and also noticed reduced hand tremors.

About 12 weeks after starting the Lugol's, I too noticed pain in the kidney area. I stopped the Lugol's temporarily, reduced my protein intake, and the pain went away. However, during the intense pain period, I went in for an ultrasound and cysts were discovered on my kidneys and one on the ovary. Followed that up with an MRI and discovered the cysts on the kidneys were gone but that I had an infection above the kidneys, diaphram area, and was offered antibiotics to clear it up, which I declined.

Although I developed this alarming condition (kidney/gallbladder area intense pain flare ups) it occured simultaneiously with the clearing up of my years long chronic fatigue syndrome. One of my theories on why I developed the infection was that I'd centralized a body wide low grade infection. Another was that taking Lugol's internally was stupid and causing an infection.

One of the things that I think helped with the kidney/gallbladder flares was the olive oil/lemon juice detox (I did a two day detox which required juice fasting then no eating for 24 hours except for citrus juice and olive oil - then released at least a cup full of gravel/pea sized stones.)

I remain perplexed about whether Lugol's internally is a good idea but the infection is clearing up. I am still taking Lugol's internally, but just a little ( a drop of the 2% solution few times per week) and am also painting it, especially on areas with moles to see if they clear up. Considering also changing to iodoral. Would love to hear feedback from other readers on experiences with kidney pain after taking Lugol's.

But, as for the main subject of this post, my tremors also disappeared after starting the Lugol's and magesium citrate.


6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Jan (Colorado) on 02/15/2022

I've had good success with ET taking slow-release magnesium, one morning and one at night. If I skip a dose the negative results are dramatic. Sold on Amazon.

Replied by Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

Hi Jan,

I've been taking Mag Citrate, 500mg morning and night, for months, but tremors are not better. What type of Magnesium do you take and how many mg? Maybe I need a different sort. I am not taking B12, last 2 days since I received them. B12 is highest on the list of Bs, for helping ET, but that's just info I found here and there online. I'll try almost anything within reason, as sometimes, I literally cannot write out my own name.

Also wondering how bad your tremors were to start with, like keeping food on the fork and then not missing your mouth. That's truly happening to me :(

(faithville, Us)

I chipped a disc in my neck and the fragment got stuck between two disc and within a couple weeks my upper left quadrant was becoming paralyzed. I was in so much pain, I could hardly get to the bathroom, until I went into shock, then I packed my hospital bags for surgery and made some extra meals for my kids to eat while I recovered. Shock is so strange.

Anyway, I love John Bergman on youtube teaches on the spine and I learned a lot from him. Once he taught that a tight spot on the spine could cause tremors in a limb. Well, I hope I shared some light. Not saying you have a disease he explains how adjustments correct shaking issues.

Solutions for Parkinson's Disease - YouTube

Replied by Sonja
(Wilmington, N. C.)

Can you be a little more specific about the magnesium you take? Thanks

Replied by Diana

What is the name of the product of slow release magnesium on Amazon and thank you.

Posted by Kristen Holmes (United States) on 04/06/2020

For Essential Tremors,

Dr. Carolyn Dean of The Magnesium Miracle 2nd Ed (a must-read for *anyone* with chronic health issues!) says in interviews that any magnesium that is well-absorbed will cross the blood-brain barrier; magnesium threonate had a single, questionably done study behind it, and the price is very marked up because of this. Ionic magnesium chloride is the true gold standard for absorption. Magnesium glycinate may be the next best option. Topical is great but you have to do lots of it every day, and it gets cost-prohibitive if that's your only method

Replied by Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

Are you still around Kristen? I hope I haven't asked you before here, but I have ET bad enough that I cannot write at times, and my head shakes, and jerks so bad I have to be careful brushing my teeth. I have a post I'll share with you after they put it up here on EC, to tell you more about my ET.

I now do Magnesium Citrate 500 mg morning and night. I do feel it relaxes me but it is not doing anything after several months, for my ET in hands and head.

Thanks for any help, feedback, from anyone here. I am trying to put together a reasonable plan without taking a bunch of things at the same time.

Posted by Edna (Hayward, Ca) on 10/14/2015

Essential Tremors are sign of Magnesium Deficiency. Google Tremors, Dr Dean. Google Magnesium Deficiency.

Magnesium Glycinate is one of the best absorbed forms of Magnesium. Most everyone is low in Magnesium. Dosing 5x Elemental mg body weight in lbs. It will take time to restore Mg, so give it time, months. Other health issues would also be corrected along the way.

You could also add Mag L Threonate 2 caps a day, one at daytime and one before bed. 48 mg elemental Mg per cap. In combo with Mg Glycinate. Mag L T is the only form that would cross the blood brain barrier so this form of Mg could help the tremors in a shorter time.

Replied by Ralph
(Wichita Kansas)

Where do I obtain the faster form from? My tremors stop me from going places. I'm ashamed of it because people notice and some laugh. that hurts.

Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

Hi Ralph. Living in a rural area as I do, I don't have ready access to well stocked natural food stores. I buy almost all my supplements online. The Magnesium L Threonate is available on sites such as Amazon, I-Herbs, and Lucky Vitamins. There are different brands, but if I am allowed to mention a brand name, the one I buy is called Magtein (by Source Naturals). If you check out the section on "Essential Tremor", here on Earth Clinic, you will find suggestions for other supplements that may help you. All the best.

Posted by Thomas (Dublin, Ireland) on 09/23/2014

The best way to get magnesium is transdermal . That way there is no problem with stomach or diarrhea.

Ancient Minerals is a pure form and can be sprayed on skin or added to footbath.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, US)

Magnesium glycinate is a form that doesn't cause diarrhea. Also it can be taken with or without food.

Transdermal magnesium can irritate the skin in some people.

Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca) on 09/25/2013

Magnesium works for essential tremors. The better choice of the several forms of Mg will be Mg Glycinate. Its absorbed well without laxative effects. I usually get mine on line. I used to have diffeiculty in signing my name, my handwriting was shaky. With Mg, it has come back to normal. It's important to understand that Mg will take time to build up in the system, so it could take months, but it will work. Most of the population are now deficient in Mg beccause of the quality of the food we eat causing many symptoms.

Replied by Dexter
(Boulder, Co)

Helping my dad (til recently a very healthy active 88 yr old) who has had ET for many yrs (his mom had it, too) Doing things (eating, zippers, buttons, buckles, and more) has become difficult - slow at best. Recently chronic diarrhea caused him serious dehydration, and now his kids have become very hands on, realizing he has slipped a notch in the cognitive dept. He WAS taking a pile of supplements (re Drs Blaylock, Stengler, et al) and when I saw the amount of magnesium he was taking, I said let's give these a rest til the gut is stable. As I read here about control of ET with magnesium, I am stumped - maybe he should be taking it! I have felt like the diarrhea was a part of the bigger picture of ET, but clearly I'm no doctor. I do know it's possible to learn about things, especially with forums like this! Still looking - any ideas?

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hi Dexter, If you feel your Father would benefit from magnesium but would like to avoid the diarrhea that can come with it, you might consider a product that contains magnesium-L-Threonte, sometimes called mag mind or neuro mag. It is a form of magnesium that is able to cross the blood brain barrier and helps with memory, but will not cause the other side effects you may want to avoid. Best wishes!

Replied by Sue J
(Perth, Western Australia)

With regard to magnesium, you can get a gel or an 'oil' (Google it) which is absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin and therefore does not affect the digestive system. Maybe this would be the way to go for your dad.

Replied by Sara
(Austin, Tx)

Magnesium causes loose stool and diarhea. Calcium can cause constipation. There are supplements that contain both so it is balanced. Vit D helps with absorption. some have Zinc. Try a one pill containing all three.

Replied by Chazzer
(Nantes, France)

Magnesuim oxide is laxative, but magnesium chloride is not. It's sold in Japanese shops as nigari, and used in making tofu.

Replied by Debby G.
(Angleton, Tx.)

I have colon problems, 1 1/2 ft removed, so I have constipation problems as well as essential tremors. Currently I am taking 250 mg of Primidone and 75 mg of Topiramate a day and I still have bad shaking spells. I do not drink sodas but I do have 1 cup of coffee each morning but it is 1/2 decaf. I use an artificial sweetener which I will discontinue after reading this board. I am wondering which MG product would be best for my situation and would appreciate a reply. I really need some help here. Desperate I am..

Replied by Steve
(Columbus, Oh)

I have tried Primidone with slight improvements, but stomach aches and fatigue. Also tried a barbituate which worked well, but I was exhausted (plus it's addictive). Dropped diet coke and my ET improved dramatically for months, but returned. I'm 61 and have had this for 5 years. My handwriting sucks. I'll try anything. I'm going gluten-free starting tomorrow to see if that works.

Posted by Andrea (Fayetteville, Tennessee) on 07/22/2011

I developed a head bobbing and hand shaking when in a strain, at the age of 40. This concerned me and I went to a Nurologist and thru some test. He called it involuntary tremors. He told me this was inherited and my gradfather did have this condition. His recommendation was to use natural sources for controlling them as long as possible and if I did not want them to show up when attending a function or such to drink a glass of wine before going. The down side of this - it is worse the next day. Didn't do this but once - enough for me!! They have continued to increase as I have aged (65 now).

I have in the past and now control them with chelated magnesium w/zinc - 800 to 1200 mg a day as needed. I find they show up more when I am agitated, stressed or exhausted.

Not sure if this is related but caffine from asprin, cokes, chocolate or coffee will really make everything internally tremble. Therefore, I haven't taken in any of these for many years - no more internal trembling. I have drank ice tea (black) for years and no trembling inside. My body also does not respond well to antiboticis so I try really hard to stay the natural course with my diet and any other thing that pops up. I am presently not on any medications or regimes and seemed to be basically healthy with plenty of energy for which I am very grateful. I am going to start ACV as this seems to have so many positive benefits. My neighbor which just turned 90 yrs. Old has drank Jogging in a Jug (ACV & fruit juices) for years and is still in great shape. This is a great website can't stay off it!!!!

Replied by Maureen
(Reno, Nv)

I've had the essential tremors off and on for years. Recently, it has gotten worse in my right hand (mainly because I use it more) to the point that it exhausts me. I'd be interested in the proportions of the Jogging in the Jug. I think this may work for me. Thanks.

Replied by Earthling

While I'd never heard of Jogging In A Jug, the recipe was easy to find via Google.

I checked several sites and with only one exception, all had the same ingredients, but in different amounts. (That one exception was a recipe that included honey. The other recipes did not include honey.)

Here are the basics:

-1 quart red grape juice

-2 quarts apple juice

-3/4 cup ACV (Only one site specified Bragg's brand. The others just mentioned regular, old ACV.)

-3/4 cup honey, optional

Mix it all up, keep it refrigerated and drink 1/2 to 1 cup per day.

I, personally, wouldn't add the honey. Between the juices *and* the honey, that's a whole lot of sugar.

Good luck!

Replied by Jeanette
(Hope Mills, North Carolina)

Does this really work. I am so frustrated with the head and vocal tremors. They are embarrassing and annoying. Tried botox for years didn't last and so uncomfortable. What is best magnesium to try. Desperate for help but on a fixed income. Please respond.

Replied by Lou Ann
(Summerville, Sc)

I know this is a older post, but I have same thing is it still working?

Posted by Rbwalton (Chico, Ca) on 02/05/2010

I have had muscle weakness and essential tremor for the last few years. Doctors finally saw the tremor and prescribed beta blockers to control it. They found no cause for the tremor and did not know why I was so weak- other than I was either exercising too little or too much.

On my own, I started 600 mg daily of magnesium oxide since I had heard it might help with muscle weakness. While I was taking that, I ran out of beta blockers and tremor did not return. I figured it must be the magnesium that had been keeping my tremor under control all along. Since then I have been off of the beta blockers completely. My tremor is better as long as I keep taking the magnesium. And my strength is also improving.

Replied by Nevada
(Smithfield Township, Pa)

I find it remarkable that magnesium oxide made a difference since it is one of the least absorbable forms of magnesium according to the book The magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean, M.D.

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

Famous nutritionist Adelle Davis wrote that " (B6) is essential in maintaining a normal level of magnesium in the blood and tissues. At the same time magnesium helps to activate dozens of enzymes which contain vitamin B6: hence these two nutrients work together in the body and neither can function without the other. " Possibly where benefits have not occured when taking magnesium alone could indicate a deficiency of B6 and vice versa.

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

Further to my previous post, yes, magnesium oxide is one of the least absorbable forms of magneium, but is still effective for all that. Epsom salts in the bath allow magnesium to be readily absorbed through the skin, and doses of epsom salts are effective for muscle cramps, as I well know. Awaking with severe leg cramps in the night in my younger days, I would take a small tsp epsom salts in warm water and cramps would be gone by time I had finished drinking it. In smaller doses it does not induce diarrhoea. It has also been used effectively in treating epilepsy.

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

I got off track a bit there, epsom salts being magnesium sulphate not magnesium oxide. They taste quite different too! When my children were small I used magnesium oxide with calcium lactate and brewers yeast in their morning milk drink. The B vitamins in the yeast would have helped with making the magnesium more available. The negative with magnesium oxide is that it neutralises hydrochloric acid in the stomach so completely it should not be used by persons with digestive difficulties.

Posted by Rbwalton (Chico, Ca) on 02/05/2010

I have had muscle weakness and essential tremor for the last few years. Doctors finally saw the tremor and prescribed beta blockers to control it. They found no cause for the tremor and did not know why I was so weak- other than I was either exercising too little or too much.

On my own, I started 600 mg daily of magnesium oxide since I had heard it might help with muscle weakness. While I was taking that, I ran out of beta blockers and tremor did not return. I figured it must be the magnesium that had been keeping my tremor under control all along. Since then I have been off of the beta blockers completely. My tremor is better as long as I keep taking the magnesium. And my strength is also improving.

Magnesium L-Threonate

5 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by M (Boston ) on 10/27/2017


My name is Marc and I have had essential tremors for about 20 yrs I'm now 46 . It started with my right hand and now recently my left. I cannot write anymore or even hold a glass of water. So yes its very challenging at times. I'm hopeful it find relief with magtein and theanine serene w relora. Been taking 2 capsules of each per day. Been about a week and have seen no improvement yet. My question how long should it take to see a difference? Thanks

Replied by Soazburrolady

Hi Marc,

I just saw your post and wanted to chime in. For my husband, it took a few weeks to really notice a lessening of the tremors, and possibly a little longer for them to resolve completely. He also takes Acetyl-L-Carnitine for same. On a side note, I started experiencing some peripheral neuropathy recently and added Alpha Lipoic Acid to my rather extensive (and expensive! ) handful of supplements. Since it is known for its beneficial effects on all things nerve related, he's been taking that too.

My husband had only presented with the symptoms of essential tremor a few months prior to instituting the supplements, so perhaps it takes a bit longer for them to take effect when the condition has existed for a good deal longer? Wishing you all the best.

Magnesium L-Threonate
Posted by Pointvet (Texas Usa) on 10/15/2016

Editor's Choice

I will write too long. I had a head injury in 1966 and a 7 day comma, when I woke -- right off I tremored and said to myself, "the girls will never be interested in me now". I lost from 174 lbs down to 109 lbs. Numerous doctors told me I would not live to see age 30...or much less. Over the years I did much research, being I was smart enough yet, even if I tremored badly, to the extent I could not write my name, play the guitar, do art, hold a book in my hands to read it etc. I used many naturals and some with benefits, usually for a short term. I was for a while addicted to tranquilizers, to the extent now I truly am opposed to them for myself. The tremors gradually got worse over the decades, yet I never got angry at or resented the problems. I got this honorably, in a small teams parachute jump in VN, doing what I felt true to liberty assistance....I was fortunate to have an excuse for quirkiness.

Thanks for this site! I have been reading and have been taking the theanine serene with relora 2 per day and one magtein, now for about 8 days. I can carry a dinner plate and can touch two fingers of each hand to each other. How long will this last...I have no idea. But over the years I have done hospital stints, done scans, seen numerous neurologists, taken k's of dollars of naturals, took medical drugs I soon quit with side effects, exercise everyday, had years of giving up all caffeine, food coloring, salt, sugar, suggested bad foods, avoided chemicals, withdrew from social gatherings, still losing the abilities of most things I enjoyed. So far I have good results with this and many thanks. Others should do their own research and discussions with their health care opinions are useless in a professional way.

Replied by Pointvet
(Texas Usa)

The theanine serene with relora and the magtein is causing digestive distress, or some factions of the combination. And I don't need more excuses to be a recluse with the tremors and such effects. But I will never give up seeking natural improvements and as well I will expire before ever going back to neurological drugs again. A sentiment not for everyone, as many can do those without ill effects...presumably. For me, I have a good mind and I wish to keep it; I am energetic and wish to remain so; I have a good sense of humor, which I need for sharing with my off springs. Next I will be trying some new to me combo essential oils with frankincense. Cheers to all.

Magnesium L-Threonate
Posted by Soazburrolady (Southern Az., US) on 02/23/2015

Editor's Choice

A few years back, my husband developed an essential (or intention) tremor in his hands. At first it bothered him only when upset or tired, but gradually started to affect him full time. As my husband makes his living as an OR nurse and needs to have fine motor skills for his job performance, it became imperative to find a treatment or cure. After researching the problem, we decided to hit him with the whole shebang of potential treatments. The most important seemed to be Magnesium L-threonate, GABA, Taurine, and L-theanine. Fortunately, as some have mentioned, the Magnesium L-threonate does not cause or aggravate diarrhea. I am really happy to report that my husband's tremor has basically disappeared. He takes other supplements also, but was taking them prior to the onset of the tremors. We have also eliminated any aspartame and eat only very small amounts of gluten. I am not sure if I am allowed to mention a specific product, but there is a tablet available from a reputable "Source" that contains the combo of GABA, Taurine, L-Theanine, Magnesium chelate, and some herbal extracts that simplifies the process. He adds a Magnesium L-Threonate product from the same "Source" to that tablet. All the best and hope this works for you as well.

Replied by Lorian
(Baton Rouge)

Can you email me the name of the pill that is helping your husband, I have a friend that has tremors of the hand and it is really bad she had to withdraw from her college courses.

Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

The supplements are by Source Naturals (I have found their products to be of good quality) -

1) Theanine Serene, which contains magnesium chelate, GABA, taurine, L-Theanine, Relora, and holy basil extract, and

2) Magtein which is magnesium L-threonate.

He takes one of each every morning and has been tremor free for several months. Hope this information is helpful.


I started taking these supplements this morning. One of each like your husband did. I have a hard time sleeping during the night most nights. So do you think that it would be helpful if I also took another one of the theanine serene before bedtime to see if I would sleep better?

I read all of your posts concerning essential tremors and I am very hopeful that this will help me also. I would prefer to just take one of each per day (in the morning) but I read other testimonials on another site and they all seem to be helped by taking it before bedtime to sleep better. Thanks for all you informative posts about how it helps with essential tremor.


The Theanine Serene does help me sleep at night, and the dosage per day is 2 tablets so I feel pretty safe doing that. I take mine about an hour before bed as I do get a teeny bit drowsy. But in the a.m. when I take it I don't feel drug out, so it's probably sort of a mystery how that works, but it works;) I also take the magtein dose with that at night (I take 2 magtein a day) and with it in the a.m. too:)


Thanks for the information of when you took both supplements. Right now I'll stay on one of each morning and evening to see if it helps the essential tremor and also better sleep,

Replied by Jim
(Barefoot Bay, Micco, Florida)

Hi - this is about where to find the products you mentioned, that help to eliminate uncontrollable hand-shaking. I just started working (donating my time) at a local Thrift Shop where things are taken in and then sold for next to nothing and one of the older guys who I'm working with - his hands shake so uncontrollable - just writing a price on a ticket is a major accomplishment. Because I have been a Homeopathic subscriber for many years, - Homeopathy immediately came to my mind - but sadly, my three manuals got lost in my many moves and transmissions, plus my small homeopathic travel kit with 30 assorted remedies but several remedies that came to mind were Mag Phos or Mag Sulph but I don't have my books any longer to tell me their characteristics. Could you possibly provide what you have as what to get and where to get it / them? I really wanna help the old guy. He's a very intelligent, former Disney mechanical engineer and he's 80, but a great guy and never complains - he just lives with it and I'm sure homeopathy will help! Thanks for your time and insight.

Rhode Island Jim

Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

How nice of you to show such concern for your friend. These tremors can be so very debilitating and frustrating. The supplements we used for my husband (and he remains tremor free to this day) are: Magtein and Theanine Serene with Relora - both from a company named "Source Naturals". I forgot to include acetyl-L-carnitine (which he also takes) in my last post. It is available from many companies. I use Amazon, Lucky Vitamins, or I- Herbs to buy most of my supplements - and it is definitely worth the time to comparison shop. The best to you both.

(British Columbia)

Oh, how grateful I am to have read your comments on Essential tremors!!!

I will order right away, as per your suggestions. I am now 61, desperately trying to control my hand tremors. They have been progressively getting worse since I was 54, inherited from my mom. It is of most importance to me to treat this disorder through alternative health as I am a health care provider, caring for the elderly, mostly who suffer with dementia. I see the side effects of alopathic medicine and don't want any part of that.

Thank you so very much for your insight!

Replied by Beth

Rhode Island Jim,

If the book you are missing from your homeopathy kit is from Hylands, then call them and they can send you another booklet. I did.

Bless you for wanting to help your friend.

Replied by John
(Suffolk, England.)

Soazburrolady: I have just started taking Magtein and Nutrasleep, the latter as it contains GABA, Taurine Magnesium etc, ( as close as I can to the Theanine Serene ) and L-Theanine. I was a little wary of the Magnolia Officinalis as I had read reports of vivid nightmares accompanying the Relora in the Theanine Serene. I was just wondering, a few months on, how is your husband coping and have the tremors remained under controls or have they gone? I, myself, would really like to get back to work, but my tremors have knocked my confidence in being able to continue. I can draw, but my speed is well down as if I attempt to speed up or apply pressure the tremors start up and control lost. It also wears me down trying to maintain the control needed for the fine work and am continually on the brink of depression at the thought that I may have to give up the work that is the centre of my life. My uncle also had very bad tremor.

Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

Hi John.

So sorry to hear of your trials regarding essential tremor. I am very happy to report that indeed, my husband's tremor has not returned even in the slightest, and he continues to take the Magtein, Theanine Serene, and also Acetyl L-carnitine every morning. Just as an aside, he has not noted any side effects (vivid dreams) from the Relora. All the best.

Replied by John
(Suffolk, England)

Many, many thanks for your response. I am relieved to hear your husband's tremors are under control. I understand the plight regarding the need for fine motor control and wish him well for continued success. I hope that what I am doing may result in success similarly. I may tentatively try the Theanine Serene should this attempt fail and will report back, just in case other people have had a problem with the Relora. The problem seems to have been handed down along with the X-linked Ichthyosis that I have, this also my Uncle had and also various dyspraxic traits. The tremor is relatively recent. I am 53 and had been a one-to-one carer for many years. When my caring came to a natural conclusion I was exhausted, but thought that finally I could pursue my life's centre which is art. Then along came the tremor. As you can see, the frustration is untenable. You can gather that this page and your posting of your husband's results is so very important to me. I hope we can benefit from his experience. We are such complicated beings and if only there was not so much trial and error when these things hamper us. My very best wishes.

Replied by Cindy

Hello, thank you for sharing your husband's info, I just want to reiterate what I believe you said he takes. I have had severe head tremors for years and when the Inderal stopped working I started some supplements with a little improvement. But want to try yours. Theanine Serene, Magtein and Aceytl-L-Carnitine.

Please let me know if this is correct. I want to order them and start right away. Thanks for sharing. Cindy

Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

Hi Cindy. Yes, those are the supplements we added specifically for my husband's tremor. (The Theanine Serene does contain Relora which I know some posters prefer to go without.) He takes other supplements also, but, had been prior to the onset of the tremor, so I don't think they enter into the equation. I surely hope this helps you, as it is such a frustrating and even debilitating problem. All the best.

Replied by Soni


I am new to post. sorry to ask, I would like to buy Theanine Serene, Magtein and Aceytl-L-Carnitine, can I please know website link?

I tried searching through iHerb but not sure which one to choose. I would like to try for my Dad. Thanks very much.


Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

Hi Soni,

I have used both IHerb and Lucky Vitamins to purchase the products you would like to get for your father.

Theanine Serene is by Source Naturals - I buy the one that has the additional ingredient of Relora.

Magtein is the brand name of Now Vitamin's Magnesium L Threonate. There are other brands, this is just the one I normally choose.

Acetyl - L - Carnitine is also a Now Product, although there are many other reputable brands.

Hope that helps.

Replied by John
(Suffolk, England)

Hello. Can I just ask, is your husband still tremor free? Also, I was wondering about a product called 'Tremormiracle', and, whether any sufferers of ET have found relief with this product? I am of the school of thought that, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. I am interested in the inclusion of L-arginine in the product. I would like to reduce the number of supplements, basically to de-clutter, however, I do not want the tremor to worsen.

Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

Hi John,

I'm just assuming that you are directing your question to me. If so, the answer is - yes. My husband takes the Theanine Serene, Magtein, and Acetyl - L - Carnitine every morning. Still working, thankfully. I think I mentioned that I had started experiencing some symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, and so added Alpha Lipoic Acid to my regimen (also benfotiamine). While reading about the ALA, I noticed that it can also be effective for Essential Tremor, so he is taking that also.

Always wishing you well,


Replied by John
(Suffolk, England)

Soazburrolady: Thanks for that. The social security on my case again, actually thinking I am self-diagnosed and nothing wrong. I have been assessed for Aspergers positively as well. Doing everyday stuff is tiring with the tremor, but, being aware of how Aspergers elevates stress levels anyway, on top of the years of caring I had to do, it is no wonder that I feel like a spent battery. I was interested in the other product, not sure as to follow it up as £50 for 30 days. Desperately need to shut down the shaky hands and get my career back. May just have to renew the supply of the original tablets. Sorry for the delay in responding. Bad couple of weeks.

Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)

Soazburrolady: Can I ask of your husband, with the nature of his tremor, say was he able to at least hold his hands still, were the nerves beneath the skin at the thenar and hypothenar region twitching like mad, trying to get the tremor going again? At the moment I can hold them still, to the extent that there is little involuntary movement, as long as I've been inactive and calm. Resting on my elbows, the shoulders and back of the neck have a 'shivering' movement, the same as if I was cold. This I've noticed if I've been active, fatigued, and it travels down to my legs so that I feel like a walking quake. Nothing is visible when I am sitting, at rest, except at those regions of the hand. It is frustrating that, as soon as I attempt the writing and drawing, the tremor manifests in the interrupted movement. My GP noticed it after I pointed it out. The DWP "can't see it" as they said in their written report, "he wasn't trembling".

This convinces me they are looking for a Parkinson's type of trembling and are not familiar with ETs at all. They consider it irrelevant because it is not outstandingly evident. Will have to persevere in finding a management regimen that will allow me to follow the career within which, like your husband, I have expertise.

Replied by John
(Suffolk, England)

Hello Soazburrolady: Just a quick return to say that my tremor has almost completely abated since I added Arginine to my regimen. So, now it's Magtein, MSM, Perfectil: Skin, Hair and Nails, Theanine Serene and the Arginine. That seems to be shifting the so and so. I may drop the Arginine in favour of Acetyl-L-Carnitine again after I've finished the course. I also belt up some Mag Citrate with some veg and fruit in a Mega blender to top up. Seems to be working so far.

Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

Hello John, I would love to know how you are doing these days with your ET? I am back again looking for help as mine has gotten very bad. Hard to even sign my name, but a drink of water to my mouth, and mine is in my head, and hands. I have such trouble with both, and am making a list of the supps you listed in your 2018 post.

My stomach seems pretty sensitive to anything but my Low-carb, keto diet. Everything about my health is improving, except the ET. That's a lot of supplements to take, so I will just try one at a time. I do not caffeine, gluten, and I do take 500mg of Mag Citrate a day, for about 13 months now, since I started Keto, and beat my T2 Diabetes. I'm so hoping I might at least improve my ET. That would be a blessing, even to get less shaking :) Denise

Replied by Soazburrady
(Southern Az)

Hi John,

Good to hear from you again, especially since it appears you have found the right combination for your tremors. My husband continues to be tremor free, and takes the same supplements I have listed in the past (won't bore everyone by repeating them). The arginine could be problematic for him as he as a history of herpes zoster (shingles), and arginine has been known to exacerbate or even initiate a breakout. Continued good health to you!

Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)

Hi Soazburrolady: Thanks. Had read up on the Arginine and noted the shingles connection, which, fortunately I haven't. Was taking it to improve the healing of my Ichthyosis skin, noticed the improvement in the tremor, thought interesting. At the same time was investigating the tremor miracle product and noted the ingredients, one of which, Arginine. My writing is steadier briefly, but, still a nuisance. Will persist. Many thanks for your original post. Just managed to send for some remedy skin cream from the states. Can't get anything as good in UK. Ridiculous. Human race extremely frustrating at sharing good data. Mostly seems only good at squabbling.

Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)

Hi Soazburrolady: I've found a supplement from 'The Good Guru' company which combines what I've been looking for. Hopefully it will work. It's 'Good Memory And Focus', which I am going to combine with the Magnesium L-Threonate and the Theanine Serene with Relora. The GMAF supplement contains both the Arginine and Acetyl-L Carnitine. Will keep on topped up with the Mag Citrate. So far, it's the forefinger of the right hand that wants to twist it's way uncooperatively and, of course, that's my drawing hand. I live on in hope the thing will behave itself. At least finding the combination cuts down the pill bottles.

Replied by Anna

Hi John:

Your post references Magnesium L-Threonate for Essential Tremors

and I would be very interested to learn more. I have had essential tremors for 20 plus years and would be enormously grateful for any suggestions on how to tackle the problem, i.e. specific supplement combinations/dosage/frequency etc.

Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)

Hello Anne:

I basically follow Soazburrolady's recommendation as to supplements and dosage. Since I live in the UK, I've tried to find local suppliers regarding the Magnesium L-Threonate and the Acetyl-L-Carnitine. Source Naturals products, the 'Theanine Serene with Relora', where I am, has to be imported by the distributor. I purchase from IHerbs. I am sure there are others. It is best to look around for the best deals on the magnesium and carnitine. 'Now' seems good brand.

One must be aware that improvements will take time. The longer the problem has existed, the longer it will take for the tremors to be managed. I had to break from treatment because of money problems. The tremors came back, and, when I was able to resume, it has taken longer to regain control. The goal, unfortunately and annoyingly, is management of the tremors by continual supplementation. It is best to read up all you can on the individual ingredients of the supplements and, if you are already on any medication, that there are no contraindications between the supplements and your meds. For example Magnesium has a tendency to lower blood pressure. If you are on meds for blood pressure, watch that your pressure doesn't get too low! One must watch these points you know! Relora has been reported by some users as giving them vivid dreams. Depends which sort of dreams. Best thing, as always, be aware and double-check with a pharmacist or your doctor regarding blood pressure or if you are on blood-thinning medication.

Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)

Sorry Anna, for your name wrongly spelt in the last posting: To give you some idea of the time frame. Eighteen days past and I could shave reasonably with my right hand, couldn't draw, could only write by steadying the top of a pencil with my left hand. This weekend, I have found that I can draw for short periods and write one-handed a little. Hand shakes a bit if I get too enthusiastic, upper arm shakes, but still controllable to a point, then I give it a rest. Whole body still trembles if exercising, then stop. It's as if shivering. No body shaking if at rest. Increased four days ago to 2 grams Magnesium L-Threonate daily. Still on 1 tablet of Theanine Serene with Relora, I capsule of Good Guru 'Good Mind and Memory'. Note: the last is an extremely broad supplement, this is the one containing both Arginine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine. Also contains Gingko Biloba and Brahmi plus vits and minerals. Always best to check the RDA and ascertain if you need that much, plus any effects of long term usage. I hope this may be of some use.

Replied by Anna


Thank you and I am learning a lot from your posts around the language of these tremors. Your progress is impressive - and 18 days is a blink really in the bigger scheme of things. I looked up "Soazburrolady" and will copy her posts into my notes for future research and study.

A couple of my family have the tremors - milder versions than mine. I only ever found raw celery as a cure for the shaking, but couldn't eat enough to make a dent, so celery juice has helped a bit in the past. However, any stress or conflict and my shaking is uncontrollable. Now that I am retired, life is much easier.

Funny thing, I ordered the two pound container of pharmacy grade magnesium as part of my 'anti candida' protocol and planned to use a little in a bath and the rest ingested. Well, I opened the canister over the path and ended up dropping the whole thing in the water - 2 lbs of magnesium -$20.00 - most expensive bath I ever took - but here is the thing - it was sublime. I soaked until I was totally pruned and had absorbed my twenty buck ten times over - and I felt incredible, renewed and vitalized. I slept wonderfully well for the next few nights and overall, my tremors seemed much less. Mine are in my face and a bit in my hands, but definitely the magnesium is a curative for me.

I very much like your research approach to all the supplements, slow and steady. I have made a list of the ones you mention, and will read up on them and then search for 'best-buys' so I can begin to acquire the ones you suggest. I only began the candida treatment 4 weeks ago, so will probably focus in on the candida protocols before I get too focused on the tremors, however, there seems to be some overlap in the treatment, so will combine where I can. I am amazed at the results so far, and beyond grateful to Earth Clinic website. So much to learn.

So, now, when my finances allow, I will reorder, but it confirms - my body is starved for magnesium. Thank you again for your most generous sharing, it is very heartening to hear your progress and I am creating my learning list for moving forward.

Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)

Hi Anna: That's interesting about the celery juice. Good source, again, of Magnesium and also Potassium and Sodium. Maybe I should add it. I used to combine juices a lot. As for the slow and steady, that's me alright. "Slow and methodical": that's how they described me in my school reports fifty years ago. Like Endeavour Morse, I stumble over a clue, think "hang on, there was something there wasn't there! ", go back, trip over it again and think, "that worked, what if I do it again?". So far, what I am doing seems to be working. I don't seem to need so much meditation at the moment which is interesting. We must beware of anutrients, I feel. They can cause havoc. My tremors are inherited through my mother's side. She never had any! My uncle and grandmother did, however. Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common. I am sure C is another, simply because of the mass call on it throughout the body. The RDA is ridiculous. A mammal the size of a mountain goat bi-synthesises 13-14 grams of the stuff to cope with it's stresses in life via an enzymatic process in it's liver and humans, who have lost the means to do so, with more stressors than a goat, is only recommended 60 mg!!? With all the repairs it is needed to do? Come on. Pull the other one! That's my rant over. BTW: My, that was an expensive bath. However, many discoveries are made through accident.

Replied by Anna

Hi John:

When you reference Vit C - did you read that post about synthetic v natural? Any thoughts? I bought mine at the local health food store, but never knew that they might be synthetic? Where do I get natural and how is it labeled?

Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)


Of course, it is best to get as natural as possible. That said, nature has left us with predicaments from our ancient past. We would have to be consuming fruit and vegetables at a continual rate to meet our basic needs for a mammal our size and debates rage as to how we can sustain our individual need for the stuff. It has been labelled humankind's "missing stress molecule". Studies for people with Aspergers, where there are abnormal spikes of amygdala activity, put the need, at least, 8 grams daily. I would say though that most humans undergo more continual, relentless stresses than most creatures alive simply through our type of sentience and the lives we put upon ourselves. Reason why we wear out so often? BTW: Had a bowl of porridge and, quite quickly actually, my tremor went bonkers! Very interesting. Now; to labelling. Look for, I should say, 'Wildcrafted' and 'Organic', preferably the former being included. I think there is 'Good Manufacturing Practice' that you look for in America(?) which could also be your guide. Not sure about 'pure' vitamin c, as it might not be utilised efficaciously to be of the health value we are looking for. I think arguments carry on as to if just ascorbate has all that is necessary for all the repairs required upon it in the body. I think we could all do with a repair manual issued at birth. One day perhaps?

Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)

Hi Soazburrolady:

Just a quick update. The hands, although the strength, pre-tremors, has not returned yet, probably through lack of normal use, the control has mostly returned. I have not tried brush drawing again yet, however, I am able to complete pencil sketches, which is something I have not been able to accomplish in a long while.

All I can say is many, many heartfelt thanks for your posts on the maintenance regimen, which, has paid off, for myself, for the second, and now third time. That seems to be the clincher! Although I am now taking the Acetyl-L-Carnitine as part of a broader multi-supplement, with Arginine, etc, ( Good Guru's Memory and Focus ) with the Theanine Serene with Relora and Magnesium Threonate, the first and latter supplied by British companies, the latter being Phoenix, my initial tryouts with the Source Naturals recommendation were equally successful. Being UK based informed my decision, it being helpful that only one of the supplements be imported. Hopefully I can now continue taking these and nothing else stupid will happen to prevent me taking up my career again!

Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

Hi John.

So sorry I missed seeing your post any earlier. I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear of your progress. I have been helped so many times by the contributors to Earth Clinic, I have lost count! Someday, I am going to post my personal "Best Of" Earth Clinic. I wish you continued progress and good health. Maybe, someday, you will post some of your art work!

Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)

Hi Soazburrolady: Many thanks for your good wishes. Hopefully I can pull away from the despairing life and into a better one away from social 'security'. Funding my meds means moving. Having had an offer on my house and finding one cheaper, with luck, will mean a new life -- not another one! -- and money in the bank. Enough for me to look after myself for a change and recuperate properly. I don't honestly think that the people that make the rules realise just how frustrating tremors are, more especially how, when you're dealing with that on top of Aspergers and Ichthyosis. I feel like the family dumping ground for confidence disenablement. Is that a good thing to have on your resume? The one stability in my life was my art. That was mine and no thing could take that away. Well, I reckoned without ETs. All we can do is continue the battle.

Replied by KT

Dear John,

I think you confused Denise with me?? I am the one that reported to her as having had a spitfire temper. I am old now and under control just by avoiding things that I know can upset me, (i.e., capsules and hidden sources of MSG). My husband still flies off once in awhile but I know he eats things that affect him that way. I don't get upset and argue back anymore. I can stay away from him until he cools down.

Hindsight is 20/20. I was eating a lot of hidden MSG from a variety of sources in addition to whole wheat bread which has been reported directly linked to schizo behavior.


Replied by Phyllis

Thanks, Art, for the response concerning Parkinson disease for taking the supplements that you suggested for my husband.

I will have him read the recommendation and hopefully he will research the supplements recommended.

Replied by Art
2370 posts

Phyllis (Fl),

I have a lot of information for your husband when he is ready, just need to figure out a way to get it to you when that time comes.


Replied by John S.
(Suffolk, England)

Hi; back again! Just to say that I hope everyone is coping, or even better, improving. The strength and steadiness in my hands is increasing, along with confidence and, hopefully, a beneficial move to somewhere more manageable. Still taking the supplements, and suspect that will continue. As long as I can draw and paint, that's the main thing. Let's see if we can make it a good new year. Take care everyone. Be 'seeing' you.

Replied by Denise

If anyone is around on this thread, I would love to hear some updated information on Essential Tremor. I have been on Vitamin Bs, and recently started Cs. I take what I believe to be an excellent B1, and most of the other Bs. I buy them separately as I feel the "complexes" do not have enough mg for me. My tremors are in my head, and my left hand. When I get anxiety or in any sort of confrontation, I shake like a leaf. I know I need something, non-drug, to help keep me calm, but so far, more than 40 years of my life, I have found nothing that didn't have odd side effects.

I am also taking Alpha Lipoic Acid, Magnesium 400mg to 800mg a day. I am Type 2 Diabetic and diagnosed Jan. 2021. Since then, through nutrition and probably the supplements/exercise, I have brought my numbers down into to safe zone (6.0 and lower, as low as 5.4) but I can't have any "remedy" that spikes my blood sugar ;)

Thanks for any help, and I am still hopeful the Bs, ALA, Magnesium will start calming my tremors. Been on all since Jan. 2021.

(faithville, Us)

Tessa, you might like this link by Walter Last:

Health-Science-Spirit- Pyroluria & Candida


Thanks Charity - great Walter Last link. Very informative.

It's nice to see another book lover ... I've cut back on many things these past 16 months but not books.

However, you've beat me at 24 books so far this year - respect!


Replied by Terry

Question. What time and how many mgs of each does he take? I was glad to find your thread. Appreciate. Hoping you still are monitoring this page🙏🏼❤️

Replied by Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

My Essential Tremor has been with me since 1988. It was noticeable, but nothing compared to what it is today. Anxiety, getting upset about things in life, and trying to be still for any reason, make the ET worse. I'm living with it, but every once in awhile, I look for anyone that might have an answer for me, help me overcome the ET. That's why I'm posting today in hopes someone has had as bad a tremor as mine, but found help.

For 69 years old, I am amazingly healthy. I am a Keto gal, and my foods are the healthiest I've ever eaten, every day, with walking, and some body-weight training. I've lost the extra weight I could never get off, good muscle tone, 5'2" at 116 lbs. Lost 4 inches, and down 3 sizes from 9 to a 6. I was up to around 146, then managed to get down to 116 on keto. Losing fat was not at the fore-front of my Keto but to beat T2 Diabetes was my goal. Losing the weight was a bonus, and I eat lots of meat, fats, including saturated, and carbs at about 30 or lower. Mostly green vegies like broccoli, spinach and brussels. I do eat avocados whenever I can find good ones. I also enjoy my dairy products like real, grass fed butter, yogurt, and my fave mozzarella cheese.

So there's a bit of history, and doing keto for 13 months today. But now, the ET is something I want to beat. My head shakes so bad I cannot put any makeup on and somehow manage still apple a little lipstick. Being a woman that always loved a light bit of makeup, I really guess I'm vain, but when I see calm-looking people, I long to have that look. My hands sometimes shake so bad I cannot write, and have a hard time eating without missing my mouth, spilling liquids, and baking/cooking.

I can feel totally confident, and calm in my Spirit, but still be shaking, or, I can get upset and the ET goes so nuts I don't like looking like a spastic.

I have read a lot of EC, but I just wanted to talk, and hope for some helpful replies, maybe some success stories. There used to be an Artist here, I think his name is John from UK, maybe? But the last I read, he was actually able to paint again, but I don't know if I will find him, or his replies, but I'll try today. There are many things I cannot do, so just to let you know ahead of time. I cannot see an acupuncture doc because they are not covered by my insurance, and honestly I will not got to any conventional doctors either, except my MD that gives my my labs every so often for T2 to make sure that keeps going well. My T2 HbA1c's are below 5.8 mgdl's which is even below the pre-diabetic numbers. All because of Keto, and never ever took a Metformin or anything else prescription-wise.

Is anyone out there in cyber-space to help me figure out a plan? I would forever appreciate it :) PS, wonderful, I see you can now add images on EC!! Good to be back!

EC: Hi Denise,

Your post has been added to the thread with John's replies on it, so if he is signed up for email alerts on this thread, he will hopefully see it.


I'm sure you are so frustrated.

Have you tried B vitamins and such?

There is one off the top of my head, Triptobel. It includes B vitamin balance and others.

I know someone with the "shakes" and "ticks", no official dx but they take this and aloe vera caps. So, worth researching.

Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

Ok Betty, thank you for your reply!! I was so surprised I had a reply already ;)

I have been using a few vitamin Bs, but I stopped everything because I just seemed to get tired of trying. I did that for several months, now I want to start some supps again, even though I eat very good.

I have B6, and B1, but I will look at what you listed. Whenever I just tried a B-complex blend, something in it just didn't set right with me. So I bought a bunch of the b's separate. I will start one of those, tomorrow, not at night in case they give me any issues. Again, I am really thankful for your reply. I will get back to you, and anyone else following the thread, after I see how it goes.

2370 posts


Two things that come to mind for ET are Thiamine HCL(vitamin B1) and a specific magnesium blend.

B1 was tested by Dr. Costantini in a few clinical cases to good effect and he used high dose injections, but did further unpublished testing that indicated that oral dosing may have benefit similar to the injections. I wrote a little bit about thiamine HCL as an effective inhibitor of the inflammatory cytokine IL-17 here :

This is significant because increased IL-17 can cause increased inflammatory chemokine IL-8 and inflammatory cytokine IL-6. Both of these inflammatory mediators are elevated in ET and are positively correlated with tremor, so lowering IL-8 is an important point in ET as mentioned here :

Here is a list of supplements that not only lower IL-8, but also cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) as might be needed for a neurological disorder such as ET.

1. Niacin (B3) as Nicotinic Acid (NA)- The type of Niacin that causes flushing.

2. Carnosine

3. Curcumin

4. L-Theanine- Also Considered to be calming.

5. EGCG- An active component from tea

6. Boswellia Serrata- Sometimes referred to as Frankincense and sometimes found in glucosamine multis for arthritis.

7. Hesperidin- Derived from the white layer below the orange peel of oranges.

8. Fisetin

9. Selenium

10. Baicalin- Sometimes referred to as Skullcap and sometimes found in glucosamine/chondroitin multis for arthritis.

The specific magnesium blend I am thinking of is three types of magnesium that are not only bioavailable, but able to cross the BBB and reduce, IL-8. It has also showed improved sleep benefit in some people. They are presented as one supplement and here is a typical one but there are others:

All of the above are likely to have other health benefits as opposed to side effects of standard prescription meds for ET, such as Propranolol and Primidone. Good luck!


Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

Hi again Art, I've been on B12 @ 1000mcg and B1 @300mg for 10 days now with no improvement, maybe not long enough to see something. I'm wondering if I should up my dose of either or both. What do you think? I'm 116 lbs, but I just read where B1 is recommended up to 4 times a day? I think the B12 is safe up to 2000mcg a day.

Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

This is wonderful and so generous Art!! I'm glad to say I have B1, in the Benfotamine type. My short-term memory, I mean in a second I can forget what I was going to type :( I am just grateful for all the info and links. I will study them today, and have a B12 on the way as well. I wanted more mcg's for the B12 but did find 1000 mcg bottle. I tolerate B12 very well so I'm hoping that might help as well. Big hugs for your reply, I'm going to go get busy. Maybe something I am doing will improve my memory loss as well :)

Oh, I want to wait for the B12 so I can just do one thing at a time to know what's working and what's not, but maybe I'll see a combo of things in your info, replies welcome Art ;)

Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

Took a lot of notes here Art, and I did decide to take one GABA capsule, 500mg, and one B1 Benfotamine. I had those 2 supplements so thought I would start them, sooner the better, but my B12 isn't here yet. I also made a list of the other things that might help, but again, I need to start slow. I really like the look of the Magnesium multi, but wondering about the mg's for me to start with? It evidently is used a lot for sleep, so I don't want to take too much, as this is to help my shakes during the day. I don't shake at night when asleep, I'm pretty sure because when I first wake, and am falling asleep, there is no tremor, but once I am up and fully away, it starts.

Any feedback welcome Art, so appreciate you and the many ways you've helped me on EC :)

2370 posts


ET is a tough one and generally, it comes down to trial and error to see which supplements might help you. Many supplements that are thought to help often have antianxiety effects that are thought to help reduce tremors.

There are many supplements in this class. GABA, Taurine, Magnesium in highly absorbable forms, L-Theanine, Mucuna, Lecithin, CBD oil, and B vitamins would be some common ones often used for ET and anxiety with varying degrees of success. Another consideration is trying one of the supplement multis of which there are many, but even these are essentially by trial and error and do not have high percentages of good recommendations. The main advantage of these is that you are able to test multiple supplements with one pill.

Here are many that you can consider, but read some of the reviews to get an idea of what benefits people have gotten from them.

There are also prescription meds, but these do not seem to be very effective and have side effects. These fall into the class of drugs known as beta-blockers with Propanol having one of the longest amounts of usage for ET. The improvement rate is said to vary from patient to patient and is only helpful for 50 to 60% of patients and again, to varying degrees.

Lastly, there is Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) which is very invasive brain surgery to try to stop essential tremors where they implant electrodes in your brain and a battery pack in the general area of the clavicle which is all controlled by a handheld remote. This is generally reserved for the most severe cases.

So as you can see, there is nothing easy about ET. I think that starting with the supplements is best because even though they can have side effects, they are usually not as bad as medications. The good quality absorbable forms of magnesium have other health benefits also.


Replied by Sharon
(VIC Australia)

Would like to know the source please?

Magnesium L-Threonate, Theanine, Acetyl L-Carnitine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by John (Suffolk, England) on 10/18/2018

Hi again, Soazburrolady. Just wanted to say, I am now TREMOR FREE! Using your husband's recommended combination.

Magnesium Threonate, Theanine Serene with Relora and Acetyl L-Carnitine.

Will keep taking, along with top ups of Magnesium Citrate and, occasionally, the Good Guru supplement that I mentioned. But, it's definitely those initial three that made and make the difference. Have started making art submissions again. Bless you for your initial post on the subject. Looks like I can have my artist's life back again. Thank you.

Replied by Denise
(Crescent City, Ca)

WONDERFUL John!! How long did it take to notice a major difference as I've been on the same regime for 9 days only? I understand it can take a different amount of time for each "body" but I would love to know, Denise

PS Again, I am so happy for you and it is so reinforcing of my belief in a natural remedy can be out there for us;)

Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

Dear John,

Woo-hoo!!! Can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear of your "tremor - free" status. Nothing makes me happier than people overcoming health challenges, especially through Earth Clinc. I recommend this site to people all the time, but, as you know, you can only lead a horse (or burro! ) to water.

I have a bit of an art background myself, 30 years ago it was painting, but I mostly enjoy metal working now. Creativity is good for the soul!

Continued good health and blessings for peace and happiness through your artwork.


Replied by John
(Suffolk, England)


What I am getting is the occasional twitch in the bicep. But, I am able to hold a line and trace over it with 99.9 percent accuracy. Fingers still feel weaker than they used to, but they are getting stronger. Time taken, this time round because I couldn't afford the supplements, but had to grab them as the opportunity arose, I would say the overall period was four months. That's stopping and starting annoyingly. So, although there was a build up, I couldn't continually take them without breaks in the regimen. On a daily basis, without fail, I've been on the full dose since 5th September. I've also been adding, with varying degrees, Magnesium Citrate, Good Guru Memory and Focus, 8 grams of Vitamin C daily and Spirulina. Spirulina is a semi-regular in my ordinary diet anyway. I also add to smoothies some Gotu Kola, Brahmi and as many green sources of Magnesium as possible with fruits using my Nutri Ninja. I blitz up the Mag Citrate in the smoothies. I'm not zinging like I used to, chronological damage I think! But, things are definitely getting better and I'm not using all my strength trying to control tremors and I'm sleeping more soundly. As Marshall Sam McCloud used to say, "There y' go! ".

Replied by John
(Suffolk, England)

We get there in the end! But, aren't we complicated. I'm ordering some more of the Theanine Serene and the Magnesium Threonate the coming week. I am thinking of setting up an art website with a friend of mine. That's my confidence returning. Many thanks for the steering. Your post gave me a positive direction. Please, thank your husband as well for me.

Replied by Phyllis

Does anyone know if the Theanine Serene and the Magtein would help Parkinson disease? I ordered this today for my essential tremor but my husband has the start of Parkinson disease and wondered if it might help him.

Replied by Art
2370 posts

Phyllis (Fl),

What has shown benefit in Parkinson's Disease is thiamine / vitamin B-1. It has shown potential to significantly reduce many of the multiple symptoms associated with PD when used at high oral or intramuscular dosing.


Replied by Phyllis

Hello Art. My husband said that he doesn't think that his Parkinson disease is not bad yet and does not want to add another supplement. I will be in touch if and when he decides that he needs more supplements for his condition. Thanks again.


Replied by Art
2370 posts


Many people don't realize that the currently available meds for PD and most supplements do nothing to halt or even slow disease progression and they merely work to try and control symptoms while the underlying disease progresses unabated even though symptoms may be well controlled for now. Eventually the meds can lose effectiveness even with increased dosing until they may no longer control the symptoms that he is taking them for. What I am talking about is different in this respect. When you are relatively symptom free is the time to be as proactive as possible in order to preserve what you have before the disease progression level becomes too advanced and irreversible damage is done to the brain.

I understand what your husband is saying and so I will stop here.


Replied by Terry

HI John,

I've truly enjoyed reading your info & comments. Might I ask the dosages companies and possibly an update? If you are still on here👌Appreciate

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