Castor Oil
Posted by Melissa (TX) on 01/10/2024
Castor oil is fantastic for most eye problems/issues. I was diagnosed with severe meibomian gland dysfunction (both eyes-side effect of lasik 20 years prior). I had corneal erosions nightly during REM sleep; my eyes were so dry they would be stuck to the lids & the movement would cause tiny tears in my corneas. It was horrific & felt like someone had stabbed me in the eyes with a knife!! I managed it with hot compress 2-3x daily & the doctor gave me ointment to apply before bed- the ointment was painful in my severely damaged eyes. An Indian doctor told me that castor oil is commonly used especially in poor villages where they have no access to healthcare. She told me to get ORGANIC/hexane free (cold press) in a GLASS bottle- (all organic is hexane free); use 1 drop pm before bed & lightly massage the excess in around my eyes (great for wrinkles). Cold pressing keeps medicinal properties viable, the glass bottle ensures no microplastics are present. My eyes improved from the very FIRST USE!!! It caused no pain whatsoever, my eyes stayed moist enough (not stuck to lids) all night & when I woke up & opened them it didn't hurt - I COULD SEE PERFECTLY!!! My vision had been going downhill with all those problems. Normally it took me 10 minutes of being awake before I could see well & photosensitivity would dissipate. Castor oil has been a MIRACLE for me & my MGD is 98% better (nearly gone). My vision is as it was before I ever had problems & I rarely need my readers anymore! I have gotten rid of pink eye (my husband) with castor oil. I will be using it nightly for the rest of my life!!!!! That doctor also told me they use it to dissolve cataracts in India & other countries. Doctors commonly prescribe it for many things in OTHER countries. Its a shame this is not commonly known here, but then how would they keep making billions off of us if we knew what REALLY WORKS? If you are a sensitive person (I am), try a drop on the inner elbow first. If you have no reaction, then it's likely to be fine. If you have unwanted effects then STOP using it. Castor oil has antibacterial properties as well as being full of antioxidants, it is also a strong antinflammatory=) I use a dab on a blemish or cut overnight or apply to a wound (tea tree oil first, castor on top to seal it in, then a bandage)