Natural Fever Remedies: Safe & Effective Relief

| Modified on Oct 08, 2024
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Eucalyptus Tincture
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/08/2024

Eucalyptus Globulus Tincture in Intermittent Fever. Art. 96

(British Medical Journal, May 11. )

From the Book: The Half-yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences: Being a Digest of British and Continental Medicine, and of the Progess of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences, Volumes 54-55,1872, page 122.

About two years ago, Dr. Lorinser, of Vienna, laid before the profession the results of his observations on the treatment of ague (some other illness involving fever and shivering) by the Eucalyptus Globulus.¹ A supply of the tincture was placed, for the purpose of observation, at the disposal of medical men connected with the railway stations in localities where ague was frequent. The quantity, however, was but small; and a larger supply was distributed in May of last year. The results obtained during the summer have been collected and summarized by Dr. Joseph Keller, chief physician of the Austrian railway company.

The number of patients treated with tincture of eucalyptus was 432. Of these, 310 (71.76 per cent. ) were perfectly cured; and 122 ( 28.24) required to be afterwards treated with quinine. Of the 310 patients who were cured, no paroxysm occurred after the first dose in 202; in the remaining 108, there were one or more subsequent paroxysms, which, however, yielded to repeated doses of the medicine. Quinine had been given without result in 118 of the 432 cases; 293 of the patients had had ague in previous years, and 139 were attacked for the first time in 1871. Of the 122 cases in which the eucalpytus failed, 58 recovered under the use of quinine, 38 were not cured, 10 were sent home, and

16 remained under treatment. Of the 118 cases in which quinine had been given unsuccessfully, 91 recovered under the use of eucalyptus, and in 27 no result followed.

The several types of intermittent fever were represented as follows: quotidian, complicated, 117, simple 73-190; tertian, complicated, 126, simple 95-221; quartan, complicated, 16, simple 4= 20 ; quintan, complicated, 1. The complications were, enlargement of the spleen or liver, anæmia or chronic gastric catarrh, paludal cachexia, &c. The remedy was successful in 161 of the 260 complicated cases, or 61.9 per cent.; and in 149 ( or 86.6 per cent. ) of the 172 simple cases. The percentages of success in the several types were: in tertian, 75.57; in quartan, 70; in quotidian, 67.89. Among the cases in which the first dose of eucalyptus arrested the disease, were 95 complicated and 107 simple; 28 of the former and 20 of the latter had previously been treated unsuccessfully with quinine. In the cases where the paroxysms recurred, there were 70 complicated and 38 simple; quinine had been given without success in 27 of the former and in 15 of the latter.

The treatment was generally commenced on the fifth day after the first paroxysm of ague; its duration averaged nine and a half days, that with quinine in previous years having been twelve and a half days.

The tincture was made by dividing into small pieces the leaves of eucalyptus obtained through France from the native country of the plant, and macerating in alcohol for three months. Ten pounds of leaves yielded twenty-five quarts of the tincture. The average dose was two drachms ; and the average quantity used for each patient was seven drachms this, however varied much, according to the nature of the case and its complications.

Dr. Keller concludes that eucalyptus must be regarded as a very important remedy for ague; but that the plant as cultivated in Austria is less efficacious than that imported from its native soil; that the remedy is of service especially in obstinate cases of ague where quinine has been given unsuccessfully; and that the average duration of treatment by eucalyptus is shorter than that by quinine. He believes that the tincture is the most eligible preparation of the plant, as the essential oil is retained. The cost of a quart of the tincture he calculates to be less than two florins . It has a pleasant aromatic flavor. For women and children, some simple or orange syrup may be added. In the milder cases, two or three teaspoonfuls, taken before the expected paroxysm, are generally sufficient. Where cachexia is present, small doses should be taken night and morning for some time.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/04/2024

ALCOHOL (ethyl alcohol – Vodka). – Spotted Fever. -Alcohol, pure deodorized; put ½ ounce in 12 teaspoonfuls (2oz) of water, and take of this solution one, two or three teaspoonfuls, according to age, every half hour, until there is decided amendment, then lengthen the intervals. Free warm sweat is very favorable. Alcohol administered thus in the early stage subdues the disease.

From the Book: The Medical Genius 4th Ed., page 13,1894 by Stacy Jones M.D.

Putting isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol on a child's skin is a popular folk remedy for quickly reducing a fever, Although the alcohol may temporarily cool the skin as it evaporates. It works so quickly. Isopropyl alcohol is quickly absorbed through the skin.

Alcohol rubbed on legs and covered completely will help reduce fever, Mexican Remedy.

Can be dabbed in armpits and behind knees to bring down high fevers. In general, fevers are curative, but in young children they should not be allowed to run high more than a few days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Danzi (Cape Town) on 12/26/2022

My 3 year old daughter recently had Herpangina (part of coxsackie virus family). Similar to hand foot and mouth disease, but it's main concerns are high fever and mouth sores. She had a fever of 39.2 Celsius (102.5 F). It kept climbing during the day despite a luke warm bath, taking off her clothes and pain med. I got very concerned and looked at cures on Earthclinic. For her I soaked two paper towels in the whites of two eggs and placed it into two butcher bags (one each). Put her feet in and tied the bag around her feet. Then I dipped a towel in a mixture of roughly 80% water and 20% ACV and wrung it out. Put that on the length of her body. Put her to bed like that, wearing only her night diaper. Every time I checked her fever during the night it was down and by morning it was back to normal.

A couple of days later my 2 year old boy got the same thing. His fever was 38 C (100.4 F) when I acted (which was at 1h00 AM in the morning). The egg whites are messy, so I decided to first see if ACV on its own won't do the trick. His skin is more sensitive, so I watered it down more. Roughly 1 part ACV to 6 parts water and just enough to wet a towel in a little basin. Wrung it out. Undressed him (save for his diaper) and put the towel on the length of his body. He protested a bit (towel was cold), but I stroked his head till he calmed down and he didn't throw it off. By 7 AM in the morning I checked again and his fever was down to normal. So with him nothing but ACV (no pain meds or bath or anything). It is summer here in South Africa, so I wasn't concerned about his temp should the fever break and his has a wet cloth on him.

A lady I know says her grandmother always makes vinegar cloths (she used plain spirit vinegar) to wipe their foreheads during a fever and it works well. I figured a cloth down the length of your body will be even better and will also cool the body. And ACV is off course better than regular for various health reasons, but in a pinch, try the regular spirit vinegar.

Posted by Danielle (St-Basile-leGrand) on 12/25/2021

I went to Haïti when my mother-in-law died for her funeral and we met a ten girl who had yellow fever. I had brought with me some mms in case of malaria. I made some for her and in two days, she was healed. That stuff is amazing.

Lard and Baking Soda
Posted by Jennifer Y Roehm (United States) on 06/06/2020

When i was 15 yo (1996), i was extremely sick. I spiked a fever of 104 degrees. My mother mixed lard & baking soda together, smothered it on my feet & put a 1 gallon freezer zip lock bag on each foot. This was to keep the nasty stuff from getting on my sheets. I truly thought she was nuts! I fell asleep & woke up 2 hrs later to my sheets being completely soaked from the fever breaking. She told me that my great grandmother told her about this remedy when she was a kid. And that was the first time she tried it.

Onions in the Socks
Posted by A Briggs (Federalsburg, MD) on 05/17/2018

Editor's Choice

So, my go to for breaking a fever was not listed and I had to submit it because it had been a life saver. I started using this when my daughter was 2 and I couldn't get her 104 fever to break. I cut up onions and put them in her socks. Leave it there over night, or until the fever breaks. Within minutes you can feel the fever dropping, from feet up the skin started to cool. The onions will start to smell like fried onions as the fever starts to cook the onions. My daughter's fever broke and never returned. She is now 13, and whenever she gets a fever, the first thing she asks for to help bring it down is onions. Now everyone in my family uses this.

Cup of Hot Water
Posted by Samantha (Bc) on 04/04/2018

This is a method for curing fever I read about in Ayurvedic medicine: drinking a cup of hot water (cooled to room temp) dissipates the heat. It seems illogical but works on a like-to-like level, where heat removes heat. So I tried it: I boiled a cup of water and added a bit of cool water so I could drink it right away without waiting. After 20 minutes of consuming it, I felt a wave of heat leaving my body. It was unusual but effective!

If I remember correctly, in Ayurvedic medicine, fevers originate in the stomach, which could be why this is effective. Hope it helps someone else!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Samantha (Bc) on 04/04/2018

I'm tending to get more frequent fevers, for whatever reason. I tried the AVC methods with the washcloths and this helped really quickly, within 20 minutes! First, I drank some ACV water, about 1 tablespoon in a large glass (maybe 2 cups?), hoping that it would speed things up. Then I got the 2 washcloths, wet them with water and wrung them out. I then poured a 50/50 mix of water + ACV onto them and wrung them out lightly.

I put one on my head and one on my stomach and lie down. Within 20 minutes the high temperature was gone! Thanks for this info!

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Stephanie (Wa) on 02/16/2018

Not sure if regular rubbing alcohol is considered a natural cure but take a glass bowl and fill it up with cold water and then add ice cubes to the bowl of water and then take one cup or half the bottle a regular old rubbing alcohol that you can buy at the grocery store, I think it's like 70% isopropyl alcohol and add that to the bowl of water and ice cubes. Take some washcloths, probably like 3 to 5 of them, add them to the bowl of ice water and alcohol solution, then ring out the washcloth so they're not sopping wet and then add them depending on severity of temperature of fever add washcloth to high up on the inner thigh right where your thigh meets your pelvic bone area.

Then take two more washcloths from the from the bowl of water alcohol solution, ring them out slightly, and then place them under the underarms and then take the 1 remaining washcloths and place it on the forehead.

If fever still hasn't broke within 5 to 10 minutes, add more ice cubes to the water and quite a bit more rubbing alcohol to the bowl of solution washcloth and place them back on to the areas mentioned above. Continue till fever breaks, which should be quick but no longer than 30 minutes. I believe it almost every time guaranteed to break any fever. I've seen it work multiple times on different people ages ranging from 2 - 50 plus years old and it worked every time with fevers ranging from mild to severe 106 temp. And it worked almost instantaneously.

Posted by Joy2dance (Pensacola, Fl) on 01/09/2018

I just used the potato remedy. It rose my fever .8 degrees.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Fa (Ontario) on 12/17/2016

Oil of oregano did work wonderfully on my 7 year old son. I was amazed at how his fever went down in 10 minutes and he seemed to have more energy. I rubbed 2 drops behind both ear lobes. And about 4 drops on the soles of his feet!

Ground Salt in Belly Button
Posted by Mark B (Deming, Nm) on 10/30/2016

A Chinese acupuncturist taught us about using FINE ground salt for dropping fevers. Fill the belly button cavity with fine ground salt (use a mortar and pestel if you have one to get it ground nice and fine so it doesn't irritate the sensitive skin), preferably sea salt, and cover well with skin tape (first aid type) or a couple of band-aids. Drink plenty of water and try to get some sleep. Good to do over night, then take a little break by cleaning the belly button out with water, drying gently and applying a tiny bit of oil (coconut, olive, jojoba, or castor). Repeat as needed after a few hours. Works well and is the go-to in our family.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Claire (Westport, Ct) on 07/30/2014

Editor's Choice

My mother used washclothes dipped in apple cider vinegar and applied to our foreheads for fever many times when we were children. I believe it worked each time to reduce a fever. It was always after a hot bath.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ash (London, Uk) on 12/14/2013

I tried the ACV after developing a fever. I used half ACV half water and applied the wet napkin to my forehead and stomach and the fever was gone within 30 mins. Ash

Linden Tea
Posted by Kristina (Chicago, Il) on 11/04/2013

Pour a cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of dried linden tree blossoms, cover, steep for 15 minutes, strain, drink warm. You will sweat, and the fever will go down. My mother used to make me take this and sweat under a blanket, maybe sweating has something to do with overcoming illness too. I remember raspberry jam worked too. Just take couple teaspoons of raspberry jam, pour a cup of warm-to-hot water over it, mix, drink, lay down and wait for sweat to coe and a fever go down.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Krezp82 (Singapore) on 10/02/2013

Thanks for all the tips! My fiance had a slight fever last night and I quickly checked out this site. Tried the ACV with washcloths method, at the same time, I made him drink some honeygar which was in the fridge. His fever was gone within half hour and no paracetamol required!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Chu (Las Vegas, Nv) on 07/02/2013

Oregano oil on the feet worked wonders for my boyfriend. I rubbed two drops on each foot and fever went down real quick. I mixed it with a liitle sesame oil so he could fall asleep cause sesame oil rubbed in the foot is suppose to help you fall asleep so it was a two in one remedy. I highly recommend oregano oil for the feet to reduce fevers.

Posted by Amy (Hutchinson, Ks) on 01/10/2013

What does the rubbing alchol do? My daughter is 5 and has a temp of 103

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