Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for Fibrocystic Breast Disease

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


21 User Reviews
5 star (19) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Geetha (South Africa) on 12/17/2014

It's been a month and a half that I have been taking Lugols Iodine for Fibrocystic Cysts. I take 4 drops in orange juice every morning prior to having any meals. For the first month, the pain was still there, however, was not as bad. Then went to the pharmacy and purchased OptiMSM (Biogen) which is a herbal anti inflammatory. Have been taking this for a few days and found that this eases the pain a lot. I was able to sleep well at night. Currently, I have no pain. Breasts are soft and no heaviness. Have stopped with the OptiMSM but will still continue taking Lugols Iodine.

Posted by Sarra (Australia) on 07/30/2014

Hi, I read that women were taking the Lugols iodine for Cystic in breast.. I was diagnosed with Severe Fibro Cystic Breast Disease and have numerous lumps in both breast.. Every 6 - 12 months I go for Ultrasounds and MRI to see if anything has changed.. I have been told by doctors there is no cure but should try evening primrose oil tablets.. I currently take Vitamin B & Vitamin A and evening primrose oil and also just recently purchased some Lugol Iodine could you let me know how much I should be taking a day and if this will help.... And will my body go thru changes while taking it..

Thanks Kindly


Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Sarra from Australia - Quite a few years ago (well, about 20 actually), I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and fibrocystic breast disease and saw Dr. David Derry in Victoria, BC.

At that time, he gave me a prescription for natural thyroid and told me that many women with fibrocystic breast disease are also hypothyroid. For the fibrocystic breasts, he told me to use Lugol's 5% iodine and paint a quarter-sized circle on my breasts where the lumps were every day. It took six months or more until, very, very gradually, the lumps disappeared. Bear in mind that was about 20 years ago and he didn't suggest ingesting it - probably because he was a regular MD who was restricted by conventional medical authorities.

Since then, Dr. Derry wrote a book about iodine and breast cancer and, I believe, he says iodine (1 to 2 drops of 5% Lugol's) should be ingested.

Here is a summary called "Connecting Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Breast Cancer, Thyroid Function and Iodine" by Elora Gabriel. Both Dr. Jonathan Wright (Tacoma, Washington) and Dr. David Derry are quoted. You might find it useful.

Although I don't have any problems with fibrocystic lumps now, as a precaution, I started taking 2 drops of 5% Lugol's every day in a glass of juice. I don't apply it to my skin any more because I heard it wasn't as effective as ingesting it (and it stains anything it touches! ). I've had no bad reactions to ingesting Lugol's but everyone is different.

I wish you the best of luck. I'm sure other contributors will have advice for you. Take care, Bess

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Hi Sara, I too suffer with breast disease but have haven't been able to get hold of Lugols iodine could you please tell me where you were able to find yours. Thank you

Replied by Char

You can get 5% Lugols on Ebay or Amazon for a pretty reasonable price. I buy mine on Ebay.

Posted by Jacqueline (Lamar, Co) on 07/22/2012

i am 26 and every morning I wake up I feel like my breast are going to break off my chest and I just have to hold them for a while.. I am in constant pain 24/7 is there anything that helps reduce the size of the lumps and where can I buy the iodine? I need help.. I cant take this pain anymore... Also I have a bruise on my right breast that wont go away... Is this a sign of cancer?

Replied by Heather

Hi, breast tenderness can be from cysts, due to pms or pregnancy. When my sister had early breast cancer it was painless but you should get your doctor to check. Vitamin e and essential fatty acids help and you should avoid caffeine.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Jacqueline, try applying the plain Betadine iodine from any pharmacy for a start.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Jacqueline... Taking The Lugols Iodine Protocol seems to remove and cure breast cysts. Many researchers now suspect chronic defficiencies of iodine in the body as the reason for fibrocystic breast disease. See the evidence:


Replied by Helpyourself
(Houston, Texas)

You can get Iodine from Swanson's on the internet. It's about $8.00 plus shipping $5. It is 2%. It works great for breast issues. Good luck!

Replied by Heather
(Hudson, Oh)

In 2011 I went to my primary care doctor for burning in my breast anytime something touched or brushed the lower right side. She sent to the Cleveland Clinic Breast center. After a mammogram and ultrasound, they determined there were cysts that were benign. She said my breasts were dense and didn't have enough fat. She prescribed 1300 mg Evening Primrose Oil for 3 months and if that helped to taper back to twice a day and then once per day. I'm back up to twice a day because that helps with PMS swelling pain too. She did say to take selenium to help with constipation (side effect of the oil) and iodine.

Posted by Kathy (Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Usa) on 11/20/2011

I am a 53 yr. old woman in the middle of menopause I developed large cysts the size of a silver dollar in my breast. It scared me because I have never had them before. My Dr. Wanted me to have mammogram, ultrasound and gave me the name of a breast specialist to take a biopsy. He thought they may be fibrocysts. I decided to first try the natural healing route. In July I started taking Lugols iodine/iodide slowly increasing my doseage till I was taking the recommended 50 mg at the beginning of Sept. By the middle of November my cysts were gone. I had been taking the recommended dose of 50 mgs for 2 1/2 months. I went on line to learn about the characteristics of fibrocystic breasts and I had many of the symtoms which are different than breast cancer. This was scary for me because my Mother had breast cancer at 45 and died at 50, for some reason I just thought I had to try the iodine before I let them do an inovasive biopsy. I am so thankful I did. I have also learned that vitamin D3 is very good for healthy breast tissue and have been taking a recommended dose of 8, 000 IU for the last 2 months. I hope this helps others who are suffering from fibrocystic breast. Do the research yourself before undergoing treatment. You will be amazed what you learn about iodine.

Replied by Unknown Friend

I have several family members with breast cancer but a sister as the closet relative, I can tell you, don't play around with treating yourself and not doing what your doctor recommends. Having that done could save your life like it saved my sister's life. Three months prior to the finding of her cancer she had just had her mammogram and breast MRI. The cancer she developed was rare & began growing very fast in just 3 short months. I have had two of those procedures to my breast recommended by my specialist & I can tell you it's much better to know than to play roulette with your life.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

From the information that I am current with, the majority of cases of breast cancer (rare or not) are the result of some type of toxicity in general but Iodine deficiency in specific.

The human detoxification & immune system are our prevention to all cancers; they work day & night to keep us well, but chronic toxicity, infection, stress, and inflammation deplete the much needed nutrition our body needs (primarily antioxidants) to stay healthy.

I recently lost my dear nephew to cancer. After several yrs of monitoring his blood for low platelets and failing to detect cancer, and almost killing him with the first dose of chemo, and as soon as I helped him recover from that dose he came back to life and was quickly given another dose which ended his life abruptly, it begs to question the methodology. Given the history of the cancer industry behavior as well as our current blast of information on the topic, I can't help but classify this epic failure of prevention & treatment as either on purpose (to maximize profits) or just another mistake or statistic.

What is the Old Testament wisdom from Ecclesiastes? "My people perish from lack of knowledge". Get the truth about cancer video.

Replied by Sapphire

Hi Timh,

You said that your nephew came back to life. Can I ask how?

Posted by Lola (Oslo, Norway) on 05/24/2011

in just one month fibrocystic breast problems are gone. No pain and swelling at all. Was using relatively low doses, about 225 mcg-1 mg pr day first mont, after that about 1-2 mg pr week for sec month. This is third month I uses only occatinaly iod, and problems have not returned. In this period I have not had ovary pain, somthing I have had a few times earlier. have used potassium-iodide.

Posted by Msannanola (New Orleans, La, Usa) on 05/23/2010

I saw your tips on iodine for fibrocystic breast disease about six months ago. I got kelp tablets from a major grocery retailer that specializes in healthy foods. The tablets contain 225 mcg of iodine per tablet. I took one tablet per day for three days before seeing some improvement. I was shocked that it worked and worked so fast. I have been in pain for so many years like many of your readers. I have continued this regimen of one tablet per day for the last six months. Occasionally I skip a day as I have read too much can harm. I have not been totally cured, but I have noticed an acceleration of benefits recently from beginning to do the water cure, (1/2 your weight in ounces of water per day along with unadulterated sea salt). Unbeknownst to me kelp has many of the beneficial minerals for optimum hydration. This week I had a major healing crisis, or at least I think so as I feel the toxins are flowing freely now and it is exhausting!

If at all possible, I would appreciate any listing you may have that are indications you have taken too much iodine. I have looked for such a list and have been unsuccessful. I am hoping the healing crisis is just that and not excess iodine.

I also want to share with readers that I had a particularly painful spot under my arm. My massage therapist specializes in lymph drainage massage and was able to get that spot moving. I no longer have pain in that area. She suggested massaging around the outside of the breast and up and over through the middle every night after removing the bra. If the lymph is flowing those painful spots may be minimized in the future. I have also started wearing sports bras without underwires whenever I can. The spot under my arm seemed to coincide with where the underwire hit my armpit. I think this has helped some.

Thank you to everyone who is posting their remedies here at the clinic and the proprietors as well. This site is just what I needed. I never imagined that there was something to take away my breast pain.

I happened on this site while looking for a natural remedy for heartburn which I was having after a bad week of sinusitus and taking too much ibuprofen. I first tried the cure for fibrocystic breast disease above. Well I am off of drugs for sinus problems and my emerging asthma was cured in two days by the water cure. I have had 3 to 6 sinus infections a year for the last 20 years. Antibiotics of the strongest type were not working and gave me an allergic reaction in December. I was convinced to never have a sinus infection again. I think I am now cured of my sinusitus. It is remarkable. I am doing the water cure iodine multi-vitimin 2 times a day sinus irrigation with salt/bicarbonate packets and stopped drinking cows milk in my coffee/cereal and cut down on coffee. I have not cut out all dairy, just cow milk. That is it. I have stopped taking zyrtec every day and have not suffered even though it has been one of the worst pollen seasons in memory.

To me these are two miracles as direct result of and their readers and commentors. Alleviating human suffering is a wonderful calling and I am so happy to share my success in the hopes it will help someone else.

Replied by Joe
(Kalispell, Mt)

It is amazing that you have results with such a miniscule amount of iodine. Try 50 mg/day if you want to see some results. The Japanese have used 50-100 mg/day for hundreds of years. No fibrocystic disease there.

Replied by Msannanola
(New Orleans, La, Usa)

Update on above... I have started using Lugol's solution and it is helping me even more. The kelp helped with the pain very quickly, but the cysts were still there. The kelp helped some of the cyst go away, then I read that SSKI potassium iodide is better for the breast tissue. I am still looking for information on what happens with too much iodine. Have not found it. So I used 4 drops twice a week for quite a while then got scared. I stopped for a few months and recently started again off and on. I am down to just one somewhat large fibrocystic mass in one of my breasts. This is opposed to almost the whole of both breasts being totally fibrocystic. I am confident that with time the last cyst will be resolved.

Posted by Amy (Highlands Ranch, Colorado) on 04/28/2009

I'm 34 and have had fibrocystic breasts for the past 3 years. The tenderness was 24/7. The pain was not excruciating, but my breasts were always tender. My gynocologist told me all woman get this and not to worry!!

I told my osteopath and he prescribed iodine/iodide in a pill form. I've been taking it for the past 6 weeks the pain is gone! Not even a twinge. I should tell you that my osteopath also precribed selenium, evening primrose oil and vitamin E to take along with the iodide/iodine. I however believe it was the iodine - I was already taking selenium/vitamin e. Whatever it was - I found the magic bullet!

Posted by Gina (Lethbridge, Ab, Canada) on 12/27/2008

My naturopath recommended Lugol's, eight drops per day, for asthma. I took it as directed and it completely cured a completely different problem. My breasts has been so painful, for nearly a year, that I had to hold them still with my hands when I got out of bed, crying from pain. Lugol's completely cured this. If I lower the dosage or skip it, the symptom returns.

Posted by Amy (Marietta, Georgia) on 09/27/2008

For about 6 months, I was having increasing soreness and cysts in my breasts for the last 2 weeks of my cycle. My Dr. said I had fibrocystic breast disease and avoid caffeine and chocolate (not a good option for me!). I tried an iodine treatment posted here and was AMAZED at how quickly the pain and knots disappeared. I began taking 1 tablet/day of 5 mg Iodine and 7.5 mg Iodide. Noticed improvement within a few days. After 1 month I've cut back to 1/2 tablet per day, still with great results. I read some studies showing that low levels of Iodine are linked to greater risk of breast cancer, so I think Iodine supplements are especially good for me.

Replied by Ollie
(Anchorage, Ak)

Hi, I was reading your comments about the iodine and the results you got with it but I need to know whether you took both the 5mg and the 7.5mg together.

Replied by Lisa
(Lafayette, La)

To Ollie from Anchorage, Alaska: I believe Lugol's drops and also probably their Iodoral in pill form, contains 5 mg iodine and 7.5 mg iodiDE, which totals 12.5 mg. Per one drop, or one pill.

Posted by Barbara (Baton Rouge, LA) on 05/26/2008

I had problems with Fibroystic Breast Disease and the doctor put me on 3 drops of Iodine in a glass of orange juice each day plus a pregestrone cream for the breasts...this more problems.

Posted by Jamie (Fairmont, Minnesota) on 12/15/2007

Hello you WONDERFUL people! Thanks you SO much for this resource! I was in the middle of my third serious bout with salmonella in a year and feeling little relief from the antibiotics after 8 days. After reading a book by Dr. Hulda Clark I am convinced that I was picking up Salmonella from milk products. Hulda says that Lugol's kills vicious stomach bacteria including salmonella so I got online looking for it when I found this site. I read through all of the comments and went looking for the iodine. Someone said I could get it at walmart so I tried. The Pharmacist had no clue about iodine deficiency and wouldn't give me the iodine he had ordered for me. How disgusting and irresponsible! I ordered the book by Dr. Brownstein, Iodine: Why You Need It and Why You Can't Live Without It along with a 2 oz. bottle of lugol's solution from I was very discouraged by the fact that there was no overnight shipping option available on the site. A day or two after ordering I emailed them expressing my discouragement and they responded with a toll free number that could be used to get overnight shipping. My Lugol's arrived a day earlier than expected and I tested for allergy on my foot. I knew I wasn't allergic since I have had iodized salt for ever, and I had no irritation from the iodine on my foot. So I began the dose recommended by Hulda for salmonella which is 6 drops in a half cup of juice after meals and at bed time. After reading the book by Dr. Brownstein and looking at the Optimox site I knew that 6 drops 4 times a day is equivalent to 150mg of iodine a day. The relief from the Salmonella began nearly immediately but was nearly complete after a day of the scheduled dose. I had no symptoms of taking too much iodine, so I continued to the third day at that dose (as recommended for treating Salmonella in Hulda's book). Then I cut back to 6 drops 3 times a day to counter my newly recognized iodine deficiency. Just so you know, the Salmonella are DEAD!!! And I feel ALIVE!!!

5 years ago I should have been diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease but was told that my %uFFFDlumpy bumpy%uFFFD breasts needed vitamin E. I didn't take it seriously as I wasn't diagnosed with anything. I had just had my first child. Over the last 6 months I have had pain in my breasts not just before a period but at intervals during the month that wouldn't even allow me to hug my (now I have 3) children. I had no idea until reading this site and the information from Dr. Brownstein that I had fibrocystic breast disease, the precursor for breast cancer (which is so prevalent in this area that it should be a CRIME that people are not handed iodine by the government in giant sized rations!) The great lakes basin is the worst in the WORLD for iodine deficiency%uFFFDwe are the reason salt is iodized%uFFFDonly well enough to fend off goiter and mental retardation which were becoming a problem in the early 1900's in this area! The actual need for iodine by your body is 13.5mg a day and that's after fixing a deficiency. And that number does not take into account the other factors we are exposed to. (Halogens which replace iodine in the body everywhere around us%uFFFDchlorine, bromine, fluorine%uFFFDin bread, in toothpaste, in water) THIS IS EPIDEMIC!

Two days into my salmonella killing spree with iodine, I began my menstrual period without cramps. I have had such terrible cramps from my period that I have a stock pile of ibuprofen. (which makes your stomach bleed and hurts your liver) but what are we to do? IODINE! I have been on Iodine for 4 days now and each morning I wake up with cramps but almost as soon as I take my 6 drops of lugol's my cramps are GONE! It's like the cramps are there because my ovaries are begging me for much needed iodine to clean me out. I am so thrilled about this! By the way%uFFFDmy breast pain has diminished to almost none, and they feel like 16 year old breasts. No kidding. My energy level has sky rocketed and I am losing weight. (I should mention that I am taking the iodine with a liquid B complex supplement because Dr. Brownstein says it is possible to get heart palpitations and/or symptoms of iodine allergy if you are deficient in vitamin b2 and b3 since they are needed to transport iodine throughout your body. I can feel my metabolism normalizing%uFFFDit feels GREAT!

For a long time I have wondered why my ears hurt%uFFFDI thought maybe I was taking an autotoxic (something toxic to your ears) drug%uFFFDI wasn't taking any drugs other than ibuprofen%uFFFDso I wasn't convinced, but I was becoming afraid that I would eventually lose my hearing. I have also become slower in the brain over the last few years. I attributed it to the mercury in my fillings after reading Dr. Clarks book%uFFFDbut having seen the symptoms of iodine deficiency including hearing loss and cretinism I now believe I am severely deficient in iodine and I am so excited to not get any worse. I am getting better!

Posted by Tracie (Willow, AK) on 11/24/2006

I'm in the process of experimenting with iodine to cure fibrocystic breast disease. I've had cysts since I was 13 and am now a menopausal 48 yr. old. (Can't even dicipher a self-breast exam since I'm so lumpy) I started with some kelp tablets and increased all the way to 8 per day. At that point the quantity of lumps was lessened but then a couple of them enlarged and were really sore. I then changed over to Iodonol tablets (iodine/iodide) and now the cysts are getting smaller and for the first time since I can remember, my breasts are beginning to feel like they are supposed to. My hot flashes have lessened also, which is curious and I wonder if the iodine is the reason. My son began taking these tablets in an experiment to see if this would eliminate his problem of cysts that he has in the fatty layers of his abdomen and under his arm. It seems to run in our family. He's type 2 diabetic but not typical at 6'3 and about 220 lbs. Anyway, his doctor became upset with him and told him to stop taking the pills because it would hurt his thyroid. ???? Does this guy know what he's talking about? I thought that iodine was good for the thyroid

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts


My hot flashes have lessened also, which is curious and wonder if the iodine is the reason.

Yes. Most hot flashes are hormonal related. Iodine can help and it seems to work whenever you have lumps in the breast. I still find iodine cures to be amazing since it was discovered over 150 years ago. The reason why kelp do not work in some cases is the fillers and contaminants being introduced. So iodine that you use are often easier to deal with.

Anyway, his doctor became upset with him and told him to stop taking the pills because it would hurt his thyroid.

It would hurt his income, not the thyroid.

Replied by Drjoe
(Kalispell, Mt)

No, your doctor does not know what he's talking about.

Replied by Pamela

Also please be aware of all the research that says the BPA's in all the plastics especially bottled water, juices, sodas, etc mimic estrogen. Try not drink out of plastic bottle. It seems to be one of the main reason our fish are getting cancers and the male frogs and fish are being found dead containing eggs in them?????? Pretty scary stuff.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn.)

HI U PAMELA, , , , , , , , , YEP, you right on and plastic is the reason men have boobs and cry. Our Senate is not old mens. they are ole wemmins.

That is the reason the world does not respect us. We are no longer the Super Power...... we are pusseys. It's a hormone thing. Pretty simple.


Posted by Pamela (Pueblo West, CO) on 02/15/2006

Iodine cured Fibrocystic breasts, weight gain, fatigue, depression, over all poor health. Painted my stomach with iodine, and had a similar reaction as Candace. So now I paint my inside forearms, alternating each time... no problem now. Started taking Lugols at 2 drops daily increasing to 5 drops at this time. Within days I noticed a vast improvement in my breast tissue, my energy level etc. Within 10 days my breasts were normal. Energy still good, depression gone, better immune response. I always tested within the normal range on thyroid tests, however, I had all the symptoms, that is why I started taking the iodine. I was desperate to be normal again. I started Weight Watchers in October and lost 5 pounds in 4 months! It was almost impossible to lose weight even though I lifted weights and walked 6 days a week. Once I started the Lugols drops, the first week I lost 3.5 pounds. The second week I lost 2.8 pounds. It must be the iodine. I feel great. I am telling my family about Lugols because, my mother, grandmother, and both aunts have thyroid problems as well as other health issues I think the iodine could help. I'll lower my dose eventually to 2-4 drops but kick it back up if needed. This stuff is great!

Posted by Jean (London, England) on 01/11/2005

I can confirm that iodine in the form of kelp is a cure for fibroystic breast disease. I have been taking it for about 10 years and it works so well that if I don't take it for a few days, say if I run out of tablets or forget to take them on holiday, my symptoms return within days. I have read that taking iodine can be dangerous if you have thyroid problems, but I don't see how the dose I take (1 tablet a day or 150mg) can be a problem. The side effects caused by conventional medicine e.g. diuretics, can be much worse, so I was determined to find a natural remedy. I think this use of iodine/kelp should be more widely known, but there seems to be a curious silence about it. Maybe it is too cheap and readily available as you suggest in your article! Keep up the good work.

Replied by Ann
(Vancouver, Canada)

Kelp tablets and seaweed do work for this problem for me. I started taking 2 - 3 a day and have settled on 5 or 6 in a day plus 2 sheets of nori seaweed. I love japanese food so I also will eat a seaweed salad plus sushi 1 or 2x a week. The kelp is ___ brand and each tablet has 650 micrograms of iodine. So my total per day is about 4 milligrams plus whatever is in the seaweed. I feel amazing. My breasts are now smaller and less painful, pain free actually. I have also gotten an energy boost from the kelp & seaweed and I sleep better. Interestingly, this has also lengthened the time between menstrual cycles. There is a published study showing that kelp consumption helps the body increase progesterone
(the author's name is Skibola, Christine I think). And much less PMS. Kelp rocks!

L-Lysine, Serrapeptase

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rw (Bluefield, Va) on 02/07/2014

I had a lump in my breast the size of a large grape. In this case I didn't get it checked so I don't know what kind it was. I took 2000mg of l-lysine a day in 2 divided doses (1000mg in the morning, 1000mg in evening) and the enzyme serrapeptase enteric coated tablets that were 5mg each. I took 3 tablets of the serrapeptase on an empty stomach in the morning, and again another 3 in the afternoon on an empty stomach. It took about 3-4 months, but the lump is gone!!!

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