Natural Remedies

Fibroids - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Fibroids. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Payal (California ) on 10/21/2018

Editor's Choice

Hello to all the women suffering from Fibroids, I have 5-6 very very large fibroids and my uterus is 20 cms - I was OK with life till it was 18cms but after it increased to 20 cms life has been unbearable - I am even more tired, fatigued, look like I am in 3rd trimester and hair loss etc etc.. My periods are heavy but they last max 2 days - I started using VIT B6 100 MG daily - even during periods to reduce the flow. It helped a lot..but we may need to take more than 100 mg during periods if the flow is heavy and this causes temporary tingling and numbness in the feet which will go away once you stop B6 for a day. I don't want to go in for surgery so am desperately looking for a CURE.

I read about BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES AND STARTED UNSULPHURED BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES YESTERDAY - I got my period today AND I cannot believe it - its lightest of the light, I don't feel bloated, heavy tired, I am not sighing and groaning as I normally do. I have started taking 1 spoon AM and 1 spoon PM with warm water and I have just taken 2 spoons - MY UTERUS IS SINGING - my body can feel the difference. I have read 2-3 firm testimonials of women who cured and dissolved their FIBROID TUMOURS with Blackstrap Molasses. I can confirm that with 1st 2 spoons my UTERUS is singing, my periods are the lightest ever and I am sitting down to share this - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RUSH AND GET A BOTTLE OF UNSULPHURED BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES AND TAKE 2 SPOONS A DAY AND CHECK FOR YOURSELF AND REPORT progress. BSM is very very rich in IRON, and a host of antioxidants and VIT B6 which increases progesterone. 1 IMP matter to note here and all women will already know this - if you take any IRON supplement, your periods will end up much more heavy hence I always avoided iron supplements and used to rely on beet juice, carrot juice, wheatgrass juice and lots of VIT C. Now I am using only BSM because it has all the IRON a woman needs. If you wish, only if you wish you may add carrots, beets, aloe vera juice to your drink. I don;t

I am using only BSM and it has come as a life saver and a miracle.

I am very very confident that if bleeding is controlled - then it can shrink fibroids. BSM is very very rich in antioxidants and B6 that balance PH levels inside the uterus.

I am NOT taking any other medicines or anything else - I just stopped diary and meat and eggs and continue with vegetables. I was taking VIT B6 but BSM is doing far far far better than VIT B6 so I have stopped VIT B6.

If for some reason it is not working for you - stop and check what else are you taking that is not letting BSM work.. is it birth control pills or something else hormonal. Stop that and continue with BSM

I will share my feedback in 2-3 months if I notice a reduction in the size but the way day 2 has gone, I am very very confident that BSM is doing something awesome to clean up the uterus and the pelvic area.

Please take BSM and continue this thread - I have tried every other remedy last 7-8 years and nothing has worked to reduce Fibroids or the blood flow. The only thing that helped me so far is VIT B6 but BSM is working at a level far higher than VIT B6.

Brand I used was Aunt Pattys Unsulphured Organic Blackstrap Molasses from whole foods for $4.99 for 12 ounces - if you can't get this one, use ANY UNSULPHURED BRAND.

The PH level of the Uterus is somehow magically getting reset by BSM - ls report back - I think anything that reduces the flow and emptying and flooding during periods is the right way to shrink fibroids. It shows that it knows how to handle the ECO-SYSTEM.

Contrary to what most Doctors may not tell you - HEAVY PERIODS puts all women at much higher risk for all kinds of PEVLIC AREA cancers

In fact that's why I started VIT B6 to control and reduce the flow by medication.


I have gotten my life back.



Multiple Remedies

Posted by Estro (Az) on 01/25/2017

Editor's Choice

Hi everyone,

I have been diagnosed with Fibroids about 4 years ago. I had 3 measuring about 5cm, 4cm and the last one 3cm.

At the point of my diagnosis I was only 25 and was having very heavy periods with extremely big clots. I seeked the help of Traditional Chinese Medicine and didnt follow through too welll as I often forgot to take my medication and it tasted putrid. I was single then and it didn't really hit me that fibroids can potentially cause infertility.

Now, im married and TTC for about a year, after trying and trying without success, I decided to research on natural remedies to help shrink fibroids. I also went for a scan to check the size of my fibroids before embarking on the natural route to shrinking my fibroids. They were 6cm+, 5cm+ and 3cm+ (they had grown)

I started taking

  • ACV(apple cider vinegar) organic and raw brand + BSM (blackstrap mollasses, unsulphated and organic) + manuka honey, once or twice daily.
  • Iodine (read that it helps)
  • EPO
  • Flaxseed Oil
  • Cut out meat as much as I could and only eat organic meats when I do have them
  • Matcha powder with ginger, tumeric and cinnamon (made into a drink)
  • vitamin C
  • Serrazyme
  • DIM
  • nattokinase
  • tumeric tablets
  • Vitex (chasteberry capsules)
  • milk thistle to cleanse the liver at night
  • Dandelion Drops

I did all this continuously for about a month and a half up till now and even brought them on holiday trips. I recently went for a Pelvic Ultrasound and intravaginal and they found that 2 of my fibroids were 4-ish cm and the third was 3cm. To me, this was a big improvement. my periods are way lighter and alot less painful and clots reduced by 90%.

I told myself that I'd pay it forward and share my experience with everyone going through the same pain and struggles as I am. I am religiously continuing the above remedies daily without fail and have changed my diet to fruit juices as far as possible (orange, apple, ginger, pineapple, a dash of tumeric, flax and chia seeds)

Last but not least, I do castor oil packs daily when my AF is over.

I hope this helps those struggling with fibroids.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Cilla (Kampala) on 12/14/2016

Editor's Choice

I was recently told I had multiple fibroids which in retrospect I must have suffered from for a very long time as I have always had heavy bleeding and cramping. I immediately started researching on a natural cure and landed on this site. I decided to try ACV (the filtered kind as I couldn't get the recommended one). I must say I was shocked at the results. My last period was without cramps at all. I used to get pains during ovulation but even that has not been painful at all this month. I'm still taking ACV hoping it's shrinking the fibroids and will definitely let you know when I go for the next scan. I'm still trying to get the organic unfiltered ACV as I think it will be more effective.

I was prompted to share this in the hope that some lady out there going through terrible menstrual pains will read this and try out ACV. I really works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Kingston, Pa) on 05/18/2014

Editor's Choice

Last year (4/2013) I began to have heavy periods that would not stop. Prior History: I was on the Mirena for a full 5 years and then removed it. Besides the obvious birth control, it helped to control heavy periods. My cycle was very heavy days 1&2, slowly stopping and lasted to 7days on a 28 day cycle. I was told I had fibroids, had exams, ultrasounds, etc.

Fast forward back to 2013. I started to get my period twice a month. One day it began and never ended. I began to bleed so heavy I couldn't leave the house. I had to use a tampon and a pad, changing every hour, sometime more often. I was in the ER of 2 different hospitals. The first one did absolutely nothing. I was back in the ER again, had a transfusion, was admitted overnight and had a d&c. I was released. It continued.

The second ER had me follow up with the gyno. The gyno did a biopsy. No cancer. I ended up in the ER again and had another transfusion. I ended up having a heart attack in my sleep. Thank God I'm well. I had an endometrial ablation, was put on progesterone, and sent to a specialist to consult with about having surgery. A decision was made to have a full hysterectomy because my mother had died from ovarian cancer/tumor 4 years ago.

In my heart I did not want to have the hysterectomy. I have grown children and grandchildren. I prayed about it and asked God what I should do, that I trusted him to lead me how to recover from all of this. The answer was to stop the progesterone. I cut the daily espresso coffee and switch to green tea with organic honey. Next I stopped drinking regular 1% milk and switched to Almond Milk. It made sense because cows are injected with hormones to produce more milk rapidly. Fibroids are linked to too much estrogen. My periods stopped after December 2013.

Someone told me about this website. I read every comment. I prayed again. Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar, Unpasteurized, with "The Mother", was what I went with. I bought it in Walmart at $5 for a 32 oz bottle. I take 2 Tbs in 6 oz of water. I've been taking it since February 15? Still no bleeding(Yaaaa! ) and I've dropped 25 lbs over 3 months which could be from the fibroids shrinking.

My Cardiologist said the ACV wouldn't hurt me. Always check with your doctor if you are on any medication to see if it's okay. I went back the dr to consult about the hysterectomy surgery. Praise God, NO SURGERY NECESSARY! He said he'll see me next year. My advice is if you are bleeding heavy get the Apple Cider Vinegar w "The Mother" take 2 tablespoons in 6 to 8 oz of purified water(filtered, bottled, not tap) every morning 1/2 hour before you eat. I feel the ACV balances your PH levels which affect your hormones.

God bless you all for your suggestions and I hope my story helps.

Lugol's Iodine

Posted by Stella (Ontario, Canada) on 03/16/2014 4 posts

Editor's Choice

When I was 69, I was using a small amount of topical hormones and knew that I had Uterine Fibroids and a thick Endometrium for about 12 years. Finally the doctor said it was dangerous to go on like this and I would need to go OFF all Hormones and have a 2nd Uterine Ultrasound, after 6 weeks had passed. The doctor thought the hormones were part of the problem. A Hysterectomy was in my future. I said I would stop using them but I didn't.

I had recently started taking Lugol's Solution (5%) Iodine and was at about 50 mg. minimum at that time. I increased it slowly to 100 mg. during that 6 weeks.

When I went back to my doctor for the results, she said "so you stopped the hormones?" I replied that I did, just so not to get in trouble. My Uterine thickness had now gone back to normal and the Fibroids had all shrunk in that 6 weeks time.

Dr. David Brownstein's book said Lugol's was used for any Fibroids and it turned out to be true.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Meckab1 (Mobile, Al) on 02/25/2013

Editor's Choice

6/2006 I found out that I was pregnant and diagnosed with 3 large fibroid tumors. I miscarriage at 7 month term then returned to the hospital a month later to remove the tumors. Over the years since my surgery I had weight gain (60lbs), heavy menstural cycles last sometimes up to 8 days, severe anemic, severe constipation so I decided to see my obgyn 8/3/2012.He ordered a ultra sound of the abdomen and pelvis. A week later I was told that my tumors has returned (6) and they are larger then prior. I was advised the only option would be a hysterectomy. I'm 39 years old and no kids so I decide to research online for cures to prevent surgery.

I have been taking 2 tsps twice a day of ACV with the mother since 10/4 and I now have a normal cycle. I have lost 59lbs have changed my eating habits whole wheat, lots of vegetables, baked/broil chicken and fish, cut out all sugars including drinks and fast food, drink 8 glasses of H20 daily and exercise occasionally. My before weight was 298lbs and currently I weigh 239. I have my iron under control and I feel wonderful. I visit my obgyn two weeks ago and he scheduled another ultrasound just got my results back and he and the staff was amazed that no tumors exist on the ultra sound. I was so happy to hear the great news but I know to maintain future occurences I will have to take care of myself. I continue to take ACV daily and I just wanted to share my story here and hope that my story can be a help to others. Also I prayed constantly daily because I know at the end of the day God has the last say.

Maca, Essiac Tea

Posted by Celteyes (Pearland, Texas) on 08/19/2010

Editor's Choice

I had a problem with fibroids. My O. B. Said it was the size of a 4 month fetus. Recommended it out. I don't know if this is the usual treatment, but my naturopath, who had never failed me.. Put me on Maca, 2 capsules 2 to 3 times daily and Essiac Tea. Not only did it work but it gave me energy. I took it for a few years before I went back for a check up and it was gone. I still continue with both, because the maca is supposed to be good for other things and essiac tea saved my life. I have been drinking that for years. It is a great detox besides being anti tumor, both malignant and benign.
