I had a protuding fibroid the size of a GRAPEFRUIT---that was trying to abort itself through my cervix. Before I almost bled to death I had it surgically cut out. It developed over 6 months and just after I was prescribed birth control pills (hormones)from an obgyn. I stopped the pills after two weeks but the fibroid continued to grow.
i gulped bs molasses from the jar after the surgery. Then i stopped drinking that nasty bsm and eliminated the birth control pills. I changed my diet. No meat, eggs,( which is full of hormones ) no fish, and minimal dairy products and (only if RBST free or goats milk.) LOW FAT, HIGH FIBER is good. I eat kale on my sandwhiches instead of lettuce etc.
I eat sour kraut and drink water water water. I HAVE NOT HAD ONE INCIDENCE SINCE 2003. THATS ABOUT 6 YEARS.
If I slip up on this regimen, I notice it. My next period is clotty, lasts longer, and is more painfull, the tint is red/orange. ---TIME TO get my diet back on track BUCKLE DOWN!
Here is some interesting input: GOOD LUCK LADIES! YOU CAN WIN.
Percentage of American women who will have a hysterectomy in their lifetimes - 50%
Percentage of U.S. hysterectomies that are medically imperative - 10%
Most common reason for hysterectomy in the U.S. - fibroids
Number of women with fibroids who are relieved of the pain and heavy bleeding within three months of adopting a low-fat high-fiber vegetarian diet - the vast majority (mostly everone)
Second most common reason for hysterectomy in the U.S. - endometriosis
Number of women with endometriosis whose symptoms disappear or lessen dramatically on a low-fat high-fiber vegetarian diet - the vast majority (mostly everyone)
Percentage of American physicians who recommend dietary changes for fibroids and endometriosis - less than 1%
Menopause, Naturally
Most widely prescribed drug in U.S. - Premarin (Estrogen Replacement Therapy)
Primary reasons prescribed - Hot flashes, osteoporosis, and heart disease
Percentage of menopausal women who obtained complete relief from hot flashes by taking
200 mg of vitamin C and 200 mg of bioflavonoids 6 times a day - 67%
Percentage of menopausal women who obtained relief from hot flashes by taking two herbal capsules three times a day (licorice root, burdock root, wild yam root, dong quai root, and motherwort) for three months in a double-blind placebo-controlled study - 100%
Percentage of women in same study who obtained relief from placebo - 6%
Percentage of U.S. physicians who discuss natural approaches with their menopausal patients - 2%
Percentage of U.S. physicians who routinely prescribe estrogen - 84%
Years a woman must take estrogen to obtain benefits for osteoporosis - 20 or more
Health drawbacks to estrogen - substantially increased breast cancer risk, increased risk for liver and gallbladder disease, prolonged incidence of fibroids and endometriosis, greatly increased uterine cancer risk (if taken without progestins), increased side effects (if taken with progestins)
Years a woman must take natural progesterone to obtain benefits for osteoporosis - 1
Health drawbacks to natural progesterone - rare
Percentage of post-menopausal women who showed substantial new bone formation on natural progesterone cream - 97%
Percentage of U.S. physicians familiar with natural progesterone - less than 1%
Year the AMA elected its first woman board member - 1989
Number of women presidents in AMA's 148 year history - 0
Percentage of medical school deans in U.S. today who are women - 3%
Percentage of today's gynecologists and obstetricians who are male - 80%
Percentage of their patients who are male - 0%
Number of times in its history the executive board of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has been less than 75% male - 0
EC: Looks like the above info came from here: http://www.foodrevolution.org/roh_facts.htm
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Within the first week of eating a wholly plant-based diet, all my symptoms were gone. I gained a surge in energy and three months later, overcame chronic anemia that had persisted for three years. The tumors started to shrink and my hormones started to balance; I was no longer irritable. I have since been cured of mood swings, PMS, breast tenderness and fibroids. I also had a tumor on my liver that disappeared as well and I lost 38 pounds without any extra effort. I now have energy for brisk walks, bike rides, weights, yoga and pilates. I am now a firm believer in nutrition and herbs as remedies for all kinds of ailments. There are a lot of research about the effectiveness of nutrition and herbs in curing all kinds of ailments. I shocked the doctors who wanted to surgically remove the fibroids and who told me there was no cure. I am tumor free and I thank all the people who share their experiences on the web and I also thank medical doctors who are using nutrition to help their patients. It is true that we are what we eat.