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Fibromyalgia Case Studies: April - June, 2006

First Name: chan
Male or Female? female
Where Were You Born? england
Where do you live now? england
How long have you lived there? 38yrs
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 32
How long have you had fibromyalgia? 6yrs
What line of work? Still working? not working
Any prior injuries or trauma? back injury and pneumonia
What were your very FIRST symptoms? tiredness, insomnia, irritability.
What are your CURRENT symptoms? pain in joints, neck and shoulders worse, tiredness, not being able to sleep then wanting to sleep for daus on end. headaches
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? had flu then bronchitis then pneumonia
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? none
How has fibro affected your life? effects everyday can't walk far or upstairs tired all of the time, medication makes me feel dreadful
What makes symptoms worse? stress, if i overdo anything.
What makes you feel better? resting.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? yes pain clinic
If yes, how did they treat your pain? acupuncture which didn't help also tens machine which made pain worse
What remedies or meds have you tried? tens machine acupuncture various medication gabapentin, lyrica, tramadol.
Theories or Comments? nothing seems to work at the end of my thether.

First Name: Michelle
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Georgia
Where do you live now? Tennessee
How long have you lived there? all my life
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 12
How long have you had fibromyalgia? diagnosed 5 years now
What line of work? Still working? Truck Driver yes
Any prior injuries or trauma? Back injury at work
Does exercise help? What type? No
What were your very FIRST symptoms? Not being able to sleep since I was 12
What are your CURRENT symptoms? All over body pain, fatigue, brain fog, frequent urination, numbness in fingers, headaches, insomnia, and TMJ.
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? no
Military Service? What years served? none
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? mercury in fillings in my mouth
How has fibro affected your life? I went from being a successful manager to not working at all. I was bedridden for over 6 months. I am now on natural therapies and I have a job driving a truck with a company that allows me to take a week off at a time when I need it. I can also pull over and rest when I need to as long as I deliver on time. I could not work a regular job now. I am not active anymore and the slightest things wear me out. I do have more energy than I did a year ago thanks to some of the natural things I have learned about. I try to research every time I am home to find something new to help me with this illness.
What makes symptoms worse? Being active
What makes you feel better? my herbs and vitamins
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? yes
If yes, how did they treat your pain? pain meds
Theories or Comments? I don't think pain meds, sleep meds, or depression meds are the answers. They need to treat the overall symptoms as a disease like they do parkinsons and MS. It is an extreme illness that is not caused by depression. It is related to sleep but is the FM causing the lack of REM sleep or is the lack of REM sleep causing the FM? They need more money to do more research. It may not be a terminal illness but it is a life altering one that needs to be taken seriously.
Are we missing an important question?! What meds and remedies have we tried?

First Name: Jenny
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? HI
Where do you live now? AL
How long have you lived there? 24 years
Your age at the onset of symptoms? Hard to say
How long have you had fibromyalgia? Hard to say
What line of work? Still working? Medical Lab; Yes.
Any prior injuries or trauma? No
Does exercise help? What type? Unknown - but too much seems to make it flair up more. Stationary bike, light hand weights, situps.
What were your very FIRST symptoms? Aches in legs and always tired. Took scalding showers and felt better. Winter months being the hardest.
What are your CURRENT symptoms? Contacted the flu March 06 - tested positive. Was put on Tamiflu(sp?) and after week or so - 'possible' FMS symptoms have lessened to almost a non-issue (almost).
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? No.
Military Service? What years served? yes - 1975-1977
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? no
How has fibro affected your life? Constant aches could not do much at all - worked job and came home and slept.
What makes symptoms worse? I believe the cold weather was a major issue as - Barametric pressure changes affects aches and joints.
What makes you feel better? Scalding showers. Sleep. Tamiflu.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? No.
Theories or Comments? My theory - weather plays alot into this. Cold temperatures. A suppressed immune system is a possibilty. I must get the flu shot for work requirements annually. Tamiflu has really helped relieve this - (immune resolution?). I believe exercise will be a next step - gradual. Diet has become only non-processed foods, fruits and vegetables, non-table sugared, non-fat or fried.

First Name: Carla
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Where do you live now? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
How long have you lived there? 50 years
Your age at the onset of symptoms? mid to late 20's
How long have you had fibromyalgia? diagnosed 2004
What line of work? Still working? Secretarial - retired
Any prior injuries or trauma? Whiplash from auto accident in 1977
Does exercise help? What type? Exercise definitely helps in moderation. My problem is on my good days I overdo it and then I suffer for it. Light weight lifting, walking, swimming, aerobic rider, Nordic Trak
What were your very FIRST symptoms? Tightness and pain in upper back and pain in both shoulders (rotator area)
What are your CURRENT symptoms? numbness in toes on left foot, tendonitis type of pain in the inside area of both elbows, a feeling as though a tendon is stuck on the outside areas of both wrists. Left thumb, above the wrist but below the bottom joint of the thumb has a numbness; it is painful to touch lower back; tired. (my sleep is constantly interrupted by hot flashes and the need to move my arms because they hurt)Both hips ache. On the bright side, I don't have the initial problems with the upper back pain since I am no longer working at a keyboard all of the time.
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? As a teenager and young adult I had severe bouts with cold sores which I believe is a Herpes virus.
Military Service? What years served? No
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? As a young child I was exposed to DDT when they would fog the neighborhood to rid it of mosquitoes. We would run around in the stuff.
How has fibro affected your life? Can't do my old job because of the keyboard work. Can't pick up grandson. Can't open jars or aspirin bottles. Loss of strength. Because of the constant pain there is a depression that sets in - so I'm even harder to live with.
What makes symptoms worse? I don't know yet. I've been having very bad days for the past two weeks and I can't figure it out. I was doing rather well for almost a month before that. I'm going to be more cognisant of my eating habits and increasing my water (non-chlorinated) consumption. I do know that I would suffer the upper body problems when I was under a lot of pressure at my job. When my daughter was getting married I also had a flare up of what I called tendonitis before it was diagnosed as fibromyalgia.
What makes you feel better? Exercise in moderation and weight lifting 5 lb or less weights. Deep tissue massage
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? No.
Theories or Comments? In my case, I believe that my car accident was a significant contributor to the change in my body. For some reason after that happened, I had nothing but problems with tendonitis, neck stiffness, and I think dealing with all of that might have been the trigger to fibromyalgia. If it is a virus of some kind perhaps my body was just weakened enough to contract the virus.

First Name: Lori
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Wisconsin
Where do you live now? Wisconsin
How long have you lived there? 51 years
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 46
How long have you had fibromyalgia? 5 years
What line of work? Still working? Social Worker and sales (Single parent; 2 sons in college; need to work 2 jobs!)
Any prior injuries or trauma? My symptoms started after 2 surgeries (GYN and colon) and after a prolonged period of financial and emotional stress.
Does exercise help? What type? Water aerobics help me to keep my muscles limber. If I miss more than a day, I can hardly walk and the pain is very intense, especially in my legs.
What were your very FIRST symptoms? I gained about 60 pounds in about 6 months, mostly due to horrible swelling and pain in my legs. They also discovered hypothyroidism and IBS. Prior to this, I was extremely healthy and thin.
What are your CURRENT symptoms? Shooting pains and swelling, primarily in my legs but sometimes in my arms and hands; Muscle cramps and spasms; Always cold; Cannot tolerate bread or sweets; fatigue and brain fog
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? I had anemia as a child off and on for several years, as well as years of terrible pains and frequent ankle sprains..diagnosed as "growing pains"
Military Service? What years served? None
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? Not that i am aware of
How has fibro affected your life? I have to plan my activities very carefully and no longer have the freedom to be spontaneous. Some days are quite depressing, especially due to the weight gain, swelling and inability to lose weight. It has affected all of my relationships negatively because people just don't understand.
What makes symptoms worse? Change in weather
Carbs and refined foods
Working too much
Standing too long
What makes you feel better? Water exercises
My understanding doctor
My sons
Stretching and regular walks
Hot mineral bath
Theories or Comments? I have always felt that my fibro was triggered by some virus due to how suddenly I got sick..and from that point on, it seemed to be a domino thyroid failed, and I had blood sugar problems and muscle cramping. Interestingly enough, these symptoms all started after I successfully stopped smoking! But I would not start that again for any reason...I have a feeling that the smoking helped me to cope with the stress i was going through at the time and probably masked what it was doing to my body.
Are we missing an important question?! I would be interested to know how the onset of Fibro correlates to perimenopause or menopause (mine was surgically induced).

First Name: Kacey
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Modesto California
Where do you live now? Turlock California
How long have you lived there? 8 years, lived locally before that
Your age at the onset of symptoms? early 20's
How long have you had fibromyalgia? about 6 years
What line of work? Still working? preschool teacher/director, yes
Any prior injuries or trauma? car accident at 45 miles per hour
Does exercise help? What type? yes, very light strength training and stretching, cardio seems to make me very fatigued and is difficult to do
What were your very FIRST symptoms? extreme fatigue
What are your CURRENT symptoms? fatigue, pain, muscle spasms, headaches, vertigo
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? epstien-bar virus
Military Service? What years served? no
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? bleach- used in walnut bleaching plant in my backyard, household cleaners, not sure about heavy metals
How has fibro affected your life? I have to be very regimented about how I do things. I've had to completely change my diet and the amount of activity I do. I have to make sure I get enough rest and I can't handle working full time.
What makes symptoms worse? sugar, lack of sleep, lots of activity, processed foods
What makes you feel better? eliminating triggers or controling them as much as possible
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? no
What remedies or meds have you tried?
diet, exercise, muscle relaxers, myofacial release, massage, epsom salt baths, vitamin B, calcium with magnesium, cod liver oil, vitamin C, fresh vegetable juices, kefir
Theories or Comments? doctors never seemed to have much advice for me, the most they tried to do was prescribe antidepressants, most of the things that have caused any improvment have been natural lifestyle changes

First Name: Heather
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Muskegon, Michigan, USA
Where do you live now? West Michigan
How long have you lived there? 36 years
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 20
How long have you had fibromyalgia? diagnosed at 33
What line of work? Still working? Office Manager, no longer working
Any prior injuries or trauma? Emotional trauma
Does exercise help? What type? Tai Chi range of movement techniques
What were your very FIRST symptoms? depression
What are your CURRENT symptoms? depression, anxiety, widespread pain, cold extremeties, restless leg, IBS,
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? none known
Military Service? What years served? none
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? spraying fruit fields when young
How has fibro affected your life? I have slowed myself down to handle all of the symptoms including peace of mind
What makes symptoms worse? physical and mental stress
What makes you feel better? meds and rest
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? no
What remedies or meds have you tried? vioxx, otc pain reliever, ultram, vicodin, paxil, wellbutrin, celexa
Are we missing an important question?! I would like to see more information on the relevence of sexual abuse as a child and post trauma fibro

First Name: Marie
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Northern California
Where do you live now? Southern California
How long have you lived there? four years
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 51 years old
How long have you had fibromyalgia? 6 years
What line of work? Still working? Administrative/Secretarial, not working
Any prior injuries or trauma? trauma prior to unset (death of brother)
Does exercise help? What type? Mentally feel better with walking
What were your very FIRST symptoms? pain when sleeping on my right side. A deep pain in my hip.
What are your CURRENT symptoms? Pain in my hips, upper arms, at the elbow, in my upper and lower back. Extreme fatigue. IBS and bladder problems. Mostly just the never ending pain.
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? I did get very sick in my early 20's. I got very high fevers daily for several weeks. Doctor could not figure out what it was. I was hospitalized, but it went away as mysteriously as it arrived. The only thing they could find was a swolen liver. Never did find out what it was.
Military Service? What years served? N/A
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? Not that I know of
How has fibro affected your life? It is hard to make any kind of plans because I do not know what I am going to feel like. I don't take vacations because I am afraid of the beds in hotels. I have to sleep on an ultrasoft mattress because of the pressure points. The pain wakes me up and I toss and turn all night unless I take a sleeping pill. I cannot work. Even doing this work on the computer makes my back and neck ache. Sometimes I cannot get out of bed. I do not do nearly any of the things I used to as hobbies because I can't handle any kind of repeticious work (knitting, drawing, etc)
What makes symptoms worse? Sitting still, like in a movie - I have to move around. Lying in bed is a nightmare. Any prolonged going to an amusement park is out of the question.
What makes you feel better? A hot shower. Sitting in the jacuzzi. A heating pad.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? No. But I have felt like it. When I have the flu, the muscle pain is excrusiating.
What remedies or meds have you tried? Pain meds: oxycontin, morphine based drugs, Vicodin, muscle relaxers, anti-depressants, sleeping pills, such as ambien. I got terribly sick from pain meds and will not take them. They did no good anyway. I take flexeril, Celexa and ambien daily. I cannot take statins, even though my cholestral is high - the statins increase my muscle pain.
Theories or Comments? My niece also has this, and I believe my father had it, but I'm not sure. It is very frustrating, but I have found a doctor who is knowledgeable regarding fibro, so I am blessed. It makes me very angry when people think that this disease is not real. I wish that they could experience it for a little while. I am waiting to go to court to obtain social security disability, but I'm not sure if I will get it or not. This has definately taken a toll on our finances.
Are we missing an important question?! I also have Epstein-Barr and Hasimoto's throiditis.


First Name:
Male or Female?
Where Were You Born?West Virginia
Where do you live now?
West Virginia
How long have you lived there?
38 years
Your age at the onset of symptoms?
19 years
How long have you had fibromyalgia?
diagnosed for approx. 2 years
What line of work? Still working?
Occupational Therapist; still working
Any prior injuries or trauma?
Does exercise help? What type?
No; exercise makes the fatigue and pain worse resulting in a backslide
What were your very FIRST symptoms?
chronic fatigue, headaches, severe muscle aches, muscle spasms;
What are your CURRENT symptoms?
chronic fatigue, headaches, severe muscle aches, muscle spasms; numbness in my extremities; insomnia; forgetfulness or feeling of "fibro fog"; anxiety and depression
Did you ever have a long lasting virus?
yes; Epstein-Barr virus at the age of 18 years; Also had Reye Syndrome following a viral illness at the age of 12 years
Military Service? What years served?
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals?
none known
How has fibro affected your life?
unable to do daily tasks that I want to and once did & unable to do them as effectively as previously did; always feeling tired and in pain; feel as though my illness has affected the lives of my family; guilt for not being able to do everything that I would like to do with my daughter;
What makes symptoms worse?
Damp, cold, and rainy weather; very hot and humid weather; stress; exercise unless very mild
What makes you feel better?
Sometimes, rest makes me feel better; hot baths and heating pads will provide some relieve for the pain; over the counter pain killers (ibuprofen); Prescription sleep aids (Ambien) helps with the insomnia; Been to a hospital for fibro pain? No
What remedies or meds have you tried?
Have been on too many anti-depressants to name (Zoloft, Celexa, Effexor, Paxil, trazadone, etc); Currently on Cymbalta (anti-depressant) that has helped better than any other medication; on Ambien for insomnia; Attempted acupunture without success; recently have started with apple cider vinegar remedy
Theories or Comments?
I feel that my problems started after the Reye Syndrome at the age of 12 years old. I had never been sick or missed a day of school until having the Reye Syndrome. After having Reye Syndrome, I developed headaches and was more frequently ill. After being hospitalized with septicemia of unknown origin and diagnosed with elevated Epstein-Barr titers at the age of 19 years, I have lived with on and off pain and fatigue which has gotten significantly worse in the last 5 years.

First Name:
Male or Female?
Where Were You Born?
ChicagoWhere do you live now?Chicago
How long have you lived there?
45 years
Your age at the onset of symptoms?
29 years
How long have you had fibromyalgia?
6 years
What line of work? Still working?
computer programmer/analyst
Any prior injuries or trauma?no
Does exercise help? What type?some
What were your very FIRST symptoms?
unexplained weight gain
What are your CURRENT symptoms?
continued unexplained weight gain, severe muscle pain, extreme fatigue, very low/no appetite
Did you ever have a long lasting virus?
Military Service? What years served?1982 - 1985
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals?
How has fibro affected your life?
I no longer have a life. I used to be an extremely active and social person. Although I am still able to work my life consists of going to work and going home to sleep. I had to sell my home and I'm barely holding on to my job. If I socialize after work or on the weekend, it wipes me out and I can't go to work. I'm barely working above a part time schedule despite the fact that I am a full time employee. Thank God for the Family Medical Leave Act.
What makes symptoms worse?
Changes in the weather and not getting enough rest (12 - 14 hours per night), and not eating enough
What makes you feel better?
Warm weather, consistancy with rest (I can get by on 8 hours if I stick to a schedule everyday) and eating constantly (every 2 hours) all day.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain?
If yes, how did they treat your pain?
first they thought it was a heart attack, then a panic attack, then they decided it was fibro pain and gave me IV, pain killers and sent me home
What remedies or meds have you tried?
anti-depressants (could not take caused bad reactions), pain killers (vioxx the only one that helped), Cherry Rx, noni juice, Mother Nature's Miracle (which helped a lot), apple cider vinegar (also helping a lot), body cleansing (seems to be helping)
Theories or Comments?
I believe that the doctors are a large part of the problem. I would go to the doctor and they would look at me and say that there was nothing wrong with me. I took BC pills from age 18 - 39. From 29 - 39 I would repeatedly get infections and they would perscribe me antibiotics. There was 1 period when I would get an infection every 3 weeks but still the doctors would give me antibiotics and treated me like a hypocondryact. They only started paying attention to me when at age 39 I began a search for what was wrong with me when I went from 125lbs to 200 lbs while eating healthy. Until I began switching from doctor to doctor they did not take me seriously, but I knew something was wrong. Also I am a person that does not function well on excessive drama and stress. I found myself in a situation in which the people around me in my life were serious drama kings and queens and I had many stressful situations happening at the same time. Although I am still battling the fibro, I am doing better. I made my life as drama and stress free as possible. The people that had no real reason to be in my life but to (literally) make me sick, I got rid of (drama king husband, drama king boyfriend, drama queen friends and relatives that dumped their problems on me, I sold my house and moved into an apartment, I paid off all of my debt). Also, I don't know if it matters but as a child and young adult, I always had periods when I needed to sleep for long periods to help rejunvinate my system. Now it seems I need lots of sleep all the time.
Are we missing an important question?!why don't the doctors believe the patients when they tell them that something is wrong? Every fibro patient I've talked to has said the doctors ignored them their pleas for help until it was out of control.

First Name: Mischell
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Midland
Where do you live now? The Colony
How long have you lived there? 12 Years
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 8 Years
How long have you had fibromyalgia? 3
What line of work? Still working? House Cleaning
Any prior injuries or trauma? No
Does exercise help? What type? Have not been able to lately other than house cleaning
What were your very FIRST symptoms? "Growing Pains"
What are your CURRENT symptoms? Muscle spasms, extreme fatigue, rib pain, eye pain, mouth sores, brain fog, numbness, depression
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? Was sick all the time as a child. Had to take gamma globulin shots as a child. Had a strange ear virus in 1992
Military Service? What years served? No
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? No
How has fibro affected your life? Severely depressed because of lack of energy and pain. Guilt over family obligations not being met. Hate always telling children I'm too tired to do that today.
What makes symptoms worse? Sugar. Wheat
What makes you feel better? Hot baths, heating pad. OTC pain medications. Skelaxin. Crying.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? No
What remedies or meds have you tried? Amitriptyline & Skelaxin. Holistic. Vitamin B, C, Zinc, Colon Cleans and minerals. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey.
Theories or Comments? I believe that this is caused by the body's inablity to complete the natural ATP process. For what reason I don't know. I was completely clear two years ago when I was taking Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey 2X per day. I didn't realize that is why I felt better so I stopped it and was good for about a year. Recent research has led me to believe that it is the Malic acid in the apple cider vinegar that helped me. I started taking Ribose, Malic acid supplements and drinking my apple cider vinegar and honey yesterday and I feel wonderful. It is 1:55 p.m. and I haven't needed the two naps I normally take by now. I am cleaning my daughters room that has gone 6 months without a good cleaning. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this works.
Are we missing an important question?! No.

First Name: Faith
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Boston, MA
Where do you live now? Acushnet, MA
How long have you lived there? 6 years
Your age at the onset of symptoms?
How long have you had fibromyalgia?
6 years
What line of work? Still working?
Legal Secretary/bartender No.
Any prior injuries or trauma?
just severe stress
Does exercise help? What type? walking
What were your very FIRST symptoms?
back, neck and shoulder pain
What are your CURRENT symptoms?
fatigue, muscle pain (all over), chronic insomnia, memory problems, dizziness, skin tenderness, headache, lack of concentration/focus... ie: I can no longer multi-task.
Did you ever have a long lasting virus?
Military Service? What years served?
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals?
worked in Quality Control at a Pharmaceutical Company for one year when I was 20.
How has fibro affected your life?
I can no longer work as a Legal Secretary or a Bartender. I bought my own business and can't even be there for long periods of time. I have gained and gained and gained weight which further complicates the Fibro.
What makes symptoms worse?
sitting for long periods, weather changes, foods, alcohol, stress.
What makes you feel better?
when the pain gets real bad I find I sleep a LOT. But nothing yet has really helped.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? yes
If yes, how did they treat your pain? pain killers, anti-inflammatories, sleeping pills
What remedies or meds have you tried?
Naproxyn, Celexa, Xanax, Wellbutrin, Percocet, Roxicet, Ibuprofen, Ametriptolene, Ambien, several other anti-inflammatories I was on for 2 weeks at a time and then switched... can't remember all the names.
Theories or Comments?
I've become quite fed up with the Doctors prescriptions. I am interested in trying a more holistic approach. I am trying to lose weight and am looking into Yoga and other holistic cures. I am also curious to know if anyone has made a connection between artificial sweeteners and Fibromyalgia. A friend of mine has MS and was told there was a connection between most of these diseases and artificial sweeteners.
Are we missing an important question?!
I think it would be interesting to look into how having or not having a good support system can affect our Fibromyalgia.

First Name
: Patricia
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Quirindi. New South Wales. Australia.
Where do you live now? Iluka. N.S.W. Australia
How long have you lived there? 20 years.
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 59 years
How long have you had fibromyalgia? 10 years
What line of work? Still working? retired
Any prior injuries or trauma? Mental trauma with losing eldest son aged 28 years.
Does exercise help? What type? Find I cannot exercise - when walking very far really knocks me around.
What were your very FIRST symptoms? Body sore to touch - tiredness - lethargic- depressive.
What are your CURRENT symptoms? Same as above.
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? No.
Military Service? What years served? n/a
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? Exposure to chemical spraying on a farm.
How has fibro affected your life? Cannot get motivated at times. Get very tired. Sore to touch. Am very inactive to what I have been.
What makes symptoms worse? Exercise. Sometimes the weather I think.
What makes you feel better? Being with my caring family. Resting.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? No.
What remedies or meds have you tried? Capadex pain killer tablets.
Theories or Comments? I also have haemochromotosis which can make me feel worse when my Ferratin reading is high.
Are we missing an important question?! Perhaps you might ask if being treated for other ailments.

First Name:
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Toronto ,Ontario Canada.
Where do you live now? Toronto, Ontario Canada.
How long have you lived there? 42 years
Your age at the onset of symptoms? age 38
How long have you had fibromyalgia? almost 4 years now.
What line of work? Still working?
I cannot work do to the extreme pain i have.
Any prior injuries or trauma? Yes. I was injured July 2002.I had a serious fall. My face was a mess and i had a broken jaw, head injury, spine injury. And way too many other injuries to list from this fall. Shortly after i developed myofacial pain, jaw pain. As each month passed i was developing more and more pain throught my body. In the year of 2005 i was told that i have Fibromyalgia. I've been seen by over 50 doctors and not one of them could help me. I really believe that there will be a cure soon. A NATURAL CURE, NOT A DRUG.
Does exercise help? What type? I cannot exercise. It causes extreme pain. Taking a shower feels like a work out. It's very hard for me to lift my arm or turn my head.
What were your very FIRST symptoms? It all started with my neck. I could not move it. I still can't. Then the pain spread from my head to my feet. EVERYWHERE.
What are your CURRENT symptoms? Head, jaw, neck, shoulders, ribs, chest, arms, lower back, buttocks, legs, knees, ankles, and the heels of my feet. The pain is intense and it burns and aches. It feels like i've been run over by a large truck. And then burned. I'm very tired all the time. I have no energy. I have brain fog all the time. My hands go numb and they are always ice cold. I have way to many symptoms to list here.
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? Yes.I've had many. The first virus i had i was 12 years old. Then every year after that until the age of 38. The longest one was in 1998 it lasted 6 months.
Military Service? What years served? None.
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? Just lots of cemicals from cleaning products.
How has fibro affected your life? In everyway. I don't have a life anymore. I stay in bed all the time and i only leave my home to go to the doctors. I was a very out going active person before i got Fibromyalgia. I was very social.
What makes symptoms worse? Cold damp weather. Sitting and standing for too long. Execise of any kind. Walking for too long. Stress from running around to see doctor after doctor. Eating tomatoes and spices made me feel worse.
What makes you feel better? Resting. But even that hurts at times.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? Yes i have.They gave me Demerol , but it did not help the pain.
If yes, how did they treat your pain? Gave me Demerol.
What remedies or meds have you tried? All kinds of pain killer meds. Sleeping pills. I cannot remember the names. I found out that i have sensitivities to drugs so i cannot take them. And lots of allergic reactions to them.
Theories or Comments? I think that the world we all live in is TOXIC and our water and food is as well. We are all toxic. It takes an injury or a stressfull event to bring out the illness that we all have in our bodies. Honesly i wish i really knew. I wish all of you out here that are suffering endlessly to not give up hope and keep pushing and digging until you find an answer. Take care and good luck.
Are we missing an important question?! Do any of the people that have Fibromyalgia smoke? Did any of them take med's before they got Fibromyalgia? How many of them had Dental work done just before they noticed their symptoms? How many of them had any type of head or spine injury? How many of them eat toxic food or drink toxic water?

First Name: Daniel
Male or Female? Male
Where Were You Born? Vancouver, BC, Canada
Where do you live now? Vancouver
How long have you lived there? My entire life
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 25
How long have you had fibromyalgia? 3 years
What line of work? Still working? Production and installation of closet organizers. Heavy labour, high stress.
Any prior injuries or trauma? No
Does exercise help? What type? Weight lifting hurts at first, but after a few weeks really helps with pain and posture.
What were your very FIRST symptoms? Knee pain, heart palpitations, skin problems as a teenager. Neck pain, anxiety, stress intolerance as an adult.
What are your CURRENT symptoms? Over 50 until I changed my diet and life style. Most prominent symptoms were: Brain fog, pain, stiffness, joint snapping, obesity, anxiety, depression, fatigue, poor posture, heart pounding, low self esteem, anti-social behavior
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? No
Military Service? What years served? No
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? Tobacco smoke 2 years, MDF saw dust 1 year. But symptoms started prior.
How has fibro affected your life? Absolute hell. I had to stop working at the age of 26 and file for bankruptcy. I hit absolute rock bottom and could barely afford food. I stopped seeing people because of self esteem issues and spent many days in bed. But I am completely turning it around thanks to my relentless research and refusal to give up.
What makes symptoms worse? A bad night's sleep or little sleep seems to be the worse. Lots of stress is bad and so is cold rainy weather. Night shade veggies seem to worsen pain and sugar definitely causes depression, brain fog and anxiety. Coffee is hell as well, it causes anxiety and irritability.
What makes you feel better? It is crucial to sleep a full night's sleep until my body wakes up on its own. Avoiding sugar, refined carbohydrates, high glycemic veggies as well as night shade veggies has done wonders. Hot sunny weather is great. Hot showers are great too. Super fruits like goji berries have given me new life. Avoiding stress is definitely crucial.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? Not for pain, but a did go for a massive panic attack once when my heart went absolutely bezzerk! My heart was changing speeds, pounding super fast, Skipping beats and making loud gushing sounds. I thought I was going to die! I later learned through research that it was a hypoglycemic attack (low blood sugar). Of course hypoglycemia is directly linked to fibromyalgia, in fact it is believed to be the cause. Most people don't even know they have it because most doctors don't diagnose it, and the test for it is horrible. Hypoglycemia has over 100 symptoms.
If yes, how did they treat your pain? I was there 6 hours. They gave me pills and injected my with stuff to calm my heart down. Then they released me.
What remedies or meds have you tried? I've tried guaifenesin for 6 months ("What your doctor may not tell you about fibromyalgia" by Dr. St. Amand) It seemed to work but then I got worse again. Having to avoid salicylates and finding the right doses was complex I found. So I quit it and went all natural.
Theories or Comments? I have been researching fibromyalgia relentlessly for a year and a half now and am currently about 75% better. I am on this amassing diet for balancing blood PH levels which if done right is supposed to cure almost everything, including cancer. I highly recommend the book ("The Ph Miracle" by Dr. Robert Young.) I currently believe the cause of fibromygia to be a candida(yeast) over-growth exacerbated by a PH imbalance and caused by sugar consumption and anti-biotic use. Eliminating all sugars and removing candida and it's micotoxins from the body should correct the problem. Taking Malic acid / magnesium supplements which are inhibited by the candida waste products, restore blood sugar & brain chemistry until the toxins are removed. There is also the whole protein and nutrient deficiency problem. I have been taking gogi berries which are an amassing high antioxidant, complete protein, multi vitamin and mineral berry found in the Himalayan mountains. This berry is supposed to cure everything in three months and give you long live! Let me tell you, after one week I feel unbelievable. You can also try easily assimilated amino acids, vitamins and minerals, preferably liquid or powder, but watch out for sugars! There is also the whole mental aspect of the disease. Many spiritual teachers claim that there is definitely a mind body connection. Just like you are what you eat, as you think so you shall be! I meditate regularly and have learned to stop my ming from thinking. This alleviates depression and anxiety and brings your body and life into complete balance. Meditation has been proven to cure disease. Don't knock it 'till you try it! In fact, I the complete turn around of my health and life can be traced back to the first day I started meditating(I recommend "The Power Of Now" by Ekhart Tolle).
Are we missing an important question?! It is my life mission to completely reverse fibromyalgia and it's related diseases and then to become a wellness coach to help others do the same. I believe I am close to fully understanding the complex disease and will continue to research until I do. I am a wealth of knowledge in this field so if you have questions or want to get a hold of me I can be reached at [email protected]

First Name: Linda
Male or Female? female
Where Were You Born? Oklahoma City, OK
Where do you live now? Lexington, OK
How long have you lived there? 5 years
Your age at the onset of symptoms? (possibly) around 8 years old
How long have you had fibromyalgia? full blown symptoms for 8 years
What line of work? Still working? data collector
Any prior injuries or trauma? Whooping cough at age 6 Car accident 8 years ago
Does exercise help? What type? stretching yoga
What were your very FIRST symptoms? Severe neck pain after accident. Loss of sleep, pain in feet when I first got up. Generalized pain throughout body. Memory fog, not wanting to live because my life changed so much. Not knowing what was wrong with me.
What are your CURRENT symptoms? Memory fog, generalized pain, mostly in hips and neck. Must stay on low key schedule to avoid flares. Drive distances to see clients, very stiff when I get out of car. Severe exhaustion.
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? No
Military Service? What years served? no
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? I once mixed bleach and comet. Breathed fumes for quite a while. Lungs hurt and was able to taste fumes for several days.
How has fibro affected your life? Some days it is intolerable. However, after 8 years of living with symptoms I am able to work. Do not have much of a life outside of work since it takes all my energy to accomplish what needs to be done. Luckily, I have an understanding husband.
What makes symptoms worse? Not enough sleep, any Repetitiveness that is excessive, such as walking too far on treadmill. Possibly food, such as sugar and white flour.
What makes you feel better? Hot tub, daily routine
What remedies or meds have you tried? anti-inflammatory, trazidoin. Quit taking after 1st year due to side effects. Magnesium but not that effective.
Theories or Comments? Possibly whooping cough may have affected my ability to fight off infection. I was sick for a whole month with this condition. First symptom of fibro occurred at age 8. I also have thyroid problems and suffered chronic sinus problems since early childhood.

First Name
: Angela
Male or Female? Female
Where Were You Born? Lexington, VA
Where do you live now? Lexington, VA
How long have you lived there? all my life
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 34
How long have you had fibromyalgia? since 1991
What line of work? Still working? Insurance Agent, still work
Any prior injuries or trauma? Yes. As a child I was thrown from a horse and spent a week in the hospital from my injuries. However, I think I developed fibromyalgia from a tick bite.
Does exercise help? What type? Yes, walking.
What were your very FIRST symptoms? Pain at the base of my neck, chest, legs.
What are your CURRENT symptoms? All over pain, TMJ, bursitis in my hip, trouble sleeping, GERD. Very sensitive to certain smells.
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? Not sure
Military Service? What years served? No military
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? Yes, I worked with chemicals in a silk screening factory.
How has fibro affected your life? My body doesn't allow me to do things I would like to do. However, being a determined person, I often push myself further than I should.
What makes symptoms worse? Cold weather.
What makes you feel better? Warm showers...I'm also sensitive to hot water.
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? No
What remedies or meds have you tried? Pain meds, muscle relaxers and on and on. None of which helped.
Theories or Comments? Be positive and don't pity yourself. I better manage my pain by having a positive attitude!
Are we missing an important question?! You don't actually ask what you think is the cause of your fibromyalgia.

First Name: EMI
Male or Female? FEMALE
Where Were You Born? PUERTO RICO
Where do you live now? FLORIDA
How long have you lived there? 5 YEARS
Your age at the onset of symptoms? 32
How long have you had fibromyalgia? 1 YEAR IN JUNE 2006
What line of work? Still working? NO WORKING BECAUE OF PAIN
Any prior injuries or trauma? NO
Does exercise help? What type? NO
Did you ever have a long lasting virus? VIRUS FOR NO MORE THAN 2 DAYS
Military Service? What years served? NO
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals? NONE THAT I KNOW
Been to a hospital for fibro pain? NO

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