Natural Remedies

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Flu

Oregano Oil
Posted by Jan (Texas) on 03/14/2014

I strictly use the oregano oil. It can cure many more things and sinus, but it stopped the flu virus with 30 drops of oregano oil in it my water, gone the next day Yahoo!

Spicy Flu Drink
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 11/20/2013

For the chills:

  • 1 cup hot milk
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp ginger
  • 1/4 tsp clove powder

Mix it all up and sip it, it gets rid of the chills, aches and pains. Better than coffee. Try adding nutmeg or cocoa. Especially good with cantaloup and oranges.

Posted by Anonymouscat (Pdx, Or) on 01/15/2013

My MD is not suppose to suggest vitamins, because of med board . Anyhow the medical tech handed me a sheet on the way out. How to protect and prevent the flu naturally : Vitamin A & Beta Carotene take 100,000 IU for a day for one month to build level up then taper down to 25000-50000 IU for maintence, D3 5000 IU, (Vitamin D 1000IU for per 25 pounds of body weight if you get the flu increase dose to 2000 IU per body weight ) Zinc, Vitamin C 1000 mg four times day Vitamin E natural from High in gamma-E. Iodine and Iodide (Iodine complex or Lugol's Iodine are natural disinfectants ) Additional vitamin B, Selenium, Magnesium. And Beta glucan. Take a good probiotics , drink green tea. Drink lots of water to stay hydrate to help body flush out germs.. Lastly, always wash your hands I wear gloves to avoid touching public doors I carry a hand sanitizer santize front and back of the hands. Stay away from travelers hubs, hotel, pubs, and avoid big crowded places. This is new one for me avoid anyone that took the flu shot for three week they may be shedding the flu virus. Avoid sugar and dairy, but especially sugar. Alkalizing twice a day.

Hope this helps and stay well!

Ted's Remedies Feedback
Posted by Tg (Manhattan, Ny) on 01/15/2013

YEA!! The aspirin remedy really helps beat the flu! I just used it to beat the flu, along with Vitamin C and Olive Leaf extract and it really works! I find it best to take it just before going to sleep... 4 low dose aspirin (81 mg).

Posted by Jc (New York, Ny) on 01/13/2013

I read that keeping your bedroom humidified between 40-60% is optimal for killing flu viruses. Any higher than 60% will promote bacteria and mold, so you need a thermometer in the room which also measures humidity. I have been using a $30 humidifier on cold days and turning it off when it rains. Makes the room very cozy and peaceful to sleep in.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Pr (Houston, Texas) on 01/11/2013

I had the unfortuned experience of getting the flu this year. I will say my normal herbal and vitamins remedies did not budge this flu. Infact I relapse 3 - 4 times. Just when you think you where done it was back worst. I had to finally use colloidal silver 1/2 cup three times a day to get rid of it and keep it away. I started with 1/4 cup and worked up to the half cup. I am still taking 1 oz two times a day for maintenance, don't trust this strain. Xylitol nose spray was a huge help and you can spray this as often as needed. Sometimes I sprayed it every five minutes. As you feel like you are drowning in mucus and than it settles in chest which is hard to get rid of. I also sprayed colloidal silver in nose mixed with Xylitol. The netti pot helps too.

Turmeric and Bromelain
Posted by Liberty (Phoenix, Az) on 04/21/2012

I have found turmeric and bromelain gel caps. We've used them for the stomach discomfort during flu symptoms. I've taken one in morning and one in the evening for a few days. For my children, I open the capsule and put about half of the powder in a cup of rice milk or regular milk and warm it on the stove top. Add a little sweetener if needed. This remedy has helped the sick stomach with the flu when peppermint or chamomile tea just made it worse for me.

Tomato Tea Remedy
Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, USA) on 03/19/2012

I can't believe how well this works. I'm still in shock!

2 days ago, I started to become sick with the flu when I was on a 18-hour flight. On came the chills and fever, and then my nose kept running non-stop. To make it worse, the changing cabin pressure on the descent gave me excruciating sinus pain and made my ears clogged to the point where I couldn't hear out of both ears anymore. I can't take cold medicine because I have thyroid disease, and I am slow to recover because my metabolism is very slow.

Yesterday my sinuses and fever got worse. I remembered reading about this remedy on Earth Clinic and I was eager to try it. Luckily I had all the ingredients on hand. I used V8 Spicy Hot juice, lemon juice (bottled), minced garlic, a lot of tabasco sauce (as much as I could stand) and a dash of celery salt for taste. I heated it in the microwave for about 1 1/2 minutes and then sipped and inhaled the fumes as directed. About 10 minutes after I started to sip it I noticed an increase of nasal discharge. I had to keep blowing my nose over and over again, but this time when I blew my nose I actually felt like I was clearing it out, instead of the feeling of blowing your nose and feeling like it gets clogged up again 5 minutes later. The pressure in my ears released about 60% and I regained most of my hearing. My fever increased and for a few hours I felt pretty rotten, even though my nasal passages had cleared. But in a few hours I felt at least 60% better, which is amazing considering that it usually takes me 3 weeks to recover from a cold! I slept all through the night with no problem.

This morning I made another tomato tea. While drinking it, I felt my left ear "pop" and the pressure released. I now have full hearing in my left ear and a 70% improvement in my right ear. I then took a hot shower afterwards (the steam helps to open the sinus passages) and kept blowing my nose. My nasal congestion is about 85% gone, I don't have a fever or chills anymore, I got most of my hearing back and I don't feel groggy anymore!

It doesn't seem so crazy why this works when you do some research on capsaicin. Capsaicin is also the active ingredient of pepper spray. Capsaicin is an irritant, and when you inhale pepper spray, your body pushes it out by forcing your sinuses to clear themselves and making your nose run uncontrollably. Have you ever eaten a really spicy dish and had your nose start to run?That's the capsaicin at work.

I have Vietnamese friends who swear by a similar remedy that works in the same way as the tomato tea. They swear by eating pho (a hot fish/noodle soup) when you are sick. They put a lot of Sriracha (Vietnamese hot pepper sauce) in the soup and breathe in the hot fumes. The steam and pepper helps open and clear the sinuses.

I have also been drinking echinacea tea with a tbs of coconut oil and I've also been drinking some ACV throughout the day. (I don't take the ACV too close to the tomato tea though, because ACV is alkaline while the tomato tea is very acidic).

Thank you, thank you, thank you Earth Clinic for this wonderful remedy! I can celebrate my 30th birthday this weekend without feeling miserable :)

EC: Check out the classic Tomato Tea Recipe from Earth Clinic here. A number one remedy for colds and sinus congestion.

Tomato Tea Remedy
Posted by Saleh (Kuala Lumpur) on 09/29/2015

Forever debted for this remedy. Sometimes I just opt for a tomato instead, or easier - a tablespoon of tomato ketchup is suffice. I think tomato is the star here. thanks earth clinic.

Flu Shots
Posted by Mollie (Riverside, California, Usa) on 01/08/2012

I have a friend (female) in her 80's. We were discussing my fear of flu shots and she told me that she and her husband who has had a triple-by-pass have been taking flu shots regularly for about 20 years and have not suffered from the flu in 20 years!

She lives in southern California U.S.A. This lady told me that not getting the flu is a must for her husband due to his triple-by-pass surgeries.

My husband and I have been terribly ill with the flu since November and are now just getting over it.

This makes me wonder if flu shots might help some people? This coming October my husband and I are going to get flu shots to see if it helps.

By the way we are seniors.

General Feedback
Posted by Reinhold (Gatineau/ Aylmer, Qc,canada ) on 07/21/2011

I live in Aylmer. My mother (in Germany) always made Holunderbeerensuppe, what they called a soup made with them to clean the blood, for general health. I still have the original Kneipp Handbook, take ice cold baths all year round, garden outdoors a lot without much clothes on, and barefoot, Yoga, Acupuncture, eat mostly raw food and fruits, (right now I love mangoes) and apple juice, make my own apple/grape vinegar & vine, yoghurt. I never get/got colds or influenca or throat, for many, many years now.

Vitamin C
Posted by D. (NY, NY) on 03/30/2009

I am writing to let you know that my family is getting out from a terrible form of stomach and intestinal flu. My two children, my husband (who never gets sick) and a contractor who was here working in the kitchen were hit very hard. Given my always low immune system I was getting ready for the worse, that is getting very sick myself. Since I am the mommy and the nurse it would have been an absolute disaster (I have no family here). Mommies can't rest and can't even sit no matter how sick they are. It is so awful and so hard for us! So I started getting more than a full tablespoon of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate as according to Ted directions) a day, divided in several doses. Plus zinc, colostrum, magnesium and aspirin. I was also using clove oil on my skin.Well I was cleaning up the mess of my children (remember it was a stomach flu!) and in the middle of it all I didn't get sick. I only got a bad headache for a day, but no vomiting or other as the others. My contractor lost 12 pounds with this flu. . . So God bless you all and Ted once again because you helped me being spared of all of this!

Vitamin C
Posted by Valorie M. (Ny, US) on 01/31/2015

After catching the flu/cold from a coworker (my body was aching, sneezing, coughing, bed ridden) took megadose of Vitamin C powder, 5,g and within 2 days my sickness was gone.

Green Tea
Posted by Matthew (Santa Rosa, CA USA) on 12/12/2008

Yea to Green Tea for remedying my flu. Nay to ACV. ACV made me not feel so sick but my symptoms continued to worsen. I've started drinking green tea and it is making a big difference. I have been using a couple teaspoons of honey with every cup.

Grape Seed Extract
Posted by Cortney (Albuquerque, NM) on 12/02/2008

I recently moved to Albuquerque, NM from Colorado Springs, CO. I was working as a consultant and had to drive back. The morning I woke up, I had a lot of mucous in my throat and thought it would go away. An hour into my drive, it was still there. Two hours into my drive I started sneezing. After 6 hours of driving, I got to my mother's house in the Springs looking half dead and feeling absolutely terrible. I had cold symptoms. I was at the point that I knew if I went to bed, I would awake up feeling 20 times worse. My mother suggested "Grape Seed Extract" pills. She had gotten the idea from my sister who had found out about it the same way I had... word of mouth. It was 4pm when I took the first one. I was staying at a friends house and warned her I was getting sick. I forgot about the pill. At around 8pm, I wasn't sneezing and actually felt a little better. I took one before going to bed dreading my wake up. I can honestly say I woke up feeling great. I took three more that day as instructed on the bottle. Never got the symptoms again. This happened in September which is when I usually get that bad cold of the year. I have tried all the "cures" on here from the tomato tea to plain ACV, to hydrogen peroxide. Nothing ever worked like this has. Unbelievable really. I am testing my theory again with my son. He is almost 5 and is getting very sick. He took one tonight and I feel due to his age, I will keep it to one a day. We will see how he does in the morning.

I bought my bottle at whole foods though I imagine most health food stores carry it. Take 3 a day, 1 in the morning, afternoon and before bed. It's just a capsule, though my mother had solid pills. This was a life saver for me and I imagine if ACV doesn't work for all, this might. Literally took a few hours for me to feel better and more energized.

Green Tea
Posted by La Tanya (Patterson, California) on 03/04/2008

I have been drinking green organic green tea from China for about two years now. It certainly has excellent health benefits. Before drinking green tea I would normally come down with a cold or flu at least twice a year and it would last a good two weeks, but since I've become a green tea drinker I don't catch a cold or flu. I may get a little sniffle but they may be due to my allergies. Also I notice my energy is always up when I'm drinking my tea consistently. I drink a minimum of 3 cups a day and as an iced tea and I also drink the tea leaves as well.

Green Tea
Posted by Amith (Durban, South Africa) on 02/11/2008

Green Tea boost my immune system. Green Tea is the most awesome tea, recently taken the world by storm. I drink 3 cups a day, which is the equivalent of eating 8 apples according to the daily mail. Tea can also rehydrate you so can be used as a substitute for water. I know this because my pee is mostly clear. I used to get the flu 4 times a year without failure. Even during the summer. I suffered for year. ie until I Started to drink Green Tea. My energy levels shot up. I only got sick once in the 2 years that I have been taking it. I think it was the airline food and the long thirsty journey that caused my Tonsillitis. I might have even died the Doctor told me if I didn't have a strong immune system. Well anyway. I haven't been sick drinking green tea.

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