Natural Remedies

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Flu

Vitamin C, GSE, ACV, Green Tea With Baking Soda
Posted by MEG (Augusta, Georgia) on 11/20/2007

I just wanted to share my story as well. I became ill when my son contracted viral meningitis on a trip. Traveling back in the car, I could only take lots of EmergenC. For the next few days, I took the EmergenC with GAIA Echinacea three times a day and got lots of rest. It seemed to work after four days, so I stopped the treatments. Well I think I got a secondary infection because my lymph nodes became swollen and my sinuses became infected. I irrigated my nose with grapefruit seed extract (diluted) but some undiluted liquid got in my right sinus and caused a lot of pain. Discouraged and about to go to the doctor for antibiotics, I come across your wonderful website. I first started back on the C & Echinacea but added the Grapefruit seed extract (5 drops in 12 oz water). My sinuses were cured in one day! That same day I drank 12 oz of water with 3 tbsp. of ACV. The next day the affected area was in my throat. I made warm ACV with lemon (3 tbsp) and honey (2tbsp) and drank as much as I could. The day after that I felt I only had laryngitis. So I found Ted's wonderful receipe for Green Tea with baking soda (1/4 tsp). I have done this for two mornings and feel almost back to normal. Thanks to all your contributors, I am cured in a matter of a few days! You guys are awesome, especially

Oregano Oil
Posted by Marinette (Cleveland, USA) on 10/21/2007

Last Winter I came down with a terrible cold that might have been pneumonia, as a lot of this was going around. I could barely get any rest at night because of the constant coughing, and I went through boxes of Klennex blowing my nose and sneezing. Also, I usually can get rid of a cold or flu with herbal teas, but nothing made a dent in this. I tried raw garlic but it seemed to do nothing. After trying for a week everything that usually works on a cold right away, I started taking Oregano Oil and Oregano capsules. I took 2 drops of the oil 3 times a day and 3 of the herbal capsules 3 times a day. The Oregano herbal capsules also have dried garlic and onion powder in them and something called Rhus Coriaria. After taking this for a day or two LOTS of bright orange mucus came out of my sinuses and lungs. It still took a few more days after that to feel completely well, but each day I was finally getting better, not just staying the same or getting worse. You might not want to post the name of the book I found this information in, but it is called "The Cure Is In the Cupboard" by Dr. Cass Ingram. I mention this because Oregano Oil is an essential oil and should not be taken in large amounts. People should really read about it before taking it, and there is a lot of inferior Oregano oil on the market. Also, it is used for many different ailments because it kills fungus, bacteria and viruses and different ailments require different dosages. I found that the best way to take it, at least for me, is to put one drop on my finger, lick it off and have a glass of water standing by. Then I take two big drinks of the water. This oil is HOT! I would not recommend waiting around holding it in your mouth to test just how hot it truly is.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Sandy (Orlando, FL) on 02/19/2007

Hi, I have had a recurring Urinary Tract infection so far 3 times in the past 6 months, to which my Dr has prescribed antibiotics. I felt it coming on and as my Dr was out of town was unable to get my prescription refilled for antibiotics. As I was in a great deal of pain (for 3 days and popping AZO tabs like mints) I was searching the internet for a natural remedy and came across this website. I did the vinegar and baking soda remedy and within a few hours the pain was completely gone and has not returned. I didn't have ACV on hand so I did it with just plain white vinegar (2T), baking soda (1t) and water and added a few drops of cayenne pepper. I am so happy!!! Yesterday I was coming home from a trip a feeling myself coming down with Flu Sx (achy, sore throat, and weak). I took some Advil to get thru the long car trip home. When I got home I was exhausted and went right to bed. When I woke up I felt horrible as I could barely swallow, my ears, and face (sinuses) hurt, as well as achy joints all over. I was eager to try the ACV and baking soda (added cayenne and echinacea drops too) cure and took the first drink at about 3 am. It is now 2pm the next day I have taken about 5 glassfuls and I feel 100% better. I still have very mild tired feeling but all other sx are completely gone. Its amazing!

Parsley and Spinach Tea
Posted by Kathryn (Owings, MD)

Parsley and spinach tea cured mucus dribbling down throat and mucus cough.This cough with mucus can lead to bronchitis. Point is to keep mucous up in head, throat area. Throw bunch parsley and fresh spinach into a quart pot and simmer like a tea. Strain and drink as often as you wish. Will get rid of mucus if no other complication.

Aspirin, Vitamin C
Posted by Diane (Oliver, Pa) on 12/04/2009

I agree with posts about Ted's Aspirin and Vitamin C for flu symptoms.

My husband used it twice when he was attacked by flu symptoms, along with the Lysine that Ted recommended. He didn't follow the instructions that Ted gave correctly, but it did work.

He took 1-1000mg Vitamin C, 1-325mg Aspirin, 1-500mg Lysine, AS SOON AS he felt flu symptoms.

The first time, he didn't need to repeat the dose. The second time it happened, (Several weeks later) he had to take these a second time and it worked like a miracle.

Aspirin, Vitamin C
Posted by David (Huntington Beach, Ca) on 12/03/2009

I'm a Chiropractor in Southern Cal, and want to thank you for this treatment. I have had the chance to use it on about 5 individuals myself and have passed it on to others.

For my family, it has worked like a miracle! A couple of times I have used it when the symptoms first start and it stops it cold!

On two occasions, I had my adult kids (in 20s) come home with terrible body aches, headache and fever. I got them started with aspirin and vitamin C. After the first hour they start doing much better. By the time I hit the 4th dose, its like a miracle.

Be on your guard, because this flu with come back a few times, but the aspirin and vitamin C will get rid of it each time. (325-650 mg aspirin depending on body wt, and 500-1000mg Vitamin C).

I made up a kit of aspirin and vitamin C as well as D3 and put it in a zip-lock bag along with instructions and send it off with my kids if the are off at school or out of town.

The quicker you jump on this treatment, the quicker and better results you will have. If you wait until the fever is full blown, you have a huge viral load to knock down,but it will do it. Be on guard with family and friends and try and start the treatment as soon as it becomes apparent they are getting sick.

God bless Ted and Earth Clinic for your really wonderful help offered the world...you have really made a difference for so many people!

Vitamin D
Posted by Austin (New Bern, Nc) on 11/20/2009

The reason the flu is so rampant during winter is because people tend to stay inside where it's warm! As the flu virus is everywhere, like those commercials which tell us there are over a million types of bacteria in our bathrooms, we are not always sick. The reason is the sun causes our body to create a special Vitamin D which comes from the UV-B rays and this Vitamin D actually seeks to destroy viruses.

The type of vitamin D which can fight viruses can ONLY be made from natural sunlight. It is known as D3, which is made from sunlight when 7-dehydrocholesterol in our skin reacts with UVB light.

Please search youtube.com with such keywords as "sunlight for vitamin d".

Vitamin D
Posted by Devonia (Michie, Tn) on 10/03/2009

Studies have shown that those with higher Vitamin D blood levels are less likely to contract the typical avian influenza most of us are familiar with. This is why most get the flu in the winter and spring, when sunlight and blood Vitamin D levels are at their lowest. The results may be similar for the swine flu.

L-Lysine, Tomato Tea
Posted by Evelyn (Amsterdam, Netherlands) on 09/28/2009


side effects natural flu treatment (lysine, tomato tea)

My mother got the flu (congestion, sore throat) and I started to get a sore throat, so decided to treat us with L-lysine and hot tomato tea. We took 2x 1000mg lysine and 1X1000mg Vitamin C and drank 2-3 mugs of hot tomato tea for four days. I made the tomato tea using tomato puree, some black pepper, hot pepper powder, water, and then heated the mixture with sliced cayenne peppers and put lemon juice and some AVC in it after I Turned off the heat. Twice, I also put in this mixture an avocado and some turmeric (curcuma) powder). This regimen helped to spead up the healing process (or the flu virus is very mild), though did not get rid of the sore throat completely. However, my menstuation became very strong and my 67 years old mother who stopped menstuating 10 years ago had some spotiings. Did anybody of the women who tried L-lysine with tomato tea have simililar experiences?

Tamiflu Ingredients
Posted by Patrick (N.D.) (Chesterfield, England) on 07/15/2009

Tamiflu ingredients:

Oseltamivir phosphate, black iron oxide (E172), Croscarmellose Sodium, FD&C Blue 2 (indigo carmine, E132), Gelatin, Povidone, Pregelatinised maize starch, Red iron oxide (E172), Shellac, Sodium Stearyl Fumarate,Talc,Titanium dioxide (E171) and Yellow iron oxide (E172).

That'll take your mind off the 'flu.

EC: Google "TAMIFLU INGREDIENTS" and you will see some interesting stories!

Tamiflu Ingredients
Posted by Teresa (Nc) on 02/05/2016

The price of Tamiflu will make you even sicker. It set us back $200. Our insurance would not pay a dime for it.

Tamiflu Ingredients
Posted by HS (Florida) on 05/07/2022

In 2022 we have more options! If your doctor will prescribe Tamiflu and your insurance won't cover it or the price is high, look into Mark Cuban's costplusdrugs com, goodrx com, and costco's pharmacy program for costco members. As I check all of these sites today, Cuban's comes in at just $3.59. Keep these sites in mind whenever you are about to fill a prescription.

Ted's Remedies Feedback
Posted by Andrea (Seattle, WA) on 04/25/2009

Ted's Remedies: Thank you so much for this remedy. I have been taking the Lysine by itself 1500 mg 2x day plus a little extra (1000 mg) before sleep and it it getting rid of congestion that I have had from this flu for several weeks now. Everyone I know has come down with this - especially those who have contact with the public as part of their work. I have had to take Excedrin Migraine (4 tabs at a time) for the headaches I'm getting, however it's better than having the congestion. Don't have any peroxide at the moment, will get some soon.

Garlic, Pepper, Chili Pepper
Posted by Brandi (St. Louis, MO) on 11/11/2008

Cough/Sore throat: I have a really bad flu, I read some of the remedies. I didn't have most of the stuff. So I got a mug of hot water, mixed in several shakes of garlic powder, black pepper, and a little bit of the red pepper that comes with your chinese food, swirled it up and am now sipping on it. My throat was really sore, but now only hurts when swallowing. My cough is not as deep anymore. This stuff is gross and spicy, but it is better than nothing. (Or at least better than Dayquil.)

Oregano Oil, Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Liz (Chandler, AZ) on 01/31/2007

I recently got a natural cure for the cold and or flu. Our amazing chiropractor let us in on this secret. When you fist start to feel sick, ie: sore throat, runny nose, etc., take this remedy morning and night after you eat. Get empty gel capsules, the small size. You will also need the liquid form, with droppers, of OIL OF OREGANO and ECHANACHA with GOLDEN SEAL. Put 8 drops of each liquid in capsule and take with a full glass of water. NOTE - you may burp this up a little when you first start, but it just tastes like you ate pizza. Also DO NOT take if you are vomiting! Good Luck. This will make you fell better!

Vitamin C
Posted by Robert (Orlando, FL) on 11/15/2006

Gargle with peroxide first, then take a low dosage CHEWABLE vitamin c tablet (100 mg or 250 mg) place on tongue and leave it there until it dissolves. Don't swallow the tablet. It kept the scratchy throat from turning into a sore throat as well as an illness from coming on full blown. This works if it's caught in time, which is when one first detects a scratchy throat. I believe what it does is send vitamin c directly to the throat area killing the beginnings of an infection at its earliest stages. Another thing that can be done is to take some colloidal silver and put a drop in each nostril, especially after sneezing. The problem with it is that it's hard to verify that it actually DID stop a cold or flu since one can't prove what didn't happen. But it does work on a reliable basis.

Posted by Lucy (Blue Island, IL) on 04/12/2006

Give small amount 3 times a day for 1 to 2 days. Appetite should return. Thought of it because after viral infections my family always eats yogurt which really helps people tolerate food sooner. It worked with my cat, too.

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