Reading the Wheatgrass Book from Ann Wigmore, I want to share with you this incredible discovery :
Page 62
"A few years ago, I ( Ann Wigmore ) asked Dr. GH Earp Thomas of the Bloomfield Laboratories in High Bridge, New Jersey, to do an experiment for me. He placed a small amount of wheatgrass juice in a jar of regular tap water and he tested it for fluoride and other chemicals present in the water...
Both of us were surprised by the results!
He concluded, "Fluorine rapidly combines with calcium phosphate and other kinetic elements to lose its toxic properties, and harden teeth and bones. that is why fresh grass would act as a catalyst to speedily change the acid fluorine into a beneficial component with a positive reaction...
By using wheatgrass, which is comparatively rich in calcium phosphate, it would remove any free fluoric acid and change its negative charge to an alkaline calcium phosphate fluoride combination with a positive reaction"
I was amazed (Ann Wingmore )
not only did wheatgrass neutralize the toxic effect of fluorine but it converted it into an ally in maintaining healthy bones and teeth! I don't recommend that you drink tap water, though; pure spring or purified water taste better and is much better for you. But if you cannot obtain spring or purified water, pour a little wheatgrass juice into regular tap water, and it will make it more healthful..."
book info: The Wheatgrass Book: How to Grow and Use Wheatgrass to Maximize Your Health and Vitality (Avery Health Guides)
Author: Ann Wingmore
Fluoride Poisoning Symptoms
Go ahead and research that this link is truth and not some conspiracy theory. Check out U.S. Patent #5242820.
Thanks to all for the info on Borax and related.
Fluoride Poisoning Symptoms
Borax and Sea Salt
Borax and Sea Salt
Aloe Vera Juice
"Boron effectively counteracts symptoms of fluoride intoxication in humans (Zhou et al. 1987) and in experimentally poisoned rabbits (Elsair et al. 1980a, 1980b, 1981). Men suffering from skeletal fluorosis experienced 50 to 80% improvement after drinking solutions containing 300 to 1,100 mg of borax/L daily, 3 weeks a month for 3 months (Zhou et al. 1987). Boron enhances sequestration of fluoride from bone and excretion through kidneys and possibly the intestinal tract (Elair et al. 1980a, 1981)"
Many of these research are not well known in U.S., but it's there if you dig hard enough. The details of research description regarding the experiment is no longer found in webpages however, I still have the references material based on that reading here.
P.S. Boron is found in borax. Sometimes I use the word boron to emphasize that there is boron in borax. Borax is a compound form of boron, with oxygen and sodium attached.
Journal of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. 74, Issue 2, 235-238, 1942 Copyright %uFFFD 1942 by American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
1 From the Department of Entomology, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The fluoborates when fed in powdered form were found to be non-toxic to both rats and insects. In solution enough fluorine is liberated to produce toxic effects.
Both aluminum sulphate and hydrated lime are capable of saving animals from a lethal dose of sodium fluoride when mixed with the latter. Boric acid also has some value as an antidote through the formation of a fluoborate. The aluminum sulphate forms cryolite which was found to be much less toxic. When aluminum sulphate is mixed with the sodium fluoride and used as a roach powder, a lower kill is obtained than with sodium fluoride alone.
January 2002, Volume 56, Number 1, Pages 82-85 Table of contents Previous Article Next [PDF]
Original Communication Effect of tamarind ingestion on fluoride excretion in humans
A L Khandare, G S Rao and N Lakshmaiah
National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad, India
Correspondence to: A L Khandare, National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Jamai Osmania PO, Hyderabad 500 007, AP, India. E-mail: [email protected]
Research on Tamarind and Fluoride Removal:
Objective: To evaluate the effect of tamarind (Tamarindus indicus) ingestion on excretion of fluoride in school children.
Design: Randomized, diet-control study.
Subject: Twenty healthy boys were included and 18 of them completed the study.
Interventions: Each subject consumed 10 g tamarind daily with lunch for 18 days at the social welfare boys' hostel. The nutrient composition of the daily diet was constant throughout the experimental period.
Results: Tamarind intake led to significant increase (P<0.001) in the excretion of fluoride in 24 h urine (4.8%uFFFD0.22 mg/day) as compared to excretion on control diet (3.5%uFFFD0.22 mg/day). However, excretion of magnesium and zinc decreased significantly (7.11%uFFFD1.48 mg of Mg and 252.88%uFFFD12.84 %uFFFDg of Zn per day on tamarind diet as compared to 23.39%uFFFD3.68 mg of Mg and 331.78%uFFFD35.31 %uFFFDg Zn per day on control diet). Excretion of calcium and phosphorous were not significantly different while creatinine excretion decreased with tamarind intake (225.66%uFFFD81 mg creatinine/day with tamarind and 294.5%uFFFD78.76 mg creatinine/day without tamarind).
Conclusion: Tamarind intake is likely to help in delaying progression of fluorosis by enhancing urinary excretion of fluoride.
Sponsorship: National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India (ICMR).
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2002) 56, 82-85. DOI: 10.1038/sj/ejcn/1601287
Please see references material attached, especially:
1: Z Gesamte Hyg. 1977 Jan;23(1):14-20. Links [Results of animal experimental studies on rabbits with sodium fluoride and the effect of antidotes] [Article in German]
Baer HP, Bech R, Franke J, Grunewald A, Kochmann W, Melson F, Runge H, Wiedner W.
PMID: 842048 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Here is the research material on the fluoride antidote using boron:
Fluoride 1981; 14(1):21-29
Boron as antidote to fluoride: effect on bones and claws in subacute intoxication of rabbits
Elsair J, Merad R, Denine R, Azzouz M, Khelfat K, Hamrour M, Alamir B, Benali S, Reggabi M
Laboratories of Physiology, Toxicology and Galenic Pharmacy, Medical Institute, Algiers, Algeria
Summary: Rabbits were "subacutely" intoxicated by administration of 30 mg/kg/day of fluoride for 3 months followed by 15 mg/kg/day for a subsequent 3 months (F). Boron was given alone (B) as preventive and simultaneously with fluoride prophylactically (F Bp), as well as therapeutically namely midway during the experimental period (F Bpc) while fluoride was being administered and after it was discontinued (Bc compared with fluoirde interuption F*), at a constant F/B ratio. All groups were compared to normal controls.
Boron administered during fluoride intoxication or after its interruption, reduces fluoremia and increases urinary fluoride excretion. Skeletal fluoride levels are directly relatd to those of claws. They bear no relationship to fluoride in hair. The high fluoride content in bone in lot F decreases with addition of boron. It is still high in lot F* but returns to normal in loc Bc. Calcium content of bones remains normal in all lots. Posterior pad radiography shows a cortical thickness in lot F which is less pronounced in lots F Bpc and F*, and returns to normal in lot Bc.
There is also a dog study that showed increase fluoride excretion despite the high fluoride of the tamarind, to cause fluoride deposited in the bones to be removed and helped avoid fluorosis. Of course, I am a bit of a purist and prefer the borax remedy without the fluoride binding, and allow the boron itself to bind the fluoride when it is taken for the fluoride removal process. Some people may lean with more natural products such as taking tamarind might be ideal in case of a food poisoning or fluorosis, provided of course tamarind are easy to find.
Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
I take glucophage (2,000 mg/day). Tried to get off it and was totally out of control. Cholesterol, triglycerides and weight went up.
Just discovered my 2 quarts of strong tea day might not be good. Ugh! So, I started drinking more water. We've had a Big Berkey for over two years. Oh, and a few weeks ago, I began eating apples almost daily. I have since learned that they detox fluoride.
Suddenly, after a year, I am feeling awful. Palpitations occuring almost daily started two weeks ago, joint pains and weakness this week. I added Coral Calcium for the heart rhythm, figuring it was from the pcos.
I have most of the symptoms of finally detoxing and want to know how to abate the feeling of being sick, weak, achy, and the stiff neck. Does it usually take this long to start detoxing fluoride? How long will it take once it starts one has been heavily exposed for 40 plus years?
What was very interesting to me was the list of symptoms of fluoride toxicity. In my late 30s, I suddenly developed interstitial cystitis which was treated as a repeated bladder infection, but I discovered it was an allergy to sulfates. My husband and I suddenly became sensitive/allergic to many things in our late 30s. We have many toxicity symptoms
I also have scoliosis and was fused using C-D rods at 26. (I sound like a mess.). Recently, I learned that while I have no arthritis in any joint (a miracle considering I was a child gymnast and rode/trained horses for almost 40 years). But, my lumbar discs are degenerating and I have stenosis and bone spurs. All of these are symptoms of fluoride toxicity. Will getting the fluoride out help the discs or are they done?
When I discovered the truth about fluoride (4 years ago), my brain was foggyand I couldn't find even simple words. I am much better since finding the right iodine. I make my own toothpaste and even laundry soap with pure water, and have tried to reduce the amount of fluoride exposure. But, I keep finding more avenuesmthey use to get it in us!
Finally, I wanted to let you know that while I was researching another topic, I found evidence that, after WWII, the U.S. Government discovered the use of fluoride in Nazi Germany to control the population, especially in the camps. By the mid-50s, fluoride was being added to water supplies here. This is how I discovered how bad fluoride is.
If you know how to mitigate the symptoms of cleansing and how long it may take, please let me know.
Thank you!
Complaints from Consumer Affairs
I would simply find a good clean bottled source of mineral water and just use that.
Alkalizing your body and also drinking borax water(as recommended on EC) and supplementing lugols iodine will all help to remove the fluoride. Supplementing 10% sodium thiosulfate -- 6 drops in a glass of water per day -- will help you to neutralize the chlorine and will also help to detox heavy metals from your body.
Fluoride in Water
Also Berkey Water Filters with PF-2 Filters are very effective with a great reputation
Organic Sulfur
Fluoride Test Kits
Cilantro Pesto
1 clove garlic
1/2 cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves (and smaller stems)
2 tablespoons lemon juice (a professional chef recommends just one Tbl of lemon juice)
6 tablespoons olive oil
Celtic Sea Salt to taste
Blend the cilantro and olive oil in a blender, add other ingredients to make a nice smooth paste, then go ahead and add some nuts and/or seeds: pistachio, cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, you name it. Have fun. Add it to your favorite pasta and serve warm or cold. Remember, cayenne pepper added to anything has a synergistic effect, making all the other ingredients work better. Simple fact.
As an aside most labs don't check for fluoride levels in humans. Fluoride also damages the thyroid.
How many spray do I need each time for a glass of water?
If you are lacking Magnesium, take 10 drops(with a dropper) of magnesium oil in a glass of water twice a day. When your stool suddenly becomes loose, this will be magnesium saturation, so cut back to about 10 drops per day(or whatever suits you) in a glass of water. This is called titrating the dose. You can also spray the Mag Oil all over your body and it will be absorbed in greater amounts through the skin than via ingestion and absorbtion through the intestines. You can also reach higher levels of Magnesium in the blood transdermally without the problems of loose stools -- the kidneys should easily be able to get rid of any excess levels of magnesium in the blood without problems.
I have been adding baking soda directly to the apple cider vinegar until stop fizzle or close to it, then I add the water last. Is the wrong way? or does it matter?
You do it how you want!! I prefer just to add water to the ACV to half glass then add the Baking soda bit by bit until no fizz. Then I add a bit more Baking Soda afterwards to ensure the solution is buffered and alkaline and then I drink it. ACV plus baking soda alkalizes the intracellular environment whereas extra Baking Soda works to alkalize the blood. But that's just my way...
I've been eating a healthy diet for about 15 years - whole grains, use honey, no white sugar, brown rice, more raw veggies & fruits (organic as much as can afford), etc. Another change we made all those years ago as well was to purchase a water filter. BUT, ours does not filter fluoride.... So all these years I've been faithful about drinking lots of water, I'm also getting the toxic fluoride. I've had muscle weakness, pain joint, etc. So, now I'm ready to try the Borax.
Where did you get that load of bullocks about green tea? Green tea is suggested by both Bill & Ted here at EC for helping rid the body of heavy metals. Now, I agree that not all green tea is created equal but for you to post here & tell people not to use it for detox is wrong!
I only buy organic green tea myself. That's the safest & best way to drink it. Just take a look at the information from the site mainly posted by Ted & Bill in regards to green tea. Your information is not correct! Thanks!
Ted quotes:
"Tea is naturally high in fluoride so adding some borax will negate this effect."
"I take green tea myself and aware of some of the pitfalls. However, I take the necessary precautions, while avoiding white bread and white flour use, as well as taking some kelp, seaweed or even using iodine as a mouthwash to prevent the problems of iodine deficiency. "
"However, I always add a tiny pinch of borax, as some green tea may have fluoride and this aids in the removal."
S.T. can be purchased at local or online fish & aquarium or swimming pool supply stores as a commercial grade "de-chlorinator".
Activated Charcoal
Activated Charcoal
There only 2 ways to remove fluoride from your water. One is Reverse Osmosis which some systems claim to remove up to 98%. However this process wastes a lot of water as well as demineralizing it completely. And if you choose R.O. then you need to be sure to add a device that can replace the essential trace minerals.
The other is by using one of 2 filter substrates...Activated Alumina or Bone-Char Carbon (Crushed and Burned Animal Bones). They are much more cost efficient than R.O. systems and can remove virtally all detectable levels of fluoride through a process known as ADSORPTION. By possessing a positive (+) charge they actually attractive the negatively (-) charged fluorine ions. There are various companies out there that manufacture whole house or shower and undersink systems that use either Alumina or Bone-Char Carbon. I would recommend the latter because Alumina, though equally effective, will put trace amounts of aluminum into your water which, though not as destructive as fluoride to your central nervous & endocrine systems, is considered, itself, to be a heavy metal and can also be neuro-toxic over time.
Activated Charcoal
Anyway, we have "good" water but, nevertheless, I've been collecting and gathering bits and pieces of old unglazed terracotta and was particularly excited by the appearance of an antique brick that came to the surface in my lawn. ROFL!
Multiple Remedies
I found this site a month ago looking for an answer to neck, shoulder and arm pain. I've always had problems in this area but for the last 6 months it was chronic, and had spasmed- leaving me unable to move at times.
After reading the EC fluoride page I now know what the problem is. I've always lived with fluoridated water, and as a child was given fluoride tablet supplements. I have had problems with brain fog, indigestion, muscle and joint pain, and tiredness, for a long time, but they have all become really noticeable lately, yes I turned 50 last year. I drink a lot of water, so I bought a bench top filter (have ordered a fluoride filter module). The first thing I noticed was that the filtered water doesn't burn my throat when I drink it and I don't burp afterwards. I presume that burning is the taste of chlorine.
Here is my diary for the last 4 weeks, I think it is a testament to the EC site , everything I have done I found here:
I took Magnesium and Vitamin C for the shoulder, neck pain .. remarkable, within 2 hours the pain was subsiding, within 24 hours 95% gone. I continued with magnesium and Vit C every day for a week or so. And have weekly professional massages but with coconut oil. I still have some stiffness when I turn my neck too far either way, but at least I can turn it.
My Indigestion: Occasional burning, (especially at night), but chronic burping, all the time. (I use no white flour, sugar, etc that helps a lot, but still burp, burp, burp.)
I Tried Apple Cider Vinegar, a small dash in water throughout the day, but after 2 days this set my teeth on edge.
I Tried it with the Baking Soda. Same thing.
Tried Baking Soda and Citric Acid .. Same thing.
Finally gritted my teeth and tried the lemon juice/baking soda method (the thought of it made my stomach heave) -. remarkable. It was like somebody opened a window and let the fog out --I'm talking within minutes -- and the burping stopped. I was expecting to burp for hours, but nothing, and my stomach felt relaxed, my whole body sighed with relief. Am taking it 2 x day.
I also tried Castor Oil packs on an area central just below the breast bone, that was sore to touch and hard. I put the pack on the spot with a heat bag at night before I went to sleep at about 12pm and took it off at 3 am toilet visit. I did that 2 nights, and both times, the next day, at about 10am I felt a strange trickling feeling from that sore point, and I felt nauseous until I had something to eat. It doesn't feel swollen or sore any more. I don't pretend to know what it was, but it worked and feels good.
Last week, I had a foul, metallic taste in my mouth. I was using Cilantro (made into pesto, with olive oil, sea salt, lemon juice, sunflower seeds, blended till fine). Having that 2 or 3 times a day, and also taking Lecithin granules. I suppose I was taking too much. Couldn't work out why my mouth tasted so foul, I had a look at my tongue in the mirror and got such a fright, it was green. Then I realised that it was probably the "Living Green Drink" I'd also been using to try and get more greens into my diet. Ha Ha. It also makes my stomach feel good.
The metallic taste settled down after a couple of days. I've since noticed that you say to use the Cilantro every other day. Was my using it every day what caused the metallic taste do you think?
About 2 weeks ago I noticed a large mass in my right breast. It was hot to touch and sweating, but there was no sign of infection, no redness or swelling. It appeared from nowhere, I've never had breast lumps. I presume it is a calcium deposit caused by the magnesium? I have wondered about too much calcium in my system, I have arthritis in my knees and ankles. A bone density test I did once, showed readings so high they were off the chart.
This mass is getting smaller. I am continuing with the lemon/baking soda, do I do that until it has disappeared? Do I still take it 2 x day everyday? I have stopped the Magnesium, is that right or will I continue with that also, if so how much and how often? I want to start to using a mineral supplement, instead of just plain Magnesium. Should I find one without Calcium? Have also started taking Vitamin E 500 iu x 3 day.
Also, you talk about your Miracle Water and broad parameters. I started my menstrual cycle again, I haven't had one for 6 months. It lasted 9 days, a long time for me. Not heavy, but annoying. I tried 1 tblspn of coconut oil twice a day. Still bleeding. Tried Evening Primerose Oil. Same thing. I was starting to worry, It seemed strange that it started out of nowhere? Today I took apple cider vinegar. A dash in water, it went down a treat. (No burning or burping). An hour or so later, took a bigger dash in water, and the bleeding has stopped. Yea! Does this sound right? As I said I haven't had one for 6 months, and I have no other menopause symptoms. It will be interesting to see if they continue to be regular after using the Miracle Water.
I hope you can find the time to answer my questions, I would really appreciate it.
Also, you should think seriously about documenting all your trials and successes in a book. Your years of work and experiences are important. I also believe that if we looked long and hard enough at you, we may be able to see a pair of wings attached to your back. Your are a blessing and are at-one with the angels!
Kindest Regards.
EC: Sue, thank you so much for this extremely detailed feedback!
Wheatgrass Juice
Reading the Wheatgrass Book from Ann Wigmore, I want to share with you this incredible discovery :
Page 62
"A few years ago, I ( Ann Wigmore ) asked Dr. GH Earp Thomas of the Bloomfield Laboratories in High Bridge, New Jersey, to do an experiment for me. He placed a small amount of wheatgrass juice in a jar of regular tap water and he tested it for fluoride and other chemicals present in the water...
Both of us were surprised by the results!
He concluded, "Fluorine rapidly combines with calcium phosphate and other kinetic elements to lose its toxic properties, and harden teeth and bones. that is why fresh grass would act as a catalyst to speedily change the acid fluorine into a beneficial component with a positive reaction...
By using wheatgrass, which is comparatively rich in calcium phosphate, it would remove any free fluoric acid and change its negative charge to an alkaline calcium phosphate fluoride combination with a positive reaction"
I was amazed (Ann Wingmore )
not only did wheatgrass neutralize the toxic effect of fluorine but it converted it into an ally in maintaining healthy bones and teeth! I don't recommend that you drink tap water, though; pure spring or purified water taste better and is much better for you. But if you cannot obtain spring or purified water, pour a little wheatgrass juice into regular tap water, and it will make it more healthful..."
book info: The Wheatgrass Book: How to Grow and Use Wheatgrass to Maximize Your Health and Vitality (Avery Health Guides)
Author: Ann Wingmore
Could both problems be caused by the known chemical reaction between fluoride and dairy? Some ice cream must be processed with fluoridated water problems. And the best selling brands are probably processed at more than one plant. Perhaps some are on fluoridated waterlines and some aren't...
This might explain the hit and miss aspect of both problems i.e. why some get fibromyalgia and/or sinus infections and some don't.
Calcium reduces the amount of fluoride that is absorbed by the body but dairy products are contra-indicated for fibromyalgia sufferers. So, where are they getting their calcium? What about blackstrap molasses? Non-dairy PLUS lots of calcium.
I also found that activated charcoal won't bind fluoride but DE (diatomaceous earth) does.
This all seems garbled but I'm going to send it anyway. Could be important.
EC: Cindy is referring to the feedback on the ice cream and sinus infections page here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/sinus_infections_and_ice_cream.html
Fluoride Tea
EC: Hi Martina, we just found it on kroegerherb here...It's the 5th one on the page called FRD.