Food Intolerances
Natural Remedies

Cure Food Intolerances Naturally

| Modified on Dec 01, 2024
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Natural Remedies to Cure Food Intolerances

The difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance is that the former involves an immune response. Food intolerance primarily concerns the digestive system. However, the digestive system is closely tied to our immune system and all the rest of the body's organs and functions, so the symptoms can be very similar.

"Food intolerance or food sensitivity is a negative reaction to a food that may or may not be related to the immune system or to food poisoning. It can be caused by the absence of specific chemicals or enzymes needed to digest a food substance, or to the body's responses to certain food constituents (chemicals) both natural or artificial.

Symptoms of food intolerance vary greatly, and can be mistaken for the symptoms of a food allergy. While true allergies are associated with fast-acting immunoglobulin IgE responses, it can be difficult to determine the offending food causing an intolerance because if the immune system is involved, the response is likely to be IgG mediated and takes place over a prolonged period of time. Thus the causative agent and the response are separated in time, and may not be obviously related. A deficiency in digestive enzymes can also cause some types of food intolerances. Lactose intolerance is a result of the body not producing enough lactase used to break down the lactose in milk. Gluten intolerance results in damage to villi in the small intestine, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb water and nutrients from foods. Another type of food intolerance is an intolerance to food chemicals such as salicylates or salicylate sensitivity. Salicylates are chemicals that can occur naturally in many foods. Salicylate sensitivity causes many symptoms the most common of which are: hives, stomach pain, head aches, mouth ulcers, and it has even been linked to ADD and ADHD." (Wikipedia)

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Acne: Blood Test for Food Intolerances

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Les (Athens, Greece) on 12/03/2007

For acne, the best solution is having a blood test for food intolerances. Then completely cut out the foods you are intolerant to. It takes less than a week to see results. It took me years of struggling to finally discover this simple solution. I hope this helps people.

Replied by CC
(San Diego, CA)

I learned years ago my acne was caused by my intolerance to all dairy which is hard to avoid, if I take a potent digestive enzymes with my meal I don't break out.

Beer, Wine

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Posted by Michele L (Wolcott, Ct) on 12/23/2014

Hi Randall,

You may indeed be allergic to the sulfites in the wine, they are notorious for causing all kinds of immune responses. I get hive from them. But I did find that Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can eliminate the sulfites in wine. I found this product called SO2GO from New Zealand, which comes in measured doses, and you can add it to qlass or a bottle of wine and it neutralizes the sulfites. Now I have purchased a bottle of this food grade hydrogen peroxide and I am washing my fruits and vegetables with it, before consumption to eliminate any sulfite residue that may be on the skin and it seems to work. I have not had an outbreak in months and I can enjoy wine again. They do make wine with "no detectable sulfites" but the choice is minimal. Hope this helps.

Beer, Wine
Posted by Randall (Oakland, Ca, Usa) on 01/26/2012

This may seem like a ridiculous question but I am trying to find away to be able to continue to enjoy a few glasses of organic wine or a high quality beer a night without the adverse health effects that I experience. For the past 8 years when I drink alcohol I am almost always unable to sleep that evening. I get rapid heart beats, palpitations, racing thoughts, difficulty breathing, anxiety, pulsations and other upsetting symptoms. When I wake in the morning I feel like I am lucky to have survived.

I am 40 years old, currently have minor mitral valve prolapse and I think that I may be allergic to alcohol. This is unfortunate since I have been drinking regularly for twenty plus years, never get "drunk" and really enjoy drinking. Drinking for me is something that helps me to "lighten up, " relax, quiet my mind, reduce anxiety, get present and enjoy myself. I like the lifestyle and the taste. Despite the terrible negative consequences I have continued to drink moderately hoping that "this time it will be different. " I have tried various supplements, drink lots of water but does not seem to help. Very frustrating that I cannot be like so many others who seem to drink without issue. After being up all last night with terrible symptoms (pulsations, heart rate raised, racing thoughts) my wife has said to me that she cannot stand to watch me suffer like this any more.

I probably should say goodbye to my love affair with beer and wine but before I do I was wondering if anyone knew of anything I could try and/or take that may mitigate the symptoms that I experience after drinking alcohol? Thank you for any guidance.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Randall, if you've never done a gallbladder cleanse, I would recommend one as you may not have sufficient bile flow; adding alcohol only toxifies the liver which would explain all your negative side effects. After a successful cleanse, go thru one bottle: Milk Thistle Seed (Sylamarin), Soy or Sun Lecithin (softgels), Flush Free Niacin, Zinc. Use as directed on labels.

This should restore your detoxification system. Report results.

Replied by Lanos
(So. Calif, Usa)

Randall, you might have an allergic reaction to the sulfites that have to be added to most wines as a preservative.. Some stores, such as Whole Foods Market, carry natural wines w/o sulfites. I hope this info helps you.

Replied by Randall
(Oakland, Usa)

Gallbladder cleanse? I have not thought of this. Thanks for the tip. I will give it a try. The kinds of cleanses I read about through the link you provide seem really intense, but maybe I can find one that is not as extreeme. Thank you for the ray of hope!

Also, thank you for the tip on sulfite free wine. I have tried that and often drink sake for this reason. Sake seems to not effect me as much but the other night I had a half a bottle of sulfite free organic red wine and was up most of the night with negative symptoms. Very frustrating. Thank you though for your response!

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Randall, why don't you try making your own wine. Very easy to do and no preservatives.

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Randall, People with mitral valve prolapse have this problem with alcohol. Some can have one or even two drinks with no problems but no more so try just one and see if you get the reaction. If you google alcohol and fast heart rate you will find many folk who have mitral valve prolapse or are recommended to get tested for it. Magnesium & CoQ10 are worth supplementing for mitral valve prolapse. The ayurvedic herb arjuna is also great for the heart.

Also some people with mvp have found they need to learn to address their stress as it is not good for the mvp. There are many things to help you with stress and reduce anxiety instead of alcohol such as: ashwagandha; tulsi (also known as holy basil and is also good for the heart); 5htp; Vit B's; Vit D (sun) and others.

There are many successful remedies on the following pages:

Replied by Maggie

Your symptoms sound like Histamine Intolerance! Read up on it.


Maggie, I know this is from four years ago. But it is the first time I have seen anything talking about histamine intolerance. Wondering if anyone here has seen any results from natural health on healing from this or at least getting it in remission?


Laura, I found out that high histamine is caused by lowB6, B12 and B9 or folate. I have upped all of them. I also take Hista aid from a pump bottle. No problem with histamines since.

Brown Rice Diet

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Maria (Canberra Australia) on 06/18/2018

Years ago, I suddenly developed oral allergy syndrome and found that I couldn't eat raw fruit or veg fact I almost went into anaphylactic shock from a carrot juice until I vomited it up. There was some relief from charcoal, but until I found a cure, I cooked everything.

Eventually I freed myself from this allergy by adding half a cup of cooked brown rice to my diet every day for six weeks. It's a medicine. I like to cook it 40 minutes. Good in smoothies, salads, soups it can be added to everything and because it seems to boost my immune system, I still eat brown rice at least once a week.

Dietary Changes

Posted by Melinda (Alberta, Canada ) on 02/05/2021

I was wondering if this might be a good thing to try for my allergies? I have had them all of my life! Started as a baby, allergic to milk! Seasonal allergies to not exactly sure, but they have most certainly changed over the years. Gotten worse, not better! I currently have 3 different types of allergy meds that I alternate. I constantly have watery eyes, sometimes to the point it makes it hard to see and for the last 6 or 7 years, a skin itch!! I'm now 44 and the hormonal thing I'm going through is most definitely playing a part. Probably always has. I waited a year to see an allergy specialist, and to which I tested hyper- sensitive to everything they tested me for.

A year's wait only to be told to include kombucha in my diet and that it was probably stemming from my allergy to milk. I don't drink milk, can't digest it, but I do eat milk products. Cheese, ice cream occasionally, creamer in my coffee and probably more than that as it is hidden in a lot of foods. Also I have developed an egg allergy. Now I can eat eggs as long as the yolk is cooked hard. But a runny yolk gives me the same pain as a glass of white milk would. That tells me it's probably a protein structure type deal that my body has a very hard time dealing with!!

But my fear is that I'll become immune to these allergy pills and then what? I scratch my skin off?? That's how bad the skin itch gets. And that has happened to me already, when the tops of my feet get itchy, I scratch until they bleed! Hoping for some type of resolution!!

Replied by Mama

Dear Melinda,

My family has found nettle to be very helpful for allergies, including ones that cause itchy skin rashes. While tea and tincture are effective, a couple of capsules of nettle leaf morning and evening have made a huge difference, especially when taken long term. (Long term, but not forever. A year of faithful nettle seemed to heal two of my children with allergies/asthma.) Nettle has not only provided relief on a short term basis, I think it has helped in long term healing. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, also. Is it possible you have a histamine intolerance? Kombucha would be contraindicated, if so, I believe. Plenty of water and some daily exercise can also be a help in allowing your body get rid of what is irritating it.

I hope you find something that helps you!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)

I have been where you are . I have learned a few things over the years while trying to find answers. First, stress causes the body to produce cortisol from the adrenal glands above the kidneys. To produce this hormone the body must gather resources to get you ready to run from the bear. Some people are always in fight or flight syndrome as their subconscious was programmed from the womb to age 7. A person would have to be intentionally reprogrammed to change the program. The subconscious does not sleep and runs 24/7 . Most of who we are is the subconscious program and about 5 percent of who we are is our making efforts to change course. I choose to drink two cups full of water that I leave out for one hour to let the chlorine dissipate before I ingest it. Chlorine interferes with Iodine and affects the thyroid gland, our master hormone. I use a couple drops of iodine on my skin daily. If you are in menopause you can apply those in the vagina to reset the ovaries. Well, then I think about resetting my brain and I use this program for ADD and Dyslexia for 20 minutes, the reviewers all say it has changed their lives.

ADD/ADHD Intense Relief - Extended, ADHD Focus Music, ADHD Music Therapy, Isochronic Tones - YouTube

Then there is the hydration system in our bodies that consist of a water / mineral balance and when it gets out of balance the body sends out histamine to warn us. A lot of sickness is caused from this histamine warning signal. To shut of the histamine you have to figure out what mineral or water is too much or too little in balance with the others. Most medicine has an anti histamine in it to treat the symptoms but not the imbalance.

Then their is fats. Your liver needs healthy fats to make bile to digest the minerals and the fats also help the liver absorb fat soluble vitamins ACDEF and K . Most people don't eat K and silica and then they can't utilize calcium or vitamin D . The body is like an orchestra and needs everything orderly to make beautiful music. Calcium goes in soft tissues when you take get boron and I use borax for that . Most people have calcium stuck in soft tissue and using borax makes it come out and can cause kidney liver or bladder stones and Chanca piedra is an herb nicknamed stonebreaker to break those up. I learned the hard way of course. Magnesium is a mineral with hundreds of functions in the body and when your stress uses it up or drains it then you can be very unhappy. Calcium and magnesium work together to pump the heart and help the lungs.

Cortisol can also be the cause of lack of digestion because if you plan to run from the bear your body is not going to be wasting time digesting food. I love Eric Berg on you tube teach about gut health.

Hopefully I have helped clear up a few things . Blessings, charity

Replied by Bindi
(Green Brook NJ)

I got relief for some seasonal allergy issues with D-HIst or other natural supplements for histamine intolerances, mast cell activation.

Replied by Philippa

Hi there, Mama, so sorry to hear about your problems. I am 56 and have developed numerous allergies over the last few years.

I second Melinda, Nettles, preferably fresh, or dried are brilliant to resolve rashes and histamine problems. They contain quercetin which is an anti-histamine and they are our go to solution.

Hope this helps.

Egg Allergy

Posted by Matthew365 (Cutler, Il, USA) on 12/01/2024

I started in my middle 20s. I noticed with egg noodles and then moved on to all eggs. I can eat things made with eggs but no eggs cooked, like egg sandwiches(yum), deviled eggs, or hard-boiled eggs (my Easter favorite). It does run in the family, but while my daughter was pregnant, her allergy was set aside. Three kids later, she tells me it comes and goes.

Eliminate Soy

Posted by Shery (Key West, Florida, Usa) on 08/29/2010

I eliminated all soy based products from my diet, like tofu, miso soup, soybean oil, soy lecithin and any foods that contained anything with the word soy in it. I did this to see if it was the culprit of gastro-intestinal problems, but lo and behold, I started noticing that my face was clearing up. All my pimples went away! I think I have a soy allergy and never knew it. Now if I get a pimple, I think to myself, "what did I eat to have caused this?" and sure enough, I ate something with soy and didn't realize it. Like, Pop Tarts for instance, they have some soy ingredients, as well as breads and mayonnaise. You have to experiment with your level of tolerance. Chemical residue is left behind when they extract soybean products with Hexane, it doesn't surprise me that eliminating it will help balance your body chemistry.

Replied by Bill
(Springfield, Va, United States)

Not all soy is harmful. If soy has been fermented for a few years or longer, it is very healthful. If not fermented, it is always harmful. The Japanese people always consume only soy that has been fermented for awhile. Be sure to check out Soy Alert! on the Weston A. Price website.

Replied by Dthales
(Ogden, Utah)

Most soy in the USA is the genetically engineered type that is patented because it is super hardy and resists weeds so well. Problem is it introduced new proteins into the soy that were never there before. You body sees these protiens as invaders and thus you have an allergic reaction. Seems like 90% of products have soy in them these days and 90% of them use the abundant genetically modified "super soy". If you can find old school soy, the kind that's been around for thousands of years, then you could try that and see if you get an allergic reaction.

Replied by Jason7305
(Ventura, Ca, Usa)

Organic soy is fine. No GMO's, pesticides, chemicals etc. My family and I never eat nor drink any soy products unless it's organic, or non GMO. We are all healthy! We have entirely replaced milk, which we've drank all our lives, with soy 2 years ago.

General Feedback

Posted by Bluscarlet (Smyrna, De) on 01/17/2013

I have had gluten and dairy intolerances for the past 3 years, I try to stay off them, but have a incredibly hard time. Has anyone found a cure to these?

Replied by Anon

Hi, try not keeping gluten or dairy at home. Another thing may help is just allowing a little at weekends only. Watch yourself for any reaction.

Replied by Goldencat
(Akron, Oh)

I find I can tolerate grass-grazed, organic, non-homogenized cow's milk without the problems of conventional dairy: internal itching of ears, sinus congestion, postnasal drip, abdominal cramps and nausea. Simply organic cow's milk is less tolerated but still can use in small amounts (a few tbsp in a mug of oatmeal, or in my coffee) - I experience more congestion than on grassfed milk, but not the other awful symptoms. Goat's milk is okay too, in moderation. Milk is known to cause congestion/mucus, in western and Chinese medicine. Raw milk cheese may be acceptable too. Some people can tolerate soft "fresh" cheeses that are not aged, like mozzarella and common queso (simple pressed curds). Aged cheeses can affect you differently - I find a tiny bit of cheddar causes a headache, but I can have several slices of muenster and feel fine. Also, a digestive enzyme may help, if that's a weak part of your assimilation maybe the proteins are not getting broken down enough.

Replied by Andrea C

A lot of organic dairy herds are fed on grains, not grass and this will cause big problems especially to people with Gluten Intolerance. I would look in to Gluten Intolerance if I were you, as grains are found in loads of thing's and especially organic practice, as well as non organic. Always read the labels on EVERYTHING. Non organic ingredients are also permitted by law to be put in food labeled as 'Organic' and if an Organic raised animal is fed on grains, it will affect you as you still get the Lectin's associated with Gluten Intolerance by eating grain-fed animals. Love Andrea C xxxxx


Posted by Linda (Dublin) on 11/14/2010

Has anybody heard of histaminosis? I think I might suffer from it after a bit of research. Im curious if its out there as a condition.

Nightshade Fruits and Vegetables

Posted by Jasmine (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 08/28/2010

I saw lots of information about this Nightshade fruits & vegetables on the net. These Nightshade fruits and vegetables are the main cause of illness like Arthritis for some people. Some people are really allergic to it but they don't know about it. These Nightshade fruits & vegetables dominate our groceries these days. Probably the reason why people are sicker than ever. There are over 250 kinds of fruits & vegetables that are Nightshade mainly because they contain Solanine and can be grown at night. Examples are potatoes, tomatoes, capsicums, eggplant, okra, strawberry etc. However blueberry does not grow at night but it is considered as Nightshade fruit because it contains Solanine. No wonder, some oncologist treating their cancer patients tell them to avoid Nightshade fruits & vegetables.

Replied by Rhyannon
(Lousiville, Ky. Usa)

Thank you for posting these comments. I am healing myself of overweight and arthritis: gave up msg/free glutamates, opioid peptides [cow dairy and gluten] to great success... But pain remained. Added turmeric 3 mos. ago, and eliminated nightshades in the last month. [all from google-ing, using intuition.]. It has helped immeasurably, the tide turned with solanine. I notice you say there are 250 items that contain solanine, in whatever name/form. Could you please post a link to this list at your convenience. My acquired list is about 50 items. Thank you endlessly.

Replied by Lucy
(Chester Uk, Uk)

I also am affected by raw tomatoes and msg as these will cause crippling symptoms, also a while ago I bought vit d3 tablets thinking they would do me good but I was crippled in the morning and I looked up norman childers and vit d3 and he mentioned about it containing a substance that is in the deadly nightshade family and this crippled cattle when d3 was given to them. I am otherwise fine when I dont eat these. I ate cous cous the other week and this created problems too. What we dont know may be killing us.

Replied by Miriam
(Rockville, Indiana)

I am interested in your list, I am very sick and have lost 30#. How can I get the list?

Replied by M.a.
(Phoenix, Az)

I had severe stomach issues that caused my R Arthitis to worsen. I've had RA for 10 years and was able to manage pretty well with fitness,, food,, and herbs but last year has been unbearable. Everything I ate caused debilitating pain in my joints that led me to sleepless nights, sleeping all day and starving myself. I lost over 15 lbs in a short time and was already skinny. I found out thru lab tests that I had bacteria in my gut and was severely nutritionally deficient. So I was told to take 4 drops of 2% lugol's on empty stomach in am and afternoon. Within 2 days I was feeling better and was able to start eating.

I added the nutritional supplements that the lab showed ( iron, calcium, vit c, a, b, d, ). Eat lots of greens (juiced bc hate salads), fruits, eggs, chicken, sweet potatoes, legumes which I sprouted myself) and no night shades red meat, dairy, and grains. My body is getting better and I'm slowly starting to gain weight. Bc I starved myself for so long, I'm still reacting to foods that I used to eat before I was sick. But I'm slowly introducing these foods, too. It's been a difficult journey and still is frustrating, but I'm getting better in the 3 weeks since I started lugol's. I still take lugol's in am on empty stomach and slowly increased the dosage from 4 drops to 12 only in mornings. I forgot, I also take enteric probiotics about 30 minutes after the lugol bc it kills all bacteria, even the good ones and probiotics replace the good bacteria and help heal the gut. I also drank antibactetial that Ted suggested but added my own herbs: 1tsp of oregano, cumin seeds, thyme, ground celyon cinnamon, and 1/2 tsp of ground clove steep till cool enough to drink and add raw honey. This helped a lot with my inflamed joints along with the healthy diet. Hope this helps. I refuse to take western medicine and natural medicine has always brought me back to "normal" when I was suffering. Hope this helps.


Posted by Sadie (Manchester) on 10/01/2013

Can anyone advise whether I can try molybdenum in liquid form to help my four year old with salicylate difficulties. Is it safe, what dose? I have it in liquid form with three drops equating to 75mcg

thank you in advance

Replied by Carrie

I haven't found a liquid molybdenum, but have found capsules for my 3 year old. I break them open and put about 1/4 of the powder in some water for her to drink, and then I just close the capsule back up for next time.

Replied by Susan

I am very sorry to read this and much of what is already written is extremely valuable. There is a lot of value in the probiotic thread - leading immunologists are beginning to understand the link between good gut flora and the induction of regulatory immune responses that balance immune reactions. Good strains of probiotics are in the OptiBac porbiotics sachets (UK product). The elimination diet (austrialia) is proving valuable for us. We caught on to it about three weeks ago when I read Fed Up written by Sue Dengate (diet referred to above).

We are beginning to home in on the additives that are causing problems for our son. At some point soon we will be introducing the probiotics that I have mentioned - we would hope that this strategy will help raise his tolerance threshold to foods. Another link that might prove valuable for some is We wondered whether magnesium deficiency has been partly a problem for our son too and have started to use pure magnesium flakes in his bath (not too much of course) and paying special attention to maintaining a diet rich in magnesium. Switched from normal wheat to spelt and are now using organic spelt from Sharpham park (gluten is far easier to digest). Also switched to organic Buffalo milk (100% A2) from Laverstoke farm (delivered to many Waitrose stores)- we considered goats milk but it is impossible to get organic goats milk in the uk. Watch out for sulphites, salicylates, amines, antioxidants, sorbates, benzoates and others (see Au). There will be a cause and with prayers and a little good luck, things will improve. God bless, Suzanne
