Food Poisoning
Natural Remedies

Top 5 Remedies for Food Poisoning

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Colloidal Silver

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Posted by Jennywren (Australia) on 09/17/2013

YEAH. A few hours after eating a dodgy takeaway sandwich, I had a fever and couldn't get off the loo. As the vomiting was about to start, my husband poured 130ml of colloidal silver into a big glass of cold water and told me to chug it down. The vomiting never started, and an hour later the fever and visits to the loo were completely gone. Miracle stuff!


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Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 01/11/2022

Caught a bad stomach bug (or food poisoning) while in Mexico. The locals said a flu bug was going around. I always carry ACV, Lugol's iodine, charcoal, oil of oregano, probiotics, and a host of other goodies just in case. Regurgitation (8 times was so violent), I thought I'd be carted off to the ER. The next day my entire body was terribly sore, even my eyes, teeth and fingernails hurt. I rubbed DMSO cream everywhere that hurt (no - didn't put in eyes! ) and it took away the soreness. Eyes still tender. Just remember to take OofO in the AM, and at night repopulate the good gut flora with probiotics.

Echinacea Tea, Lemon Vinegar

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Posted by Valerie (Queens, New York) on 10/18/2016

I needed some sort of treatment after having eaten underdone chicken at a restaurant and wanted to stop what ever was coming towards me in its tracks. I boiled enough water for two cups of tea and steeped Echinacea tea bags in them for 5 minutes. You can get this type of tea at any store that sells medicinal teas (Vitamin World, Home Goods, etc.). I added a teaspoon of lemon vinegar to each cup. I find lemon vinegar at Asian-variety supermarkets. I added a tablespoon of honey to each and mixed. I drank this down quickly and it stopped my cramps immediately. The mixture created some heat internally (around my stomach area), which quickly subsided about 5-10 minutes later. I did not have any cramps, bloating, discomfort, or liquid stool for the night and the next couple of days.

I have undiagnosed symptoms of irritable bowels and go to the bathroom very frequently throughout the day either due to food or stress. I have a few food allergies and am sensitive to many food items. I also get cramps almost daily after eating. I am always trying to look for ways other than staying away from these problematic foods, to stop the pain part of my issue. Therefore, it is very important that I do not consume raw or rare meat, since even rare meat gets me sick.


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Posted by Victor (Los Angeles ) on 07/04/2016 2 posts

Thank you so much Janace for posting about figs for food poisoning!

I've used a lot of natural cures here on Earthclinic thru the years but none have been as life changing as this one.

I never post but this cure was just so radical for me that I was compelled to sign up and write this.

I've suffered from a sensitive digestive system all my life, so much so that I had begun to fear eating out much less travelling!

At first, I was skeptical. I ate some bad food last week and couldn't shake it off with daily ACV and I'm currently unable to take colloidal silver which is my usual go-to cure for food poisoning.

So today, I was at my wit's end trying to find a way to get rid of this stubburn tummy bug, and happened to have a bag of dried figs in the kitchen.

Ate 2 and voila! I'm good!

Absolutely amazing!

I don't know what else to say, except I am so grateful for this cure.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Posted by Janace (Livingston, Tx. Polk Co.) on 07/25/2014

I have found that the best thing for food poisoning is figs even if all you have is Fig Newtons. I keep Dehydrated FIGS on hand all the time it only takes 3 or 4 figs and it stops it real fast you don't have to keep doing it Over and over again just eat 3 or 4 figs and it kills the poisoning and it works every time.

Food Poisoning and High Alkalinity

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Posted by Carlos (Fountain Valley, Ca.) on 03/02/2014

Before I ran across your wonderful website, I had been doing my own internet research since 2004. It was primarily for family and friends with cancer that I set off on this trek. I had my own bouts with high blood pressure at that time. When I learned of checking one's body PH, that was a low budget eye opener!

Currently I have 18 people that have used the info that I shared with them, and are cured! Unfortunately for some of my family and friends, they did not believe what I was telling them. So it's been a road of joy and heartbreak!

Two years ago, I got food poisoning while at work. I was vomiting and did not get diarrhea until I got home. I just dropped dead with my work clothes on. I woke up the next morning, and decided to check my PH, as I thought I would be highly acidic. I registered the highest alkaline PH ever!

So that leads me to believe that when people get the flu, it's your own bodily immune system trying to heal you! It can only be compromised by invaders that will start living inside the human body! Microbes, viruses, bad bacteria, funguses, molds, and parasites.


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Posted by Cat (Austin, Tx) on 04/07/2016

My huge family went out to a seafood restaurant. After the meal, my mother offered everyone garlic capsules because, she said, you can never be careful if the food is actually fresh and free of harmful bacteria. Within an hour after the meal and when everyone had gone their separate ways, family members who had refused the garlic caps were calling that they were sick (dizzy, nauseous, throwing up.) My mother rushed over to their houses and gave each of them them 6 garlic capsules. Within 15 minutes they were fine. The ones who refused it, suffered a few more days before they called her and asked if she would come over with the garlic capsules. Now, no one leaves home without a package in their car or their purse. My husband and I take them after every meal we eat at restaurants.

Apple Cider Vinegar also has the same bacterial fighting ability and we add a TBsp to hot tea at restaurants. We carry our own prep bag (a small black bag that fits inside one of my big purses) that contains garlic capsules, homemade salad dressing we grab from the fridge, my special salad seasoning, and a small bottle of ACV.

Posted by Vloz (Seattle, WA) on 02/28/2015

Garlic gets rid of food poisoning very quickly. Finely mince one medium to large size garlic clove and swallow, chew if you can stand it but it's not necessary. I went to a potluck many years ago and came home with food poisoning. I was extremely ill for a couple days (leaking from both ends) and a friend told me to call his iridologist for some healing tips, which I did and he told me, "no problem take garlic, nothing can live through garlic! " I swallowed some garlic and my stomache jumped for a second and I thought I was going to vomit but didn't and almost immediately started feeling better. I was completely fine within a couple hours.

A few years ago my adult son was hospitalized due to dehydration from vomiting. He had symptoms of food poisoning in my opinion but the doctor disagreed and thought he was passing kidney stones. They never did find any stones in the urine or fecal matter that they collected "and they collected everything that came out of him". When he was released he was still feeling sick so I gave him fresh garlic and it did the trick. He asked me why I hadn't given it to him sooner.

Garlic, Oregano Oil

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Posted by Genevieve3 (Yarmouth, Isle Of Wight, United Kingdom) on 04/13/2012

My daughter suffered a tummy bug which caused her to feel nauseous, and gave her a very bad migraine. I wasn't sure what it was she was suffering from or what kind of bug she may have had, but I gave her a crushed raw garlic clove, some handfuls of fresh basil leaves and some colloidal silver. I also gave her some paracetomol for her migraine. After half an hour she fell asleep for about six hours. She wasn't sick and had no diarrhea and was hungry for food when she woke up, which she ate with no problems. (She does have a habit of biting her fingers and we have a dog she is always cuddling, so we thought that may have been the problem.)

The next evening I gave her some cold chicken kiev and some cold potatoes to eat. A few hours later she felt unwell. We decided it must then be the chicken kiev which probably had not been re-heated properly. I promptly gave her again a raw crushed garlic clove, some fresh basil and instead of collodial silver (I had done some research since the previous evening), I gave her four drops of oil of oregano in a small glass of water. I also gave her a paracetomol for her headache and again she fell asleep for about six hours without stirring. After which time she awoke and was starving hungry and ate all the Easter food I had prepared along with her chocolate eggs. The remedies I had given her obviously killed the bacteria causing her food poisoning. Normally if the children suffer stomach upset they would suffer for a few days and I would avoid giving them any dairy, just maybe some dry toast and water, although in my day it would be black sweet tea.

Just thought I would share this information with Earth Clinic. I had read previously that fresh basil can be just as good a pain reliever as paracetomol and also fights nausea and kills certain bacteria. Oregano oil kills salmonella bacteria and raw garlic is said to kill bacteria too.

I knew myself that raw garlic was a wonderful remedy as I had gone onto this site when I had severe tooth pain for an abcess. I tried all the remedies mentioned and the tea bag cures and managed to get a good nights sleep for seven hours. When the pain started again I managed to curtail it by taking co-codamol as paracetomol and ibuprofen would not touch the pain. The co-codamol killed the pain within five minutes, but I knew it was dangerous to just douse the pain as the bacteria causing it could spread.

I then read on your site about garlic. I put a slither against the gum of the tooth pain and it killed the pain that night. I did the same the next day. The burning pain from the garlic made me cry but I was determined to keep it in place until I managed to kill the infection. It seemed to do the trick and the pain disappeared. But a few weeks later an abcess appeared on the gum by the same tooth, but this time there was no pain. As it had taken four days for the subsequent ulcer, caused by the burning of the garlic, to heal (I ate pumpkin seeds daily and put some bee propolis onto a cotton bud and rubbed onto the ulcer), I didn't wish to go down this route again.

After reading some more of the remedies mentioned on your site, I tried swallowing raw crushed garlic cloves with a glass of water. Later the same evening I could feel the lumpy abcess reduce in size. I took some more garlic the next day and by the evening the abcess was completely flat. To be safe, I repeated the same remedy for a few days more to make sure the bacteria causing the abcess had completely gone. I am still pain free two months later. This remedy saved me £1, 000 in root canal treatment.

I mentioned this treatment to my dental surgery, but they said that there was no guarantee that the abcess won't come back. But as I have read that 97% of terminal cancer sufferers have had a root canal in the past, I am certain that I will never go down that route.

Replied by Marygoround
(Fairfax, Va)

Snopes (non-biased internet myth busters) tells us that this claim about 97% of terminal cancer sufferers have had a root canal is... FALSE. It is completely false and could be dangerous if someone decides to defer treatment for an infected tooth. Please carefully consider claims like this.

As for the rest of this story, good for you. I am glad your daughter, and you, feel better.

25 posts

Snopes is unreliable. They further orthodoxy and you can't get any more orthodox than dentistry.


It came out in Court, one of the facts checker sites told the Judge this was only their opinion. Maybe they shouldn't call themselves Fact checkers?

Replied by Michael
(New Hampshire)

"non biased myth busters", Yet they won't disclose who funds them. How do you know they're non biased then?


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Posted by gus (elko, nevada) on 01/05/2008

I have been sick with some kind of stomach virus when I found something in a pamphlet about using ginger to help cure stomach pains and cramps. I asked my mom about itand she said she had some ginger root and ginger tea I tried the tea but that just made it worse. I tried a pill with ginger root in it and the pain went away within the hour. you can get ginger root at any drug store without a persciption. Also if you are puking so much you can't take pills try some ginger ale it doesn't have as much ginger in it so it won't work as well, but it could calm your stomach enough to take a ginger pill. take one pill wait 10 minutes and take one more pill. This ginger remedy helps with nausea, really works.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Emily (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 12/14/2020

I LOVE GSE for food poisoning! It's the best thing to combat food poisoning and shorten the length of unpleasantness, alongside activated charcoal.

I swear by GSE, and now all of my friends & family do, too.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by kerri guthrie (salt lake city, ut) on 01/01/2008

Grape fruit seed extract is the very best for a stomach ache' 5 to 6 drops in a cup of water. It works also if you swallowed some bad water while swimming or drank some bad water while traveling in a different country. It has a very bitter taste. helps kill the germs and bugs.My child after throwing up and trying many different things was able to go to sleep and rest without pain. It has worked even for my friends!!


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Posted by Teffani (EC's Facebook Page) on 05/25/2020

In Ayuveda, I was recommended to take 1 tbsp of pure honey for food poisoning. And one more later if necessary, but it wasn't. 👍🏼

Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Deshawn (Chicago, IL) on 11/25/2007

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% works wonders for me. I used one cap size of HP (the cap on the hp bottle) and one cap of bottle spring water. I simply tossed the hp/water solution in my mouth and swallowed it. I did this three times a day for one day only. I had eaten some food that had badly upset my stomach (my stomach kept making rumbling noises)and it was cramping up so badly. the same day I immediately swallowed 1 cap full of hp and one cap full of spring water (hold the cap of hp in your mouth then chase it down with the capful of spring water). That same night I sleep like a baby and I felt so good in the morning. I hope that you have the same experience because food poisoning is never a good thing but quick relief is a miracle. I took this mixture immediately after my stomach started cramping.

Lemon Juice, Cayenne

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Posted by Cybersavy (West Palm Beach, Fl) on 03/14/2015

Consider a small amount of Lemon juice with all meals diluted with 4-5oz water or Aloe.

My wife and I cannot count the times we have picked up a stomach virus from eating in restaurants. Especially when we travel. In addition its known from my research bring a small bottle of Cayenne 515mg. 40,000 heat units and take until symptom are gone. I know how it works because its pretty strong.

Example! While I was in Orlando area we ate at a well known buffet restaurant. I ate turkey that may have been sitting to many hours on the line of foods. It didn't take long 3 hours later I could not stand and my head was spinning and stomach pain. I'm so glad we came across this remedy. 20 minutes later I started to feel better. And the next day I was fine. But, still took the same course of action.

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