I thought high conductivity indicated too great a concentration of electrolyte minerals and that this would be addressed by increased electrolytes. High conductivity suggests the person needs more plain water, without the electrolytes. How do I resolve that discrepancy?
This person has problems holding onto water and tends to immediately urinate any excess water.
(Hope Bc Canada)
Pone from California, US --- actually, drinking water, even lots, can dehydrate. See the Water Cure website about this. Grey celtic salt has many minerals and if drunk the correct way, would result in a three hour stay before urinating . It is the salt that keeps the water in the tissues.
I hope you will have the time to check out the website. It is all about the late Dr. Bhatmanghelidj who wrote the book " The Body's Many Cries For Water".
Namaste, Om
(New South Wales)
I have urination frequency, so does drinking much more water help this, or does the frequency get worse
(New South Wales Australia)