Genital Warts
Natural Remedies

Top Home Remedies for Genital Warts

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Colloidal Silver

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Posted by Jessicole567 (Salladasburg, Pa, USA) on 06/01/2013

I was just interested in anyone's thoughts feelings or experiences with using colloidal silver or anything else for that matter to treat Hpv warts

Replied by Catherine

I used colloidal on my warts for less than under a month. It did reduce the itch and seem to make them stop from getting bigger. It did not get rid of them and worse it did stain my skin. I have a black spot about the size of a pennie on my rear end. It's pretty black.

I also have some slight silverish looking skin on my pubic bone.

I am thankful that I've stopped using to prevent further staining of my skin.

I was using a nano hydrosol silver. A common brand found at stores too.

I would be wary of using this. I mean they say this only happens long term but I was using it under a month in spray form. Topically. I guess your genitals would have some mucous membranes that might make it penetrate your system.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dennis (Vancouver, BC, Canada) on 11/08/2008

Colloidal Silver - Warts/HPV

After 4 unsuccessful surgeries to eliminate anal warts Colloidal Silver did the trick in days. For approximately 2 weeks I applied CS topically to my anus area with cotton pads - morning, night and after bowel movements. Leave the wet pad in place between applications if possible. My warts were both internal and external so I inserted the pad 1 to 2 inches. I began feeling relief in 2 days. That was 7 years ago and even thought the virus does not leave your body I have no visible signs or discomfort from the HPV virus. CS is available commercially but is easy to make and costs only pennies. Studies have shown commercial CS to be very inconsistent in its strength which is measured in PPM (parts per million). Dennis

Replied by Silver Surfer
(Tuscaloosa, Al)

Colloidal Silver doesn't look promising:

"Colloidal silver can cause serious side effects. The most common is argyria, a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin, which is usually not treatable or reversible."

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Problem w/ conventional, mainstream liberal information outlets is that facts and truth are terribly compromised by greed. Jon Barron has done several articles and pod cast on the major flawed (lies) studies of vitamins by "independent" scientist/labs that just happened to be subsidized by large pharmaceutical firms and corps. As you might guess, or if you watch liberal mainstream news, ALL vitamin and mineral supplements are not only not beneficial, BUT they are actually harmful.

Replied by Marie

I have used colloidal silver for twelve years and am not blue! I have a colloidal silver machine and I take it a few times a wk to prevent a cold or flu. The much older machines many yrs ago may have bigger molecules which may turn someone blue, but I seriously doubt the newer machines do that. I also know a man who makes the silver solution and drinks a cupful every day for the last ten yrs and he has not turned blue. The blue color is a lie to get us to take drugs instead of silver!

Compound-W Freeze Off Wart Remedy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by James (New York, New York) on 01/08/2008

Seems like a really obvious home treatment for genital warts. Go the your local pharmacy and buy a Compound-W Freeze off wart removal kit. Its is way overpriced at around $27, but it is good for way more than the 12 treatments the label advertises, and a lot cheaper than a visit to the doctor. Use as directed, you will know it is working when you see the area around the wart turn white, it stings a little, but keep the freeze tip on until it loses its cool. The white area goes away quickly as the cold numbs your pain receptors. Put some Neosporin on afterwards and wait about a week. The area around will scab up and then peel off, leaving you without a wart. It's what the doctor would charge you hundreds of dollars for doing in the office, but you can do it yourself, at home, in private, and get the same results. Don't buy any overpriced "healing oils" that require three treatments a day for several months and don't do a thing (my first mistake). The freeze takes care of business, quickly!

Replied by Chrissy
(Detroit, Mi)

Use as directed? the box clearly states, "do not use on genital area".

Diagnosing Genital Warts

Posted by Thankfulwife (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/30/2014

Could this be HPV Genital Warts? I have been married & faithful for 12 years & so has my husband. About 6 years ago I noticed one small brown flat growth in my pubic hair region. It stayed the same with no more growth or spreading for 2 years. Then about 4 years ago it seemed that there were more and more of these tiny, rough, brown, flat wart-looking spots spreading across my pubic hair area. They aren't anywhere else, only where the hair grows. My husband doesn't have any of these on his body. Could this be warts caused by a strain of HPV & is it contagious? If so, why hasn't he been contaminated? It's been 12 years since I was with anyone other than my husband who seems to be unaffected. Also, I've had 4 babies and many blood tests & pap smears with nothing turning up. So, will applying Apple Cider Vinegar repeatedly via taped on cotton pads eventually cause the warts to die and go away? And if the warts go away is the virus gone & no longer contagious? Thank you.


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Posted by Bun (Portland) on 03/06/2022

Years ago I was diagnosed with genital warts after seeing someone new. They wanted to burn them off, but I refused. After doing research, I tried ACV, which didn't work AND burnt my sensitive skin; banana peels, also not effective and irritating.

In desperation, I finally discovered a recipe for EGCG cream - mix the contents of one 500 mg capsule with 1 oz of shea butter. Apply 2 - 3 times a day in a thin layer on the affected area. Worked like a charm, no pain, no irritation, everything gone. Any time I have any kind of warts, I use this cream, totally disappears within days.

Elderberry Juice

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Posted by Anon (Anon) on 05/29/2016

I bought a wine bottle size bottle of elderberry juice from Biotta at the grocer a few weeks ago. I had high hopes. I've had what I suspect is HPV for roughly six years. The female doc called it "a little irritation". With a look that said, "Don't let them talk you into a hysterectomy". I've never had elderberry before. It tasted like a combination of blackberries and tomatoes. Eww. Well, within two or three days of drinking half of it I found a lump on the inside of my lip and a black patch about a quarter inch circle on the opposite side inside my cheek. The black patch was gone the next day, I've been putting iodine on the bump but it hasn't seemed to change. I also developed an small itchy pimple on my arm and another on my hand. After I scratched the one on my arm and the next day it turned into a small wart. The other one I was careful not to scratch and put iodine on, and it looks like after a week or so it's shrinking. The center turned red, like a tiny vein. The one in my mouth had the same red vein until I put the iodine on it.

Obviously I can't say for sure it was the elderberry that caused it all, but it's looking that way. I dumped the other half of the bottle out. Just an FYI.

Essential Oils

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Emma (London, Uk) on 12/29/2012

I have had genital warts for about 2 months. I tried the cryogenic therapy at the hospital which was unpleasant and so I wanted to try something to use at home. As it is a virus, it can outbreak at any time, and so it's great to have something on hand to use. I tried ACV mixed with water, which didn't work too well. Then combined ACV with honey, which was amazingly soothing, and I would advise it if it is really itchy or painful down there.

But what has worked best so far is combining oil- I used Hemp, but i'm sure Sweet Almond, Grapeseed or Coconut would work just as well. Mix 25ml with 3 drops of each Tea tree oil, 3 drops Eucalyptus and 4 drops Thyme oil. I am a trained Aromatherapist and know that these oils are all antiviral so thought i'd give it a shot. Have used it for the past 3 days, putting it on every time I use the toilet, and just rub some on my vagina using clean hands. The oil is soothing in itself and the essential oils make it tingle slightly but the warts are reducing day by day. Would be interested to know if it helps anyone else...

Replied by Granny On The Go
(Waco, Tx)

Please keep in mind that genital warts are a Herpes Virus and that L Lysine several times a day should be of help. Start with one 500 mg dose and work up to what as much as 1500 mg a day, divided into 3 doses, of course. There are also several herbs that are anti virals that may be of some help. The cures are here, we have just depended on Big Pharma for so long that we don't know anything about curing ourselves any more.

Replied by Yucky
(Columbus, Ga)

Why do people keep saying genital warts are caused by herpes? Different STD. It's like saying gonorrhea is caused by syphillis.

Replied by Pala

Thank u I had a herbal treatment advisor with a similar protocol and it worked, yours was actually better though

Euphorbia Peplus

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Darrell (Perth, Australia) on 01/05/2009

Recently I developed three peri-anal warts and was horified. I decided to try something out of my garden, which I use for pre-cancerous lesions on my forehead. I am talking about the white sap of euphorbia peplus, or petty spurge, a very common weed.

One night I used only one small drop of the sap and rubbed it on the tops of the warts before going to bed. Within an hour or so the pain became pretty intense, so much so that I took a strong painkiller. The next morning I had a look and was very surprised to see that not only was ALL the skin coming off my peri-anal area, but the warts had TOTALLY DISAPPEARED.

It was raw. I was unable to use toilet paper and had to squat over a hand-held shower instead. I did this for about a week,also applying some antibiotic ointment and some steroid cream I had in the cupboard.

Eventually I had a brand new anal area. I was very pleased with this until some more warts began to appear, probably about eight.

At this point I was a bit wary of going through the pain again with the prospect of maybe twenty more popping up after initially disappearing, so I tried the ACV. I have been using it for about a week, giving it a break if the skin becomes too sore.

At this point parts of the warts have begun disappearing. They turned white, but did not turn black. Never-the-less it is still working and I am continuing with the treatment, though maybe now I will use some vaseline on the healthy skin to protect it and reduce the soreness.
I know they will keep reducing. I just hope they don't re-appear in greater numbers again.


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Posted by Lorah (General Santos City, Philippines) on 10/22/2013

I noticed there are growing bumps in my genitals, and search thru internet what would be this bumps. as I have seen, the bumps in my genitals are similar to genital warts. im so stressed and worried about this and felt scared and shy to go for a check.

After searching in the net about the home remedies for the said warts, I have and give it a try to follow the procedures, buy applying a vitamin e rich oil and spreaded chopped garlic. it gives me too much burning sensation.

Is this remedy effective? and taking a 2 capsules of garlic oil may help to boost my immune against genital warts?

Please help and let me know what should be the best movement I will take and best home remedy I may try.

Thank you so much.

Replied by Tobby20

I read your comments here today and its 1 and half year ago. Asking if garlic is very effective removing warts. I want to ask if you continue to use it? And what is the result? Please reply me asap... Thank you for your response.

Posted by Gina (New York, New York) on 03/01/2009


i've had vaginal warts b4 (thats when i found out i had HPV) and went to the gyno because i was 17 and scared to death. The doctor treated it but they came back. i was too embarassed to go back for more treatment so i decided to try the garlic remedy. i placed 1 crushed clove of garlic on the warts 3 times a day (cleaning with peroxide between treatments) along with taking 6 garlic pill a day. Now the inner lips of my vagina are very small so basically the garlic got all over and badly burned the surrounding skin. i kept up with the garlic treatment for 3 days but on the 4th day i was very swollen and there were cuts all around my vagina so i decided to stop. however some warts are noticably smaller so i guess it was working. i'm still taking 6 garlic pills a day though. it has been 2 days since last treating my warts with the crushed garlic and i'm still very sore and swollen.

I went out today searching for APV (I currently live in beijing so i ended up going to 5 different supermarket chains before i found a bottle)

i'm hoping i can target the GW directly with minimum damage to the surrounding skin. in the mean time i'm still waiting for my sores to heal

Replied by Leelannee
(Sussex, Nj)

Apply Vaseline (or natural substitute) to your delicate areas (inner labia, underneath the outer labia, perineum, anus) or any areas where you DON'T need the garlic; this will form a barrier so that your tissues will not be irritated. Any oil will probably work, but Vaseline tends to stay put rather than drip. A zinc or diaper rash cream also works very well--note that it is meant to keep the skin dry even when there's a wet diaper against it! I've used this method when using hair removal creams in the bikini area. If you do garlic, then Vaseline, the garlic will in effect be "trapped" underneath the cream & will be difficult to wash off, so be sure to apply the Vaseline first!

Posted by C (BFE, Ohio) on 03/28/2008

I have been reading this forum on the different ways everyone has tried to cure their GW's. I was diagnosed with GW's a few days ago. I've noticed many here have said about the raw garlic burning them. The best way to use the raw garlic when you apply directly to the skin is to soak the clove (score it 4-5 times) in olive oil for an hour or so. I've actually inserted a whole clove up inside my vagina (to treat yeast infections) (use a clean needle and thread, and make like a pull cord, kind of like what's on a tampon) and that way you can leave it in all night. I am for sure going to use a number of the ideas given here, along with the garlic to try and clear my GS's up.

Replied by Melanie
(Subbury, Ontario)


It works but be very careful, I used it for 3 days in a row. They were turning black on the third night the tape came undone and the garlic was on healthy skin and burnt my skin about 2 inches long. I had to stop and my one wart that I really wanted gone is now back to pink and bigger.

Posted by Bill (Texas, TX) on 02/01/2008

ok this worked for me and i had clusters of them and they itched really bad all the time. i used garlic, slices of it. and put it on the warts. its burns for about 10 min. but i woud leave it there all night. with tape. use any tape it doesnt matter. aways do it over and over intill it looks like you have herpes! it gets really red and looks like its scabing up. i dont know what happens but some of them turn black and just fall off. and some just disappear with the scab with it falls of. this works. it seems like they get bigger at first. but just keep using it. mine got bigger the first 3 days, but i had to get rid of this things so i just kept on. it really works at least i know it works for the clusters. i only used it a week or a little more.

Replied by Hapless
(Brooklyn, NY)

Hi, bill, i recently discovered that i have Genital Warts, and i have used the garlic treatment three times now, but like yours, my warts have swollen up, gotten really dark and look like herpes, and the skin around my shaft is extremely sensitive and painful to the touch. Should i still keep using the garlic treatment for another 2-3 days or should i stop ?

By the way, i'm 23years old, never even had sex, and don't have medical insurance or any money! I got infected with HPV from my father, who has a bunch of these on his neck and does not seem to care, he's had them from years (got them from someone he worked with), and he che's tobacco, which probably explains why he has not developed immunity to the virus.

Please advise if you can.

Replied by Niko
(New York, Ny)

Bill. It sounds like you just actually had herpes. That's literally the natural stage of a herpes outbreak. It blisters and then scabs over and goes away. I doubt the garlic did anything for you.

Posted by Janna (New York, USA) on 01/02/2008

I'm sure like everyone else who first discovers genital warts i was confused! i always thought i was being so careful, but i guess somewhere along the line i wasn't. So i went straight on line to research my options, my are just inside my vagina and i noticed everyone explaining how they had used the doctor prescribed medicines with very little results, i needed something to work and take them away without the stress of returning visits to the doctors. I first tried the natural oils you can buy on line, and they don't work at all, not even reducing them just a little. I then came across this great web site, and people explaining the great results with garlic, i decided to go out straight away and buy some liquid tablets. I found in a health shop that you can buy liquid garlic which you can add to your drink twice a day. I thought it would work far faster that way. So only at the weekend i started taking 2 teaspoons of ordorless liquid garlic in to any drink once in the morning and once at night. Within 3 days i saw that they were reducing in size. I now have started to soak a cotton ball into the garlic liquid and placing onto the warts for 10 mins twice a day. I have seen a huge difference, i am going to continue to do this until they are cleared completely, i did buy a immune boost tablet just for good measure which i'm taking 3 times a day. If you are also suffering with genital warts i would really try this, its a cheap option and it is really working! i'll keep you posted.

Replied by Maryam
(Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)

Im really horrified...i dont know what to do..first they was on my pubic area..and now they are inside my in the entrance if there is someone to tell me how to handle this..please help me😢

Posted by Maja (Vancouver, Canada) on 09/14/2007


Thanks so much for creating this forum. i was diagnosed with genital warts 3 years ago and have podophyllin, liquid nitrogen, and attempted to use Aldara but was too scared after i bought it and read side effects. i'm now going to try home remedies. i attempted to put garlic on the wart however i felt a crazy burning sensation. has anyone else experienced this? i could only manage to keep it on for 5 mins before i started sweating. i will continue with ACV, Hydrogen Peroxide, and everything else...i want this chapter of my life closed. thanks!

Posted by Jasmine (Arima, Trinidad) on 08/19/2007

Just 3 weeks ago I noticed that around my vaginal opening was feeling a bit rough, and on further investigations I realized that I had genital warts (no need for a scientist to break the news). I immediately got online and started looking for home remedies because I knew that I just didn't have the cash to go to a doctor's office. The first "remedy" that I found was those at home Wart freeze kits. It sounded promising but very painful so I didn't bother. And plus, they took two long weeks to deliver to the Caribbean...I needed something NOW!! I then discovered tea tree oil. I ran out and bought it and tried it as I had read online(by dampening a cotton swab and applying overnight). After the first night they were almost gone! I got really excited and did not use for the next few night and then POW...they were all over! I came back with the tea tree oil with a vengence applying every night till I was almost raw. Just as they started to go away from around my vaginal entrance I one day took some forceps and inspected my vaginal canal. I had warts all the way inside and some were huge! I then discoverd garlic can be used for warts. I used to use garlic for my yeast infection and it worked like a pro. I just peeled and scored the outside of the garlic, wraped it in some gauze and tied the both ends with dental floss leaving one long so i could pull it out. I made it in a long sting and shoved it up the canal and just changed it every 24 hours (really stinky). I also kept using the tea tree oil on the outside at nights and also included the ingestion of powderd garling mixed in warm water every day and a herbal clense. In 2 weeks flat, all were gone, both internally and externally. I then applied 30,000 IU vitamin E cream in-between the tea tree oil applications , which is a miricle against the irritation. My life is back!!
