The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Si (London, UK) on 09/13/2006
I do love the site for it's experiential cures. I am desperate for a cure or GERD. I am only in my early thirties and have had reflux for 10 years. Done all the PPI's on the Market: Zoton, Zantac, Nexium, Ranitidine, and chewed enough antacids to turn me to dust.
I definitely found some relief from the Apple Cider Vinegar, excitedly I jumped off my medication and suffered a serious backlash which put me in bed for two days with stomach pains. I was planning on ditching the meds anyway as became disillusioned. I took the ACV tablets three times daily and had success for two weeks before it broke through. I find ACIDOPHILLUS BIFIDUS capsules in the massive billion doses to be highly effective in keeping the digestive system well balanced. I also find magnesium tablets taken in the recommended daily dose helps keep the bowels moving to help prevent any constipation which causes the system to back up and increase likelihood of reflux. These three items combined with avoiding Fruit juices, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes helps keep me one step away from the recommended operation the Specialist said was my only answer. Good luck with your own management of your body!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Andrew (St. Louis, MO) on 05/30/2006

I've been on Prevacid for 6 years, wanting to get off of them. After reading the cases, I got some ACV and tried it. It felt like a blowtorch in my esophagus. I get heartburn from anything I eat or drink, especially water, which I love to drink but it is the worst for my GERD. For now I'm back on the Prevacid, I'm open for other suggestions.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (Armonk, NY) on 05/05/2006
I wanted to write and relay what a great site this is. I have suffered from GERD in the throat for the past 2 years. Most times it's at bay. But it lurks in the background. I stumbled on your site and tried ACV. It worked great. Though I had another episode recently where it made it's way to my throat again. This time I tried the Pickle juice.. immediate relief. WOW! The other day I had some crazy gas pain from constipation(I think). I tried the Baking Soda remedy. Again almost immediate relief....This site is great and the user feedback is extremely helpful.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pat (Galloway Township, NJ) on 04/02/2006
2 tbsp. Organic Apple cider vinegar - twice daily - at first used honey too & straw. Now use plain w/hot water & sip w/straw like a cup of tea. no sweetener anymore. Cured acid reflux, gerd, heartburn... and I think the gastritis but until I do another scope test all I know is no more stomach problems. 'How is it that vinegar which is acid... can cure acid problems in the body?? It doesn't make sense, but it works. Also I found when i take it -It kills my taste for sweets! so I'd have my sweets and then take the vinegar Now I've decided to try using it for that too, to stop eating sweets. by taking it in place of sweets. to lose weight.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Greg ( NYC) on 03/01/2006
Started apple cider vinegar yesterday, I didn't take my protonix today and my throat is not burning and my meals are digesting well. I have been taking 40mg of protonix a day for about a year and have become addicted to them. Without protonix my throat gets all irritated and I get heart burn. I started taking zantac and it worked real well but a doc recommended protonix and gave me a 1 week sample. I think the sample made my GERD way worse and I became addicted to protonix and was not able to stop taking them or it felt like acid was shooting up my throat. I hope this method works as the other times I quit protonix cold turkey like this I suffered greatly. My mom said her uncle always said apple cider vinegar was great for you to take daily and is amazed I found this on the net.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susie (Mineola, New York) on 02/23/2006
I have been suffering from GERD for a few months now and was up to 30mg of Prevacid, which has not been working. The symptom is constant coughing all day and I had to watch everything I ate. My sister told me about ACV, how she took it when she felt like she was having a heart attack from a reflux episode and it went completely away. I bought a bottle and took a tablespoon with a glass of water with a meal, sipped it slowly. At first the coughing got worse for a few minutes and then my coughing went completely away. It's been two days and I have been eating everything I like again, and in larger amounts. I am weaning myself from the Prevacid, only took 15mg today, and have been drinking the vinegar with my meals. I feel a lot better and my coughing is greatly diminished. I didn't think it would work, but it does.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marilyn (Lansing, MI) on 02/22/2006
I have had Acid Reflux/Gerd and a history of Ulcerative Colitis and Gastric Ulcers for over 10 years. I just went through my 5th Endoscopy last week and will have my 7th colonoscopy next week. I currently have 2 ulcers that are healing. I am in constant pain from the back of my throat down to my gut with belching and food retching. I have taken just about every pill that a doctor can prescribe for these conditions, from Prevacid to Protonix, to Nexium, but can't seem to get full relief. If I eat anything with fiber like raw vegetables, or whole grains or any carbs, I am in utter misery for hours - as many as 8 hours later I am retching up acid. I just found your site today out of desperation. I tried the vinegar trick and already the belching has subsided and the throat isn't so constricted. I hope it continues to give me relief even though it sounds ludicrous to add acid to acid. I thank you for the info and will continue to visit this website daily.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amber (Milwaukee, WI) on 01/10/2006
The Vinegar helped me so much, I have suffered from AR for at least 6 years & now my stomach feels so good. I can eat my favorite things again like my moms home made Fudge & I love cashews too. I heard some guy in an infomercial talking about his book on natural cures & he mentioned it. I asked my aunt if she knew anything about it so we went to the store to buy some at first it burned so bad, probably because of the burns from my acid in my esophagus. Within a few minutes I felt so much better & now my stomach feels good all the time & I've only taken it for about 2 weeks. The GERD was keeping me up at nights, I lost my voice several times & of course theres the awful Vurps that if someone notices you have to pretend you didn't do. Because no one wants to hear that your foods coming back up on you. It's simply amazing how well it works. Although I don't know if I'll ever be used to the taste. I am once again getting used to eating food I actually enjoy.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Robert (Manila, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/07/2012
At this writing, I am happy to report that I am still gerds and cough free. The ACV has worked well for me. I am no longer taking any of the prescribed medicines. My energy level is returning to its normal state.
I use two tablespoon of ACV, six to eight sodium Bicarbonate pills disolved in eight ounces of water with two table spoons of Honey added. I use local honey in hopes that it will help with my allergies.
Thank you Earth Clinic and to the Lord for answering prayers.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Robert (Manila, Luzon, Philippines) on 01/24/2012
It has been over two weeks since I came to this site seeking help. I am happy to report that it has been a pain free weeks starting the first day of Apple Cider Vinegar and Sodium Bicarbonate. I am still afraid to stop the expensive meds entirely but I am down to taking them one time at night rather than three times a day. I will wait several more days and stop them entirely.
I put two tablespoon of ACV in a eight ounce glass of water and eight sodium Bicarbonate pills. I add two tablespoon of local honey direct from the bees. Does not taste bad and is effective.
I also control my diet. No colas, no caffeine, no fats, mostly steamed vegetables and chicken breast. For drinks, I put fresh bananas, papaya, apples, Korean pears in blender and blend them to a liquid. Makes a drink. Thank you Ted.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Nanie (Manila, Philippines) on 02/27/2011
Thanks for this website I managed to stop my GERD by using cheap and simple solutions like apple cider vinegar and baking soda. I am now trying also the mixture of apple cider, honey and garlic which I also found in one website calling it "magic potion" and can cure so may ailments.
Posted by Jessikah (Keep Portland Weird!) on 02/10/2014
I have suffered from GERD for years. I am that magical one percent in the world that cannot take any modern medicine aka I get really sick (no joke my skin fell off last time I took a zpack.) I tried ACV with a straw and my teeth hurt so bad after a week I had to stop. I tried pickle juice and that made me toss my lunch every time. I sucked on mustard bottles (all I can say is eeeek, gak, ugh! ) So I tried half an apple ten minutes ago. Not absolutely perfect but a whole lot better. I'd say I was left with a two on the one to ten scale (ten sucking like Rancor breathe.) I will try a Granny Smith apple next time, this time I had a Gala apple.
Posted by Truth9 (New York) on 02/20/2013
Organic apples are great for GERD and IBS. To supercharge them, take COLD CHAMOMILE TEA. A couple of cups in between meals or at night. Together, they will save you from doctors and their procedures, medications, pain, anxiety, etc.
Trust me on this one. You can do no better!
Posted by John (London, On Canada) on 01/27/2012
I suffered with a severe case of GERD and tried all the pharaceutical remedies without any relief for over 2 years. I then read an email from some alternative health company and the cure for it was to start eating apples. I did just that and I have not had a single attack for over 3 years now. So start eating apples and your acid reflux problem will go away instantly. I recommend that you clean up your diet as well, eat more fruit and vegetables and don't eat anything deep fried and try to eat only unprocessed food. Too much fat in the diet makes the whole body sluggish and causes candida as well.
Candida acts as a buffer to clean up the blood sugar when the adrenals are exhausted because a coating of fat on the cells blocks the absorption of sugar into the cells causing the body to put out more and more insulin to the point of exhaustion. Candida in this case is there to protect the body. SO before you go on an anti candida regimen you need to eliminate fats from the diet and start eating more fruit and vegetables without added oils. Once the levels of fat are brought down the candida will disappear on its own. No one will ever get rid of excess candida in their body unless fat levels are at a healthy level. You will NEVER get rid of candida completely because everyone on earth has some of it in their body. It is supposed to be there.
See Understanding Candida by Dr Doug Graham Youtube video for a greater understanding.
Posted by Modern (Langhorne, Pa, USA) on 01/07/2010
I just wanted to weigh in on the subject of Acid Reflux & Gerd. At the end of my statement, I have another idea that I have tried that seems to work on the same principle as the Apple Cider Vinegar, so read on. I am 48 years old and several months ago I started getting these symptoms that puzzled me. This eventually evolved into losing my regular voice and experiencing chronic laryngitis. I finally broke down and went to see a doctor. He scoped my esophagus and saw all the redness and a polyp/cyst. With this, I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux/Gerd. First thing he did was subscribe prilosec for a month, one tablet before bedtime. This did nothing, in fact I got worse. Then the Doctor subscribed prescription Zantac AND an inhaler used for asthma. The inhaler has removed the polyp and my voice is back after 6 months and the Zantac has helped reduce the redness but not eliminated it. The Doctor wants me to take the zantac for 3 more months. But like so many of you, I don't want to be ingesting meds for so long. I started researching other remedies and I came across one that seems to be working nicely. Instead of the vinegar, all you have to do is eat a few slices of Apple before meals and before bedtime. It seems to accomplish the same results as the ACV but much easier to ingest and easier to carry along with you. I think I will use the Apple method before bedtime because it seems to be more of a time released effect and perhaps drink the ACV before meals that are suspect for acid reflux. Even though I have cut out coffee which was real hard to due and now I drink herbal and green tea and I try to watch what I eat.