H. pylori
Natural Remedies

H. pylori - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for H. pylori. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Mastic Gum, Probiotics

Posted by Al (Beautiful British Columbia) on 02/17/2019

Editor's Choice

To treat H.Pylori (confirmed by an Endoscopic biopsy), I sought out my Naturopath, who prescribed Mastic Gum and Probiotics.

Probiotics were taken 30-60 minutes before breakfast, and at bedtime on an empty stomach.

Mastic Gum (aka Mastica Chios) was 1-2 capsules (400mg each) twice a day, on an empty stomach between meals (for the first 5 days start with one capsule, then raise to two capsules if well tolerated); until the bottle of 120 capsules was finished. T

wo months later, I asked my Physician to requisition the urea breath test, which confirmed I was free of H.Pylori. I never did tell my physician that I did not fill his prescription for two antibiotics plus an acid blocker. I sought to try an alternative to his treatment first, as I had read that low stomach acidity (not to mention antibiotics) can wreak havoc with your gut bacteria, and lead to a plethora of health issues.

Very glad it worked, and that it saved me from taking an unnecessary round of antibiotics!

Oregano Oil

Posted by Mary (Oakland, Ca) on 09/25/2015

Editor's Choice

I completely cured my H. Pylori with super strength Oil of Oregano. 15 drops in 1/2 cup of juice last thing at night for 2 weeks. I was on a light diet of soups and herb teas during these 2 weeks. The Oregano completely removed all traces of H. Pylori since 2011. I have not had any symptoms since and am able to eat anything.

Multiple Remedies

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, SC) on 04/23/2013

Editor's Choice

My three fold remedy for H. Pylori is as follows:

1. Three tablespoons of high ppm colloidal silver morning and night on empty stomach. The silver solution will kill the infection.
2. DGL tablets fifteen minutes after the silver. Three per dose twice a day. This is a licorice extract and is effective in healing.
3. Aloe Vera fifteen minutes after the DGL. Take five tablespoons per dose, twice a day. All three on an empty stomach. That way the effect in the stomach is maximized.

Do this for two months. Next, while doing this, consume no coffee of any kind (get off acidic drinks) and no carbonated drinks. No acidic foods like tomatoes, chili, hot peppers while the two months of treatment is going on. Over thirty years of recommending this remedy I've never seen it fail. By the way, my silver is home made using filtered water and a few grains of salt to allow for conductivity. In minutes you have a cloudy solution. I dilute with distilled water until nothing can be see in the glass container and no metallic taste is apparent. That diluted content is about 200 ppm silver atoms to a million water molecules.

Manuka Honey

Posted by Rmr (M, Ct) on 01/21/2013

Editor's Choice

I am writing this hoping to help others. I'm replying to all forums I can find abou HP. Anyone suffering with it needs to do some research on Manuka honey. My husband suffered over 10 years and was convinced he had a tumor or cancer. After finally confronting the unknown, he tested for H. Pylori. Refusing to take antibiotics, we researched natural products and gave Manuka a try (Whole Foods carries it). He took a heaping tablespoon daily. He felt better in 3-4 weeks. 6 months into his honey treatment he visited the GI doc, that said he was symptom free. FYI, after contracting HP, the antibody stays in the system and you will continue to test on future blood exams. It's been 2 years post honey (he hasn't taken it in 1 years) and he remains symptom free.

Coconut Oil

Posted by Joel (Washington, Dc) on 07/14/2012

Editor's Choice

I've had problems with H. Pylori due to multiple overseas tours. Got it in Iraq in 2006, had it untreated for a couple of years and then a doctor friend who had also been over there told me to get checked for h. Pylori. Sure enough, there it was. Went on antibiotics for a month and it went away. My symptoms were frequent, multiple attacks of almost purely liquid diarrhea, no matter what I ate. After raw/pure foods like sushi, it was less than 20 minutes between eating and elimination. Probably got it again last year in either Iraq or Afg. It's gotten really bad again, with frequent, uncontrollable, and watery eliminations. Between four and six a night after eating. My wife was telling me to go to the doctor, but I wanted to beat it naturally and I, like many of you, hate antibiotics.

Saw someone talking about coconut oil. I always have some on standby. The kind I used was unrefined, cold-pressed, whole kernel. Two nights ago, before eating dinner (I fast about 16 hours every day), I scooped about 1.5-2 tablespoons of coconut oil into my mouth and ate it. I had my first solid elimination in I can't remember how long. I make sure to have a large scoop every day before breaking my fast, and I haven't had a problem since. I am so happy. To all sufferers out there, I'm telling you, this is the cure. No meds, no big pharma, just good old fashioned Mother Nature. Don't be afraid to have too much. Organic coconut oil is a miracle food. Just take a big dumb scoop before you eat. Thank you for this site.

Multiple Remedies

Posted by Kimmy (Columbia, South Carolina, Usa) on 06/23/2012

Editor's Choice

I had h. Pylori bacteria and was on ranitidine and other antibiotics for a few months. When I finished taking the medication, I consulted with a naturopathic doctor and decided to use a natural homeopathic method to heal my stomach, strengthen my immune system, and eliminate the bacteria from returning. I currently drink 2-4 oz of 100% aloe vera juice daily and apply magnesium chloride oil topically to my body daily. I have also used manuka honey successfully to ease the discomfort in my stomach. I feel alot better now and do not take any medication. My energy level has increased and I can eat food without any discomfort. My overall health has greatly improved. I am a believer in God and know that prayer works. Along with my health regimen, I pray and read bible scriptures regarding healing. God is good and provides us with natural foods, herbs, and plants to heal our bodies. I hope this helps someone out there.

Manuka Honey

Posted by Kaya (London, Uk) on 08/02/2009

Editor's Choice

To totally eradicate H. Pyroli and kill it off within a month - take a dessert spooonful of Manuka Honey UMF 10+ or higher (it goes up to 20+) before meals 3 times and and a spoonful before you go to bed at night. This honey (made from Bees in NZ who feed on the tea tree bushes) has antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antiinflamatory properties and can cure most stomach problems such as Barrets oesephogus, gastritus and stomach ulcers. It can also be used on bed sores and mrsa wounds. Look it up on the internet to see how it has worked for lots other people. Hospitals in UK and Australia are using it to cure MRSA wounds and ulcers on legs, etc. Good Luck!

Slippery Elm

Posted by ilikenatural (somewherein iowa, usa) on 02/02/2008

Editor's Choice

I was diagnosed with H Pylori and was in a lot of pain. This ulcer is treated with antibiotics but within a week of finishing the prescription I was in pain again. By accident I found slippery elm bark stops the pain. For 2 years now I take 1 slippery elm pill a day and it has worked. If I do get pain throughout the day (during mensus or after spicy food) I take another and it immediately works. Hope this helps someone.
