Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Natural Remedies

Remedies for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Water, Supplements

1 User Review
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Posted by Trea (Shirley, New York) on 01/23/2010

I have Hashimoto's disease and a golf ball sized goiter on my neck on the right side of my thyroid. I had an appointment with my endocrinologist two weeks ago. Aside from sending me for a blood test and another sonogram he also said he wants me to have a biopsy. That was when I decided to try some alternatives. I am not allowing them to take out my thyroid and be on medication for the rest of my life when the medication has not helped at all. I found this site and Dr.Batmangheldj's site.

I knew I was dehydrated so I started increasing my water intake to 96 ounces a day. I weigh 180 lbs and Dr. Batmangheldj recommends drinking half of your body weight in water each day. I also started taking extra potassium, magnesium and I take my multi vitamin 3 times a day instead of once because it has iodine in it and the water causes flushing out of your system. The goiter went from golfball size to half of that in less than a week just from the water and increase in supplements. I also do not feel as many bumps as I had on my goiter as I had been feeling when I lay back and stretch my throat.

Also my edema is much better. My hands and face are less swollen and my skin is no longer sticking over my socks a quarter of an inch which they had been for a long time. This past week I have started with the apple cider vinegar and baking soda (2 tbsp ACV and 1/8 tsp of baking soda) twice a day and the goiter has gone down even more. At 52 I thought I was getting arthritis but I guess it was dehydration because almost all aches and pains are gone now.

I live in New York, we have chlorine and fluoride in the water so I am getting a shower filter and the Zero water pitcher (it's supposed to remove fluoride from the water) and maybe my thyroid will improve even more. I will also be trying the Borax to rid my system of fluoride. I'm so glad I found this site. I was feeling kind of hopeless after I left the endos office.

Replied by Trea
(Shirley, New York, Usa)

Question about Borax and Oil Pulling

I am not sure where this question should be posted. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and I have made great progress in the size of my goiter in the last 2 weeks due to drinking more water and using the ACV and Baking Soda to start detoxing my body. I drink 96 ounces of water a day, I take my multi vitamin which has 150mcg of iodine in it 3x a day now instead of once to make up for loss due to more water, I take extra calcium, magnesium, D and potassium also along with a B complex. I'm using 2TBSP of ACV with 12 oz of water twice a day for one week so far. I will be doing the ACV and water for one more week.

I live in New York and I believe that my thyroid problem could also be from fluoride and chlorine in my water. Is it safe to do the Borax detox and oil pulling at the same time? I have to go for a thyroid sonogram in 2 weeks, and even though my goiter is one quarter of the size it was 2 weeks ago thanks to the info on this site, I want it to be even more improved by then.

My endo wants to do a biopsy and possibly remove my thyroid and I want to avoid that at all costs. If it is not safe to do both at the same time which would be most beneficial to do first? I'd appreciate any help I could get.

Thank you, Trea

Replied by Deidre
(Sylva, Nc)

Trea, Just wondering if your goiter disappeared? I have a daughter, seventeen, who has similar system--hashimoto's disease and huge goiter on left side. Last visit to endo was two weeks ago. Her recommendation was removal of the thyroid. I absolutely refused. Endo has done nothing by prescribed T4, which has been ineffective in treating the goiter. She refuses to prescribe Armour and has said nothing about diet changes or supplements. Researched. Now have daughter on a gluten free, soy free, sugar free diet and am adding a multivitamin to her daily routine. Her vitamin had iodine in it, which worries me as their is some conflicting information regarding it. The diet is hard on my daughter, and I'm worried she's not completely sticking to it. Need some positive advice from someone to show her that goiter can go away. Endo has told her it will always be there. Looking for a new endo. Hope to hear from you.


Check out the book, Good Bye AutoImmune Disease by Dr Brooke Goldner!!! She helps heal autoimmune diseases! My daughter has thyroiditis problems and I found her book very helpful!

Replied by Eve K
(Houston, Tx, Usa)

I was diagnosed with mild hypothyroidism and positive for antibodies--though my endo never called it Hashimoto's. I spent a year on thyroid medication which did lower the antibody levels and also the TSH, but did not do anything to alleviate my symptoms (weight gain, lack of libido, fatigue, etc. ). I did not have a goiter. After getting fed up that I was not actually feeling any better, I eliminated as many sources of fluoride and chlorine as possible: no fluoride dental care products or treatments, drink & cook with only distilled or non-flouoridated water, installed a shower filter (claims to remove chlorine and also some fluoride), and so forth. There are many books and resources on the web that can be researched. I also followed Ted's borax protocol briefly, helps to remove fluoride from the body. There are other sites that recommend additional ways to remove fluoride--drinking fresh beet juice, eating more fresh beets, eating lots of fresh cilantro, the list is endless. I followed the suggestions that did not seem too outlandish. Finally and most importantly, I disregarded the "avoid iodine" advice that comes with most thyroid treatments. I bought the pill form (12. 5 mg) of the iodine/iodide. There are many references it to on this website--there is also a liquid form called Lugol's that I found hard to find. The pills are easy to find on the internet and not terribly expensive. I took 4 a day to start (2 in am, 2 in pm) because I am heavily endowed in the bust area and this is supposed to indicated a greater need for supplement. I am no longer on thyroid medication, my TSH is around 1 (the target of the endo), I have zero antibodies and I have more energy, better sexual energy, and am no longer gaining weight. I am still struggling to lose but I was able to take off 10 pounds relatively quickly as I began to feel better, something that was impossible before. This is just my personal experience, but in addition to finding a new endo (by the way, a gyn may also be willing to prescribe Armour), I would look at the fluoride and iodine connections. I still avoid soy for a number of reasons, and it will certainly not hurt for your daughter to eat a clean, natural diet and avoid potential allergens if they are suspected. There are also a number of diets on the net that describe how to eliminate and challenge potential allergens such as wheat, corn, dairy, etc. Good luck!

Replied by Kavita
(Somerset, Nj)

This post is addressed to Eve K fron Houston Tx. Are you still doing okay..? The TSH=1 and 0 antibodies?

Please let me know.

Replied by Susan
(Denver, Colorado)

Has anyone heard or tried juicing (veggie/fruit) to help hashimotos? I have hashimotos and no insurance.

Replied by Pema
(Suffolk, England)

Hi there - I may possibly have Hashimoto's and the question in my mind the most for everyone in this forum is about the psychological-emotional aspects of autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto's. How many of you have any level of low self-esteem or at least grew up feeling unworthy or unappreciated? This is definitely the case for me and I would love to know how many others feel any kind of psychological-emotional cause? Many thanks and I really appreciate everything I have read so far on this forum. Best, Pema (England)

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Usa)
2042 posts

Pema, not only an emotional or psychological aspect involved in a particular illness; but the social and even subconscious attitude we are conditioned with during childhood and beyond. Firstly, in an competitive socioeconomic environment, we know how ruthless the fight for money can be. In many people there are fully developed attitudes of defeatism operative. When I was 24 yrs and learned of my dear Aunt's terminal cancer diagnoses, I automatically assumed an attitude of defeat, and that left me with horrific regrets I can never rid of. Fast forward a few yrs and learned of my Mother's terminal cancer diagnosis, I assumed an attitude of a warrior.

So, if you are a person of worth and goodly character, you are cheating yourself by not becoming a warrior, and not only for yourself; think of your loved one's, especially children, who are watching your every move and some who even worship you. How you can let others down by letting yourself down. Maybe this is what you experienced as a child.

I have recently had a thyroid disorder that brought crippling fatigue and depression, but am better now (and not without a fight). Take Kelp and or Potassium Iodide, and L-Tyrosine, and Raw Thyroid Glandular. Many good reports of Low Dose Naltrexone for autoimmunity. And of course any number of different detox methods to rid the body of "the foreigners".

Hope this helps and good luck.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Hi Pema, I think that most of us have low self esteem at one time or another. I am struggling a bit with it right now because I always looked amazingly young and all of a sudden I found out that I was getting older. Maybe I thought that it would happen to everyone but me?

On another level, if you have Hashimoto's maybe you should consider reading a book I am reading at the moment about Iodine use by Dr. David Brownstein or his other book (which I haven't read) Overcoming Thyroid Disorders! I find that he gives a lot of very interesting information even if I don't think that I have thyroid problems! I do think that I am iodine deficient and I am looking into finding Lugols here in Europe, not an easy task! Someone gave me a tip on this site once but I have to confess that I forgot what it was. I think that there is some place you find it in the UK or else you can find it through Amazon.co.uk.

Replied by Jen
(Bozeman, Mt, Us)

Hi Pema, I agree that most people feel low self esteem at some point or another. I believe it has mostly to do with our society and all of the images we see daily on TV and magazines. 100 years ago you did not get exposed to thousands of beautiful people on a daily basis. There may have been a few gorgeous people in your town but you probably only saw them occasionally. Now we are constantly seeing beauty and we are comparing ourselves to it which is completely unrealistic. I am just as guilty as anyone else. The unworthiness is also associated with the fact that these beautiful people are burried in wealth and attention while we are (usually) not.

On a different note. There is also an association between autoimmune diseases and some sort of traumatic event that may have happened to a person which caused a sort of self blame. In response to this self blame the body begins attacking itself. For myself I have found this to be a possibility. I have a form of thyroid disease called Graves Disease. I did have an event happen in my life right around puberty which is most likely when my disease started. I blamed myself for the event and until recently you could say I may have hated myself for it. I have also read that thyroid disease in particular are associated with a feeling of not being heard or not speaking out. As it is located right where your vocal cords are it can actually cause laryngitis. I have found this to also be true in my case. I used to be very quiet and very rarely spoke my feelings or opinions in most situations. I did find my voice in writing though and that may be part of the reason for my healing:)

No matter what though you are not alone as far as low self esteem goes. I do not have hashi's but there is still this feeling of not being worthy of love and attention. I fight it on a daily basis. I try to stay away from TV and magazines to help the issue but I am still exposed on the internet and while standing in line at the grocery store. I hope that someday we will stop thinking beauty is so important but I also pray for peace on earth and so far it's not looking likely.

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Francisca there are some UK ebayers who sell it too.

Replied by Sally
(Chennai, India)

Dear Jen from Bozeman,

You've expressed several thoughts that were bothering me about the real cause of illnesses and the state of the world in general, so beautifully. Thank you. There are quite a few people who are opting out of the unhealthy, degrading glorification culture, be it of youth, beauty or ostentation. We can only take heart from them and go ahead in our own search for meaning and health.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Zug, Switzerland)

Thanks Maria, but I have to confess that I have never bought anything from e-bay. The thought of having to bid.... I have no idea how it works! I am also at a loss as to which Lugols to buy. Amazon sells 3%, 7% and 15%.

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Francisca, They also have buy it now prices it's not all bidding, mind you I don't know how to use amazon. I know what you mean about the strength, the choice for me was easy as where I found it (the internet as it's not available locally) they only sell the 2%. I would have liked the 5% as that is what is being used in the studies so when I read how many drops I would not have to think about converting it. It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to start using it as I was taught it was poisonous and decades ago dairy farmers were banned from using it to clean their equipment as it could get into the milk.

Funny thing is, I also knew it was safe to use in hospitals on patients. We were never taught about the different types of iodine although we did know that one brand stung on a wound and another brand did not. Never knew they were different types which now sounds odd. The first I heard of Lugol's iodine was here on EC (thanks again EC). We are sooooo glad that I finally got the courage to try it.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Oh Maria, nice to hear that I am not the only one once in a while struggling with the Internet.... Usually I am quite good but Ebay I have to say has always been a mystery to me! Amazon is very easy, I use it to order loads of books, often very inexpensively (I use other companies as well like Abebooks), ordered my hula-hoop from them.... You just look for whatever you need, compare the prices from the different sellers, choose whether you want new or used (I often order used books as they are mostly almost new or even new), fill in your bank details and address and that's all! I even send gifts to other people by filling in their delivery address!

I had never heard of Lugol's either as it is almost banned here in Europe. My husband is going to a natural doctor today and as I am going with him I will ask her whether one can get Lugol's here in Switzerland (in the pharmacies you can't, not in the health food shops! ). If she knows where to buy it I will wait till I can make an appointment, if not I will order online and have it sent to my sister-in-law in the UK, then I don't pay postage! Like you I only knew about iodine to us on wounds. If you are interested in learning more about the subject I suggest you read one of the book on it! Great information.....

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

PS - Maria, be aware that a lot of stuff that has been forbidden over the year it is more out of interest or profits than about danger for health! What is really dangerous never seems to be forbidden! In my book I read that they used to add iodine to the bread as a dough conditioner, then it was forbidden and bromide was introduced instead which is very toxic. So there you go....

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Francisca, pardon my forwardness but I would recommend not jumping over a cliff for the Lugols as there are other brands arguably as effective. I wasn't making any progress with Kelp so I chose "Life-Flow Liquid Iodine Plus" with very good results. I even experienced an acute detox reaction (surprisingly not immediately as I had expected) after aprox. 2 mo of use.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Thanks for the advice Timh, I will look into it! As other than Kelp iodine doesn't seem to be sold here in Europe there is very little people like me know about it! I also found Nascent Iodine which seems to be more easily absorved but it is also more expensive! I will have to order tomorrow if I want to pick it up at my sister-in-law's house when we are there in February! I also felt no difference at all with kelp and I read today that kelp can contain arsenic!

Replied by Lisa
(Rabat, Morocco)

Francisca, I belong to a yahoo group about iodine that includes many members from Europe. Recently there was a discussion about purchasing iodine in Europe and someone responded that they purchase Lugols/Iodoral from seeknatural. Co. Uk. You may want to look into it further to see if they will ship to you. I believe kelp is not a recommended source because it is usually contaminated and it also does not provide very much iodine. I hope this website will help you find what you need.

Replied by Tina
(Princeton, New Jersey, Usa)

Hi Francisca, Lugol's iodine is also available through a UK based company, Regenerative Nutrition. They ship all over the world. I have bought other supplements, oils, and powders from them and am very happy with their quality and customer service. Look them up on Google. They offer a lot of information on the supplements they sell as well. One more thing I like about them, the price is inclusive of shipping charges. Hope this is helpful.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Thanks Tina, I found the site but Lugol's is not in stock although they say that they would have it after the 15th of Dec. Also, it says that the components are iodide crystal and potassium iodide. I am not sure that is correct.... but I sent them a message and got an automated message back informing me that it can take quite a while for them to respond! I have also a Welsh site where they sell Lugol's just they seem to offer 10% to new clients while it was only till last year, not very correct to have the banner still there....

Replied by Ritesh
(Mumbai, Maharashtra)

Homeopathy treatment for hypothyroidism.

Just order these four medicines. bottle size 1 oz,

6 tablets (which should be kept below tongue) and taken only once in month.

1. sulfur 200 (after getting this tablets you may get some aggravations to pull out ailments from root, don't be afraid its for good & it will be temporary)

then after one month take again 6 tablets of (only once)

2. Calcaria carb 200.

then after one month take again 6 tablets of (only once)

3. Lycopodium 200

then after one month take again 6 tablets of (only once)

4. silicea 200

then after this treatment if you still have any problems then mail me on 4all.ritesh(at)gmail.com.

Homeopathy does not have any side effects. If medicine is chosen correct then it will surely give good lasting affects.

Replied by Jenny
(Suffolk, Ny/usa)

I never heard of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis until sixteen years ago when I was diagnosed. I was given a prescription for synthroid and sent away. I have never felt the same, but I lived with it. My husband was diagnosed with the same eight years ago. This year my 10 year old was diagnosed with this disease three months ago. This month my 7 year old daughter also walked out of the doctor with a prescription. I have only my four year old child that has not yet tested positive for Hashimoto's.

I was able to handle living with the symptoms and taking a pill of 175 mg per day, but I can't accept this future for my children. I am willing to try anything to cure it. I don't know if I should stop the medication on them and try different things (my husband a doctor, is against this), or do it simultaneously. I am willing to try it on me first until I see possitive results. I told the endocrinologist that I am a living proof that the medicine does not work. I also wanted more blood tests done, but she told me that Hashimoto disease is hereditary. My husband and I are the first to have it in our family, so who did we get it from? I am thinking that it my be contagious.

Please help I want something better for my children. I don 't find any books or resources on alternative medicine for children. At the moment the doctors are just happy to be having a whole family with Hashimoto's disease. I am feeling like a lab rat. I can't stop crying when I go to my kids appointment.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hashimotos is an autoimmune problem for which many people on the Yahoo LDN site have had success using low dose naltrexone, an FDA approved drug with no side effects, taken in very low doses of 2 - 4.5 mg. As a matter of fact, after starting LDN, often thyroid medicine will have to be reduced within a month because the LDN will begin moderating the immune system. Please see www.ldninfo.org or the Yahoo LDN group. There are published studies on LDN being used on children with Crohn's disease with excellent results and no side effects, so it is safe for children also.

Replied by Jorge
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Look for LUGOL's IODINE on the web. There are many articles about it.

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