After visiting this site, and since I don't mind the taste, I did 1 teaspoon of turmeric with a little black pepper (read somewhere that helps the turmeric do its job) mixed into a paste with about the same amount of coconut oil or butter. I eat it off the spoon. I did it twice a day for 3 days, then went down to 1/2 t twice a day, then 1/2 t once a day. Now I'm forgetting to do it - a good thing, but since I'm feeling a little ear pressure today I think a 1/2 t once a day may be a good maintenance dose until spring is over. Capsules are easy, but much more expensive. It can be added directly to food too. I'm going to an Indian Grocery this week to get a bag of the powdered spice. I shared my success with my pharmacist who is from India and she got excited telling me how she boils turmeric powder and cardamom in milk. When her kids start to feel a cold coming on, they say Mommy, it's tea time!
Sea Salt in Water
This is how I do it: I dissolve a half teaspoon of sea salt and cayenne into a glass of water. The cayenne makes it more drinkable, and helps when I have an itchy throat that often goes together with my allergies.
I noticed that this cure is not featured on the reviews for hayfever, I guess it's because it sounds too simple to work. But I've tried everything before, and this is the only method that cures my hayfever instantly.
Regards, Dewald
Apple Cider Vinegar
I also read how turmeric cures allergies and hayfever and recommended it to my boyfriend and my housemate, who both suffer from hayfever. At first they didn't even want to hear about it, but now - guess what- they swear by it! It works for both of them and they've stopped taking their hayfever/ anti-histamine medicines.
It does taste horrible though and after trial and error, the three of us are using the following recipe:
1 teaspoon turmeric diluted in 2 teaspoons olive oil (or whatever oil you want) and some warm water. Mix well and top up the glass with any kind of fruit juice. Drink with a straw.
This recipe makes drinking it a lot easier; we tried water and warm milk but it just won't go down- do give this a try, it makes the taste bearable.
I drink this every morning before breakfast for my skin and it works wonders! I see that there's no need for me to take more, so I just don't. However, with hayfever it's a different story. The other two people drink as much as they need throughout the day; my boyfriend is usually ok with 1-2 glasses per day, but my housemate needs more.
I think you just have to experiment until you find out what dosage works best for your particular needs. It definitely works though! Thank you so much Earth Clinic!!!
500 mg of quercetin once daily
1400 mg of Vitamin C once daily